A BIT 0F GOOD ADVICE IN HOLLAND JAPS FAIL IN ATTEP Ba bara 'tmoa'cov,Âme i wfo-I-mn surgeon aind a cou&n'r of U. . ecetryof VWar HsyL.1 Stmois a ma3jor in the Brtish Royal Army sMedica1Corps. Que teered ta gu ta Býritaiu in 1DI, ta hipp over-taxed medicai personnel1 treat bliz casualties, C sheieuw sta tioneLd a'tbte lO4th Britiýsh Gent- eral Hospital, in Romn,. Sce enOF the iaclWatch Reý.giment ofca' daheard of the speeý-d & the Russian advance, itwo of thmna-lted this sign, "Do't 'ce Trigger Hiappy . The Russians are H-eanded This Way", ta a trest as a warning ta over anxiiouis comiradei-s. Thiey are:, Pte. Syd Brady, 333f, RochionStet Montreal anf),sd -Pte. Hugh Can-etoen, 638 Li'v-erpoo3-,l Streect, Montrei. POeRFUý JL FLEET POISE D FORBLO W A T JAP S .riers, three batleship)s and three cruisers in this photo are part af theý Third Fleet prepaning blows against jrapan. Entering a Pauific arn.horage, this impressive armada is oniy a smiall he U, S. Navy's mauning strength, IF IT'S CAS THEY WANT-WE HAVE IT Pvoc. of Hý trol iý land1 bag ti~ 1a~oco ~ ýe saw Ili: ay at that, Ssheilaan( One cf the United States Gwoements mont vamlube ponsssins, th'-aulnsa skhin uieswrbapoxmtl 10000 to thec U. S. Tresury ith untns mula fr Pracein, bas been resced froni Jnp trickeý(ry and armeLd atternpts rta takei. Annoucemet ofthis vctrycones from Ui. S, Fish îjand WildIifte Servie -wih the revelatiotatthe herd, depieted byJap rids, bas beel restored ta3,00000 selis. Aiea reveaied fornheuir tnq e sàtue op at- temipt ï tatealtheje»Aiosyguarded weretiocesiug formlausi qbe- fo.re PeaiHrbr The1cFoukIe 1F111Company cv ýf St. oi, oussteiom l , trust frteGvrret oethan 9 !0 Per-cent of Ailces sokns in the v~ord ued or iiay'sfur coats are aoded £y!tis cman.The procss i oneof the mpost carefily guade' inustiaîsecrets that Shorti befoe Pea inabor of- ficýiais cof the ýcamipany got a reque-,st fronmthe Jfapanese Goveromnent ta ,et a party of rising sunnlers inlspect tueplant.With no apparnt reason É(o suspc:t ani! ero.3oiv per- mIion w1 ýas granted, -More than aldozen Nips showed 11] ta mkethe turand! things Iooked entireiy above board until nof th e guids nocd they wer ahU buýiiy snaping pictures Wjtjl tituy, but pow-erfuii, cmra.Thle party wshaited inimediateiy, in trne se that nue enough of the pro- ciess 1waýs rvaldta do the i ýsiton-s any good. The whol0e inicident Was turiied ove-r to the State Depant- menclt buit before an)y action coild ba taken the big shooing startd at Peari Harbor. -Baffied iin attemlpt ta ste-al Ithe process the jape he tried to get the seaus theinseles. PracticcHiy aIl the sels àdte wrd Hive 0on Mtw iy barrn isbans àn de ,Er- ing Sea calied the Pribilof Ilne When lthe Jap,11s mvdinto 1nearb--y Attuth le Coverlnment e\acuiatedý the natives and prepared fOr the wurst. Snea-k Attacks N o invýasion of the islanids was ampted but Japfshermeinuwe 1nw tu a bae inrked off-shiore kçi:ling as many of theý valinabie al; as te cud.Srosyde- picted years befre by exploitation ilnd otheýr jap ~ekatcson thet hcdthis valuabie sce o wei01 thetne ih xic tlou Ma-iene Dietrich freshens Up with helmet of metdsnow at artillery observationi strip near MV.aimedy, egun.Actressalias beýen enter- taiingtropeonWetenFront for nine tntý U.. S. Fjsh anwd Wiidlife entto fikhovver, to rereate thle hed ow ft is abIe tûamanounice tha hlauieenre2stored to ,00, Dfextnto paýssed. At'th pea ther wee 4000000seais when the( U.S Go;veromenlt got ilheisad salesJ thevaluiabie , poua for ts apear nce ad eain qa- liis iiintthe Go0verom1ent $10,- L,00,000 0111y the, fur frorn -yar o3i aies jeused.Skins from thIle oid buils are toa badiy scarred fronm fghts pou vnpugb aitheyoung maies are koiiied oatthje growthCothe DID YOU KNOIW ,lhat Mauxwell IIouOýse Coffee ifi roasted eveniy through and thr'uough by the re. markàbIel"RadianitRoast'" Process? You vil enjoy à,his Idelicious, fragraut c-offee, Your grocer has it, 'auWiBLýi Ejoy Stying At The ST, REGIS FIOTEL TORONTO a wvery ItOn, wih Ioh hw et and rlpo * Ooéi Food D~n5g nd Dame- Ing WiglîtIy Sherbourne a alo Tel. RA. m.35 M,"AGE BY THE ne" Noehmng is niore ers sing thnIelac e , ,- ý'hy sieLi ~will give itarir retici laby's i.sgodd for eo;- ak.stomiach. boweis,