than ny ote ofctizen ie wais:sure tliay could eyer.Thýe Deu- îoautliority frl olm the sdout nny "Cart ys. I li- scasa,ithev IllIae] o mdthose on tIcmainron ae the ~nones wbocod use tha allfor apoi formolthscof tIc yaar. I iacldot leho)neatwi and! be a ato the taxin VilageofOrooantlor evtca- le "orss an Bugy"condi- tbç resýttite townshlip Hlow' ythling tha can e donle ithl- T)r, Iw1 n"~rt ow -'prto loftHaec o uacl ino way (len rd fGener'Ial- (ien on Îof is ofIi 'doxmetiodto ' ~L'Y bofpeles task", uj> he a, e no(-CssathaniIýi ls for gat goc)1od oU',, eI chae P ,mong nia ffwàing VIat of i otlie yard R. W' n 'Clanke, E- 'Mn.. Editor. i note iat "Fnýiend Jhn mke scia enticon of thcgnde naca odioaof the( townishlp, aad that bhler is no deisle miglit bave gonal nstep falier i.anld gave credit wr cei ladue, tothe tliriftuaad goo-d maagmetof the imea whýjo have hoen ià charge of the finan"ces cf the towlwnship for thle Iast iumber. of yo-ara. I saay il honionto tlie itizens ,of Claho-towahî, lo have ',tri(el and suc!eý(edd 50 magilcently to do their partinbncking ever-yVityLon bt we e a wvar on anldwrsco buo lafougît anid wou wthatfi- nce,nd lfrom pres, radio, andti spaeever inice the war 'begani, a e have been urged to-ba tlify aald buy -Victor'y Bonds. Make yorld tlinga do(L, :and(l IuLy VicoîyBons; inker utp youlr old maciaary, buly Victory Bollds; leavo- yoar u 1ýildiinlg anld rpiigas mucli ns possilutil after thewranid hny ictry ond(s; prodluce 50 our boYs attCe front nad people ut home- ny be fed (evenl John Ef. liasý to ent), buy~oll, VitrmBisutil it huntrs, and batnthe day wblen this wnwl lewn ad our ýboys -one fhom-e, and eryîbdy getýs bc oassa-of moe orl ýiliving'. "ie orme and buIggýyinom has toe hopnlzda ua o apty e prsss y tlîvuýgiîýts nIipo: i O~ ~~~~b- wagoepwrîegfi ie tus To sea ore e sothýer-,s ee ase; -t ad frae aoules a bluner fve u And foolish nilatin. LI regard to Mn.Jodns ag, l'mi luform)ed Îlie was paid the 1regut lar- rond work rcatLe cf pay, fom he time Lie left homii-e in tîle imoriuig u- il quýitin[g urne, and "I li1a (-, mn doublts" if Mr. Jordanl or lsfml esueed ny-more ut tdat tie t"an theý amai frmi' h&was paying JohnE.,butthefarmier hdto pac tîceagod deal of thbrift anm sef dial in drto 1mceat,)hs shara Of Tha council may have made isc- tak.-es (and wbio linsn't) bat I1dmr tbhi.tirftad goo sne ht a not aloe hnievat estm pI-ýed b oigwatintfirt ALthýle people teyrepresent. lai tis ' world at.war A Clarke Taxpayer. URGE COUNCIL-S T "GO SLOW" ON ROADS COSTS (Contined from page one) buoyant to permit sudh action. A tie meawhile lie requested cut conisto cnie seiously the ad- viaiiyof embarking ou abuormal expe]dý-iures now ilu view of the shorýtage oF labor aind materials. Last yýeakr 0ntario muniicipatlities subitbed rond estim,,ates of il mil- lion dollar-s of whci th de ProvinIcialI G'ovenumient paid more thaniilf," lie said."This year tie estiroiat es s-JI mitad for Provincial apovltotal P41, million dollars ef wicli the 1 thes irs ee takje tîme ott o realize Governm-ient will pay t tha:t acor'inglÏ to thie flst censuls, the p)ortionl." Armsron aveageage f te fameracross the WXashlington, oiio a 59,2 years, anid to-dày. ier used an he is evravears older, and stili N T fcollish a arrl gon, and 1!tryýing to (do bis bit, NE T % iastead ofIand wbeawe 1il raieaothtmn IMr, J. Elmler has b-e buid isc- orthe 1lnsttwo oruthree yeart, fiendsinCastIetoni. thogmdog i d ail, hlia ha to Mris. Paedon visitL whien foi~~y etv gra1in to bingtheif -Lion oiiir :afew days. thaýt lmany stck1thrughxti 1)it eri, anid àa1nuM_ Mrsý. T.A. iid vs rtunte ýlnd !ber )of those anmefames Ihave lhad and attendied the Dhan .esý God blsiato sek jobsin fctoiesding lthe Congr-atu.4ationis to in] manl, we 7in,,ý.ter rnoths-, ini order to fliance LIar n Wlkey upo ltheu nl thle othier, th1is-ektra epeneethinks ýýJohni E. boy on Februtary itlh. ni our great- "- a num)ber more ike 'himself that The Sewing Cîrcle -m tMr Armn- lie in tat blissfuli state" of life, of Mir s. 'FredNeit est is to do10 hee h drveshis car to thle air- 2Okihandi qulted 3 qol ge of Orono, port andi talkes a p-lne to lis wok i al rs Harve tMe thisVat- sboulild-get thleir heada out of th(-fmiyWeco(mie, -were views,, or _ltd, and get out throughi the coun- oif Mr. and 'Mrs. J. T. lis cvitiisl-, try an take note of somie of the self- MssLena Kimbai-il, Ilinees ted d enial, self-sacriiceanibard work hom ion olidlays. Mi ould appear "'ot he bulildings and Tences llttNeOsavitd jof ex ls eed repaiing; the mended miacin- Mrs. Cecil Rhno e y, and Lack of reallyý neefl a p- Lancaster visitedMs wa,,y Cof De- pfliklnces that theage farmi-e hias ar in Port Hope HFI shoud a- pt up with in lis strggefodo biS M.anld 'rs Mt thrsfi ue hre ini this war, thiey would per- thle pas,,t week, at Mr-. to ~ ap realize thlat manly farniers, nlot to enlable M.K imbllali ~r t accni oly i Clarke townlsipi, hu-t mnydoctor rglny other owshps ae ivngin vwhat St. Beverley 'lin o odyard, (John11 E. so disparinigly terms) "thle sn f'M îeptyReee orse iald bgyaeas filan as 11-:1, i - so , rived homefroi nances nind real necessary conven-Satnda nlit. 1e. D6, 1915. ieines for even ordiniary wa of liv ing, andc yet whenl it comes to, finaný- WMS inýg any workl for. the towýnshlip, be Thie W~V..of fihe Àsed to rend it dcrtn the hllI or huying n e ed their iFebrua ry l1s of Ora eouipment, Itle farmer on a lhundred- Ma.Ceci Birley , pi. o Timies, but arsof!n (ihu1 emy i hi. It %was decided1 t is pen r tnntfame)wil 1e yedjutfor 'the 1bale as soon azs se. ~ I uttosmultwadthe work aýs John E.members were asked , Ïa covr rmtogilthougb lithe farmier may two block.s to thelnex1 f the -very not sýee the inside of thie hall oniceqititttda. n 1filnd it was ;ii twelve months, Taxe,ýs are hase'd I er wAas i1n charge of t l, a iiznon assessed value off property, anmila cnpuiieaii i -n himself, .e t ris m iraeTha i- rs1Lncaster -ga;ve >m the 'Coun- >nn pofrsîs rmth ro-lxit behlast iclaipt dlfferent so- pilanie minded citizeni-, the fellow on ok wetothd st111Y of the ý Pilippil edt. That's whiy SHUR- opular with poultrymüen Sta-,rter is made uip fre- so that no~ feeding valute Starter for pala- )t to baby ehicks, LY like, the faster Young birds. bag Made Fresh By the anme Pro- Gwen vste o-d friands i ted in TVononto sa-m Club. 'Mn. and ýMns. hirtli Of a baby ,et at thfom"e on Feliruary -y O-aborne and aSunday guesta Pearce. Oshawa, la i isa Phyllis "Mc- lien Sunday. i'and Mrs . A-J. CSidney Lock- ospita'l Friday. Kimll spent1 'Fink GilmerS H to rait tha' darson. eldeast ekorge Hnder- mu Overses on Unlited Charcbl meeting witl reaîdent, la the to mako- a quilt sposible so to tO each living: *t meeting and c. S. J. Lancas- the ýprogrami a synopsis o-f ;er ln the studfy ate line) on a ne--onigin of tCe diffament races aud te affect o-t cbnitiaiby n bem.She also told an iteretin sbcy aoutthre bar- ied ciby w1licb luins beaul founld on oaa Of tbose llnaraco-nt-ly. Fare-well Sermnon On Sada vaing Ber. J. -Mc& LacIlan preun!lied bis faro-wall sermnon takatig foia bis taxt, "Josus,blie samc uoaedy'nd to-daýy andfree" Fobws13:8. Hlé strese(d btie facb tîntcusomachange, nl mtni thîinga chanlge, wo- chanlge, bait Christ r l chages. The chopir san g aui nnimand aies' quarvtette, is ý-s ary Lana nd YFac Joncs, Mis. F. X McMllcnand -Mra. Artliur Ried- knapsan a eautiful selection. ilharewa a large congragation pro-s- eýnt und inany moe woald bave beau arasent if ronds lad ho-an in beter condition, for everpona faola ex- trmrely sorry to part -wltli Mr. and Mm. Moaciln.Rer.anud Mm. n- stand, Tyrone, friands of long stand- ing o- R-v nd -Mcas.Mea an ivare also posn t the service PresentWton1 At thie close( evanliing aIlmeti F. Giimer at th aong. He ther Mcl-an tot yOur yr eCCrnIOmi tva, urono. Hlugli Staplaton and son, visited at Alf.Dosns Mu. 'and ' Lrs. eLlw. Hloel Mauice and James. spent Sanday at SMrs. Gro oeCak"Uin speat a' feu da1yswitli lier mother. Khis. I. Souk. Misýs IH. D(ecbartand MssBetty SwcotÉt spent the week end at their MisBuelal lHallowýellToono spant the wee-end xlt ler tothe. Mr. and Ms.Paîcy FroMrs. G'eorge Srntlinnd -Mi. tomle Pe were in Port Hope rýaceatIy. Mrs. Ruissel Suvo-cy ani( Betty speti sýeveral da1ys witi fr1ad Mrs. A. MudrewElizabetliville. Messxs. Artliar unm oi,iie Todd, Lie . Hlloalland Aijf. Dobson, at1- tende-d the RBoard meýietinig;at Nw bonville lasýt week. Rer.MLcha icý leatvdag [lie first of Mardli. It wa-s decided not to have churcli servces- until sometimie in Apuil. KIRBY To'aefr mat 'week) M\rs.Thnpsnlid ia quiltvng me- cently and dîd another Ried Cross MrDs. Wm Wxnun1n Lns retumnled h(ome after ,jpeniaig a few days in A speuîL nioctntg waslto-ld in the .-Lund'ay Scýbool i,oom on> Friday after- nooni,, l'Fabruaryitb in o1bserv'ane of tnea World s D y of Prayer. -The mieeting ws pnevithli prayýer b1y Mms.R. lle, flloiedby a prayer lieing rend reaponsively by the leader and thie people. The wvorslîp' wasý coinued bi)'- singing b hymu n 17, "Praise, mf"ysouî,Vfe ing of -Ran-1 van." The scrijtu-e taken fieim 1 Peter 8.'9) wa, ne- d by iRrs. Yeo- - nl. She also g -vcc a eaig on urayer. Hynm 164;,l"The ~Cud~ ,le f oundîtion," wa sp g;ui byrnu '249, "Jesuis shall neigu wher'o-r thJ sn& The torder of the eft sent out was folîowed îesonsively by ail. Mra. Lceairy laud M rs. K. Shacîleton fa,'vored wlýth a vocall duo-,t. The meigwas closd1 i singiiug lbymin 56S, "Thie day thon, gaveat, Lord, is ended," followled hy- prayer. h wa a lovely servc n ue are sorry un-e were not Mme out, tis eveing to spend oll -n ore soc-ial boucr witli you, and to adid one mnore lin inthegolden cluin of nmernony, that binds oui ho-rts witli yoaxr-s whrrryou miay ibe. Yoi u have liv-1 e.d yoar r-eligion la evcnýy day life sab- tinig us au e-xamiple ladtO followv b ýut one wýe will renieibler clennly la thie yeairs to coma.ý You rejoied( in urjoys,';and in sicn-a nd îa trou- hie yoia love and smp lhy1f ted - or hearta, pointing as 'tao-ar Ro- deýoter and comiforber whio neyer, f ai 1s. You we fa iitî-fall to the- clh a n~d its ny onganiza'tions» and w\-mied you for it, tno) aratter. liow maiich we ourýselves failed lu ou-~ daty Y ou 1have, aiisteredi to boul ouir spir-itulal and temporal nleadsa nd laft notbiing, more to ha 4esiro-d. Y-our devýotion to your vwork and Vo your. Maýster is a heauitiful tbing i1n)youir livecs srrounding us ith lis Love and remninding us of lm who trod 'bis enrth -,0 long --go. Wl-nsck m'ss vîitade your home and delicate beoalth ensued you wer'e cheer-ful andý paincontinuing yomr inlterea'ts asz fan aspossible,.dra ius still nmore closely to you. Y-on lave livod so close to o-ad one of utet-we feel aur a wrds are n"t nmeesar to ex- presýs car sinere love andrepc fior you ohoblit we woal a'k ou to accept ,,fthese gfts te ramnind you foitirno to timne of y-ouc nmny New- tonrille friands. Mayv God blarsayou hotb in your ew home, nd -no yoa ian ich mensure xith the fuinecs of HuaGraie Sýigned on behaif of thecorga biaMcas. Cecul Rob)insonîi, Mca. J. T Pýtlrca, ns.George SaleoS. . Lancaster, Arthur 'Redknnp., Peance, Artfiur Redlinap, Biud Joe nd Sid Lancastýer tie nn-- esig ns of Modem il Waipaper-s i tok. Hr are mnore th1an 100 hy and SunJi-ested Papers that sure to .1 sam'rples. yOu. i vit ou to inspect Our BA-. Paints and Enamels For a Better Finishth i-at will enidure--use Bran- drami Henderson Paints and Enamels Painits,........ ..........per quart $1,-45 Enamels ............ ......per üquart$19 *H1alf Bints, Pinits, Ilf Gallons,, Gallons Priced Accordingly- DYTINT ily tintc Dytint wool, Cover>ed Glass Wa sigus ......... iRi Ti.ger Catsup, 26 a Lux Flakes for- sil large pkg ... Pot Barle-y, poufl( ýach t pint Cruets, 45c fille things, .~25C 36c .~15e 'ge tin ..,15e I stand Mc.