Local N~ws ,malade,- grapefruit, lemon and orange, 24 fluid oz jar 33C Prime Commnercial Beef Rounid Steak, boneless, lb 39c Wing, Porterhouse or Sirloin Steak, lb 43c Cutsof f resh Pork J. J. CORNISH , IJ 39C 18e 15C ag 95e .33c 25c 39c 49c 43c 29C mld fam Iil . Torontio, suenitS aywtMran iVr.WesillyLae. P.O. VictorNisosetacu ple 'weeks holidays viÈJh his parents,, Mr. and Mrsý. Bd, lsn Mr. Colin Taiylor was a guest last week-end at the Ihome o cf Mr. a nd Mr s. Arthulr Bell, Eomaville. ~Mr. J. !F. Loriman' returnied homne on Saiturday last after spending -a few daysvisit w ith is ister's. Mr. Georg e York wvasý taken to Oshaýwa iosc-pital on Moi)rday' vafter- nonon last suffering frýioým e orr-age.s We alre ga to report that Mr. Ted WilasSr. is -,Ille to resumle lbis wor-[k at the Goodyear after his re- cent illnesýs. Wag-onls imadetheir iflrtappear-. ance on Orono strueets on Tuesda-y lat JLit at te resie thie sIi~igand wh-eeIirg are ver'y Mrs. Wi. ]Riddlel petMondiy liast with hr db te ,Mis. J. H. ~LsiPeterboro. who rtIIrped froir EFmIlonto)n with lherhuad on Feb. Mris. R,. E. Logan spenlt last weetk la. Toronto witbhber dalughýter, Ms ~E. . Hay. MIr. and Mesý. Hay anild chl naccom-panied ber, homne on Snand spenit the day in Orono. Mr. Orley Fdhapman spent awek eind just recently viitngatRoy Ryson's at Hamilton, ilie reports, thant Anidrew rw is en ýoying b'o eIlth, risin.geverv mrninIla I0 a.m. nd retirýing at 8.00. Mr. Mor.. rwsmany finsin) t'his ditrict ill e pleasýed to hiear thatif he is en- joying such g-ood health., 'Mr. -and MnM H. StaLIýples mnl Mr. and Mes2. M.. Tamnblyn were la Toronto Sunday of tis wehattend- ig thie Third, Annual Baund Concer't by thei Band of the UnTiiverisity of Tor- onitc olotingent w]ich washeld la Convocation Hall. Donald ind Glleinn are membelrs of thisý fine band of 50 pieces ýwhirendered avery high clnss rgam.On Sunday after- nloon Mrs. Staples ndMs aby visited xwth MsJ. R. Cooperi th muh Improvelgla headlth. icllý NETJIERLANDS POLAND RIJSSIA M/sic Ajoi-t oramzfation of tho elganWer Relief Fuud, CanaJd..Frar.ce Relations Comuiuee. Cainadian Aid 'e Ru.esia, Canadian Frleiids of Luxemboi(urg, Cliiuese- War- Relie Fuu, Cz hoiovakar ,CharitiesFu-ai, DaiSh . e ief Fund, Greelc War Relief Ftud, Netherlands Relief F7Ind, ugslvRelef Fund, v to send food, and clothingy and medical supplies ?0 the Sirkck ad hunqry in these raivaged londs . Listen to the cries of thousands of homre. less childIren and old folk-s suffeingwhe we ar-e safe.' Listen 10 your lheart-and respoKnd. Out of our Secuiriî - out of our plenty,. wî,e must give freely. Byeconitribtintg to the Red cross yout wiJ] en help ithroîgh tllehe indly hands of4nien nd voileli trainled in Persolna1 erie othoej! hli direct need. *ln collaboratfion -with th'& Ped Cross.. which is under- taCing the taisk of distribu.. tion through ifs world-wîde organizaition, we are ap- pealing for fundr to send urgenfly needed supplies fe the homeless and desftut, In Our home londî. TUE CANADIAN UNITED ALLIED RELIEF Fuiti HEADOUARTERS - 130 QENTET OTTAWA Willicamý M. Brks, .LLD., Chai rman Hn Thomaos Vien, K.C,Vc-hira Laýwr-ence J. Burpe., Esq.,Serty-eu -r Reg1te-red undes' lb. Wer e lfe DepcarmQofn f Qf lirel WoerS ie THEATRE BO0w 'MANMv1 L LE TEL 589 Thurs., Fni. Mý1A RCHa 8 -9 Arme Baxter and Williamp Eythe in 'TI-JE EVE 0F' ST. MARK" withMichel OShea, Vincent Price and Dickie Moore in thie romautic story of a G. I. Joe with a capital L, in Love. Sat. OnIy MUARCU 10 "110T RIIYTHIM" wýith Doria Drake and Robert Lowery Beautifufl Girls - Hot MýVusi- Comedy It's just IT for your nerves after a hard day ADDED~ TIM IOLT in "1COME ON DANGER" 601 minutes of Breath-takiug Action ORIONO - - Ontario Northcutt and Sith Funeral IlirectorS and Furniture -Deaiers& KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equipped to takeý care of the modeet funeral at the neoit reasonlable charge as well as the largest and miost exactiug Te.kphone-, Office 668 - ReSîdeRece 523 and 726 Telephène Collect .Be'wins 111de. DOnt. AR MSTRONG'S RUEBER BOOTS Size 6 to 12..... .2.45 TOOKE SHIRTS A new shipment of Tooke Bros. Shirts at.,..... .....$2.00 WORI< PANTS In green and brown whipcord, priced at.......... $2.95 _______________________________________ M Lynn Valley Peaches tin 19e i coupon Oxo Cubes large 27c Hudson Toilet Tissue roll 5c QuaIker Oats pkig 21c Salit 5 Ib'bag ]lie Little Gem Peas Grade 2 . 2 for 35,c Rice 2 lb 25c Angler Herring 2 tins 25e Wax Turnips lb 4c New Cabbage lb 6c Bull Dog Chiidren's Overails Sizes 2 to 6 years, in navy and royal bluie priced at...$1.00 SOCKS Ail Wool Worsted Soeks, prieed ... 50e B3OYS' PANTS In Ail Wool Tweed, size 26 to 38ý.., $3.95 Blue Tweed ... $3.50 Sheiied Alnonds oz 6c Monarch Pastry Flour 24 lb bag 85c Tip-Top Toinato Auice . 28 oz tin 2ý for 2w' Ewing 's Pudding Powders 10e Soup Mix pkg lOc Soup 2 tins.2.5e Ilandy Ammontia 4 pkgs 25e Lux, Oxydol .' Rinso eaeh 25e Lifebuoy Soap 4 bars 25e Eclipse Pastry Hilierest Pickles large jar 29e Noodie 2 pkgs 23e -Peas 2 in 25c Pieappile 1015 oz tin 1$12.00 No eniupons 16oz 2]c Boriden's Malted Pe-aeh J'Tam jar 35e 2 coupuons Grapef ruit each .5e Choice Pumpkin 2 tints 25e Choice Corul heMillurs uf ,Robjinhaod Fi>Iîlour hve re strtd aknga 00o îgh Q 1lt Floue in thi em mill at( llumberst"ie No doubt you ha've heard of it and of' its "TEA'TIME PASTRY"y No fluer Pastey Flour can be had.. Ont use it, you wilI see the differene hetwee Time Pastry and oýthe-r flours you have Lis ON SALE AT THE Orono FPour M1iii and ..J. Cornishi's Store PRICE, 95c. PER 24 LB. BAG Gordon W. Lockwood 'astry Flour, bi 21lb Soup, 2 tins Ld Cof fee ce, 105 oz fin Mon.-Tues.-Wed. MARdIC 12-1l3-14 "UP IN MltABEL'S ROOMl" wit'i Deunis O'Keefe, -Marjorie Rzeyulolds anid Gail Patrick Iu a furious and hiltarious com- edy, swiniging aloug at -a breathless pace1.. Yeu tmust see thisQ. t Sussrihe to tele rs rv