RHEUMATIC SUFFERERSý Accept This Generouts Off or! Auiy do tr tlreLul -u yr moeif nuebaotle 'of Rui-Ma doeýs not' g- v yýoorelief tramrI-uai acs nsud pains, sors,, cwollen sudC painful joints. NO imalter howý long, yau have suffersd ., Nyou must gel e lief or "na ps,,:y." Try Ru-Muansd be convinced. AcýcapL th{s ganeroos aiffar naw. StadiumlSîret bas beau reulamled Churýichiili Sraini Athenis. It is thiectybsestoouha. STUFFY NOSE? Nose plugged up? Hcac ld threatea- ing? Just smear NOSTROLINS icadi nostril. FecI c4ogged mcu loasen, stuffintss vanish, breath ei Passagecarnoe clear. Relif is instant. NOSTROLINE clears head, stops discharge, relieves catarrh, head colds. Canvenierit. Pleasant. Adults and children. 50-ali cruggists. RH-EUMATISM Ras been deflu-itaiy cured by an luexensie hme Isam enla ana doilar for formola anal(1fulnl- structiols to: ALEX ILRIE, .765 Dýuffemrin St., Tmuo aaa You Wili) Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS FIOEL3 e r 111 l' el , PIl ione Sherbaurnie awCarlton, Tel. RA. 1135 Spansh wall.u mlisarn' ok inlg on a Geran oderfoi-1. 000L,000 VwOrth ofbanes XINC0OMLE TAX RPO S CO- plea laok%"pig Servics. Smail or Larp.ga B'usînaesse. .Travoel any- 'V'uere. A]bert BrettiL KCo., 8 WelinianSt.E.,Tranto. ont. BJEACHES MODEL HOME OVERLOORIO LAE ONARTO Fou May m'in this 1.0 ,iae home for, $1.0,. Wite foir youir tian, Torontait 8. Your receipt wll bh- 1oailadpnmty Trw ab RERYOUR 14 C KNOW. and noi be dpzappoi;nOd. AUl chicks are tr(m uaaniedtest- en stock. and tram 25 ou. aggg or etter. BredFacarixed 81.0Pei, 100. Wite ,Leghiornq msj ,xe d $j11,00 Pei, 101; llerre Rock PuHlets 100 Par 1W0, ilMe Lpghorn PuHlets 2200 per, 19Q. whiite Rncks mnixed $MOU,< par 00witie R ock Puliets $2.0pr100, W garnte 00 liv deivey, alacepaid COD Ilfapl CityHatchr l,.CathaE PL ANT BOOR VOfUE 93 IICSNO end ge Lt urcîas n îùo wanut te.Odr r or Ne~~' Hmps., ussex X 1Leghrs Ramp., arre Roks.Seýnd for lagj iuartdCaaou nd. MONilToN P ýO UL T R Y ai AtE C'R CSFO SCES We mustbuy hick wit breding Breedes ara i Goarumntin-i' ',rt o 95 ri e ndCt Lehon, lagebidsu cai whiteeggs Pnlll.a 2000pr lrI lyi~u arar i nceOu Lrod 1;1eate Ss J' axr in ORDR VOU 5.-. 1HTE LEG- erlac he'.Stckrbliodk ies1e ,G!aziWi.'C'liltaI, Cal $25 pa 10.aradvusa>oi Po llaIs 24l95 fpr il-) Il,,f chiala %vld ]aOf, by bgbde,, pedgree stock $1,0 bonI yourorder .lie aîvar en Raahry Clît m l lta1ie reissied u e dgrIled birds.i esw Praed fo m.,d ab re id ('11 oci as1, Il o.10 sr t îdred White Legbomn$10: h h \V300 Ilai prîca Lined Rocks, $09 00: Whîir A.orl. $22,00; WblRala, 1 0 P h k.A ur coîCe A ýilî Os 1 îvedL fr saab 200 aed hial rdr ed su 25 fac chaIs fr saa 100 ay Id o Fle arrrd, tenn-is W HAigbtsIluai type netee h"m.Lre Wrte fa p is inst pta . 1H. Switzar)Ratchcry, Grnoî, On BABY CHeedCES AND P!OULTS, barediRock7' sud Wfor egsou fi,l oatd sok al egg st 1{oliaud sud Bmosd lc ressa Burnze Tey Phoui.Sd o pris ii Te Wigt Fr WVRITE FOR0ORONEW 1945 PURC list on ard ok Rdok Liberal discaunt oan early a rdeýrs, CS.Deebank, -Mouliniette, On.t. co.O.P SRED LEGHUjORN '1CHICKS, Hatch off every Wdssa.Slat- terys Poultry Farm, Altona RA. R.R 2.PICERIG.ONT. '211E îPROOF 0FF QUALITY MEP- chandise is Frepea-t businless. For, nieenyears Tedde Gvera.- inlt \ppr"výdC1 kshave been the conceof cd custmers Y"ar aftreer aar t will Pay ta shtr yirChlck's early. um will naot on n aIre extra mnywith1 ,al hichs 1but yo willlE',a v C Y oney if utae temin ar Badfo I1arb rCelit day. We -oare matLlillg our P145 catail- ogus ow, if you hvutre- ceivd your capy drop us a lina, wewilg1uadlysend you o. Ask for our seil rcson hleavy 1reed cerl.Listen to ur radio progrmme ovar CL'EKNX Winghm evey.~Moday alrnig evenring atl p.m. Twedl Cick Hacera imnitad , Fegus, 1Ont. is here? Whnt that meas tIto poultrykeeper , l'- yuko.All monthiils may hagond manithe bIut if you wanttaccht h le ihst markt moths ordr cicks niow. '1-ER 4FOeR 4ICKS ,NOW AN 01AE AANTEE 1-,F-ý_ýIllD your 1,(,I-fo net priuig we yOU wIllt themi. Barred Pockh mixe $1.00par1,00 .wlta leg- born mied 11.00 par l,100. Par- red ockPulets$190fflper 100, 100, eghor CIl. $00Per,100. Ai 1hi i at(ýcd from213 os. ega'r better en ltrmseca ore, Cblance COp. i).cadnbo Hachry hahaOnara U!oVEINO ANV,,LEANSiàC o- SAMALCUNTnY STOBE. FER 73 delide St. _ T-rutolý, 0 a IlobeIson etbp. Ifomtion amT, 17 ieueTo 1 Tsnan IIiiE i SALEc AT IGIOED -1B:I 1TE FE AT[u LARGEST REGIST1R (REGISTERODEDIFF abl.ET1CMTOSNELI,i U ys. bruL"îas. Allen R cIndCam- pauy Ld., 2 i6nDafei t. o r Oil tui io f i-1.) D11 Nl, 10D Ki'NNLS, CýOKER apainielcpuppia, (;0ud bl Chaicachampin regi ompad tck 263 ile RaI. idsoO 5iported Rulad, IBeag9llhund bar .,Otarov iivllO t BAYREFORD B'ANLE, REGISR-V Nolie.s, i a, O nt.sýM r '1 & mthySaa. Grmiaton 95% toi, C .JECas it rar. By ramm, ead ercAt, Piuiaerlou, ls II2IISTRED FCETIrIED AND Commerial Gain ad Grass Bee. ric Lst awredy. Wr VIite, Sead(iand Nuar amNipawin11, BROOER TOVS -U'SE FUTEL ail orkaan-n wicks. J. s_. R>eading, 650 Douga'li Ave., Wind- sor, Onit. ONE No. 3MOIR CLOVER AND Timothy Saed Cleaning Machiile ilu gond condition, complete lth 4;0 Sections (if Screens. R. cran'm LUIMlBEME1N - LOG SCLES ha dry cluao,25 cents past- paqid. T he ,Outlank. M 1idle taonri NovaSets REGITERVED NO, 1 KINEG OLD SEAL ilyBRilD SEED CORNX 8, TO 120 DAY MATIJEITIES, AR ieties siabefor, bath ensilage apnd gralin,lsa a fil lina 0e f Sead Oas Wiefo)r price l40t' Ihe RingGrai & eed Ca., Pa in Buoenvariet1ies. List roady QUILTING PATCH-E COTTNS R BLUS TYP'OUN-'D. MIe fancy silic petal (Cushiions from llSatin Patches. colors Pinri, White, Bllue. Wol -lt emnants suitabie for Bays' 1Irnee pants. La- dis'l handbag S. hiden skirts etc Aln ublecb -uloton. Pu b- lexý Sales, S77 Parlamaut Street Ton 1to. MAMMOTH! AUCTION SALE 100 HORSES i000 April 11, 12, 1, 9 Aýil farm ralsedl, ieli brokii and lu-filuecniin a e sacddle hossand driver, pa n now ta OlUA C$Al~, Sle gr.Box 352, ATTENTION -FARIMERS WR CARY ACOMPETE INE of nwand used Plipe and Fit- tinga, Seel Stalosta, Baller Tube1)ý,sRls , Pla 11teýs, Structural Stel Plulleys, Shatfting, Hangers, B, e iJ tLijn g, M achý1iner ly, UBo.,i ers, Tap11,Irs e Ptcý. W e can s.,a v e ou moa.SamufaiBerlck&Sons, FARMSý'ýl FOR SALIE $830 BILEjlY nRD. SCA ÀRBORE- ouhTownvship, 6 miles tram Ta- rouitaý, 24 aCýcs, gaod gairdénla nd, modem sta b 'l , fraýme bIouse ith six larg ý-e m, hmrdwadfloors, ru11ing w1a1ter 1,inlhans,,e and stabl le,, Iheav.y wiriing ilu bath, abut 1 ac:re of ngond oca DaT olhAve., Torunto. Onit. 200ACESh2 M 1ILES EAST 01 Dud ,on outyraadL c, 185 acre s undej cultvati ,over 30 acres ayfuor mgond build- ings, çcamenit sahin, atar Ila Jau.god oue ith furinae. time IBR REDUN- DiALRý, R. 4, r Ga Pluncan, 19 ARE MR0E OR LESS WITH- or itbut toc 'ad fam îm Chr [ eetiy, runing w- ater. ApyJo î ooa olitr Mawkesbary.1 Ant attea a're thIecause otl-i:-heailth luhn anal ags.No oue im- miunec! Wtvhy ual find out ifthis vs yar troubla uîrst pr ticlar-ral1mteMîvae' itia ahot,1il ry Dîxoll'sRed. BAMEA$OT BALM )DE- stroysoffensve odrf. itany Drug Sore, ttaoa Neurîtýis shld tryDxo' Rm ed.Munio's DugStore , 05 El- gin, Ottawa. Pstp'aid 5.0 MUSICAL INýSTRli ENTS FRD A. EBODINGTO (" 0N TBU1FS, sella. exa-hanlges lmluialistu metaIl1CbrcTornla 2. BE 'A HAIRDRESSER lOI CNAD'SLEADI-INO (ýSOHOOL gaate.Ameicas gele sys- tam. Il Istrate d ctlgae ra MA\fRTEL AIDESG 351 LOOR W., TORQNU-TO Branhes:44 Rng B., lamilton, & 71 ieaMtra ttawa.:I ABC 1jHORTHAND. P U Iý(IlHAS i thehols ndtraiýn ursilu 10 weks Frerfoder iIllustrlas PERSONAL NEWDIS9VEYTESTED, BAVES-f 45% gaolinegoaranted. Bau stcmedave lope fori, omain S. od, ila. Aita. saol Witeý for freac cary, Tsé' Eingdolm of GdWhatlat" a~tin, 19 Nrti Lîsmore Ce. Toro-nto 6. PATENTS Pa te nt Sa 1i c4loýýrs. Est&abl xe a 1,oo k 1et St üfi o rmai9-t ino anre- TIME TESTED QLYALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your im p ïa)pemuydevelap>ed sudn( prilited 6 OR 8 XP(IBURE 1ROLLS 325e REPRIN4TS 8 fur 25c FI1NEBT 1fEN1LARG.IN( S1ERýVICE1 You may -liai gel ail tise films 'yom wantl thia, yesr. but you can get al the quahity and servi ce youdesIre by snigyour films to DIMPEBiAL HTOSR, Station J. lTarante FIL DVEOPI X 8PRT, : prinîs, ilnciuding 116, 1c acli Nelson Photo Service,Saut St Marie, Ont. TRY CANADA'SLAGT PHOTO FINISHING STïUàDIO Gel batter ,pictures aiLowstcoat. Don't take chances wîl yo fl rals. Fou can't ae"up"oe agaýiin. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size Ril - G6(or,8Epore -A cstomler in Cae reton sFayvs, "I h'ave been seud(ing ýfilmns ta yvon fce SP-ECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style AlumWtb Print, s aizss16-2u-127,i U9 (4cepextra) lis sent with film1rail. SPECIAL PRICES 'ON FRAMI NG AND COLOING Eniargements 4 x (6" l'n beautiful easel mo.uuts,, 3 f'or 5.Fae ou ivory tited ats, 7 s P', Mi Gool1, Silver, Cîrcasianl Walnuti' or BicI bony finish framnes. 851ea4, fralargemant coîolred, 7!9e e STAR SNAPSHOT SERVIL-ý-, B,, 29, Postal Terminai A. TLrSný 't o Prinit Nae sd Ades laily oan ordr. lB FOUR PINO PROB1LE."M 1V adl? If ual, write lus. Fcny Mason & Rîas. 642 Ring Bt., erumeiicnt graded claver seada, Timo. othy and Cssacl lafacrt for prices. J. E. Mluir,Cyon ntarlia. BATRBSEED)S, BTE UL i ad vlt. adforCalou 'Wýe seit veytiu 1tat rw. 13S Fag trew ooTo. ý1 wAtClaover c e s~s u othy an'd gass hls n retili.Wrtfoprc.PelBe Box 110o, BapoOt GIANT MAIRIGOýLDSI 3VARI1ETIEIS 0 STNDN Mom, 1944i ALL AMERIC1A WN ara that irival th ppuarCHYS A-NTHEMU-3;M; lflayliug, uasad af t- er Madampe Chapg Ki-Shl, n- GOLDSITHroch goldenorng package olff eaciiib, I Uneei il Ont.ýýt WAITTEI) ade St. ', Troto lu ntr, aou $00 Bs 2 o3rd adeW, orni Dl poreclr a.Shmak1L a Mallanm, 3 JrsTato, 1coi iomeieo r ep'alu kt1 i 1 !Y )r on1tai ta dive b. WhÈeuspply-; fi(,d[Hospinal. o 402,Wiiîe- sord.On houaeiwork, iond i di agea ,aud