Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 8 Mar 1945, p. 7

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MAIICH il THE COSI 0OF DISCIPLESHIFU ýLGLDEN TEXT 1-If any m torace of Ilhîls eli, !il tat be lilotigit by !lis own ats hle cnid glas eternall, e OirLo-rd dos ottend l"thlat n t iler wlfilid lfe Ily k!ee)in1g lâconmnm s le ispros il-tg -aitest ;)y whlich thle seeýke2r vil be ed tc see thee i i o sanvation lsy wa1f the L aw. [He cassu1lot entfer ïitno ife before lht is bronlghlt te sec bi hýelple-nes(! dhope fls-e is vry ivsei-ompla]c'eut, 5 cofidn e pf IýC oed Ge o wîhil Pishert aIis neîgbbor11a bimc it sot1 seacsgtest Ïto sseeweer pLis loved iscrealli0siwaere bis Comfort0ý far more thlan he did bis nefgborthepoor ali needy. [le calîe ar usIhotrt f thelic sde- 'I re wiliil t iii ricbes id ilu bis nto par Ê ~Si ~Of CHAPTER XEI table cairried ito thlibry.She rarely made teatere unes Dn-lC son asked il, but tody herwas out an'd the great firepla empte e. It waýs a gray day andd tie Ieap )f the fire wouild be like theich fari of a eloe- warm n tid bi ift L was early fiveclock. She ad barely turne to gvea ifew mor dant oucbles to ber ta-a lUer eecaugbtitbe gimmerCof LIbe green jade god on bier uncle's h.- brytable. Theý sight of à r- Wclle is face yesterday, the sudden-, red streak between b Iis bow;she stood anl i,;intn ooigattbe cui- rions tttlegreeniimaeits uncan- n1y, elfîsb fïauce, is poinited beard, -- Ak Onle Suinda b-a e a l1; order i inutiies Joati f!that tbe ,mapy laid o on tbie tile world 10- asked b ler fa- 4- "atwls esy"extîedJon Éliune te pieces ove, ad on flie othier sidIsaw a picture of a nms, i just pt tthe miutogethier 7ight, anId wbien thle mass wns ta- geth)er rigbit, the ývrid wos igt. Carbon £'o~4 as froin auto- 3Jsree detbis d ;nlinte United 4501 TIES 11.1 Hqeadache sing than headlaches Why Sffer..Lan-blys iI'gv, iStanIt 1elief, La'mbýly sis good fore ar-0A ache, roothacb, paiis in back, stomnach. bowels igreen s awed, lsisreeiauds,ý it squatted as an Oriental gow sbioujld, alid ',ie lîghit from tbesi C1re glearmn(d on ils bald jade hbead.ISud- denly fancy seized h ler; shl ifted i and put it geýntly docvn on becr tablet beside the foes "Uncte dan lenld i to m-ie for an glaning again aI bcdock, forgot Mark was comilUer lbeartws beatinig; uinspite of lberseif sbe fei a tremlor of ue-asiness. S be tr;id to ,tbrmst out disturing thougbts,1 utoi( ld od i' aunier, lbis treat - mnt of tb!le ma, ad bceen So- so0 nlccrîig; Sbe was a litt;le were sbinýing, hen tbiere vwas a sth-ir] in tbe hll, the lifting of a pr tiere, ane voice, and tblenibe!1- tail mlanis 'itbte level eyes. Sbie beld ont a franï budl "' so glad you Couild come11(!" 'sbe sid; "thonù1g1t ài migit be rbard for you. ta find the ture." Ha -,took lber ihand and lbeld t 1ookinig down into bier eyeýs. "It's beau a, itbonand timues ad er to stay way"lie repliieù sun pîy, "and1)(vetried -I1 neyermea-til tù corne bere againý!" She gve hu a qutitoin-g iook t'le fireliplbt cnugbit ber faCce n shlowed it ivory pale. "I donu't kno ibtyu en buit youll teI mc" se rethe AI came to teh Youm" "St Own thilen, let mie giveyo a Cup) of tea" br voice aerd "No!" lbe said Iiiickly, Suddenily, iulsivetyý,sepu ler budouiand toucbed bisrm "It cani't be asý bad as that -and Imyour ried"she assured hu He caugbt beýr hand ai kised-i passonatly;tb(len be tlil ro and folded 'bisar. "I'm n ot fit 10o that,"bceSAi -be de lier tùe simpleîrutb about is meeIl, tinig withLnoîad spoken t. Lt bunie up it shamile. 1I made ,a vow Iwold tenses. as going away wbenYou met pme tbe otber day. Yu ougbl1 shie said notýhinIg fori- lan-md bier silece but biim. Iow You Cen Gel Quick elHief Fom S r e, uinful il es Mosi ,eop]e sem to '0tiuk , t i tunsorssooln bel over 17 w1y o c rlie f lfn ir or,, eviy tle siie e ctal mn- pa iful piles is b oa ramn.Ibae enadbaty Local trea i eailt niy i ve tmc r- I e 11ivte0 you to try1 Hem-ri1',oid ary relief fril] the ilig bim and eti t pive itelf. r ou ceaui (1oricinl ai y ëale yor tst meut il- \ ufncor - piyor ou oe rec t thl caulse of l"(t IO C ST if r your pia.are il covinced Neci astiing free- Il that Ithis îi ani 1he cous ýe 0of theeecii mlo trl e i, is cor re -of 1j l li y t ed. PlS f , Areduif roniyu w '. sors.Epainfu, piles. -e5~~~~~~ 1 elvoesssl iee Gel a "Ipackag I -,e day rn any di n, store i and seil ats diIrecled for J ;ST [l IV!, iDA YS AI tIbe nsud of ibat tlim]e if you are 00 IIah- i rd Fmdoi eclv Lii Il eIra en will pnop e Elie 1 lir,4ln g l is foi. i r.go tl many tu 1 s1Il e1 p >yooi7 glivkly, enxiIy il l i s siml 1e . e il (et edCos (To Be Continlued, Dog ia-ndà Bli Ï,ndc Masteý'r Partners 0f Paper Route A\ SeigEedog wlîb a nose for neoni tj enus nf a iveli- hodforni- oyMosemlan, onf Dunî AnmaI."'HeC dog, foly sesjtust p1lain d(og, buit sble bas been taîned o do aIl thle thlings reure f ru- eeL Bedog Lemnon Juice Mixed et Hoevi ilieved RHEUATIC PAIN says Suffeýrel "haeusedJ ALLENRU for severaî 1oîs coutd lha-rdly watk; on accourit of my kces, But nois those pains are reLievecd. 1 can go like a race borse nw"Mort 'Shepard. Dons bhe s çictim of the pains anid aches cmsýed by rhac-tsim, lumbago o-r neuritis withourt -rying this samipte, inepeisîv reîpeyou catinix I hoýcme. Twe sablespoons oi ALLENRU, plus tbe juice ofIi lmon in a glass of wae.Vour mooney bacL if ual entir-ely sarîfie , u 85e at al drug tores Buy ALIFNRZU îoday. ISSUE: 1O-l»4& a low voice, . why a man hke yota £ab11C oulcre lbere ikçe that! ï[o Jet yourseflfabe- %wellbe broughit here ou a wager." -T o hmake vyou1lunderstand thlat I'd bave 10tell you t tfi 'ory of 3mY lii e l," be rplied boharsely, "the "Yes' se sidgravely, initerro- * Li strightnedup, Ihis Ibnggard es met nbers. "My God, I - I c:a't (do that!" biee criid okny a coard- Ican't do that!" But shle wns suent, waitinig. T'bc gîrl's quiet attitude, Ilhe curv-ýe ai hercek turîîed tuward binsu, ;gave nio int of the turmloil il kýr Own mmid. Serecalledl - to0 vividly - Fosdick's attiitude, lbis lean apld black-clad sbiouil(tr turnedc on e younger mian, the biting mockery o)f bis tole wben b le repeaited the narne, "Byrain," a false naine, as bïe knew niow. Sle %was, sbaken wý,ithi îm y yt bis very presenice there- appeaied to bler, ras lr i er lbc- hief 'n huml. -\'vVat is yor ane" h asked Liasintnlow voice, wthighitm ile Ilited Ibis fleied. VWould 1this en-d it? Would sbe k at once? "MUark Grant'," be repied slo- yetithe tw1ýo words drop m th slece.Then hle tturnled a3id Looediber. Shie did not know!, Hlow could sh? t wsfifîen lye-ars a 'o'lTe relief of lber ignlorance moae b is barvlap; shle CEId oe ise did inot look abhorranea iIlle lnaine ent njliothfing to be.Shvas silcnendwith the awager. T canl't see ow you ýLcameto d il,"she repeated. "Teddy Banks- ergest,1ure was disdainful an)( Laýndon1, 1I know thein! Butyu- "If îit ,ill hetp you 10 undi(er.- stan1d, l'Il tell you aht I bad eigbtiy celI ntsin my pocket that iigbî; my aut adl leit Ime a tegaciy bu 1t I colntget it at, once. I was a bit ofdriftwood, alone in thie city, ripe focr miscief, il ees.Tbere's no lxcse. i mke lnone, b1ot ti-- belifted b1is lhead - "Tneeçr tbogbt of meeting your, Thieir- ýe e met1and eld eacb ohr;she Coudsee thle flicker of che hainein bis. "You're not telliing ime PaIl!"she ried ijniulsively, and thenl, ree- bering esl,"do't! I don'î ml ;i:;1-" shele ld ont lber band- You forgiv-e nmefor -cmn bor-e like tht?"le exclaim"ed. Sienodded; shiecod not speaàk, 0,or h ad bler hand in ibotb bis; sheCoulld[C'felitheemotion thlat sbaok hum. But sil he did not. i îhîn youmu iist bave had soutle reason for it, shsk a-id sml;" cntbeieve ill - ofyu" "Da't ookat Ime ike thaýt!5" le exiimd tom yuour eyes away! For !I e no 1rigbit to speak to you01 întil I tecliou- 1I'vebec i n pris- an." [nl th-,ieilce a log Mfeu iithe niosanid ;a mass of prsfe upthe black trotof tbie cbirnne11y. [le did nlot look at bier -- be wat- eThen be beard ber ,I-voice, and it was atonisinglyclear Ind cer to make I croes, nalie grip on bier1 flie pape-r il]n TABLE TALES Use Apples When Fruit Is Scarce Whnvar-iety ai fruits is at iLs lowes- ' ebb! ppesrank bigb, and th1c !nmber of wysin whlicb tlsay 'dan be used is legion. ,Two oh th nicest a re ' s.ugested in lbs redpesfantheConsqumler Section App!esaucýe Cake /4clip suIgar7 1egg i'/ cu siîedali-porpose ilour OR1 2/3 cuýps siifted pasr, lu 3teaspoon sait 1 teaspoonihakIing ioda tablespoonis clcoa 1 teaspoon crnn]lamonji 1 çup tbiick sweetened appIe,,aluce /2cup raisins opioal Creaiin fat tborougbly, aidd -sugarî graduiy and " qi(cream lwel together. Add wh-sae egg. SuIt tbec dry inigredcients tgthrand add caller- natety iîbte applesauca ta th ie Pifta uIfle ol tbe dryiIngréd[ien"s over tbernil-, ore adding ta cakeýl mixur, Bkein suaepan 8 su. bySinesl a irnodlera-te ovn' 35O', fr 4550 inutiies. Apple Sunshirse 'ediurn pple iPeeaspon ald lemon nInd ( uictespoon lm o juice ui il)teggÇ yotks" aIc 2 egg wblitoà des . et Peen, Ae an sic aplsad uarbuTcer, sitlemn r n n (3h1ronje, fatigue and nerwous ex- hauistion are getting mess dow.. . to cotd and other ailmjents. It is high time for a bulild up wt Pr. Chase's N,,ERVE FOOD. thse Vitain B 1, tonie, Lt wMill hepI )to Steady youir nerves and belp yýou to. sleep better. t mil' belp you to digest your food and to regain .onergy and.a'îgor. Ask for the new econ- omy size botle af D r. Ckamse's Nerve Food TikieJode Ood MARY IMAY TAYLOR -e WHEN you sufer froin chigaggra- varing muscular painl, you wanit quick relief. An Instanltinle tab1:iet takýen wt wvater, will usually bnring tblis relief. And Instantine's hlp r)doesnj'tstol) here, bc-ause this p)réscripDtioni-type inedicine is speciaily con)poundled tu give triple-action relief these wnys: 1. Speedily ecises p3ain. 2. Prolongs relief from pain. 3. Reduces -depressed feell;ng.', rinstantinle quickly relieves headache pain, too. And you Lican rely on it for prompt aid li fighjtiýg aoi t the dis- comnfort that camnes withi a cold. Al dr:ugstores. 12 tablets 25ý-. a living, soilie coedcied papers in Corder toC'bul r'eserv efor a fuiti ri a niewsstnd in this sli euit ofIhbequlestionl.1 tbatSae camle to Iic gethetr tbey nowoer route., eol of W;1 SaIllie patc lly hm,-i whites ujtIl ;stiff but noýt dry, add the 2 ak oossugar gradallIy, conitininlg Io beat. Pile On top o'f first mxueaa ke iii a imodeýr- ately sIow3 ovenl, 320f, unlilite top',is; ni'cely brownecd. serve bot r COldI. SIýcsrvns HIUSRANDS E-NJO'Y the, Stimulafing hlavor of rMiax- wdll bouse Coffee. lis Ail Purpose Grind is saitable for any type of coffee maker. The Wartime Bag saves YOD money. NURSEMAID WANTED $7 .per month idb.,, quavter", We have other help .Ex- perience with chindren, and references neCeesary.WteMr G, F. mins 25 Bayvîew Wood, Torontoc Ontarlo CAMPHORATED 1STARD CREAM gvsq8dlef eief to back pains. catsal by strains ci exposure to cold. preventlng rbeuniatic or musculas lumbago compilcationa One application gives rsis uuâmR CÀMTHDM#Io .VT&RIO CRAPss.. adsgl 9.11>

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