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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Mar 1945, p. 4

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jixumg omie for al spenU the irtineli. Mlercer and anld Mis ;undaiy witbl SAL,ýE REIGISTER famStock, impflementis,liygrn 'and orchiard equipment, thle property of Milton 'T. Elliott, Lot 10, Con,-ces- Sion 2, Concession 'Street, East Bow- maniville, ýý mile north of tlie White Rose ýService S ta t ionf. Everyth'iing must be sold as the farm- has been sold. Ternis cash. Nao re-srve.--Jack Reid, Auctioneer; A. E. Morton, Thiursdaty, Marci 22nd, 1945, the farmi stock, implenients, c, the property oL S. L, Berry, Lout 23, Con- cession 7. Clarke Tow-cship, threEý miles north.easto Orono, '/, mile rom No. 35 Hligh-way. Ternis cash No reserve as the arm has beeni sold, sýeen and neard -vuJacksonUI, Aaionee>1r, lbr *the p)ast two 1 Morton, Clerk. ps and daffodils Tuesday, Mal-,rdi 27bhi, 1945, the of Mrs. IVaverls farm tc, npemns etc., th'e of Duteh shoeýs Property Of Fred Blacicburn, Lot 35, ,who uis Concession 4,. Clarke Towvnship. Sale y sevîngto commence at 1 ococ.Ternis 1par + Cash.- Pte.rW-ilbur Auctioneer. Wednesckay, Mardli 28tli, 1945, the îrai -stock, imrpiemfents, Lurniture, c.C. the property of 'Cecil Quantrîli, it 33, Concession 8, Hope Towniiship iles enst of Kendal and one-quar- r'mle nortli. Sale at 1.00 pm.i arp. Ternms caish,. Jack R e id, Ac- oineer; Russell White, Clerk. Thurnsday, iMardi 29, uinder ini- rucetions froni Robert G. Mtoffat I Il seil by public aunction at Lot 28, on. 3, Clanke,( Tonship, 1!/, miles utli of Orono, a Luli line of imiipIe- lents, inl(udl-Iag a D'ord Tractor on abber with Fer.-uson Pl o* and Cul- vator; liorses, cattie, s-heep and vne, 'Sale at 1 p).m,--Ted Jackson, uctioneýer; A. E. Morton, 'Clerkz. Friaay, uaarca 23. 'Moderni Saturday, Marci 8lst, 1945, the Tynme Dancing. Jacl< Gallo- furniture of the Esta-te of tic Late pieece Orchestra. Admissioýn 'r..E.CapnMiStet person.Orono. Sale at one o'clck. Ternis Ljsle Iseôal clb ae hld Cash. Jack .-Reid. Auctionieer. ance iun the Community Hall, Fiday, Aprii 6th, 1945, the Larmý e, On Fridlay v ening, Mal-ch tock of thie Estate of tie late Char- paIs Crveîighton's Orchestra 'ies Eniton, Lot 15. Conicession- 6, ice. Crown a-ud Anýchor and Crw h Townishiip, aiso imi-Ïe- il T)e played iii the bae un ents. Sale 14 mile west oL Nestle- fi. dmssonto dan-e, SOc, ton sta ttýon wi7A Hiwaiy. Ternis id have a, good tue. Cs .-Jceid, Auetl'ineer. AUCTION SALE Theunersgnd uctionIeer ias re- S. L. BERRY to sel! by pui-ic auc.tion ,at Lot 23, Con. 7, Clarke Townvship 3 miiles northeaat of Orono, andl a liai]f mile fronii No. 35 liighway THIURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1945 tlie following Farni Stock,, Imlpie- Ments, etc.: coupons 46 ti pons 54-55 bee Eacli coupon go Butt( iob~ ecom-es valid fqrh .Cou- pon 99 becoires vahid Mrh15, Cou- pon, 100 becomnes valid i Mareli 22. Each coupon g-ood for 1/ý lb. butter, Preserves (Orange) Coupons 33 to 40) now valid. Cou- upons 41 to 441 becomie valid Mardi 15.. Horses Good for preserve One black m,1are, 9 years o1ld. sugar. Cattle Tlie above coup 1 red Pol heifer, 2 years, due in unil 'declared inv April; '1 red Pol' cow, 3 years, dlue about ut 1: 1 Shortliorn cow, 4 The first slip1 year, d(ue in1 Aprîl; 1 PO' lIgus cîvilianl suppliest cow, 4 years, Just renewed; 1 Short- channel port siric norno, il years, in caif, duetliere recently.3 abouçtit ime of sale; 1 Slortliorn cox cargo was ropm 9 years, in caîf, (lue in Mardi; 1 .Shortliorn eow, 12 years, in caîf, dlue 70,0010 cases of April 18;, 1 Jersey <cow, 4 years, bred salmon have been Feb. 2, caif at Ifoot; 1 Shorthorn cow, nment to Aujstra]j 7 years, due about t1ile of sale; 4 Mutual Aid plan. fat steers; 3 steers,, rising 2 year-,s; ________ 1 heifer, risi*ng2 years;6 yearling caives; 1 purebred Slirthorn L't-..1 set of dise1 bull. section Hlarrows; Poultry 1 îMIassey-*Irris AIot2 dozen SuÀssex Hen-rs, I lanning rniii;1 Aboutder; 1 hay rack; About 10.0 busheis of oats and bar- ley (mlixed) ; ahouvt 300 huslhel oats; 81 ton of Timnothy anid Ciover hay. Hiarnes i set of Team ÉýHarnoess; 1 third, horse hlarness; 1 set of sige ir- nless; 3 liorse -oliars. Lumber About 300 Leet of maple luniiber. Implements, etc. 1 7&Coî;mic-k-DeerinlglMower -5 IL cu-tc , nerly new,ý; 1 Deerinig mower, 5-Lt. eut; 1 Deering hoi-crse rakýe, 10 Lt.; 1 Bain wagoný, eombiniation, 2-1 Î]dc tire; 1 set of tuk,3 inch tire; 1 Oliver r-iding plow, sinigie; 1 Verity 2-Lurrowed plow; 1 Massey-Earrisý Cul tivator, 13-to oth; 1 itlnssey-H-ar- ris 'power cut box; 1 steel rolier, 10 toboggan aleigls;1 separator; 2 ehop ho: numnler carpenter t ter clamp; neckyokc fletrees. Lorks, and articles, ies, swveet spea-or ipons reii-ain validt ivaiid. loaded entirely with to land nt a FÈrencli ie liberation arrived More than haîf the ýfCanadian canned ýnreleased for shiip- .îia under Canada's fl4Ai . a,ÂyvLI- forks, ,wihii- .înierous other Furaiturre 1 extenision,- table; l writing desk; Il bedroomi suit; 1 Pnincess Pat cook stove, îin good condition; 1 hangiug lamp; 1 table lamp; 1 c upboard, nunii- ber dishes; 5 dozen g-enis, atnd numei-r- ous other articles. TERMS CA,ýSH. FARMI SOL». Sale to commence at Albert Morton Clerk )r Control Board of Ontario NOTICE to Idivdual Liur Perit Holders DONOT DESTROY - 'your present indi'vidutal Liquor Permit Liquor Plermits will be extended -(not re-issued) to March 3lst, 1946 on -application and payment of $ 1.00 at any Li quor Conitrol Board Store on and after Marcht l9th, 1945. The decision to extend the use of the present permirs will effect a substantial savinig in paper atnd printing -costs, and is. in lkeeping with present day conservation policies. WILLIAM G. WEBSTER Chief Commissioner 1 p.nî.. siharp1 Ted Jackson Auactioneer. .11 'I irnen' rizes and lunch. on1 is onily 25, LE ,heat. Kennetli Teni-roon.îied condition, wi good weil an phone a5 r 2-, Live Poultry ar pnices paid. M.1 No. 1; Telephone We have nio agen Wednie lietweer healiouse, E. Raîney, c-9-p. ithers. Good ethany L.1R. 1, Bethany. 3-P. iimg, Mardh ýstoffice and a pair of please leave IIA RRIS ELECTRIC EsLimiates given on ali lypels of electrical instalflations, IRepairs to ail ldnds of household appliances,ý For nontonie to W. Harris, Newcastle, Ont. c-Op NEW EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Power Bin)ders, onbies am- m-er Mills, Wagon on Rubber, Sring- Tooth ,Harrows, Mower, horse or tractor dçawn; Rake, Autotrac At- tacliments, Pony Dise Plow, Stude- baker Stationary -Motor, set of Kniee SlihUsed Wagon.s. Phone Car! Todd, Ciarke 15-20, Dealer for J. 1. Case Co., Otaco Ltd. Port Hope Fertilizers. e-8-p. V.AcTJ[MS FOR SALE VACUUMS REPAIRED "GOOD VACUUI:S FOR GOO&D Housekeeping". Aiso guaranteed expert repairs, lubrication, etc. C.U.C. Sales &Service Brandi al McFGOGR HARDWARE Co., Bow- manville, Telephone 7741. FOR SALE Because Ro'wland Smînth's former 'home lins been resold there is some equpme&tht wili have to be Ymoved. Several parties have askedl me to sel thoem my Weil CriLb'ing Formrs, includfed ~wili be small truck and a lIarg-e hundie of reinforcing wire. These will lie sold by-lif tèner. The hIglihesL or any tender not n-e(cessar- ily accep'ted. 2 Carpenter's Benches.; 16 2-inch seasoned Olak Planics; 16 Ït. New Cemnent ~Chimney Blocks. If in-t teresited contact Wm. Riddlell, Orono,0 or R H. Brown on the property. F.aF.Morris 9& Sm Funerat Directors Furniture Dealer& AMBULANCE SERVICE hoe:BcowmanviIhe, Day 4180 Night. 7.34 rad 575 The Gidest, Largest and Most Complet. Ftrntvre Store andi Modern Funetal Service iii Durhaml urService-THE BEST Our Gioods-TH11E NE1 WEST Our Pr-ices -THE LOWEST MORRIS & SON, B43WMAN VILLE - R O A pretty we-ddinig was solemvnized Dec. 22, 1944, at the hrome of Mr. and Mrs. Chishoini ýMcCuliodli, Rose iplain istrict, Sask., when their daughter, Gertrude Isabel, became tie bride of PloberI, John Kelly, son of Mr- and JKrs, WVm. Kelly, Regjina. Rev. W. Anderson perform'ed the coremony. Tie bride was given in mnarriage by her Lather. Mrs. ýC. M'CutlIoch. aunt oLe the bride, presided at the piano, and IMrs. 1[ane sanrg "ýAlw'ays"." The bride was charming in a g-own of vvhite sriLeer and 'face wýith s-weet- 'heart vpil and carrying a boujquet oL redi roses. Slie wore hier mte' penn pendant. Irs Russell Kelly ai Mliss Novrma Warner attended tlie bride in gowns of hlue jersey and inýk net over taffeta vvith sikul caps tu match. T-hey carried bouquets of pin'k and white carnations. Russel Kelly was bestiman and Tomr Kelly1 ,M.D.- GtEON PH ONE 4lOBJ«NO Lawrence C. Mason, B.L Barrister andtýSùlicitcr BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones:. Office 688 Home 553 W.F. WARD BARRISTER, SOJ4tICiToIL NOTARY Phones:- Office 825 Rosidence 401P BOWlMANViLLE, ONT. VETERINARY Dit. W. W. SHIERWIN VET5BRINARY SUJRGEONS office Main st. Oon Phone 63 r 7, Orono 3. .GAMEY INSURANCE' Fîre, Casualty, Atm. bile and Liahilîty Orono . 'Ontaric, TED JACKSON. Auctioneer andi VaIuatojr Condu~cts A'uctioT, Sales cf -,U iUin and at raonberates. nojaewith him at poe Perry, Ontarie, or sbe M3lii.Crk, t E. Moctcotn, o rono, for' date., JAC% KREID-- Licensed Auctioneeran Valuator SpeCialize in Farm and, Furniture Sales Consult me for ternis anid dates Phone 1620 C, Iark E. FPATTERSON Insurance Agency FIllE AUTOMOBILE, CASUALÎT AND LIABILITY Phone 44-14, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. O. REPRESENTING soitie ef the Largest, Strongest and Most Reiable Insuramm.- Firrns in Canada Farm Property a Specitilty 1 a-n prepared toi quote you rates from 40c. a hunjdred. according te classi,,jcatio1n ii; Phone, write, or better sti'l caILi,1Iwill bo pîeased to )quote you rates on your property, which wilIlgur-prise y0n. was uir The Misses Vers Kelly, Irene Kelly, Clarisse 'Cote and Euid Peaîrce, DMrs P. Rdach, lMrs. C. Cuagt n Airs. A, ~ruic served a bfe luncheon. The buffet was ceint'red with a three tiered wedding cake- lianked wi,-th white tuile andtw white tapons. ~For travelling 'the bride donned a Lrock of dove crepDe iith brown coCab, and îniàtciing accessonies, and a cor- sagoe of Carnations com-,pleted hlez. costum-e. Foilowingag s 'short ioney. - mowon the couple, wiil resideon a farmý in the district. The groooi'.s iother, mn s. Kelly, was at one timie a resident od KendaL. JIelp the Red Cio,,ssielrp the sol- d'irs on the bDattiefieid-J by donatîmugm toteRed 's Die Chan

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