'1I&~ilton W. orai1 bnthar ,-for D~d CARD OFYFMK Niiand Aleck lW off at wiTs'h ta )tha- ý k their friends for the carks andl -gifts sent te) thent and for the mn crher acts ratkLindiles shbwi '0 them durinýlg ter ecept iIllness. iMrs. W. J. Martyn and daug.-bters wi,7sh te exteTld sincere *tha.nls and ippreeiation* fer iaany kindnessýes, messag1es aof love, and beautiful floral oýfferirigs fromn relatives, friends. tieigihhors, MAasonie Lodge, tenderedl du1.r;ig the iliness and death of a deýar hius'band and laviang father. Their nnhounded gatitude goes out ta the \~Re.S. Littlewood and Dr, A. F. Meý,Kenzie. IN MEMORIAMI BALDWIN - ln laving memyory of C. S. Baidwin, who pasesd a'wvay 01n iUfarch 17, 1943:1 .-Lovingly rememnbered by Wjfe, ]3ugtr n Son. KIRBY Mjs. Yeomi-an is hoine aanafter- r.and AMrs. Alex. WValker and -1amilJy spent Sunday 'with Mfr. and Mr.Thompson. Minýss Marion Mc.,lKelvey and -Mrs. Wa.Wannian spent a very -pleasant c1ay in Peter-borough last 'week. 1'eare very gldthe snowpiow has. 'a Ist, inade a iroad aioag, at least oprtaf Our line. Here's hoping thiey 'decnie teý linishl the job. Very successful quiltings wer-e hedre-entiy n Our co1:mmuaity. The No~hGroup held twa at the homesl acf- Pcs . AllUn and 2Mrs. Lloyd 1 aa-1s!ber-ry; the West Group held one et- thle homre Ocf MrOrley Chiapmnan, ad ithe Fast Group held three at th-e the W.1M.S. on. Tuesday acternoon, lM~h6th. The m1eeti-ng Aas opea- edJ with) the presideat, Mrs, R. Ala takincýg the thfeme "er Vn e mnh 'he Kinigdomri Of God ini the Wr" 5ad" 2a6s, f oi-(oeiti poray- 1ltyma 5w6, "The, Kfndome 'wome Ora eýr by the piesideat; aiso a readinig ~v t RE» & WRITE STORES' il [Oc 45e lc 15C 25c, 25c I roim the Misinar MntLy. Th ,e I sciptuc rectiaa wee tken !by [Mns. K1 ckea.,M.,W il.Ali aaid MrS.Wnna. iHyma n402 was I hnsungi. The minutes aof ithe las meeing and ol cali fallowed. ,drS. Allia îreminded il of the Preshyt-eî ial eetig ilSt. Andriew's Churchi, Oshwastrtig t 930a.m1. oan t'.arch 2a. ihe hiinless was thenl dis(eussed. WNe lwere very soir'ý Lot find ,-e hadt very litle respantse ta oui eall for used clothîng for the Russian Relief. We ask yon again to try and hellp us ont in this worthy caýuse. Mrs. R. Alia too:k the chap- tei in the study book, entitled "The Church in Brn, includiag imany very interesting stories fram this land, The nmeting clnsed -with hyma11 182 and the benedictior. W. A. Meeting Tlie W. A. meeting followýed that Of thie W.AI,S. \-l-th the president, -Mrs. Wm. Wannian, prosiding. Hynmaà507, 'SSafe in the An1ms of Jesus", opeaied the meiceting-,. after wich Cehoiad's prayer was îepeated la unison .The bible reading taken fîomi St. Luke Chapter 12, Verses 1 ta 15, was rea] responsively. aVrs. Wm. Allia was la cýhar-ge aof the devational period. ThE minutes of the last mieeting- wei reaid and adopted. The reports a the groups weîe a s follo)ws: 'lhle north handed in $3.G5 and '2 quilts for Plhe Ped Cross, aad the east $2.76 and 2 quilts for the Red Cross. Report- xvere given I)y the corro,ýponding -soc- îetary 'and thie coaveor of the sick comimittee. 1-yrina 505, "Jesus 1 Amn Resting, Rsig was sunlg. The ii-eeting closed by repoating the Mz Pah11 Bonedictian Jin unisoni. S0 LONG AS THEItE ARE H0MES (iBy Grace -Nol Gîowýell) Se longl as there are homes ta which men tura SAt the close of day; Se long as there are homoes whore c h*ldr-enare, Whe-womoa sta-y- If love and loyaity and faith he faund Acr-oss thiose sis- A À stricken nation ea rvcover fromi Its gvetilis. Sac long, as thieeare homes where fires humn And there is bod So lon(g as there are 'hom1es whiero lamps are lit , nd pray rs are said; Although a, people falter through the And nations grope- With Ged himiself back of these littie homies- iWe have surehoe The Sons aof Eagiand hfeld a veîy succossfui oeuchréo paîty andavory on-joyablloe (veiaig was,ý spent. The wianem for the tinst prise for the ilies was MitsBeck, cile the win- niem of the consolation was Mis. W. C. Crcssley. Firt prize for the gents- went tô Ms.Stricla.nd who w.is, piaying ns a man ,,nd the consolationi prizo weat toa Mm. J. H. Moruris. The evenn11g Clo0s ed vwith a d eIigh-1tf Ul !lunch, foiwe y the singing acf God Save the King, Exporionce andeconstant practice are natnmally coneeded as haviag a istinct advantage over more theor- izing. Possily he exception that preves 'the mulde - fuînished whon 'Ur. R. C. Rosborýough u ndertook ta coaclh a ciasa acf Niagara Enliacal- legiate bo§is about the rdudients af good fam ije stock. àlaay of the ladsha neyer ovea seen a pig, and oui former O.C.S principal resoîted te ilustrations and diagrams in briagiag homne ta the lads the desir- able prize apnia qualiî.ies. Imi-agine r.Roa'borouigh's de;iglst whea hie and bis eassme with abnafd toan aof farim beJys la -ISubsequo1"ll-t competiti a t a municia abattoir and Nan.quished the t'aimera haads down. Mr. Rsarnh d itaTat his oagetatqam îay laijthe fear thlot a twistacf faee might wMena omýe totally ieWre c ity boy te tuiir1lna a more cor-ec:t score caýrd than the aileba ng e ignature Local News AiTed Wiim iio ned in Osaaovor Ili- ,veý-eIK 0fr. C. S. MLrnspnel ,afewdlays the forepit af this weel, in At laskt the air bo is mel as if sprfing has arrived, Whicch wili miean an oarly spîing for once. 'Mis. Wat i. "anvilie anad Mrs.o- man A0il spent Llioadiy nyad Tuesday la Toronto. Mir. and -Mrs. Elmer F.owvir, af Bowmranvilie, visite(] friends in tw iast Sunda-y. Rev, Luxon Bur-gess, Orangovilie, vlisitedi his mother, Mis. Jamnes Bur- gess, l'st vweek. 34i. -Bob" Cooper, of Toronto Uni versity, spont thoe week-end wthhis anirelts. and Airs. F. O. Cooper Mi. and iVrs. -Matthew Harrison, Bowmanvillo, were guoests lest Sun 1-lyv et the home aof .\I. and Mis lolert Gianvilie. Ar. eîd Biackburni has sold his farta ta Mr. George Fogg, and M'r. Blaickhumýn expects ta niove iato Orono aound tho fist part of April. Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Powers and on Grant, ef Toronto, and P.O0. James L. Powors, R..A.F., spoat the week-end lwîýth ii ý. aad i s. C.L Powers. Thle ananal meeting ai' Oshawa iPreshy >toril ill be held la St. An- do'sUnîedChmch, Oshawai, on Marh 2ad.Maniag -and aftornoon Mr. and Mrs. Mlfîed E.Serwia and Uiss Fera Chap-man celebratedi Mrs. George Cia,'s birthdlays, Ars C. W. Reesor, aof MarkLham, on Tues 1 dýay at Over two huadred ontrios aof grain ,vas eatered in thie Quinte Sed Fair at Orono. Tho rmureswas fiiod' te caait -nd the variety aof seed was aof the bost. Mjor F. E.- Lycott, E.D., havi-ng just compietedi a Wai' Staff Course at R.J'VLC., iS spenidia a 'afew dCays vwith iis family hore, prior ta taking up his n-Eýw duties as Staiff Qficer at, Hoeadquarters, 31..1), ",Kingston. Major iLyettliras reen-tly beon awarded the Canadin Efficiency Do- corati onr. Orona haZ not been overGoqked -jby the "Fuaay .Mýoney Ma"of radio -fà me. 'La st oveaing ( We da,e sdia y ) Miss Bertha Cain xyas invitedto e sod in smthn worthless and the F. M. M, would ail her onre dollar and sitY-sevea cents in returca. Porhaps son-ieaf the et aofius comuld get on ta the band wgn Tfhe îogflar m-eetiag acrf the Ormo G Cirl GuIides was hoid ila the Guide H1all with Mirs, W. E. Arlistrong ýla charge. After exerise ad a game ta the tune of "A Bicycle Bu'it For- Two,", we retired ta aur patrai co- ners ta take dp so-winig and heailth miles. Thtis wvas folwe y a sing sang with Anna Stapls la harge. Prayver and taps enidod an enjoyabie 'Mr. ai Mirs. A. fH. EKeno ceivodI a iettoî from . their son Bobj, 1i t L R.C.A.F. Ovoîseas, infariming ithem that he hias been promoted 1to Pilot Ofcs.Just eeantiy -t-le molboîs of the- crew weîe rý-jetod missing, but la his letter Bb.tl tat they rin on--t of gslîeand lanlded la France. By thle tino they ljanded hnc-k in Eniland thoy hnd hon eportedl Sploadid cnrgtosattended the services lest Sunh [ýr et Park St. Chnurch, ad Bey. MUr, fLittiewaodi's sermons weve deepiy appiLegintedI. The mists evnn dicue "siesymbols af Coui faith", wiii ho continlued for afute sabbath Or two, aýnd shouid ro(ve inteasei inter- esting andà instrýuctive. -Mis. E. R. Rai-ney and M-\iss Jean ý,Rainey con- tiibýutedl a vocal dýuet lnïst Snn evening. THEATRE 1pIp1>1 BOWMANV1LLE TEL 5S9 Thurs., Fi MARCH 15-16 Richard Arien and Jean Parker in "MINES WEEPER" with Russelllayden Sixty minutes of breath-taking exitement ADDED "YOUCAN'T RATION LOVE" with Betty Rhodes, 1Marjorie Wc%,ver, 'Marie Wilson -an.d Jo>h-miie "Scott" Davies -It's T. N. T. ia laughs Sat. OnIy MARCH 17 jean Parkier in "DETECTIVE KITTY O'DARE"ý ,with Peter Cookson and Veda Ann Bor,- AIIDED "VALLEY 0F HUNTED MVN"ý with Bob Steel. Tom Tyler and Jimmnie Dodd In a wirlwiud of action Mon.-Tu.es.-Wed. Jimmy Lydonl in "HIENRY ALDRICH PLAYS CUPID" Need wýe say more ? "IN OLD with 'John Wayne, -Niartha Scott and Albert Dekker Glorifying the romnantic pioneer spirit of Americ I .1 -i PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH. SUNDAýY, MARCH 18th 110am-orhp Series -The way ithe Master weat. V. ïlis MNessiath Ship. 230 p..~hrhSchool, 7:.30 p.m.-W shp "Christian Symibols"*. Obrother mi-a'if aid to bhiy heait thy brother, Whomo pily dweiisz the peace acf God is there, Orono'Tinsbop Alil kinds of Plumbing and Heating R. E. LOGAN Main st. PROPRitETtýo 0rono Pi sOýDU iE STYLE SHOP WILLRZOE March 26 Watch next iweek's issue for Special E aster Rates, Motor Equipment Ample produets are iacluded la "horge h-presoîves raltioni hecýause aof the adàAF vealshoîtage of sgi"F. L. J mIust1 Seiden, puces and suppiy reprose-n: fMte aetive aof the WPTE at Tomante said.cofa Duriag tlé nmiin produceing seasan eral D fmam Feh. 19 te -amy -U, each valid preserves coupon Ys good for the Tii- purýcha'se of eue quart (40 finidi oua x ria ¶ ces) cf imaple syrncp or two poutnds ai't 2 imele sugni. After May 81 the Col, surrený pan Able of nmapiesymuproturns toPrmut its norm-al level of 24 fluid ounce.,Bm per coupon. Mhe coupon values for Those mapie sugar remain the sams pareha cthoughout the year at two pouncla board per coupon. loase Prices are the sanme as lest yeeî o, sales taceaues Ceiling for pro CIn, ducers selling direct te consumer, is get re $-8.15 per gallon for Canaida Liglit Plan li qrade; $2190 t'ai Chradian medium'; govern 2.15 for 'Ganada Dark and $2.40 f@r operat ungraded syrup, packed la ono gallon sels VW 'notai cantaîaers.. The maximumi 'Irice for sYrup soH l, inulk isý 25c Earl oer gallon less than that for the same early ýeajbtstticen Oenefits i bein1-g cnie by thl miment. Canada will si ing 20:0 large ocean-g( hicch mwilleimplay l2,500 cy Easter seemis ta n, s!prîi-ng. 'nrivate Am] Northcutt and Smith Funeraiý Diretors and Fnrniture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equipeed te take tare of the. modest funeral ut tli, meut reenbecharge am well as the largekt and meuit eaKactinkg Tefrp1urinè: Ofic 668 . 6Radec 23 and 725 Telephone Colleet AR Bewnvi r ville. 'Ont. STRONG'y New Spring -Dre-sses and Cuats arrived to-day WALLPAPERS MEN'S S'UITS We would advise you to Our Spring Suits are purchase your Wall- in stock. They ini- papers êarly. You have clude a goodly num a much better choice ber of brown, grey and there are no re- and blue worsteds, peats f r&m the manu- priced from $0O facturer this year. 1 to......$17,50 RUBBER BOOTS-If you have riot already got a pair of these rubbers and are going to need them for' spring, buy when'we have the sizes. Hiller est Shortening 2 lb 35e Diced Beets or Garrots 2 tin 25e Rice 2 lb 25c in 29lc Monarch Pastry Flour 24 lb bag 85c Shredded Wheat 2 pk-gs 23e Quick Quaker Oats pkg 21c Five Roses. Bread Flour 24 lb bag 85e Large Corn Flakes 2 for 23e Tumbler Free Peas 2 tin 25e Choice corn~ tin l'5e TRY A ROAST 0F SPE- CIAL BABY BEEF FOR THE WEEK-END Toiatoes 2tin 25c Tomato Juice 28 oz tin 2 for 25e Choice Pupkinl 2 tins 25e Pastry Flouir 24 lb bag 69C Shelled Almonds oz 6C Green Mountain Potatoes 75 lb bag $ 1.43 Large' Grapef ruit eaeh 5e Hillerest Sweet AMixed Pickles large jar 29e New port FluiffS large 37c Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea 1-2 lb 43c Habitant Pea Soup 2 for 23e Vanilla 8 oz bottie L12e -Sunlight, Lux Lif ebiloy s9ap 4 f or 25c Floor Wax Liquid 50C Oxydol, Rinso Chipso Medium each 25e r', wl [ISP 'A cet Rounid Clothes Pis, 3 doz 1 Tomato Juice, choice quality, large 105 oz tin4 Priines, 70-80, lb .Prunes, 40-50, lb Mother Jackson's Pie Crust, pkg2 Campbell's Tomato Soup, 3 for l Swansdown Cake Flour, Special,- per pkg 29c Glacier Herring, 2 tins 27c Amber Honey, 1 lb block 23c No. i White Honey, I lb block 25c Cooking Onion, 4 lb i15C Large 96 size Marsh's Seedless Grapefruit, 3 for 20c Thompson's English Style Mince- eat,2 lb 33c Fresh Side Pork, lb 27c Fresh Pork Butt, lb 33C Presh Pork Han', lb 35c Prime Commercai Beef Hamburg Steak, [b 23c Prime Rib Roast, 5-nîb, lb 32c Rib Roast, 6-7 rib, lb 27c Fleur, bag 95C bag 69c e pg 19C Tea Time Fancy 1