Loans ion A new deaWfC l for17fl r Iers ; 11CotS Viîhtli Iêatuato hi ot ofithe Far IpovmetLon AcfwIlh Finan-iice M iniste r 1lsey announced on Maýrch 2 h ~t wcevers a hreyer, to $,0 ronl1tl tir locat l 1anksý- for ai wide aicyof pipuoes and forterma f 1up, f0 10 yaars et 5% simlple itrs.Whre,ýv possible bakscuirity is tri]be f aken onlyv tecity Is rqniedonl weeth ban exceedo $2,0 , fr a pro of tomne timan fîve yers adrsut hl perman1enit improvrnents aonof builings, hýCic my lu amount ormon d may n f0 9 stck fr bedn upsa pr chas 'andinstalla-tion oýf agrieuil- furial aqiptent ILor* anilecr sys- tam1i, fencinigdriae etc., uip to 7%of the tcos ayb bmowd On new tf-artim iplemen,:it, a far- mermay hooilcw up1f0 twoti of týiepuae price. Tile b 1nk -,proidirrg the banMs vwill feceive c gaa ntefront the goenoetc to Lovr 10%ýc of thetý total îamlounlt 1lnt up1f1 the 250, 01f0000lim- eta-ised iy b st. Up t 30,00,00 pond()f Can- aIdien lIfrozen dreseei outr wl be IC[ requmedthlis year fhy tliha United Stte ovcrniiulint, the SpecialPrroý- duel Boad dscloes, Arrange- nt Is are imlilar th1ose of lt yeair when ilarge iipmcnt, vr matie, Cash cmeteof Caadian 1far- miers 1reachied a iw ighin1944. Returiý front tthe sale (-f f armi pro- Doinlion Bu ire au ofi Stat i stieCS esiae.This is an iniîcreasec of 25% overt 193, sd I3~ vrthe basf tpea-cetlime eaCml , i9 139.Ad- ditonail goverlnlnt paytenClts iraîse the total fatcash iîilcomile to $1,87,00,00for194, cou3pa red wib$1,4134,O0,000in 143, The Government Must H-fave Moiey 1J f ve-rYth1ing lu Cmafada were f0 lie h1andîcti tuy the co-ope-ratives, a"somne airesuggestipýg, the cre w~uçn~be mîaly tax"es coming front private buin less, contilent's Thle LethIbrîýIlge Hieraiti, The Gov- etunlenit would thien have f0 doý wha1,t thie Russian Gocnmn does, Thecre s urnverfax ,nthe, buineiIss of c-prtvsb~uh iu 800,000,000ru bles lest yesrý, acd Co operative frtis 1ha]ti 1pay ie- ides eighit 1pe)rcenit, on produet soid ant ýiIonrevenues dstribuitedt f0 their iembensr,. Affer aIl, the cS ,tf nuthave cash on whlih 10 opeýr- ate. Future of Radio R ad(Iio0 manufaýctunlens Cexpeet tù enlploy6 per cent more parions clitar 'the war !than they did iin 1940 to meet the predicted demaenda for newý houslleld iradios). The Littie EBQy Who G7rew Up Andi t heni-,dIean rch1ildryen ith1e rc was the littîs boy -,11 thnilied et the l toghlt of Winer. The little bony who w)-,okfý up in thje i mng crawýlad ouf ýtof bis little tmundi(le bcd, spd ran tf0 the wido nl lis litte teddy-beans and lookîing ouf, cn-iet xctdy:"h goy gôdd!ylMore snow!" Antd ficthenthait ijle boy 1rushiet thm7ough bis breakifast -sud hun- rc ied ou in, his little snow sit f0 catch the fleeecy snwfakesad sap a a t the wl with thie littlesovlthtSarta anits brou'Ighlt1hilm That little boy 'bas g 111 p mbtc a big,. big tan lth's 60-foot frotmage to bis home andi a long dnvwyinto biýs garage. 1'.e oversleepa biiitselif bah an] boum iu the mnrniiing,1-ub1is bis goose pinîlpl-es as hae crawls ont front, und1(er thie wro co)vens, j er ks eon Ithe curtainsCof the windowm andi su.trls': îDmriMore no! An then thit big, 1big lýmnboîta i,; tkfa and irushes off to How .Sun's Rays Affect Steel M-ast Stdis rade ofa 15fo uu larstnlsseetattoaNe When te asun s ystrik'e 1the rat, ut nital n 4thesunî, sid with 9Le mon Juice Mlen sind wot;icîi whn siler napgging aceând pii .usdby 1Rheunîis1m, 0fnii ,ovLnîawa!î 10 reieVe suhsymrn.ue! poîid.Teo gaisuch) spuns l tîs inemcdicine wi(b oue taisOof lemnon jluice in a glass o!f ALLENISU. Gai ALLF-NRýU da' 6eai any cdrug sor ÇIR0M ANY 0F THE PAINFUL, ANt4OYING AFFLICTIONS?9 IHiCK THIS LIST NOW I *DRY, CLOGGED NOSTRILS * cI-EST COLD CONGESTION *STIFF, SORE MUSCLES *ACI-UNG, TIRED FEET *CHAPPED SKINM,, WINDBURN * RHEUMAATIC OR NEURALGIC PAINS *ECZEMAp PimpLES *LUMBAGO * HEMoORRHOIDS boind thof BUCKLEY'S STAINLESS WHITfE RU, Q'de by tisa makena Of 1BUCKLEYS MIXTURE, br'rnga at comrforfiug rePli4 from any or alo ffi2m. I n foct if mut bring relief fitet -thhrn anytïinl-g you- have ever used or monY bock. Sold evenywhere. ï( your deaier las qom out send .50c Headache Norhîng mre epe inlan 1headaches '-' Why suffen3 aLmblyi Wîll gVe instant relief Lambty's isgoodflO rea r. ache roorbache p ins lr HFAB:CPowoEsu Easy Way ta Relieve ýRHEUMATIC Aches a)d fPaîn's Rar taa smpl, asy vway f0 get relief front the a-lgoo-y Of swollen, brcomes heated and cypands morte N ol utLk he lshm than the shaded ,cooler 0Noppositeîe herBle-pein sideý, cusin1g (the ml iast to beo1d Buckingham Paac away fromi Old Sol. 1 "If oply the moud kne how In, the course of a ight suintiy fu Elizaibethi nspected a kit- muýiCh his locve lC d beyonýd bis day, thie top of the asswgs chen exhiibit a shiort timi-e ago and owtptj1twadthunvre through a 12 tn h rc. befndiu, peepled 'nside a plasic coke b" Cthe J ud forearthir fie sixinces o ht estbeoreflon, on a preabricated heatng unit. and six inches to)the Cat in tde Oh"; ,she exclaimetd. "No oa GQd Oud 4 t en to worshiýp limi, the aftersoon.juti ke itnost thouse Cctstpsoa1 yH btr as, The mast would sp,jtand erect 1,11Thenshe bseve,"Mly good kinown." Hatwas Dr.Gocbbel thie si1nsine only ýif thesuni- re nesit hsbeen l d in BuCkiug- asqotdbEdid ongmy dicclyovrha, n iniklycr- ha Plae. aikinig to BCoveLrse'aslstns cuntac n ïe ork, foritatin"Rdocwre" onomr city is fjar north of the Earths The Anazon riyr drins ýan a wen t osytatGebl a equartr. Il lgea s the Unitcsd State.talking about AdOUfitler. orLrec uiese.Traveýl any- 8 Wèengon St. E., Toronto, On't. BEACHES MODEL HOME OVERLOOKIýNO LREONTARIO. you m'ay w'in this $1000 mdel" home pfori,100. Wite for your sBeach s Bstes Pn' ACoi a tion.Torono YlVur r~i~wl naeMay '21h. 1ro ..dsfr wa Chrties M" BAOKS VOUI "BOE O E YOUR 1045 CH1C1I NOW.; "D n dIfno t be iapooe.Alý chicks arecfontguaaridteed test- ed stock, aoid frn 25 oz. eggsï or better. Barred Rocks nixed 81.0per 10, \White Lgon snxe 11.00 l par 100 Ba'o.r r e Èock Puilet2 $19 l' per l1ci, White Leghorn Pulets $220 Per ICA, white Rocks Mmd 815.00 ev 00whitel ok uiet lAve deliviry, balanc paid.O.D. ontaro. 5090 BREE--DEÇRS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YouR 1945 CHICKS NOW and get your chioke when you want thet. Orders are pouring in. Breeî:der atheiare nalwaaVs SMold ou eary. Don't take 'chaýnces on oridinlary cick']s. Place your or,,der NOWl.Puire Bied Sus1ýsex, Large Type Leghorns, Suesex X New,,Rampais, Sussex X Leghorns, Roc XLegors.Rock X New Rap.Earrved Rck.Send *or large i]liustrated Ctlgeand P'rie -List, Lskevic>v lPonltry IFarta. Wein Er'-os.. Excter. Ont,. breeder Gvenen nseted, bawdd, adbooM td . ISuediat deer n Fremiassu g-ade day n, idi chchicks Ii1"ýî 1~eghost, $200r hundre Unseed cila$1400 u hundred procfeil. .0pr u~rd $2450AS ou per lune. Savertm, re fo advets- Otsato. urate. a catlogue on OMrunetontaining th popr rodig fchis, an proit. d'sse- -hnk X , Oaario Legorn, lrgne brs and clualk whie eggs. Poiplau2.00 per 100 Ied $1000 per 1coco$1er0tuooA forer. rssard's Habtiche, Al Mroad Besd Sussecox Brin top prnc().N E arket. Wie skinne, long rounded brs, E--eat. Also NeW Hamp.cox nwlth fast growh n1 ether Lik and Suase and akegoddmasterGs and row th 00e for $4,00 pr 10. Aso p x WIEd Eevy co $6.0CF par 10Al froan oer well-bRcd, health suod tested breers.5000 reed $rs .on ONEplant. Laee 2RDE MR 5.C UIE EG anddbandd b . .S Wl . Glazier, Cltor nCOn .Ore SaIs $19 95 a 100Whit Roc PuLlets $24.95prc100. Al chie Roks 1; H oid ybg g eire Soc, $.0tuooRks yurMM;er Balaowncer0.0.11. Gur 2,ted 100 lie elvry. Ment Habe er. egitard 25 drelgreed ?ords.c Mhiea miecd fales: Bar- G.edard Cs, $1t arbnrd White Leghmorns.$100M ht Rocksk$1,0;lBrowru lrgen $18.00. 'rpulicef picst I Barred J',Rcs, 19.0 ; W\hite 1Leghons,ý $22.0; WhtocRoks,1 $24,00; chi-1cs, or~oice, will be given Hanad anfre ciea foreneach 100 dayu ld pulies ordered Tested flokst, Thed Rocks, l arge W iJT E F0D 1ýM NIV 1945 PR>IICE liat on Barre,-d Roc, edriockl, Leghorn nd moiL egrock chk. Lhrldis'otlnt oneryodes C. S.DaanMuietO. R.O.P. SIRE»LERMNCICS Match -off ever'y Wdcdy i ter's oulryFart, Aiton, R R R. 2 IRRN.ONT. frSepte imer and ctoerpro- ducion xpor t contracta ssu ýnra- îhe an"pi"" wil, th'efal of. 19415 as in14i Top Notchi Chieke-ries thlis yearanul 11 et eroff to thaý hast sart hasure ou atarI off wihTop NthciekThey are a)i l font Goverotient Approvéti blotseibreedeIrs. Thley lhavea reuainfor lvailtyan po fr our b1)ig cta;logý ,que, tha]ýit i :1tart you on1 the rosul f0tbigger prfits, Top Notc Cicerea BRITAIN IS O0VR, BIGGEJST CeUS1- tomer vfor ag1s next fi.That masos chitk l o IW, to produ'e tilent. S'omeimedtespen ar'~ BR., . T ., Ni..zW. mo1re stay aiv.That's roe f- mite dvanage f gatting atart- alwilth TwedieChk.Rvy proved lodtstd reeders. '1'b-y ilaan ayfr you ba)cautýe they 1'e husky', 1iively chicks wit ul ieaa of nsupiyig be1Iter chickhs. S-]difor- 1945 c ýatalogue- y-our cik for neat Isinilg \whncý you iwint the ni. 1 '1arrd PB)ckl Sie 12-00 par' 100. white leg- hornamixel 81100 ur 100. lar- whiit e lgorn p)Tuets 221.00 ar 10,.HTeavy B 1reaul'Ms. '$6,00pa 100i, Lahom Cks. 52- .00 er 100 egga o l)r bette andl (Ifrontilsp,-cia ated flchak . Gua',ranteaul', dIr, I liveda,1ý l Ir. siCI hbo okhagv0our1 ordr. , blancll e C 0.»D. Ra1îinb1ow DYING AND1)CL EA NIcO HAVE YOUMI ANYlTINLINERDSîý F (byin reenfr it f0us for informalitioni. ,We "are glaul to snw nlllvi ur quesions. part ment Hl 1. .Parker 's Dye Wo,>V0rks J'Lm i teul, 7 9l Voni ga ýS treet'IlTo- L E A R>1N HALRD)RESSING TUE Ro'bertson ntethod. Inform nation1 on requ sat regaýrding laisses. Roet son'lý,s FHairdrj1eslaing Acad-i amy,13- AueRn, To)ronto. !WELGIAN ý STA LION RISING 10on Elilr., pr iced 10w%. \Wouid change-, for a RcnyMare. Allen Reesor, ELCRCMOTOR-S, NW tSE»), bought, seld, racbuhit; beits, puS- laya, bruahles. Allenl Electrie Cont- panyLtd, 226 ufferin S.,To- modal I16», 16'"xz 32" jaw<-;-in goodj condition; esnbl.WieProu- deial 1F jinanceCorp.'td. iR ooIl 101VWatt Bldg,, London, Ont. sailpuppias, red and black. Choice cham i gistLeedstock. COLLIE PUPIEýS, HEESAND 'vat(cles, Mai11es ýSavenIlDolar;, Fatali ý 1e s ThreeÙ,Dollars.Wre T er,- rie-r Puiais, rg.stock$2,0 Sh1ipped on rcaptof Monley Or- dern, Wi. (Griove, R. 1 o tlne y AT STU»1 : SPRING 1 ERf',SPAM,, ýT E 1 iniported Rn-glanid, Bage oul, Fied Tia1iner egis tac-red - TrentL\-,laliey7 R)ennai 1S. R. 3, 1aer_ homo, Onltario. lIRRE FORD1 ULSREGISTER1- (, cotInllg twv 'goo-d 1typile, 1 w setplmice i.Apyi E ONTARIO GRON 2PUMI1TY 1 10/cl.Pinlkertonl. LBaga free. Sol'l inl noe 20l.baiga S(ceu Merchant. P'inker2ton, try bI)1unss 1together ith build- inig, asotwo double buegn Icollre oerygondeconditon, closeý downl townI, reason for seil1- i tg, -gd ed etrig Pi rs soal.A.Shier 2Faviw ALLOWAY LOOGE OFFERS C00]ANGUWS 1BULLS Df service- abie ega. Brad Helifers for Herdl D. E. MfcEwen, R.R. 4, London,, Ontario STRAWBRRM>1Y PLANTS, AS PA 1- aguls, rasphberni esý, peacIl trees. apples u , pea rs, pinuni s, c heàrrie0-, gr)pas. cojlrnants. arub, ïdgn FPF CO SL D K NEW OULTY PIRIN-MA-E 1ics tbikes tkycmlti $ 10 Biur irdFail'ex t1e FREE SCHOOi ml l ýL1DESK sizI(le 0,l'ik ew.fou a eiv ndtis advrtiament.Writ Bo 3,Lnsisrg, Ont.L wNshNge b. i' ck s)\ervice Vir CardigMacie $14,05, pinni citnWoifi Pofucts. Box 123,i Sîfteon Mantba IIEISTRED CETIED ACOND Ci ommercilGrinan Gass Seed. Pice iao t now ready. rit(e. phpe rie for copy NeTfed so.On. JModelMeiboure FreaR.R. , ONElO., MOIaTR CLOVER AND,-, Pinkerton. Ont, Ont EL BYIIMsR0lDSRD OR 85 TO 120o DAYMAURTIs, VAR-i Oats.Writefor rice ]jJLý IatTe Court.OOnt tings, Steel-M Sabe NPt, Bo>ier Tubes, Rails lates,:Strucuaiv p;Se1el Pule, Shaft. IigMagsi B e ittri -g, Mac ieryI 1ý , 1Boliers]ý, Tanký1setc. Wean f-sve you 255 'aimr Av., RtchterOnt or withoutstock afund. fart l ui-e Cu'nty-S1ifIl (omT. Ioowr, chool Cfhur Chelriciy. rnnning waer Rawkasbry, Ont of c,Algomat158 au cf5 ne lnsture s laod oo. Buoldings l gý odrer. xclen r-l bousre d.hpa. Ge ornMcoay PAummer, Ot.Vjý ooa 1 aces gap, 10cre fruit trees, peache, ap, plma peaa. ond r1 1eason or , ol3n5 B. Veony, ox r. Win1, a, 0 nt SILO BI'rLDING ceQUIPENTdD finstale sti J e foma, ill Fil f rboft ,p 4 t lo Concrete PAUEEA rMEDICAL D , ofr0--Ufen re hs cae of ll-hathý 1'lhumans, a(Dtil, ages. lNo oem- rl ou tou le? l te esîn np'r Remed!es, 1pC-lst. oron1-t 8 Mýun7-o's Prg Sore 31 EIgin Ottl:) Aa. P;st0aD T$1,00. Ul" mlier troule, deressed headache, P1u10cklyreleved wSItb 1Z a tlaalets.R e4xa ihg- Laxi25e at Drùggits storofeniv do stnty 45Pbtte Otaa gnt ieoa 7rug Store, tawa.0tLwa Runuedyl ,It gvs od eulg Munro's Drg Ste, 315 Elgjýýin ne5z7"anagmn.5. e Mar1:ieOt TIME TESTED QUAL1JTY SER VICE and SATISFACTION il ur 1 1ims p eu1ery decvelope1 a anod s oR-,8 EPIS R LLS 25c You 1Tay ýno), t elailthe films yos n l Ithis year, Ibut you cao el ,aIl ihequa llyadsrieyudesira2 bjy sending yu flsto I.Mg'ERAL PHOTO 4uiAitlCE Stto .Tomate,ý "YOUR MWORK IS Wý7ONIDERFUL" CUSTOMER SAYS and11thl,,prompt aneru whchyo rtur wrki gea .An' Sze oil- ci or i, xpS e iurfilm 1roSis to1 FINEST S-TUDIOC- SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER aizss16 l-17if 29e (4e etra) liet %with ilmroiS FRAMING AND COLORi\,NG- esi m Iounlts, ' ifo 2e. ratd ont %e' ivoy inted ms, 7 x9"ri STAR SNAPSH-OT SERVICE Box 129'L'ý, Posta lTemnlA ont Printý Nant eand Ad d re ssP-LaiînjY (ou ed f not, write us. Factlory Mson &Rsc,42RnSt West, Torono PATENTYS Boouie ofInforma3ýtion onie - POSITION -UANTED hodn etera eriicteiip- Raymond Jaclod, Bur, Qe 13AKER'SSEDS ýT smoenlgf e oensea it othy and Cosaaklfla.Wrt ity ai valSen fr Cataia.gue Ci"Wensali veryting tât gows r39 aogeSreto, T01n. SaËlLF A, eALSiEn, M» LOER Swaet Clod over, OxdsedTnt.- reafoWifr ' pnces Pnlgee Growrs -Oe ll .rive t imtfor Box 11-00rmtoOt MA lO"BYWATEhO genera fart ork, god fasi Stae ae. xrietne, waga Api- wr ie for msgzlo ý and-M.s papes, Fi noraio o s taItp d adrsa1',vlo FACTAL FATUE1 3 La Avenqe.nomooto38 gool).,ediunT iom, hydro avai prvn ro,uner yea, reg tion pka...Bx 13, ï Adeli W. T rnto , t fon tlvd AL RNS FPOUL'NTR WAT Maon13ra.orno