fromi sd'ay evening. orry to report that Sidney Reîd. .A R, Overseas, brother of Les. W. A. Reid bas been killed in ac- syinpathy is extended to Cisited Canadian ship yards foi r an additional Lildayý. 17tasotfris.Ti rnst arrow 71 the number ýofthselarge naval1 a gn sips odeved frornCndanyrs r.Doucett said a umero conycounl-cils were '1tk;Ing a uc brgte iew of 1945- with rsett roadexpeditres hante Ontar lo whei(ther yout will etgood olla haelaid onu our pstarplans iand suves hv been madýe. The tirnei wil one vhen thie Govenranent wili enakupon subsîtanýtial catpitale- lmy iad his first une now for thie pec y know iat nntya .weII-bal- fly-fortiified feed will Suit the tb hik.Baby chic sa b)s0 S Ot ha ats good, that look, Wht centAns a very low fibre, Thts why SHUR-GAIN ter i,ýsoseValuable a feed for tates good ecause ofits absolute frenems and its variety oýf ingredients. lit ooks gojod to --ne hfis fine Molur and attractive texture. It's rnost digestible becauseoftecieofh ncôroraedthat eau be properly digested and turned into sturdy growth by healthy chick. -order yýour stippy to-day You shOud have a bag or two on hand for te earlyfirst arriais. -a good, growthy start now means earlier productionbrm your pullets in the Fail, when egg iighest, and profits corne easier .' SHIUR,-GAIN CIIICK -STARTER PRICE $3.10 PER BAG, GéýORDON W. LOCKWOOD OROteNO - - Ontarlo i z/Mi,' w victifliS o lu c0laboraton v~cth th l'ae Cros, 'ie areappali~~ or ~~atosefl aged nede upliste the dSitt si U boeladsî hlptat saves bo'ieS itd eu -hoopere the - e ayrn y oal' Xpre a pracical 8YxftPat~ (rtoe~ r Ifr ineet Il natW cuo igoeteipeai. FIINO T, OTTAWA «ýý lui 1 , 1 1 STARK VILE (Too late for last week) Lvfr. Johni Stone spent Sunday at Mfr. Franik Stone's, ,Mr. 'and Mrs. Percy Farrow ,visited at George .Smith, S. Mr-s. eogeSmith spent a day in Osha'wa last 'week. Miss Dech r ad Ms B. Scott 7isited at 1flr. G.,'larke's. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ross H1alloweIl and jack were in Oshawa last week.- 311r. Lawrence Savery, 'shamwa , visited his father, Mlr. Wm. Saveryý. .Mrs. Harold S'ouCh,' Donna and Alden visýited( at Mr. J. Wannai'eý, Kirby. 'Mr. Lorne, Paeden and AllIen visit- ed bis m-iother, 'Als. 1. Paeden, New- tonville.' Miss Beufl-ih 'llowell(2, Toronto, sýpeInttbe we-eda t Mrs. S.G. CýMr, and MrsRussell 1sa very and Betty, 1fr. Wmn. Savery, visited at'C Yufle's, Oshawra. î Mr. uand Mrs. Alf. Dobson and Mary Loti spent Suniday at -Mr. Ed. Ruhe",Zioni. Sorry te report that, Mrsý. I. Stark isn't well. Shie is sedn a few wesat lher sn',Mr-. Jim S'tark, Netoville. Mr. and rs. Iugh Stapleton and son, Osasaspent th1 wek-ndat W. A. TI{alowell'a. Kenniieth r emained for ai few days. Mra. Llew. Hallowe(,ll anu Maurice, Mr. rthr Faîs nd Ry, owmian- ville, spent Suniday with' 1thehir par- es.,Mi.and l Mrs. boa. Falls. any 'tededthle party ini the shool luait "hurs( ay n iight. Mrs. Roa ll'oelmnd P r-cy Fairowv wnthie pnaizea for hi1-h score in Mrý. Leslie Alu1n spent a d-Vay wî0 Mr.Ed.sarnWs -Mrs. Reuben Playn-e is, visitinigwt lier farily lu Toronto, -Mr otbert 1Ma rt in. LkeShore, Uiitd tMr. Georýge St-apleton',s. Mrs. IrryMcGe, loroto, spenlt1 a da with her sister, Mrs. iRayrnond Bruce. pte.Lennoox Vasy, Bampton,wa alek-n guest of -Miýs eýty Sa pleton. Mrs Win. Sinith has returred after spending iifle winiter la Toronto' with ber 'ister, -Mrs. Jas. Payne. ~M". ad Mrs George Stapleton visited Mr and Mrs. WV. 'W. fender- son, Bowmlan4ville, on .Monday. Mr. and 1Mrs. Nrriiiii iMeICulloug<,h, Port Hope, wýere Sunday guests of Arb anlVlýrS. George McCullou1gh. M1r.and Mrs. Fr-anký Ovens, Mar- garet anud Barara and iMrs. George Ovens speat the week-end with Tor- ontA friends. Mr'. Wml. Dixý and M1r. aad Mrs. Geor-ge ,Kiernanm, Trno ii th1eir parenlts, Mpr. and Mrs.Chs Di (,vr teN ke < ý. M. C. Dix1 continues ia poor. health., Y. P. U.. Mîeeting Tbere being no rglrservice in Newtonville Uimted Chumrch, the(- Y.P. U. put on a unlique but, profitable m)eeting, as a 'Citizens,ý Forurn. Lew Stonet, the pr-eSîlenjt, xvas in the ehair. After- a aing song of old hiyrns withi Mrs. Gilmiei r a h inCarlos ritinez Gordon ard the presýident r ead passages of scripture aniswering the question, "wbat obligation bas a Christian to those about irni." 'Bud jonies ledi in lraerlTe youCiful quartette, Fae ,Tones, Joyce Williais, Fugenje Norland andl Phîlrip Gilmer, t-rienderd a fine, selection. 4-Mrs. Bur- ley then took charge of the forumi period. "ACbrstîn'sresonsibiility in commumnity life". The discussion iras dividd inostree sections. There first was "th!,e etenitto whichi there is a lc of res ponls ibility." This wasdiscusýsed by Rugene Nor- land as Service Stý,ationi Attendant; JTean Sta-cey a:ScilWoke;Pbfý,lp Gîmras a Farm'jer; Artbur ,Nor- land as bank clerk; Edna Denault as ~ soreeepr;Jim GilmoerasLbu Unin Oganize-- r; Fe Jones as pub- opertorandMrsý. Arnold Wade re- presntig 'ornnunty Lealders. Blaick rakt betesn verbuýy- ing and hoardingr of scare goods. lak of co-peraton clween capital andi lý,abo)nu r, thioughtless telephiole users, talking and criticizing public servants inatead of encouragung and using sorne of the 'ballot were som)e of the %idings. Th second section o"f the dsusinws "Why cern- ritiy raosiiywasdecen, Thiree unei ing easonis were given 1y I-Mrs. F. MoMullen, JToyce Wil- 1îvam1 and Mrsn. EBuriey. Individuals spoiled in the trainig who claii the ighLts of tihe speialn privileg-es; thlose who nfiniid -a g ood excuse beindi( "ýever-yblody is doing i,": and those whose attitude is "LT George doàit. ('it-izens aiv'e tinktngi,-, of therniselves ratber thanti hose abouut thiem. The third section: "Wbait can we as citi-I zens do atbout it." The followinz sungges tions wvere discusse-d by Frank MoMuïtllen, Edrua Denault and Mrs. Buriley. We muist strive to posýýss thbe sarne sense of lyly duty andi hel1pfulnes's in cornmunity as in hiome life; to help new Canadians insteid of laughing ait or takliiig Advatag 1o tchern; te gi,-ve to political grous our Christian viewpoinf, promctn e operation among farmes, cnues and workers, to .courageously criticize evil of the tirns, to prorote broth- erhoodl y 'tndn hehiind and heip- ing churcli and various organizations whichi teach arnd train forý the 'bett(-r wvay of life. Lastly the Christiar mua1ýt deepen1 his ownl Chrisztialn exper. îenice. 1The imeeting c (losed by th(' singing cof Rudyard Kýipiingr's Reces- sionall, anid the war-tirne Vesper.J Agent for Jackrnan FIowers Prescript-qin Specia' C'Ohar«les Trrel L hoe 6 ORONal Easter Cards, each -...... .5)c S and 10e Easter Baskets and Toys .. .......l10c to $2,00 Children's Broadcloth Rompers, sizes 1. and 2, *each........... ............. ..... ý,,..45c Mercerized Mendingý Cottoni, assorted shades, . 5c Transfer Patter-ns, initiais, pillow cases, towels, etc., pkg ....... -..............1c Tamnpax, regular or super, box....... 25c and 39c Rubber Crib Sheets, each..........69e Padded Chair Seats, blue only, each.......... 25c Oversize Aprons, new patterns, eaeh........39c Children's Print Dresses, pinafore styeszes 8 to 6, each..............79c. Boys' WooI Golf Hose, turned dowý-n cuifs, sizes 8 to 10, pair ....................69c One pound Covered BIutter, Dishes, eaçh ...... 18e Boys' Pullover Sweaters, assorted stripes, sizes 24 to 32, each ... ý......_........... 49e Men's H-eavy Police Suspenders, pair.......49e Stedm-an's Quick' Drinig Enamnel, adds newý life to olci things; colôrs lettuce green, Princess blue, Chinese red, walnut, creamn and ivory, 1-2 pint for....27e Quart f or....79e GÎROCERY FEATURES Diced Carrots, choice quality, 2D0 oz tins, 2 for 25,r Muffets, toasted wmhole w-heat biscuits, 2 pkgs.. 19C Swansdowýn Cake Flour, larLge 2 3-4 lib pkg. 3) 32ec Round Type Rice, 2 lbs. for......... ... ....2_5f Cut Mixe-d Peel, 1-2 lb pkg.. ......... . Apple an-d Plum Jami, i lb, 1 coupon......15e New T'-exas Cabbage, solid hleads, lb......7e Natural Grapefr-uit Juice, 20 oz tinis, 2 for ...35C Majestic Anti septic Uand CleanTer, tin ,.-.k. 10e lVaxwvell House Coffee, goôd t('o the last dIrop, Week-end Special, lb.............42e DaIy's Orange Pekoe Tea, 1-2 pounid for....40e 1 pouind for ................... c Theepartr of your room spac is WAL pace. There is no more e-conomnical wýay for yoju to beautify your home than toerihit wththe application rof1 New Beautiful Designs of Moe Wlppestat are now in our stock. 1-ere are mnore than 100A de- sig-ns of SunwTort1hy and Sun-Tested Papers th1at are sure to please yTouL. We inviteJ- youý to inýspectou Isamples. BO.H.Painlts and Enamels For a Better Fin5,ish that w;11l endure-use Bran- drain Henderson MPaints and Enainels, Paints......... ..... ... ..... per quart $1L45 En amels........ ....... .... per quart $1,95 Haif Pints, Pints, Haif Gallons, Gallonls Priced Accordingly It