1Cr.op 1In vement Assoc-iaitioni sponsored anl tvaet tst on an a3cre basis ough the co-op)er'ation of -Mr. Ho- I McMuienJanetvilie, R.R, 2. Thle 1ids and i ýcominen-ts by Mr. MMi ifollow7Ajax,' 50 lbushels perl eMae,i4 bu shels per acre; Er- o, 35 bushlels per acre; Vang'uIard, butshels per acre; and ýCartier, 21 Lshels pver acre. Ail varieties were in onîiy 3rd and harvested in diays. They were on calelam ere wheat 'iras harvested the pre- V PASTRY FLOUR The Millers of Rqbinhood Flour have recently started m aki 1 00% Hi,--h uality Pastry Flour in their niew miii at Hlumberstone, Ont. No doubt you have heard of it and cif its nain,- TIME PASTRY" Nýo finer Pastry Flaur can be hadl. Once You use it, you will see the difference between Tea Time Pastry and other Ilours you have used. ON SAJLE AT THE i Flour -Mili and J. J. Cornish's Store PRICE, 95c. PER 24 LB. BAG )rdon W. Lockwood tONO - - Ontario, PARENTS: Through the mail, shortl'y after Mardi 22nd, ail families wiii receive a Famnily Allowances RZegistration Form. Filin this formi as soon as it is received and mail it back in the envelope in which it cam~e. Piease do this promptly -;t is in the interests of your chidren. T he for-m you wMl receive is very simple. There are onlýiy seven questions and oniy a few minutes need be required to complete the formi, but, bc sure to anrswer every question. Faiiy Aiiowances are beiiig provided to assist parents in the raising of their chidren. This monthiy aiio-wance is to be used for heath protec- tion., for doctors; dentists and nurses; to provide better food, adequate clo-thing, and sheiter, and to heip equalize oppor- (~ tunities for ail chuidren. vious year wiithý about 175 lbs. of 2-12-4 fertilizer. Thie seed sowed aboutL "7 of 'aniacre iin eacb pot. Aju'x yielded the ost ontswith 5') bu[shels t pracre, sihoved good growvth al sýeasonl, stoodi the rust fairly 'iveIlan did net lodge so bjadly; were easily hlarvested withl a -ood crop of straw. Iii appearance thîs cr-op look1ed second best, ýMabel lookedl to be the beat crop ail season, stood the rust, and lodged very littie and hadi the best straw i the group. Erban stood the rust best of ail, and hooked g-ood ail season,' a good cr-op of dean straw. Vanguard 'showied a slower growth and lodged badIly with a poor sample of straw, on accounit of rust. Car- tier show>ýed geood growth tcill rust camle, then they seemied to shrink to niothling; a poor crop of badly col- loured sra.This ep icould have, been barvesýted in) 85 (],ys but nlone was lest by waiting flor the other varieties--. Note by E. A. Summiiers : Van- guard usually gives a elean, white stravw as àt is stemi rust resistant. 'Mabel is often faulted for beiiig iweak strawv;ed. Of cour-se it is unfair: to form an opinion on aniy variety on onle year's -test. For several years the Field Hlus- bandry Dept., O.A.C., Guelph, has placed, rod row experimeats wvi th severa varieties of onts and barley, iiin-many couinties tbroughout Ontarjo. jThe average reSuits for th e past thiree years are: Yield of Oats Average of ail tests for 3 y ears Ajax.,...... _.................. 56.73 bus. Mabel -.. .... .......... ,..46,49 Vanguard _..... .............. 46.'29 Erban.......... 416.2;8 Cartier........_........... 46.21 INCOME TAX: No onie wiI benefit fromtr both Famiiy Allowances and a fuRi ncome tax deduction for their chidren. Parents have the choice. of appiying for their Family Allowances or not dlaim- ing the aiowance and ciaiming the fuit deduction for their chidren under Income Tax. If they ciaim thie FamilyAilowance, the amnount of deduction from tax allowed for chiidren under the Inicome War Tax Act will be reduced by the amouint of any Famaiiy Ailow- ance received. Anyone who is uncertain whether or not lie or she wili benefit from Famiiy Ailowances more than from Tax Deduction should register for the Famiiy Aiiowance and in this way be oni the safe side. Incomes mnay change during the course of a vear. ÎF YOU ARE HELPINO YOUR CHILDREN WHEN YOU REOISTER FOR Aveýrage ofai tests for- 3 years GaloreP............89 .... .. ...... 1.11 bus. yn. . .......... ...... ....05 ..3- .............. ......... ...36. 0.- Nolbarb Il ....... ..,........834.64 M1ontcalm ....,....... 34.41 M. C. 7524 .................98 O.A.C. No.ý 21 ...............32.03 Flash ...... ...... .................~.... 31.64 Ottawa 1559A . . ........... 30S87 Commnents by Dr. Gi. P. M,,cRostie, Director of Field Husbandry Dept. were : Oats: "Ajax has showni up s0 aveil that it should be g-iven a trial at least in a smnall way by any farmn- er who is thinkinl- of echanigýiing is variety. Between miost of the other varlieties, with the exeeption of Ban- nier, there is no significanit difference in yield and the chOi!e Should rest witb the vàriety that bais been found hest for local conditions, althougbh it is good policy 'to consider varieties knlowri to have resistance to disease. Barley : SCalore gavte the higbest average yield in eaebh of tbe three y-ears. Byng -%ras second in yield on a tbree yea,,r average, but liad the weakest straw of ah. vaieties in the test. Nobarb) Il was alr-nost equal to Byng in yield1, and bad mi-uch stron- er straw than any otber variety." (These three- are ail smootb strawied vairieties). Last year owiing to the scarcity of seed grain in the ten counties cov- ered by the Quinte Seed Growers' Asociation, neo Seed Fair was, held. Hfowever, a wortbwhile s.,ubstitute project 'was bringinig in a carload of Registered Ajax oats fromr the West, Ia ap- s3o at- ýs als it For an early of Our growers as some very grewn during Hûowever, mosi oilhen May be tier unAess sorn iety called .Bea and Vanguard tiOn in] the ne: Tt is ex-peete ber of exhibit, gistered classe Fair, Orono, 0 This along wit seed will bha 50 Marcb 16tb.1 Plan to attend In an affnr+. iled out, many tial to Cartier ps bave heen t five y'ears. inting results dfrom GaCr- A new vr ss with Erban Eeserve atteni- MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSIC4Nand ISURGEON PHONE 47rI ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister anciýAoictor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phiones:. Office 825 tarlo1 Bowni ~WARD NOTARY Phonle,: Residence 400 ANVILLE, ONT. R. W. W. 5111 VMEERINARZY SUPk( Office wedil Mlain St. ormne Phone 63 r 7, Orono end the An- aiusAn- J. C. GAMEY b-]_0_).jEINS UTRANCE ~NT jFire, CasuaIty,Atoo. ral boity ile and Liïability iops ani oroilo. Palrc Senator un U. J.Ham FOR RENT One acre of gardien land on Centre S.treet, Orono. ,Apply to John Gic- son, plione 2 r '18, Orono. 'a-9-p. FOR SALE, Ten-roomed framne bouse in good cýondition, %vith garage, henhouse, good well and' gardien. E. Rainey,1 phone 35 r- 2, Orono.c--p WANTED Live Poultry andi Feathers. - odi prices paid., M. Flatt, Bethany L R. No. 1; Telephone 7 r 13, Bethany. We bave no agents. 3-p. H-ARRIS ELECTRIC Estimates given on1 ail types of electrical inistallations. Eepairs tQ ail kinds of hiousehold appliances For information write to W. 'Harris, Newcastle, Oiit.c-Op TAKE NOTICE 1 want nio more ruhbish duimped on my pmoperty, such as t'in cans andl ashes, 'otherwise action wil he taen Dun-iip your rub'bish in your own backyard for a change and see hbow you like it. ýSigned iGeorge Butters, Oronio. a9p VACUUJMS FOR SALE ýTACUUMS REPA&IRED "GO!OD VACUUMiS FOR GO0OD Housekeepiag". Also guaranteed expert repairs, lubricaition, etc. C.U.C. Sales & Service Branch at. MeGRFG, R AR]WARE Co., Bow- manville; Telephonie 774. F. F. Morris & Son Funeiral Directors Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmianvifi, - Orone Phones: Bewmanville, Day 480 Night, 734 aad 573 orono, 27-1 The OIdest, L&gest ami Most Complete Furnîture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durham Our Servire-THE BEST Our GoiTENEWEST Our Prices--THE LOVEIST - Ontar~cs ~ TED JACKSON Auictioneer and Valuator Conduets Auction Sales « fal z and at reastonaibl rates. Commauiceate with himt at Pow4ý, PFerry, Oatiarîio, or s" bâis Cer>, E. Moaton, at Orono, for dat4e. JAC'KEID Lîcensed Auctioneer and Valuiator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit mne for ternis and datUes IPhone 1620 - Clarke EE. PATTERSON Insurance Agency PIRE ,AUTO1MOBILE, CASUALTY AND LIABILITY Phone 44-14, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. O. REPRESENTING soeof the Largest, Strongest and Alost Reliable linsurance Firms in Canada Farni Property a Speciaity I amn prepared to quote you rates fromn 40c. a hundred, according to classification t5; Building Phone, write, or better stiIl. cati. 1 wili be pleased to quoto you rates on your property whjch will surprise yo4. A wveek fromn Friday will be a h1,.. day, Good1 Friday. Womi-en ý workýers in 0he Gene rai Post Office -hroughout Britain -'v nuamber 1-40,900 and formi nearly ;if ly more butter than yo need. It takes nine quart rs o make a pouimd of butter. the weill nnay run dry. easuIy seei, for the ex be cool. aaý REGISTRATION FOR Statson -MARCH 1-22nd, J1945 *vel hil 0der ~ Cheb.~gatee rather 1 - 1 - 1