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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Mar 1945, p. 5

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pruienit. 'Mr, Orme Gamsby attzendedl the "Ice Follies" atOhw whIch was a1 epectacular event. The outstanding artist was no leas a persnage than the winner of the Norh Amican' Chamionhipat New York, recently; dis te poeso sk-ating artist oý,f the Oshawa Skýating Chlu, Special mwention ight rk rmade of litile FD. 'te ly, 0 ears of age, Wno une d1 bht c; of A.Stecley ofth Thefollo-wing ,ýitem ippeared iin an Americain paper ree :ly Captaini Franik J.Morsn of tJhe U.S.Mai time service, son) o)f Mrs. Amrelia Morrison aind the laie Jamnes T. Mor- rison, airrived ,with his 'wife by plane on Janluary 26th for a twVo-daýy visit withi his mnother whio is now living at 527 24J hSt., San Diego, M his brothier Alvin and family Oý1046 Pacific Beach Dr-ive, Pacifie Beach. Captain M'~orrson has been in con- mnanid of an oil taniker in the Soubhi Pacific for severall moniths. Hle re- sýided in Ocea)sidfe durinig is oy bood and attendfed the sehool lhere from 1908 to 1913. Mris. A-ýmelia Morsnreferred to was the ,formner' _Minnie Hall1, of Oronio, a sister Of Joe and Franjy H1ll, Sw"tyle Shop Orono» lndav. March 2Bth PERMANENTS $3,95 to $15,00 PERSONALLY DONE BY SOUTER you make your E aster ient NOW .EN FROM TIURSDAY, Il 22nd 19 r Il G. [ILL ULvi~l&L 29c WaX, lb tin 29c Wax, Iiquid 39e ar9 Ilc Soap, 6 cakes 25e 5 bars 18e Oxydol, Rinsor thipso, large pkg for 24c Handy Ammonia, 2 pkgs île 'Thrif t Soap Flakes, pkg 34c Super Suds, reg. size 22c Super Suds, large pkg 39e Gillette's Lye, 2 tins 23e Snap Hand Cleaner, tin 15C Brunswick Sardines, 2 tins 15C Old Sait Sardines, 2 tins 25C Pitted Dates, lb 22c Canned Spinach, tin 14c Eclipse Pastry Flour, 24 lb bag 69c Pie Peaches, no coupons, large No. 10 tin 95e Marsh's Seedless Grapefruit, N96's, 4 for 29e Large Lemons, 300's, 3 for 10e 1 dozen for 35c Oranges, 344s, 2 dozen for 49e Prime Commercial Beef Good supply of dl Mr Athr el iite1 friends t end. at'e Dr. and Mmr. J.I. Lese spent 1Ws wekedwith thelattr'sparents,, rs W. J. Ridell M.and Mrs. G. E. '\Lahood, of Bowmnvîles~pnt Sunday laSt Withi Mr. and M'rs. jas.Eglsn Butt eoupon No. 99àbame valid M"arch 15, andI coupon No. 100 will becomie ai on 'March 22nd.L Mlr. Vernon Sauinders and s'on Alan, of Toronto visited with hîs pair- entas, _Mr. and Ms.Arthntr Saunders, Mtrs. Crane reitnrnedý home on Monl- day last after- spending a Couple of xeeks wvith hert daugh'ter, M rs. Wathen, Toronto. A nuimb)er of Oroo .0.0.1?. lbret- yenwer gustaof Flor-ence Nighit- ingae LogeBowtminville, at their district get-togeth r.o ensa 'viof thîis week%, A.B. Sme Roy C. Forwrestrows ucsfl in passîing hîbs Course in wireess telegraphy ait St. Hlyan- cinthe, Quelec, andl is now honte on a week's ave of absence. Mr, Robert Moffat has very gener- usiy donated a caîf to the Red Cross. This caîf wîll be sold( by progressive anction at Mr. rofa t's sale on Thnrsday, March 29th, at 3 o'cock. Anyone, finding a bank book wvill they please fetu_ýrn samiie to the Orono Police Trustees. Since the auditors complete duohirhydro audit the booki hias wandeved away. The~ Boy Scouts miay dliscover ýanme on Saturday in Chuir sauvage drive. our, and û1ms. C. H. Froste receveil a telegrunm from itheir sont recently the first since b-efore Christmias. Wil- fred has been plying between Enig- land and scomie other counitry. Pre- viouisly hie tnsed( to ply between Can- ada andl the British Iies. Or-ono I .0OOF. 1lodg 'ýe thîsweýek shipped another lot of cigaretýtes nil] gmto fot "he f our' boys nlow servîn oversas. Tese igarettLcs and gumu are greatly appreciated lby heboys by iH;l accounts of letteirs veceivei by thbe odge inckoi eg Ment of previons: shîpmrents. Two of the extürapreve coupons biecami-e valid on March 15, to provide for early preserving; eight more will be valid on May 17, and the other ten wihffl be good for tle purchase of Canning sugar on and after July 19. These co)upons muay be used tu buy preservers instea odf Canning sugar if the cnmrwlshes. Mrs. O'Boyle received word on Wednesdqy nmorning last that her, miother, Isabel Joharston, widow\ of the late Anidtrew , S. Johstoii, had passed away in the Toronto Western Ilouspital. The funeral will tk place from McDejongalI & Brown Fumerai Chiapel on Saturday after- noon, Maroh 241th; intermient in in ie- hié Cemeter. Messrs. C. T. Miller, J. J. Cornish and E. R. WMooyard were in Oshawat on Wednesday evening last and ut- tended a banquet in the Gentosha hotel. in connection wýith the Ontario Chambilers of Comminerce of Eastern Oiitaio. IRusseil T. Kelly, of Hamiil- ton, was the guest speaker. The meeting was hel(] in connection with post wvar work. Thirty mnen attended the Mlen's Disussion Gronp at Park St. Church last Sunday afternoon. "Polities" was the sublject hiolding the class's attention, -anJ n iteresting session was held under M.J. J. Mellor's lea- dership). An open session wilak place next Sunday afternoon woen the frieads and familles of thc-epme are ivotd to be present. Dr. George W. cGll of 3,", SWel- land Avenue, Toronto, son of the late Peter J. aid Catherine McGill, passedl away on Moniday, Mrh19, 1945. Ennemid service will be held to-daiy), Thursdauy at St. John's PrsbtninChuLrch, Entomlbm-lent vihli e rmade-at Forest Lawni Maniso- leumn. The late Dri. MGiwas a cousin of ALr. R, R'. Waddell, Orono'. Donald ( Myles, ýo-n of Mr. and Ams. Calvin Mles figureil in a car accident on WVednesday evening Iast just a lie orth of the subway north of Newcastl. DonmM d was injured around the- m-iouth a ýnd his Car is badly welZe.No partiuflars are to hand as to how serons Donald was injured or houw the accident hap,- pened. WV. J. Riddeli received a letter f'romi- William Colvilwo is lit No. 19' Canadian GeerlHospitiI in EBi'nd jl was wourided lint'aly when lhe %wasitlby macine gunbul- lets in dhe right, ari. ie writes that: he is able to shave hdmiseif and write letters, bu,,t ,that: the arm--11stili pains when he stechsit ont at full length. He is attachIed to, the The mebe)iprs of the Orono ilydro Commriissioýn are to be comm-iended ini having nineteen new lights istalled on difFerent streets throughont the viage, Seven iights were placed on the -west sie of main street, auddthe other twelP-ve bigplaced on otber streets that were baýdly in ïneed of miore lioght. Manv iiyof our residlents STYLE SHOP WILL R-OE March 26 Special Easter Rates On, Thu p.~uü ~ ved IROYA i BO) With Wî. Bendex and ' Gl.adys George Comiedy runs riot. Romance runs rampant. Sat. Only MARCH 24 '"TMMER STAMPEDE" Starring GEORGE O'BRJAN In a story of plundfer and he- trayal in the old West ADDED "THlE F-ALCON STRIKES BACK" Staring TOM C'ONWA,ýY with Harriet Hijliard and Cliff. Edwards the Falcon stalks a silent killer Murder muenaces every mêve as w-,ho leaNes no elue. Mon.-Tues.-Wed. MARCH 26-27-28 MICKEY ROONEY, in "ANDY IIARDY'S BLONDE TROUBLE"5 with Lewis Stone, Fay Holden, Bonita Granville and Herberti Marshall Climib aboard and let's ail go to college with Andy. ~J ~PARK S'T. UNITED CHURC Reverend SUNDAY, MAIRCIL 25th 11.00 am-orsh,.ip. Sermnon :"Rlis 1Passion".« Followed by Holy Comnrioniii '7,30 pm-flsrtdLectur'e. "Burry oen the Lbao" "Thiis (do e, i, ineembrance6 il rîSt. Luke. Orono Tinshop HEw"LP W ANTEIJ"d Young man to learn trade and heIp with the businese lïumeIland, lastinigs, Ota0o 74 ;1 S Ian and Peterb-1oro, took part Lin] ings Co -" Puine Seed JiggCompeti peewrbo Vr.A. iH. MriAssistan--it Son, tor of the Agricultural Repre>- Priz( tive Eranch, was in charge cf ompetition and#the compWlng ofW eordis. Eaqch couinty wa.s en-We to enter ten boys with the threeCut' scor'ing 'boys comis-1Iný1g each Oats, Cou nty. M Badle e Ward(eii's Trophy for the high ony 1was won by DrhmCou1nty Redl the fifteenth consecutive year). Counlty. iboy (on the winnîng team re- Alf ai I( a cash prize asý welli as two orng ils of Registered seed. The Wveed m nemlbers were : Dalton Dorre, C,ounlty eton RR , Ho uard Forder,Cony :stocki, andf Glen Allin, Newcars- A fu R, 1. E. A. Summner,, Agricul- 1Representative, who( coacheilQit )ur-ham boys la naturally pr-o"il tioInof .eir showin g. not eligjc prize. TI erty Beys orne, Dnr.h )avî(cson, i 49; 8. Mac '17; 9. Jari ýOunty, 735; )orr-ell, Dur -ane, rray V .t ak Pearson Lawrence Evans ey, 2\ac\ Sharpe, Donld Mil t IMuIllray V t.d ~Sniart Do ie. list of the ;str.ictSeed E )n wîli be openl the -wives and er-s are specially aduit group. H-undcreds can be acconi COME, one *and( all, to Su ait 2.30 sharp. ARMSTRONG' RIATS New Spring Rats arrlIv- ed in this week, Al new styles. DRESSES Are now in. Cet yours early for Easter. DRESS LENGTHS In Crepes and Sheers, plain and floral pat- terns, lovely quality. Shredded Wheat 2%pkgs 23e Magie Bakiing Powder lb thn 28C Rose Bakin,- Powder ltin 14e Habitant Pea Sou~p 2 for 23C Shelled ànImons oz 6C Li-bby's Sauier Kraut tin 115C Diced Beets or Carrots 2 tin 25e Durham Corn *Starch 2 for Ilc. Peaches 105 oz. tins $1.00 No Coupons Brunswick In tweed, ilarris Tweed and camel hair and Llamia cloth. New styles and shades. JIJMý'PERS In brown, red, green and blue. Special clear- ing at .. . . . $5.95 NEW BLOUSES In white, also colors, of sheers, poplin, broad- cloth, .. $M5 to $13-95 lb în 29e Tom-ato Juice 28 oz tin 2 for 25e Wax Turnips lb le -Moonbeam Chleese 2 lb pkgs 69e Rinso Giant size 49C pg73e SOS pli- 15e Peas 2 tin 25ec ILb pkg T ea Bisk large 34c Large Corn Flakes 2 for 23e Tumbler Free Hillcrest SweetMie Pickles larg-,e jar 29e Grapef ruit each 5c Whîte Beans 1 lb 23c Home Style Chieken Dinner tin 12e, Olive Sandwi ch Spread jar 35e Choice Pumpkin 2 tins 25e

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