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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Mar 1945, p. 6

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Canada Unlimited A Future of Great Promise Predicted for~ Canada Major J.,'M' Eaxter, president McKim Advertising Ltd., said in an- address to the Vancou-ver Board oDf Trade that -,viie il elmny critical situations after Élie wrin Euirope and elsewlîere which- wil require thealie s possible delivery of fond, bulidigng ateials auid othfer proi-ucis. How Canada Stackis Up 1Tak ïinig for granted thiat Cana- dians -s-hI bcallowed tu put their beat font foenat, that Govern- mnents wvill l001 force business iota, a sýtate ofstgain Major Baxter onilineýs thelc lowng avanLItalges for Canada lhitde postwar peiod ÉheliecoosslCdestructfin-,Cof war bas 10 be repraired: 1.Clusesi lu Eutrope. 2. Fond production basicrae ding-i1 the war 50 par cent, 3. Produ-ction can go st1l i hibr ivill have mlore binei1ss fee than. she caoila c Cep, , sp)CialÎ 5,. Adlvaniceýs made d1uiing thec 's-r u letmncsipasicsynitha- deýbhdation w-'ill give advaultages lu meeting other deman-'da. 6.Many of our industries nieed nu rioulnfr Ipeace work. 7. Sventy per cent ofh Vwa ge - aresownu a total ohr $2 billions hai bonds available when greatly de- sred cnuergoaare -craay S. Canlada bas space enougb sund rCsýurCUs cnogh u spport double onr ev quadruplethepri entPmo- pulation andlctive immpm"rati califo do nchfr uur elp mant. 9. An becieof 12 illion neuw conumeirs ;olhe lnxt gaeeaton wonuld eduica taxation loada and Suggeion Ta Business The folloing jis ais' ialsug- gestion i l boud fot lie -ca difficult task10 convince (sn2cbi) people -'bat tbeirchne for success in efforlts "C" pmoteet sud acrasetheir staetvuld e infinitely bete(r if opportun1it-y for privataeterpr-iseweepsevd thnthesy' wuld be if a p.gam weme hiiitiatedl for the gradubal re- placmeit of pruase eteise witb govem'-lueut onrbpand oprton f business. Neiber should il be difficult ',0 couviice them ibat as consumera they -sold aIl bc bettr servd hy priate en- terprisea, keenîs' comlpetinig wthi nue, anloher to en an hdh pAblc' patronage, than tdey WOUuld bce by goverument imonopolies wbos maagemntwîth Comlpe- tition t removedC, wouldtend 1tafie- comeu se fineffcihent suid ar- Canada Unlimhtad By defa-dug %ilf cintellgnly sud forcefnll o1w, Wbie yet huee fa lime, prîvate eoiter-prise wouild bca takýing :the beat meianls lu pre- oilsat later mýù.igh poe n curabe. So let your busn4mense taý ýi iltat he Caadi n p eïle are pmoided witbi aIl the informion i needed to think intdelgently. Let them see lui it I tatthe public is tcd Ithe trth i-ibebue mICf u th - abo)ut privatânterrie.Ifhait le ie doe there sboldhaasaured for- bousiness, sud for Caad ts a whoie iii fact, a future 'of great pr'o- ise, ü-- suirely indeed, "Canada -The Globe sud moi The modem(-111,Bri ti shIl spark-ýing plug has a Ilife i4.,5urn-,es longer than th1at of othertye.asNo vatoshe, Preident Roosevel i.a- cd:"ine143vîtal eeyU.S. Flyig Fortreashmbasokn off fron BRotsh hases wihes pe nsin nic ohils foungins. Filipino Scouits Do Good Tuirn For -Day Scouting lu thie Phiilip)pine.s. Wit- AmeiansaIvo batdLye naval officer, watching wýith bino- cunlars, saw semjaphore signals ou lhubeach askig that ufîrebeWith- Threêfigursusam n i to1 h aboard, they identifed themselve, as Filipino BySconusThey dir- ected gmnire a luapnese mona- tain pn8lticils41sud coas2ttal batteries. The resnlt wa, the anihilation of Llie eflemy anl the sparilig of fise houles ofoo ,00cîilians.iA good eaogh huun frttday! Corn là Greatest United States Crop Coru 'ý the greatat [Unlited States crop .vy ay you x -vanit tomas iire itb cres, blishels, tndl lar- vle" Last y ear the acres plant"ed to àit wereoe-uate f the total acreage of the 52 crops oif which t& Depaitmi-ent of Agricul- ture keeps records, Thle yie - the biggest ee-eceddin dol- lar value the co-mbined cr o p z,,f, whabarley, ryecotton (Iiluid- ing seed) andi sorghiis, Tlie dol- larvlu of thle wh1eat was less than halif that of tecorn, it bsh els were littie more thian one-third hoeof the coro., YOU CAN'T BEAT by Correctinig Sloggish KUDNEYS This Way is Swift" Econom;cal Few Conditions cari wreck your hleath faste r than disordered kidneys anýd ililmed bladder. Výour back achec miïserably, You have restiess niglits. Von& suifer leg cramnp8 and r1eumi.atic pains5. When theseý thinigs happen your. kidGeys- nceed help in filtering out a Cids- and poisonlous wastes tatare underri ninig your lheaIlh Give them thli3 hel:-qulickly--With GOLD MEDAL -Haarle.m Oil CapsulIes. GQLD MED)AL Capsules con;tain accura.tely mreasurecd amounts of thse original and genuine Ha1zarlem iiOih(Diltch Drops,'. Vou will be gratefully surprised at tDi way they relicea doggad kidneys, andl irritated bladd.- Go to your druggist now aýnd geýt a 40, box- De sure YOu aSk for-GOLDMEA Ha-Larilm Oiu Cases RUS ý OUT TIRED ACHliES EAT-SLEEP - LO ~~~f~EffTEre2 I 5uq~il & aileSFormi 2 Special Remiedies by the Ma4ers 0! Mecca Oint>ment% Mecs i e3edy No. 1 is for Protrudinig BlaeingPile, sd l sold in Tube, with pipe, for internim application., Piee 75c. meeca Pile PRemedy No. 2 is for 801nlithn ils od la. Jar, and i, for externat use offly. Plice 500. O)rder by number fromu your Druggist. CAMýk1PHORATE D V~~J USTARD CREAMl day's traip, rlieving pain, sliffn1es, sud 1îhingmuses. Try Il tD-nigl;foi relief IIiII5MS CISPHRITUI T*J Mt 5jar. lic a i s l ms H EA D COLD? Get: quick relief t Just amear NO0STROINE il each nostrit. Bresti- ing passages open right away. NOSTROLÈNE soothes, lubricates, dîsinifects, helps maire snd kaep your viose healthy. Brinlg4 comlfort swiftly. Couvenient. Pleasankt. For adulte and 1ý eesa SENSIBLE way ta relieve MONHLY LydiaE.ý:,Pitkhamii'sVcgetabýle Conspoulid ot 0111Y' helps re!lieve monthily pain but also acconmpartyiug nervous, tired, higis- astrunig feelings -whien di-e b functional pe-riôdic disttsmbances. Its aoise of thé, mlosi aff ect ive medicines for this purpose. Piuilltham's Coipouýtnci heips naffirel Follow l1abel directions,,. Try ffl - CLASSIFIED 1129031E TAX REPOR1TS COM- plate flookkeeplng Services. Small or LargeBuiees Traval any- whera. Abert Brat& Cý,, S Wellit3gtin8t, E,.Torontfo, Ont. BEACHE-S MODEL HOME OVELOOINOLAE ONý'TARIO. You rmay,,wviu this $10.000 modalý home for $1,00. Wrte for your, shares toda(ity. ( $ 1,001)aach) to 'Beachas 3Business MnsAsca tIon, Toronto 8. Four raceipt will ha maleti pmompily. Draw to ba matide May 24th. Proceds for war Chaýrithes. auid not be dlsappoinied. Ail chicis aro fmoîn p-guarauteed test- ad stick-, sud from 25 os. aggs or better. Barred Rocks m.lxsd 212.00 par 100. Whi11te Lgou mixeti $1100 par 100 BaRrred Rýock VPulhietse 9,00 par 100, white Legaru Pult 22,00 pr 100, whlte Rocks mixet J15.01 pacr 101) whlta Roc(:k Puliets $z4.00 paer 100. We, guamaulea 100%l lîve delivary, 1balauice patiCé. o.D. Ontamin. 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOO TUR 1945 ClO No4w sud gel your chielc whan you wani thans, Ordars are pouring iu. Breeder Ilatchame aa las sold nut iaary. Dunr,'t tais chances oui ordlnamy chicis, Place yoiir order 2<0W. Pure Bred S8ussa,ýx Large lTypIe Legborm, Susses E Naw Rampa. , SsexXLeg borna, ]Rocký X Le-ghoiïns, Rc X New 1fampa., Barred Rocks3ý. Senti for large illuistratad Cýatalogue aud Price iai, Laieviaw Pouliry Farm. Wain Bus. xetem. Ont. APROEI'TCH'iCS -NOWý%-Evary breadaer iGoverunnt inispeeledç, bautietiasd 1bldout-tAteti medate' dahîvars on Premïuin graîd yyltI chicis. Leghors PuIles 90% guaratec-d 12.0par hundi Unsaxat1,iscik 1,0prhnrd Bliraed HRuais, NcwH, pair Rock XHaniap, H'.amp ýX Leghurin Pullats 90% guatranted- $24,50par hundred. Usxdchlicis 114.50 paoýr hun)dreti Coieel $9.00 pex. hunidreti. Sava time, ordar froin ativerisie- me-nt. SaýtIsfac!itioturnet.E caLtajlgue on 1requca't, cnann the popofmodn u ciInsd metihod uetiiraisipultr'y for profit. ty fyou urd,!r if on1ce. Our Ibroad BraeasttSussxes cx hring top pjriucesonuthe 1mariet. Whiie[ hknai ong- ronit reas. AlanNe Hmp ex ith as gruwt1h sud feaihiuig. SsssX Leghorns sud RcM Lgou m1alte gond roasters aigLrow fasi up11) t'o eau huy thesa for 14.00parI1!. 5Alan mixý- ad haiuavy cux $,0par U100. Al! frontounr well-bre '. haih0y, blond taeibedr.5000 Bed- ara n 074E plant. Lakaviaw PouIry Farmu, \WaiuBo. xtr th rcod fTop N,,tch hii Thay grow fastiUt, husky big prdeastat nmaie more rofit, for you. Eer'Top Noieh chici atarI ibiý1s yaa. Weca sipl al ppua b(d, in puhats co iel, nonsxd, dyold suid older1. 1Send 1for' big 141 atalogue lai chick. s give 110- r:ee cici (ounr eoca.Leghuor pulil 822.85par 00. bareti Rock pu0- lais , -11,5 îe IC01 W il o Pulles $295 pr 150. Ail chicks aold bueketdib hghegupa-- et stock, 1.0 ooks youir ud tS FEF CHE<'s OU R V()1'TOUNDA TIUN1 Te(t r-,gisterad sud padîgreed hirds. NoIlhiug hater in anda Order ilu)wV. Pricas for nmixet(11)bab)y mcd RocIcs, 112110rerhunrad: WhilaLgoms 100 hl Roks 1500(: Rrowo Leghomrns. $10,0. 1Pullat priCas: TBa ra R'ckzs, $19 a00; Wii Leloo~ 822 00(: Wbile Roc(,k s,. 2.0 BmowrsILeghomna,84.02.5 frre Ohk.unr choice, vill ha iva for çesch 208 m1-iset"i cieordar- atirsud 25frpeachîIkafor ec 160 dayi i nid poilais ordameti. tannin ighla Ona nihn , , A-I1 AB CICS RM LO - Teasted flock, Bammd Rocks, large typeW',\Ili te, Les-ho o ts. ri r ,e d RocXNWhite Laghorans, Ss N Ss- lamahia Rd NRoks Write foýr prica liaitoInA. E. BarretiRocrsd White Les-ghumus from Gvrierapmvdsd bluodtasta'd sioci, ail as-gasel- frýmons nrown stock. Alan White Rolland and Emoad lBneatd Bronza Turkey Pouits.Saud for BLOOD )TESýTE» YRI Cc erals, Roc k-RmcrSceaech during 3March. 10%live deliv*ry guiaranteed. Phonte5U2, stormiont PDuuitry Farm. Flnch, ôOnt. R.O.R. EIRJSDII LEGHORN CHICE:S, Hateh off eve-ry Wednesday. Siat- terys Pouuïtry armi, Aitunra Rd., R.P. 2, PICKERINU, ONT. A LIMITEFD SUPPLY ARE AVAtIL- abefor Mand June. i wili ha glatd to taka yvour orders Ba1rred Rocs, ew..Rapshrehatching egga ae prodced b our own farm it12 ]arIapaie UIpu- oro1m ratesforiyar.?ra, zer ar nd Hatchpryý, At Ont. Also unel,120o uicsO Burnr Icubtorwith turninig ORDER 1101R ClicliS NOW AND FOU PARE GUARAN'TEEUD your chicks for next sprlng whsnt you want themi. Barred Rock mnixed $20Peir 106, white leg- huma ixa $11.00 per 100 Bar- red Rocki Puillats I519.00 par 100,ý whbit leghorrn pullats $2200 per 100. HaavLy Crad ks. $6.00 par 100, Laghorn CIlsý. .0per 100. Ail chicks lhatecd from 2e ou, eggs or bttar 'lnd froso spaciai miatei flocks. Guaranteed 1n005, livýe deiivery. $11.00 bohnIýs your order, balanie C.O.Di. Ralnbowv aterChathami, Ontario. WE HAV CEICS 1IN MOSTJ breeds for. iliimediatedaivry youùvr eye )In the Cagg ma-rkats, don frgt\our maybirds t Coo t0filui lu1meat sahor'ta g esM. DYEI1NG AND C1,EANINGX HAý\VE' FOU A NYlT H îN lNEEDO! dyeing or uenng rtato u f nformtin.We are Fgla( to men ,H.Parka-r', Dya oc , L;im i ted, 79ýI1 og Street. To- L E ýA 1RNMIIAIRDUESSING PI-lE R>obertson imathod. inforrn4tion on1)trC(,ue-S t regardcinig cl assesC . Roba I er t (,ri's lla irid r es ,1ilg A eadlà- a my. 1 7 Ave nueri oaý, id. TorontoI 9 O11 ALE boutlLIt soid, rebuilt; be-its, puil- les.brshs.Alle ectricComi- pany l Ltd.. 82 Duffarin st', To- 1TRWB>IY LAINT S, 2'S PA- agus, l' aspbrrmies2,7 peh teas, aple, 1pe, rS, 1 p lmS, ,cher-ries !, grapeu1)s, (curr- 1a ils, Ishru 1b S, IlhdIlging, 1,1ha (je trees, Wire tree gua rds,ý N orfolk urerSimico)e. Ontarlo. RDRYOUR P11ACKAGE PREES, 010' nucle, n'ow for'May delivery'. On tari o. F'01.11 A.NDI TADAD Silk Flaýgs toOrr -oit Faato Order' G EO.. WiILR-INSON LTD CARTIERf 0AT1S, RGSEE areNo. 1sed4427$14 b-us. Gordon Lsi, coOnt. MAMMOTH AÀUC'C)N SALE 100HoRsES 10100 April 11, '2, C1, 14 Plufine conditioni. SoIme ie dl horl ite aad rieM.plan no5-to Re I 1]CI 1,11iask. ý) 1 MASALE, REAS,1 ONA i 'WLE, earney, Ont. ciun,1 ,ý ver00 1 EAUIv'-ULLY1 ,IT; lAND-C" P, MAEHSYtYAWL MaleosGerman Sheoherd. ou 2 yýat r.. te1 ter 1 yer'gn .with cSren, guanrdl, oth ares eah1M 1e.ond fmae,. hunmr $1000. Ao -pa, 1 mie,1fea smej1lors. boru J,,00 .195, ai $2,0. Mfel la.0 i r uaaiad rt FOR SALE REGSTEE» CETIFED AND Commeircial Grain and Grass3 Sa.PceList now readoj'«Irite, plione or wi' or cool' Nowfîel sed a nd Nursery Farms. Nipawiu, BROOIYE STOVES - USE FUEL u11 or karusena-no wvicks, J. S *Readinlg, 650i Dougatll Ave.. Wind- sur. Ont. 074ýE NO,.A 0 MONITOýR CLOVER' AND Trimothy Saedialaning Machine lu gond conidition, complce withl 60 Sections of Screeens. 1R1. Cras-mm. P"inçirtonl, 0nt. SEAL HBRD sEED pCOlIN 5TO 1'20 DAY VMATUITIE, VAR lattas suitaia for both anilage9( ,aud grain, iso a fi ina of Saadý( Oats. Wite foririca lst. The RigGrain & Sed Co.. Pain, Cour1,t.nt SILO BUPI[LDýING B1QUIPMENT, D justabie stýeel forrms, Vwillhui frm8ft. to 14 ft. Ala' Cunrat Mixe fora nw. ApiyGlen ATTE'NTIONFRER of lnew 'sudused Pipa su"d Fit- ting, SealStble CPosta. Enfler Tubes.Rails, Plates, Srcua telPulljeys, Safin, angars, Ti t jiln g, M claier. oilars., Tanks etc. Wa c'in save yoll moe.SamuelBiistc & Sons. 255 almr Ae.,Kitc.haner, Ont. ll'ARrMs FOILISALE FAM OR SAE 1T ISTRICýT of Algomia, 15 acaT,1l1 l unitar cultlvatinu, day i. Balance pastu7re aulid woodl. îBuildiings in plummelir, On1t. with niney tillabl, blacJ bs creekthrouh buh, 20acre ad houlsendg1od clia, dlcopat hydr avalabe, Lndo 10 il,f achoul 2. Prce elevan tbund but hundred alune sl ps-fv buudrd. Hary Aiay, Kmnia tivation, alance buh sud pas alsie 27,acres ay ,pilo1huihiu da iy-cou Ilpodc o cna. Wifi snjei Wh o, wihlou stock s eipman-rtr, Furîhatresinformaon apol danu il, r44_ TruoS. STOMAC ANI)PRIIi Wt( Plo )lMd ift1niaraMthelcauseq0f l ïl'h st lu OcousSus, ail 1 1,1aC;. 1 uN eI-Ss muq yu ni fiudi utlii ii t e i ,-" rr t r o u b le2 [ n t e r e s b u g p a r- ITS EXCELLEN T, RA R- sits af v taiiug Di ins tRam- t1 edy i- for Rhaumtic Pinsa Nauriis Munr I- oru Soe - E 13511 gn, Otaw. sp-id $100 CONSTIPATION, B IL OI NS, ïfixe troub l(, Depressed eildache, quclyrlivd itc Fg-a BAUMEERA F O BALME- the on esuits rom letaiing Dxns r amd fo Reu tc Stoilre, 5Eqlg i, la Uwa ot A id L' $1,00._,TI,ýN ( FRED . BODINGTleN BUFysy sell, Raxchaues musicai tonestr Greaiolpiorit, E fLaarn1i I , Hi i,; d r- e, Ill - CANADA"S LARGEST STUDIO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE D un't 1ia r CoIngyui isus 1ed mrFirui 1LaSI R V Cnaa' DEEOPDANDPR11INTED 25e->, "I get haPst rslt roinastar Snatp- shlSrie" writs a in SPECAL ALBUM OFFER oNv Stylaù 11 A luý>M , Wth',1>lr i ts, (îcextra) lsu wit h filmo1. ELAIQEM ETS COLOR1ED AND )FRAMED Elerýgam,'ents4 x i6", lu euiu asl mounitS, 3 for -25c. 1Fmamedn, on ivr inted mats, 7 x 9" iu Goid. silver, Cicasin alluiut r Biack if epagmetcloredCf, 7 asis.I STAR SNAPSH0OT SERVICE Box ,ý129, Posýtal emia A, Toroolotc Piiit Nar milu Ades inuyon QIJILTiNG PATCHES CTNSOR, S]LRS BY PUD Mae alîcy sili petai uhin fro SatnPaces olr Psk hi teBlue. \Wool Reman lts suitab1e forBo'kueana Lad ies,'J ,' nbgcldsu' sr etc. MAlan7 uubliee otton. Pnb- lai 13Sales, i 7 i Par imeu;L Strieat erumnent graded claver see,Tins oth1y isud Csacilfalfa3.Wrt fo r ipricas. J, ". Muir, cayop BAX7ý1'TR,'S SEEDS, BTE UL jty sud vailue. Setid for Catalogueý "We sal l iatgrw. 115 Fnga Strkeat, Tomoutu. PEEL SETIS AFLA, SIE, RE CLVER SwVeat Cluvar, Mixjed seada,Ti- etail1. Wiefor pis. eiseed, G ,erosaC-peaielimîtad. Býox 1100, Bapo.Ont. - HiCK'S GINT ZINIAS! TRI TRS ïLOVEL'Y MIXTURE 0ùlF Gýin 1t t Ilahiia- f1Il low ed Zinis- that vou w:11 grow wis grea ausa sead ae alilp-ete fl u nomown grnsat Lnay Gelt large 15eCpits. for ionly île, orordari6puas ,]rO u sav e 4c.Fu-ooucalge SONS LI1MITED-, 1Lindsay, Ont, WILL IPAY $700flCASH FQ0pýi LOCK(,! P'laneir Machinle. It la usad ifo(3r plainlg sole leathar bIioIs. Bo 15, 73 Adelaida at Torontlo. cashReitrWne 1 cent 11p. Muat Be Chelip. SPEEDY CASH For1050ARS good in(iedium lom,)h<droaia,, abia, Write rtighl nuw!Bo 4 173 AdPaade WV., Tomounto. ALL INDP0FPOUTLTR'Y WAN'T- etlive or dest.Writ1e M. P. Mailon, 33 Jarvîs, Torontoc. WATDTO RET AAEM OR, Acrag 1onwa1ter %01bildngs Bo 1, 7?, Aledaýida W., Trnu SAPPLES WATED GEORGE H. iWLKfI',SON 11 OJLLET TE V. I'D fInvalid Cha1-irs Wne V,1 I ILLpa lcshorswaýp forih> Swalp Dept. Geo.H. ilkisonLtd. 333 uelltteAve. HE i:AV ilCAR SUITABLE VFOR bucrae, onito f hud r- imoran,1 îcne nnc iday Luricator sudor ze for .1 Speil sud inchatprpR-Sid :ia,I 1- y calibre.n Conditin uf barra ontimpotant Ed crd A WANED WIips Csorî Swapýý GEO. Iicr . LRiNSONd 1~ 4 g i., C- -i "y .1! r e. - t

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