Dis4nsin lissneent Lbtfull ol femie gile 'tt'era 45,1bas tise nem acc siceve-s, flirty ikiri nafecasy 0ou-ni-off bltton fýront. Pafttrai 4552 cornes in qizes 1,, - 4, 16, IR, 20; M0, r2,?>4, 3,384, 02. Size 16 requirets 3 v/ ardis3- li material, / adconitrait. St fenfy cents ,(2oe) in coins -(txpscannovCf be acetei fr this -...-- patera f Porn 21.73 del-)i St. est Toouto Prnt liiyr FuSsýy in-,'lsare d"Injtiy ut fo"r tlduatinThat desltfIIean, hove tat n holnthv sp)cJ"' iai mnus foi- snIcb occasions 'ýas Ea ,ýstcr. fuil rier years the Easter dIii 'i iilne l Ud bamý,I b u t tis Eaister C"ana6ans l";ma_ 1have c to to eat lessIpork ýsýo thialtthe pr contrcs %itb GCre4t iitanin mIay befic ilcld. This' mleanls that theL juiy ham illM possibly lbteore- placed by a tender roast of beef Djr Chickenl. ïTh.chomre (cuoomîsts of the c -Domliion c Departmient of Agricultue, Consuer Section, cygges the feoavng menu. niamofPar'siey Su Rýost Beef Casserole of Onioni and Tomates jelîedCabae nd RedAppl usonSald 'C asel lof !lsiona mte Pl6 laios ltý-ýiced llo t fitablespooiJlnsdDour %aspoon pepper i- ýi- t 2,'0iiicapts toniato u tch'orSained tomatoesur Maser le Spn ih ChallnI flour, the s~it n opt o 'o ihfa. eptinrdes'n ime as the beef, IC bake . 'tcse- yole for ii hor hto3 t . ix 5k)cr- Maplu e Spanîsh Cem rlJ £('lstbh p eS1,1. At(Ingelaii.Si 3 egg yoiks Iit&ý i .grcups mple s , ruplïl NefeaspoonHome anilkin dole b-(-;Ioýi Bea eg wegs' sirng ceîîstn theaîîurtur to cadol olr dmaisyrup o uni dsolse. Cool. Fohadeinto eatd oi[ie. hil throuhly Sinrethe ofca lsing othe l megitopAir Force i h Hns Ontario, Nre 1 ame ae been .going versAlon groups Another vtreai o is taotc ebor t xvas nt woLth \xx'bci le berr;1B'rle sor, was r igh 1t ! 1Ho',tr rni ant waiket awý\ay into -ilheIhall1. I -e , x , i d 1not 11tisil 1 ofr î-'am;i ctîstpas over! IM xas liepou ) uîîy thn s in bal e l ie (ý ha'] liacil ruooru l iwT iien nncn atilscar. "Mar-ar Cr ant!" fir l- "ouili( fe1, you He heî andtis hea lt, looin ioi 1"Xvh eu onei us'-îîox a icis'rctnfscacua "I koxxl" e oie n oke. M/lin gwndmawasyouig ,r (a"eNE 11 1, E FoD naisseos lie ecee.Su ba uetIv dit aid v achdit Il 11see years 'oultil uier'sa;ie klosvà usaanaly-il lione-s. vfeayun'utreet ati s (inevll îlihen -yOss bnveindigestion - lhens youa Thai eltiredl ot aiJnm il a dm j heathstaitin at oge n iIthDrj. soon k1114w Is iy ti Vtnin 'jli o a, e ,popislar., Asic for i. se rseweo omny aise bot le o<,f Hfeadack Nothingis ",,ore drS. sing thanhaahs Why suffer?..Lambiy wiU, ive ànstnt relieE ache, tootha1che, pains iIn'* back, stornach, bow,,eîs Md/ HE4A DACC weRS,4 ISSUE 3-, 4 she siti pqickly; 'it ri son' Iie- Igiantsoefingf o? w" tI meantreerythiug1 My oncl was\ a coliecor eui ItIes; it xc'l s , lad be vs cls , -;Mark wet b-111is dy lois. "They tiîou.h il cv'tetlIlbism olucyt bot Ivti iiî' neyr ukini to me-megot 0l1.a xra xifb hýim tha.ai a3 xxwe lie %hoght tat jae goci Ifvxas ir al .' 1 neer1 hol ît ;olf(, il ticî1 a s u t 11w )ItmuItcea e! H s~itilie x asgoiîg f0 give it t Mr.Boreso. reenîer ha now; yor onclexx'as Is rc * * * - 1 f UsL e Her')rtl knI uah,' tenperti onlie qo1rbotlse's, "Ifs cer~~t lexxnt1e10w sm bd tst pc i IIgo ti 10 1'1h, I ca '!i ik le 1 i ' iii" lieusisf ïl [ rit DUCJ(LEY-'S Cl NNAMATED c A pSU LIES This grand prescription gîves you the beniefit of not ONE but FOUR proven pairi-relieving cold-dii- pel ling ingredients. Hýere's h0w 2-Reilevos Paigi nneg Fawrlah- 2-Gives Longer Lasting Regief. 3-GOves thse tif t youi may n.ed, 4-l5 grand for' Orippo. 'le(.-Get a fia foday "Oh-,lie gse;" ae Landoar -- Ot~cwr Mqe smiied. lier bot one cham- pioetihin! hewas bsfriend. "Youkno evrytîngnow," he maid gni," a on to tail_ you il ut I coldn'-its nt Jade ao HeIp The fý Red Cross *TUA Gwendoline P. Clarke ofGCINGER FARMUX**, She ndespeechless. "Tt viii nieyer be CI-lerd upFi'm afraid. Thr'soiy One thing toý do; J've got tf0rmake a inew i.jfc and a ne!Kw Inarne ,for Pycî.IM goirxg ut weSt, as they Sïy. J don't know bowfar-as far as I eau, I facy Id likC to fCitfree, to dýaxv long breaths of freedom; I'Me ha!i fhiftn yeaso-tje Oumer bing" "Oit's cruiel," she murnuýred,. Lvegoit to go," lie wblispejredl at lpst. She noéddcd loking down, ber lips drawn i close togethler. Ple drew bis breath lbard. "If "ld only cne hre likce othecr Sh railed Yucud'. h said sftly,"for o're siot like brust yo? Iknw you'r nnocnt. "Pm ove yo!"le answer-ed meatltousaýy it; l've nio rigbit to syif, buit ]'veCgoftnto;1I loed youI tht irs't day-ouknw it?" Slel( ifted bler lead at fthat. "I then."* lei ah e (r in bIisr, n 1ei[be-clse."If 1J wasn'tino cetOf tb1 chrge I oudn't touch yohe aiti, "I've 1wo1rig"l tf0d tnofor- 1 musllt go away. didn'tmcaîîto feu youi, ïbutl'Ill ingtP)make good!" 1b ooeIlup, itoucbin;g 1bis shuier x ih err iong littie of ift lus batbaigi i couli I x is1 Icouild nmarry you feia uad caryyo of! Sheclnsg o bni, s Vin."lH go Omrrwifyu'egoiing," believe iii you!" 11byo, anl! You'd min yo life, rnrry an e -k, 1c jîs saiti bravly. "Oh Mak, J was o bs. ookîigat 1ber xsitlîhaga comardto [e you o it! "Why? Ive a;rt tr mrr lant littie t ileatiy to btt for birn.r a No," be saiti css'iy t.ofaPon a1t Landoîi."jrý jj "Oh Li on! seai -mied conl tcponlid face tlît. but Id iîvtr as' tb Theyfl aliniea n*riered tisey takf fit tcns 12or 0on card i xoultd wal o ou 7 Im1 otfai,"sh sbbd The iargst à iamnd vr i il- un l )r,'ast". Som e day , %yo) kuowand nait beso)n-xe Lare g o i nig f0 tu r u ilo o u r ra d i o s s u d we sahbar"Gau al' cil- pitu(2a1ed-the 1re 2iguof _Nýaz-:ýýim is ovr"Anid on thait day v e sha Almiu Cote A!n1 ii lumion yan ilheuaie in aluuiuun wll il p to 'six m ile give addeditensile teut. u coorma b aid duIlriig tise eaig prcs.Tlise yarn sit If nsa b ueti; )citerasfoniti o twisteti aronud (2 ottoîsY or rayo1. 0-1 HAIR GOODS We arr iare asie of>te8fieif uma Was thecre ever a tiitiuewenwe had so nucb reason to be thankfui forweaherconitinsJuist think, of thone mountans OF Snow that )iincd bgbqasbyay , t a ed a1lnosýt revry farm biliiîîg in the counnty. Now à bas ailgone fioed cnitosin ifs. ak.Day afiter day 1 look aroini 1and lmarveýl - a i t I s c r o ic l e e o r s t h e phe'nomUa. ,nvcwe1 Iïw iof sn(Ilcc roads, the n1cxt of robinis wrlndaffoduls bdig pns-illows burst-ïing, yes, an d maen of sxvamp frogssining. Neer ince we s'tactt(i farinjg, bav mekuou-prilig to cornec so sn1ddenlýy or SOarly'. ynscilbave been1 on mly aniual job of csin1g for thieRe Crss A lat tbaït is wb i an su loe o he doing but euvcry- -cb'e g Igcn2eraly obn mn ae JCaIed lit 'ekthe bat(I t-,sc ýit 50 I couild f Part- uer about i if-As_ atteý1[r of fact I ooed ot -tat one brse, Ibut fiean bd lix beenftle farmer it mui bae bcl ali ricf f0 part mýitb 11nvof the.At allotilcr farus l ~emsa lnew (dog, aud vxas he ever a bcauty! JnstIlle kind fIfbave ;ýaîwas auted but neyr ad su En'lgliihcouýic miti long !pCintetCI 1ose--jus, like 1LasSie of movie îlme. Thlis fellow paccdi aroauti the kitchen tablepust as Lassie pacei ck anld fortinil ber cag-vn ec be wis a year oli sud t ile place Vwbere I visited ba heen bis home ony for two days. But h le ,mas !tebpp.lc spoke f'or Ibis sppr.sbokbads,pay 'decad tog01unpd 1p na chair, wud st' om lie e was toiti. VIf'11hy I colci bave brougit hbi At two more fams 1I iîeti wi auxonsf0adot temas vme shfah bave0plet11ofour omu îu a da-y or two. Anoter cii rs'uleti u adi,- cnl,sso o cnsudaet shool aessami yeIianotlieifarm I masased o amp1ile otelcook- xxout nybadsipat' all. Anti of coure itbeac vîi fthe Reti Crssxxascurihe.o need fo teIl auTyoue these d (ays wbt t1ise""(tl Crossisiobo factosI RedCos"andti tats Il thilere is f0 if. uofntIy ail lmy' ceaux a,sing va nt xib am folk xvhose and!ivstok.Therew \as a1' lsosark. realiy enerousctrition. Haîf aul bouïr laterer eleived wrci_.-d tba1t !bis iufeuîarotisn iad cornes bouse t uis i il) its grlim recaiity we fsrksi n' w this boy asud bi'-rohes adprc ticaillygromu up Jýtogether. For ev- e cry y heei aprice 1sud we neyerknowwber , dfrous wbývoin, the priceviii 'e catd Btwe u a lijt ný(ýot ui)ouàa-sd note-"hpe spris etrasi inh 55, You )Wiil Enjoy Staying At The ST. RE GIS HOTEL er eaniF eeloe -st eingle, ï82.540up Shrorea-,Carlto-m Tel. RA. 44135 dr '5. 15 -"t- b i, 1" "N b b b b b '1' -'s Sa' '-t i t DEX TER RED LAKE MAUIS Dj- 41 5 D AREan Eat É fe he i)rofiuùiiig mine O ENR.WLAS U, c-recommend Ille ImsImeffate prh~ tDEI TER SNM ES Information on Reqimst Bey ,throlfgh onr wnI rokei, or irect trom ANYGLO-NORTH'ERN ISECURITIES 110t 'Uen.pie Biffldng-02Riehmond Street West, Toont Teliehoxxes: ELGIN 2758S - ELGIN 1!014 -5 Ascp;in Eases Headacàhe AImod nimmediately Geninre Aspirin's new prices noxv make it casier thlan ever for yov. to get fast, effective relief frru headache sni-isery. WHY «tASPIR[KWOKSSO FAST Sec wÏih your owi eycs xAiy Asiini talres iolti cf prýin a few inmites after £-aking. Drop an Aspirin Tablt into a gla-s of ma&ter. Almnost iustautly' it begins to dissolve. And that anme fatac,1ion takes place in younr stomnach Ta' why Aspirinl relieves yOIou COI îck:ly -or yar"w ndin have . elied -'an spirin Soc fa-st eie, for effetiv e reli'sf - aboDve ail - fror dependable :elief. Get Aspirin aut jour druggist's totiny! N'JIW REDUCED PRICES Pocket Boi uÀ 12 ..........ow lc EcnmBol. e i24..no.w 29,. l-y'i-C ec100_ ....now 79c eASPIRINq The Sayer cross ors each tabi*f is Vour guarantge Ihaf if's Aspirin CLGGS 11f Put .purpeso Va-tro-nol up eeacll niostril. It (1) shrinks swollesl mnembranes, (2) soothes irritation. (3) reietues traissient nasé,I con-. gestion . . .anld lrings geae breatliing e&giicrt4 F0110w tle COInIp1tn