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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Mar 1945, p. 4

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six t( g .Aî nction NWREASES tisat sujpplies wul last util spiring, STH OF APRIL has resulted in elimnation of' short age, nnd tise increased aloanc l eýiing made in hine with Board policy Canada xHIl be of adapting the ration to availabl o seven ounces supplies. Under the prasent butter pr< 1, restorng rationing- plan, butter coupons have n puit ilito affect coupons AUîlieh- no expiry date, and need fot he used intLb The an- , untl butter is actua',lly needed., £H.OliM, au! -_____ produits, as aSay- ion during the Do your sopn (to-day) a 1s thse duced to ensure stores, wili be closed (Good Friday). AuctionbSa le GARAGE EQUUPMENT THE PROPERTY 0F WM. J. CHALLIS Jng Street, Bowvmanville Vednesday, Apr. i1i TERMS CASH. NO RESERVE Sale, 10 a.m. to 12; 1.30 to 5.30, 7 until conlpleted . Ij ORONO WEFE<LY TThM GIRL GIENEWS Thie regular mýeet.ingl of thie Orond Girl Guides wav;s held il, tise Guide Hlall withý Mrs. W. E. Armistr'ong inl chre.Ater a brisk imarch tie en- rolment oYf ý, înew g-uide, Blanche Smith, and( thenin lspection was heldi. A ga3ine of leap frog- was thorougl-y enijoyed by ail, after which patrolIs wera formed and sew-ing taught. A sing-song ended an enjoyâble even- ing. There will be no Guides next due to Easter isolidays, Tise regular meeting of the Orono Girl Guides of last waek was hield at thse Guide Hlall with Mrs. W. E. -Arn- strong in charg-e. Activity ea with a lively marcis to tise tune of "Thiere'll Always ha an Englandii(," played by Anna Staples. Initerýesting gaines wera, played, after which pa- trois were formed for sewing înstruc-, ti9on, and sing sýong, prayer and taps concluded the meeting. 2¾/ TONS OF SALVÀiGER COLLECTED ON ,SATURDAY A veowy successful salvage collec- tion was held in Orono iast Saturdýcay when 2 tons of paper, rag-s, etc., Lwere collected by the Ilarbord Rag andi MaItai Co. After paying expen- ses, tise Boy Scouts' C'ommtlittee were able to donate $15 to thse National Red ýCross drive. o1 Farmers' incomie tax paymnents 'for 1944ar expected to ex,ýceedl $10,- Qoo,oüo. On 1943 income Canadian farmers pnid $7,200,000. SALE REGISTIR Iriday, April 6th,ý 19-45, the farini stock of thne Estate of the late Chiar- les Emerton, Lot 15, Concession 6i, Cartrigt Tonshp iso bimpie- mients. sale U/4mile West of Nestie ton Station on "A Highway. Terms Cash-Jack Reid, Auctoneer. Satu.rday, March 3lst,' 1945, the furniture of the Estate of the Late lVrs. A. E. Chapin-an, Main Street, Orono. Sale at onte ocoe Termns Cash. Jack Reid, Auctionieer. Wednesday, April 4th, 1945, the Farmi Stock, Implemients, etc., the property of Tom Pewar, N '/î Lot 10, Çoncessi.on 1, flIanver-s Townsthip, Sale to com-mence at 1.30 p.m. Terms Cash. Jack Reid, Auctioneer; Ed. Youinman, Clerk. Monday, April 2, 1945, the Farin Stock, Iniplxemients, etc., the property of J. Kratz and F. Rowicki, Lot 26, Concession 5, flope Towniship. Sale at 1.00 o'clock sharp. Terms Cash. Positî.vely no reserve. Jack Reid, Autctionieer-; W. Lord, Clark.. Saturday, Aprili 7, 1945, thie furi-- iture of the estate of the late I W. Glenney, Mill Street, Newcastle. Sale to commnence at 1 o'clock sharp. Tarins Cash. Jack Reid, Auctioneer. The Coinmido, fai-ied Liberator, plane, has coinpLeted the first world- girdling fight .that originated in Caniada. T'le Commando traveiled 44,496 m-files in 2341 hours and 28 miinutes. Afzo ew f ar Family Allowances will be paid every month for every eligible child under 16 years of aga. First cheques will be mailed in July, 194 5. Famnily AIlow- ances. are being paid tep help parents in the care of thieir children, te help pay for rnedical, dental and nursing services-for better food, clothing and shelter, and to assiît inl equalizing Opportunitias forma hbave been mailed te every famnily. Fji in your form as soon as received. le is very simpl-only seven questions-and inform- ation is given below to help you cemplete tise foýrm accuraiely. Do it right away in the interests of your children, as cheques cari enly be mailed te those eligible families which have completed and, te- turned thse Registration Formn. If you do not receive a form tIhroughJi hçinaiIl, Please ask for one at the nearest Fuît Offilce, ine Ly Schild r are father an-d if both are address te be mailed. BLOCK nder both i her own hirst rs. Alice, Mary, -j QUESTION 3. If only one person bas signad undar question 2, state thse reason why tise other signature caninot ba gven. Give details-don't say Fathar or Mothar is "away"-stata wisara and for hon,ý long. QUESTIONS 4, 5, 6 und 7 on thea otiser sida of thse form inuait also ba answercd aitiser "Yes" or "Na" If the answer is "No" to questions 4, 5 or 6, state datails giving naine cf child, or children coricerned. Ini the case of No. 5, if you have any ciildran undari 16 not living ç%,tii you, list thiai names, give thea reasoni and thse c-ompleta address as to where they can ba visitad. If the answer te No. 7 is "-Yes", giva the datails required. SI NCOME TAX- So that nobody wîil benefit frem botis Family Allwances ansd a fuli income tax deduction for thair c1kildren, tise income tax daduc- tions for chiidren vilil be raduced by tise ameunt received frodi family Allowances. Parents, tharefora, have thea cioice of diaiming-or rot claning-Family Alowxances. Tisest tuncarain as ýte whether or net thay will benefit are advised te apply for tisa Famîly Allowance. PA#ff#5 Yu ARE IIELPINrg Y@UR CHILDUEN WNEN YOU REGUSi FOR e CO-MING EVENTS You are inivited to attend the An- nual Easter Tea of St, Saviour's An- g-lican Chiurchl in the Parish Hall on Wednesday, April 4th. Admission, AINNOUNCEMENT The Easter Than-o-fferinig meet- n.g of the W.ý,IM.S. of Parlk St. Churc*h will be held on Tuesday, April 3rd, at 2.45 There w;]-l be special Easter miusic and program, also a re- port of the ýPresbyterial meeting re- cen'tly held in 'Oshawa, will be given ~by our delegate, Mrs. Cobbiedick, On April 5th (Thursday evening-) our members are invited 'to Nevcastie to hear a special speaker, our Domnon, Board President, ]Urs. Rog-er Self. A cordi'al, invitation is entended to members'and friends to attend the-se meetings. FOR SALE Fifty White LePghorn Puliets. Ap- ply ýto George Forbes, Kirby. c-12-p. GARDEN FOR RENT Next to the old Preshyterian Churcli. Apply to 24. E. G. Wadde 11, 72 M.adison Avenue, Toronto. b-il-c. FOR SALE Onie Jersey-.ccuw, 8 years old, duel the end of April; 1 Durhamn cow, 9l years, due end of July; also sixty pullets, g&ood layers. H. Leverhngton, R. R. OronDo. e-12-c. WANTED Live Pôultry and Feathers. Goo-d prices paid. M. Flatt, Bethany T. R. No. 1; Telephone 7 r 13, Bethany. We have no agents. 3p HARRIS ELECTRIC Estim-rates given on ail, types of electrîcal inistallation.s. IRepairs to ail kinds of household, applianices For informration write to W. Harris, Newcastie. Ont. c0p VACUUJMS FOR SALE VACUMS REPAIRED "GO QD VACUTUMIS FOR GOO.D Houisekeepinig". Also guaranjteed expert repairs, iubrication, etc-. CKLC. Sales & Service Branch at MeGRGORHARDWARE o., Bow- manville; Telephone 774. AUCTION SALE 1 have been autbhorized to seli by pulic auctkion for JORN WOJNAKOSKI Lot 20, Concession 3, Clarke MONDAY, APRIL 9th, 1945 his farmr stock, ;imleenits, harness, etc. Sale at 1 TERMS CASHI Elier Wilbiir, Auctioneer FOR SALE BY TENDER On hehaif of Charles A. Gienney and Albert !A. Hilis, Executors of tUS Estate of the late John Wesley Glen- ney, tenders -%il! be received by the un)dersignied up to noon on the l4th day of April, 11945, for thie late J. W. Glennley property onl the east side of Mi!i Street, Newcast-le. The frerine house has eîghit ioomas and there is a double gaiagýe. ýFor iaspection con- suit Mn. Oharles A. Giennéy, R. R. N. 1, Newcastle, Ont. Teris cash. &igetor any tender not necessarilly accepted > Datedl at 0rono, March 29th, 1945.1 R. R. WDEL F. F. Morris & Son-j Funeral Directori3 Furniture Dealers AMBUL.ANCE SERVICE j Niglit, 734 oand 573 Orono', 27-1 1he OIdest, Largest ani Most Compflote Furnfture Store and Moderi Funeral Service in Durham Oýur Guo -lIN EWEFSTr OurPic-HE OW T MORRIS & SON BOWMANVILLE - ORONO_ Shop at Tyrzrells Drug Store, and MEDICAL A. F. MlcKENZIE, MD, PHfYSICIAN and SURGEON Ooe 'ýHourt : 2.00 te 4.00 p.i.; 6.30 to 8.00 pm PHONE 47r1 lN Lawrence C. Mason, B.k. Barrister and:Aolicitcr BtOWýMM<-VILLE,, ONT. Office 685 Home 553 W.F. WARD BARRISTER, Office S25 SOLICITOL NOTARY Phoine.: Resid.ec408 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. DR, W. W. SIIERWIN VETERINARY SURGEONS OfFe Main st, ozone P.hone 63 r 7. Orono J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automia, bile and Liability TED JACK<SON Aucticrneer and Valuator Canduets Miction '%les cd aL4 an' at reasonable rates.. Perry, Ortarfo, or Ame. bis. lck. E. MoctLlu, at Orono, for dat*ê JACK REIDT" Licensed Auctioneýer and Valuator Speciaflze in Farm end Furniture Sales ConsuIt rme for termno and da-tes Phone 1620 Clarke E.E. PATTERSON Insurance Agency FIRE.AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY AND LIABILITT Phone 44-14, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. O. REPRESENTîNGF some of thse Largest, Stronages-t &Bd 3Most Reliable insuraince Firma in Canada Farm .&froperty a Specialty 1 amn prepared to quote Yu raites fraie 40c. a hundre, according to classification,,ol Phon)e, w-rite, or better stili, eaïl. I will be piaased to quott yen rates on youjr property which will surprise you. $700.00 SO F-AR IN R. C.*DRI VIE- *Up to Wednlesday, mlarch 2Stl1 ý amount r-c'eived by the Oronlo Bra-ch of t'he 'Red cross Society i ien campaign dr-ive rea-ch le eotal c'f $700.ý00. Thlis is stili $ short the $1,100' objetv e .becm mritütee. Anyone who, have net as e been called upon are asked to see, tra c their donation reaches tisecnasr of their area, or l-turned into thea chaiýr- ian- IMr. O. W. fRolph, Oron. ùý are stili somne of the cnasr hear from ,and whan .tiseir 1retUrn1s in, thea branch niay be naigte- objective. Now thaýt the final pui. is on is whea thse snoney ls needed te su(ceessfuliy eomiplete thse task. o, m,,ait, to see if the warý will iand to. morrow, enriuato-d4ay.

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