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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Apr 1945, p. 1

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e~~~ e-v L.~ rv Loan Drive C *APU, Sth, 1945 Su bscript >r il 23rd and Ends May ,r of Winners nA t u n e S e a «'n,. ,Sf the Or &1no, $1; R. K. Bragg, Bowm an- l' at iMr. 1;Kobert Arm-i t - Mi.m-IV $3; N. Taylor j cJias Ulex. H Qo oxibitors $2 Rowlandt,1 ar, Porti Soybeans - E. ýM. Lai>- ns, Nestl4ton, $3; John ifwastle No. 2, 2; Wal- ght, Boi.nmanville,$1 Alsike -- Robert Arm-1 N o. 1, $ 3. 'Redi 'Clover -E. M. Las- s, -Nestleton, $;Mel. Me-, Hope No. 1, $2.50; iReot Ida No. 1, $2. Timothy,- Geuniti An- Mlonaghan, e-2,. Registerat iEarly Oats- li, Port Hope No. 1, $5 ; peUl, Oshawa No. 2, $4; îer & Sons, 1Nestieton, $3; kshank, [Hampton No. 1] !' AllUn, Boirmanville, $2; ano, Pontypool, $1. ,Registere4 Late Oats - y, Nýeicastie No. 3, $5; bard, Bovimanvifle No. 4,i roomibes, Boirmanville No.* rt Armstrong, tia No. 1, Regist'ecret Barley -- Gar-! i, Boywima n ville No). 4, $5;1 1iln, Bownsanville No. 4,1 Armstrong, Ilda No. 1,1 Early Potatoas- n- li.Enniskillenl. istie, $2; A ,$1. îr Section Reid, Toi Mss. Besthn Raid anti Tosonto, spant the wi Mr. anti Mr. T. A. Reid. Mss. Alfred Retiknnp k onto ant irMs. Arthur1 iooking siter 'baby Dmial Muj. Alfreti Ra&knnî spent Sun'day with his pf anti Mrs. Airthus Retikua Glati to report Mrs.) la rmachi invproved lun hea to- be ap andi arounti agai Miss Rosemnary BostocI spending Daster Nweek grarýnimtheT, Mss. J. Pae( Mr. aiMss. Max Stai lyn, anti Thelmia, were gi anti Mss. Alvin Joues, Po 'Master 'Bobby Leuty his Eastes hoitinys with parents, Mr. anti Mrs. W, Joan anti JENa, littie d Mr. anti Mss. W. E. Reid recovesing from their rat 5f r. anti'dMrs. S. J. Lau, ail ber parents, MVr. anti NichloNls, Wesleyville, Ens mir. aniMes. C. J. W Junie, Portt-Hope, irare gi anti 'Mis. George Stapfleto s liaura anti loronto, 'Ms. ,. of Peter- ton E'drwasds loivel,Ces- ,vith the lat- suitaible reply, than eau Wannan spenit Easter andti nviting ail t aunt, Mrs. John Wannan, at their necw home.I serveti anti a sociat id MNrs. Eradshaw have been .. 3 -with'Mr. anti Mr. John WMS m. ~The Easter mieetii Ymi. Aluin spent a loir days irvas helti on Tuestia, 'k wvith her daughter, 'Mrs. Suntiay Sehool oirf , Aginceourt. Mss. R. Aluni, ospei i-sh Mrs. Ang-us Watson and with an Daster Morg-an, who are on the sick monthiy. Thle pio aeedv recoveri. Daster leaflet was -t m. Jim Pres'bytesial Ssick. We Mirs.Lowr 'n. thie s4tIy toc, ,a anti sont row". The n ttter's sister, hyîmn ,ianti be, 'ira . W. the d n ý504, mlinut reaid Presentatecu li vosy the chi en the ý'Miss Helen I Scott. andi Mus. 5am Berry bav to Osono tItis week. are olad to seen'Éle Markinnr ther notice. Thee tho national antis benedusci;tion. Lancaster hpav, Vietory Afiscraft contain Il miles; castings anti for, rivets in î44 sizeý- ut bhis necct -'f . y-,- ralti An Gig.'as 3O, Early Oats -- 1, Lavorne I 3oyd, -Osono, $3; '2, Ralph Lar-mes, INsltnNo. 2, $2; 3R oy Werry, r niskillen No, t, $2; 4, Alvin iDreir, IMsorNo. 3, $150; 5, Jean Wersy, Enýniakilie-n, $1.50, Gas39, Lato Oats - 1, Bruce ~CoEntespurise, $3; 2, Alvin D re w. osouNo. 3, $2. lauss 40, B -ly- 1, Alvin Dreir, Mosow,$3;2, Bruice Cooh, Enter- Gýlass 41, Wtater Wheat - 1, Ralpht Ckisa 42, Spring Wiseat - 1, Bruce Go-h, ntrprsoNo. 1,$3 2, Alvini roMosmosu No. .3, $2. Wîanlers lut Durham Couaty Seed F-ais Casa 52, FaUlWheat - 'Nyle Br-is- to,Caniipbellcsoft, $3; EBîmore SotCamrpbelmeroft, $2; Gesalti Ani- dersn, M.onagan,$1; E. F. R. Os- bone, Neire'astle, $1.- 'Glass 53, Barley (6-roweti> - Gar- ntRickard, flomminanville No, 4, $4; Hnrvrey . IVioG liBniskillanl, $3; Rbt Arrnstrong, 1dm No. 1-, $2; Ger- itAndierson, 5. IMonnghan, $1; Moie . 'Mc-olas, 'Port Hlope. , $1; Johin ick- as, Neircastie No. 2, $1. Glas 5, 'Early Oats -Ml c flolasl Port flo-pe No. 1, $4; Elmnore ' CoÇamqbellosoft, $3; Nyle Bris- touOmphellorof't, $2; Johin Qruimck- shak, ampton, $1; Ivis;on Tamiblyn, Clans 71, Port Hope Agricuitusal Society Special ('One bushel oats) - Eihnoa .Scott, Cnmpblleroft, $5; Nyle Bristow,, Carnpbellroft $4. Casa 72, Durhami Central Arcl tural Society Special (one bushel of Early or LateGas - John Cruick- s'hank, Hlamipton, $5; Ivison Tamn- blyn, Oronio, $4; Alex. UoInduy, New- catie, $3; John- Riekarti, Newcastle,I $;Clare E. Allia, Bowmlanvillo No. LOCAL NEWS W.M.5. 1mesuber"s are planning, to at- tend the Enster meetinig of thse Newr- maIlstic W.M,.S. whon ise ipresitient of dhe Domninion Boarti, Mss. R og-er Self -wJ-h atdresa tlie meetiing. It is to bhelti ( on Thursdayv eveaing, April t.' 'Mfr. Os. 'Coýiran suffereti a couple of cracket(I ribs ont Moniny last whien hieirs in a collision withi a truck jus't nortis of tise subway on l-lighc-ivay 3_5, just nortih of NeircastIe. Os tara- eti out t,) pass a car ant idt not see the trumk. 'Mr. Fred Wood has pujrmiasetia hioise lan-Oshaira on Division s'treot anti experts to mïore into sm n about ,six monithlim ine. MsW.A Bit, Ciarke Townvish'ip Rond Superin- tendait 'bas purchasetiMr Fred Woot's hom ila rono. MIr. anti Mrs. George Denny, of Oshaiwa. Mr. anti 'Mus. Charles Piper anti son Bert, antiMisE-nie Mi, - tIleton, Toronto, anti Miss ChIarl"îe Waiîhem of Toronto, !Mrs. Bath Mid- deofrom iChiremiont, anti son George andti tiugter, Mf's. Lyna, irs recent visitors with Mr. anti Mrs. Jamies Mitidloton. Tree PlaAting Week April 23 to April 28 - wsse nion tise govermient. The resaitof thua Indratis of p'odic is tm hattsrldislaMore pro- ?ortanme of uctivoetthan oursý andt iey have an irel being abundant riater suipply for ailoueets. anti to pou' Somo Euopoan farmers tint have es of rees core 10 Ontario iately t buy faruis nti etc., are e boon amazet aI tise Urgent nleeti vos twenty for trees oa most of the best Onaro te Pro-phet farmas, anti onoof tseru preddiihat îny otisers, Catnl moisitho a-n urpriotinctve 15005 were- desort latise not to-oraditant fu- fyoass ugo buse nah'S- treo plantiag beaie corn- lboat -tilis Ak after a r1ms g-oiiig e PROFIT 5115 yiil oQod tand Air. btap. Payne, Petoulboro, eeeBaster guets of 'bis parents, Mir. ai-ii Mrs. Rois- ben Payne, Vance 'Cooper, .C.A.F., Mountain View, anti Mrs. 'Cooper anti Joy, of Orono,spent Enster.Suiay -iith Mr. a-nti rs.GeorgÏe Rma Miss Fao Jones; sponit a few iays lan Waýrkworth. Her parents, Ms. anti Mss. W. H. Joues, anti Bati-,rent flQira Sunaty 'anti bsoaght hier hom-e. Congratulations b 'Pice, anti Mrs. Lenno-xVae (formerly Betty, Sta- pletonl) whio ireo marrieti ut White- vis by Boy. _M'Lachlani on Saturdaiy. The ro suas a presentation lat New- lonvilLe 1Hall on M\oniday nighi-t for Mr. aniM rs Carl Totit, Stark-ville. Mrs. Totit wa fosmierly Margaret Boren,. The WX. M. S. of Aise Unitedi Clhturh boit their nnal Eastor, Tisank-offer- inig on Suniay veninig mien Bey. Dr. BdicToronto, iras guet speaker. Next Suniay, Apsil thi, there m-ilibe a ainister preach for a rail hoers anti ire. moult likýe thieeogregalion to al corne ont. KÇENDAL MisBeaîncee Thoiiipsoni visiteti miils Mrs. 'M. Luxontu iLring ,,tie sveek- enti. Mr, ati MLrs. Ayl'wasti Little -with Mss. N. Little anti Alec for lise -weelc- Mr. anti Mss. N. Thestl more at their sammonr home for tise Bastes holiday. MNr. Johfn Thomps)ýon anti Alec. Lit- île mtie their nanal week-entd trip to Petotiboro-. Mr. antci Ms.14, Boyd visiteti mitis Mi-, anti Mrs. Blake Aloxantiier oves Mn. antiMs Bob). Masrtioîl spent the wee-n iïh his parents, MsI.1 ani M ssý. J. M artiniel. Ms-s. Bsume Anderson anti son Firotitïie more B-attes visitors xithI MsVisorne antdi Daviti. Miss Georgina ringii-on ïis spenti- ing tfise nsesva-cation11with her meoir, Mss. A. G. Daruingtln. Miss Helen Moercer, of Tosontio, is, spend(iog tise Enstes weeik mith ber! paqrenýts, Ms. anti Mis. Wmy. Marer. _Misýs Anal-ie Thomaosn anlti wo frvietis(, ail11of tis .CAF.(.D) are visiting i_ ývtb Mss. C hasý. T'flimp- soýn anti Arthu1r. Ms. anti Mss. Wm. Patorson haluve setu"1rnet om fîssnenting the Wm"IWannandKisby neeof Mn ntiMrs. A.Lor 'Private Wilfseti ougheyio NVa Scotiap, vi'sitet 1i ilsbhis motaMrs. 4cownitinuieti ]onpage fv) *Another Hydro I For Ail Rural A further Rural rate reduction fromn 4c to 3{prkilo- wvatt hour on the flrst block of energ'y user i-n any one imonth by llyc4ro Rural consumers, will g into effeet on ail bills rende*ed on ot after May 1st0 945. This Rur-al rate reluction w\,ill meaw a saving of approx- imnaely $300,000 a year to Hydra Rural consumers. The INew Uûniforr1/aate Structure 34J2c. Pei (fori 1-6[lOc. r enerj r kilowatt ho»r for first block of energy.. rierly 4C.) tir kiIowatt hour for second hlock of 3j4c. per kilowatt heur for A additional energy No service charge on Farni Service . ý . . a service charge of 56c. gross per month on ilamici service. TPhe more Ilydro you use the fess it eosts on the average per kilowatt hour. Jncreased use theref ore bringsIoe costs. The important revisions in Rural rates, mnade ef- fective in January 1944, havTe resulted in a greater useý of energy,, enablinig the Commiission to f urther redluce the cost of electr-icity to Hydro consumers in Ontari o. TfHE HYDRO- ELECTRIC POW'%,ER1t1 CO0MMI1S SIO0N OF ONTARIO ,Ëax

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