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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Apr 1945, p. 2

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REPORTS Stijl Neciessary To Maintain > avng Tme The(eqirninî hiclî hn 19429 eallcdl for the adopjtiop1 of daylight aaRving tlme ap)ply w,ýtih equal or even greater for-ce et the present VhiCnie, esecretary of state's Office has announcet .Theiost recent rep)resen1taion for abo1lition of 4ayliglit savîng tinse was mae in rebrrta-ury byte Canadien Fader- âtion ofo Agr-icu1ltureý. The gover i-. no change nower would cause a feecrepowver n Onîtario alone, a nd a neenimiuim contreet in isbrwoud prAbly nrke a $hotag onpeas n ithat prIovince. tu. adtoif Cm(ad wntbc to standardlme whlile lie Uic S1Ilgls ren'ied onwr Oass frgh trasprtatcoon nsciedul ee CTWccn onc we A-un10esLU îd ha diloed.l-ýca-, e Caaaisparedteinces Kingdom as soon as ritinask f mo1ý re Agriultue Mnte e * * * 7 ale, colret prsave cupnsO lltheur curelration boIkt lest hi an- fie uar be n teeae st ~p, tome ote he of aupoiun onl hedcart raiyrvsTcoupons, the PinCea oard stàtcd On exp Ciain-. po ndof cnin of 1r Os obtla- aile ilpeevseoos w of publc r led allid. Eight the rcarin 'loniey1 7. AIl ofvt_ tise 20 li r tmeinvlDntl for Ilther noisehal tîsoeînowducj necd net b uglsed til Thlbater. a" Sinceu\-1989ircanadazzleas cpin- and0O,0llthe0, an ofFl tht anent set en wy, G rehuan Teweriv ls, tavent rof te Bn of Cd, rept.s. 0f ery $6O Ibisofute $ he basben f riscti by taxation $ hyC b el,ci. b orriî , and $1 by riisbleroduhecier Naew u Heaamp toward msligt1ic prlee avs of ntittft-itorsngvhasi been rededn comanerglsofinhTie beam bas acürc fIat toptit e very defiite t- Ioffelaeel. iret 10,000eis ces oldete ]oeiaet t odiary ey lvl Nd thbeaehrtachf t i n pr fect fou, of vinnet on Theds- tant iew of thadway ahêade but a sohave define h iurefa The range of tithe aassisatetiL ile ho wel over 1,000 fetrni tO emploeti meh falling rfancorý Sioetime li apne av t copmener "fo the Sýens of Ieave te rlte tha 0,0 Jan selier:loe"Nowi oias et-.b Now he Wahrmac ht ba a slary p liaI oEsisnher tfor f 1adoi"ngteRusas Cortoa: "Iae corn leh k or F'u ae"Dhen asak dedoght 159TUFFY NOSE? Nose ïp)îugged up? H.eati coldi thr-eaten- ing? just siar NOSTROLIN11E ini ýEch nlostril. Feel clogged mlucons loscoi, stuiffýiiess vaishi, breathing 1passages, corne clear. Reief is instant. N1OSTROLINE cicars heai, stops diseharge, relieves ctrrheaci coitis. Conivenient. Pleasanit. Adiuits and chltiren 5 oc-alil d-ruggîst3s CLiI'ToNl BRISTOL, ENG-LAPfl Tort'ureci mcm lgetsheipi Lemori Juice Mixed aI Home Relieved ~HEUMATIC PAIN scys Suflererl "à haýve uscd ALLENRU for Se-vera m3ont! s, I could bardLY vwalk nacoa ofnsy knes. But now thosepin r reiieýved. I can go lie s acboe now," Mort Shepard. Do'îe be s victini of thepansand aiches caused by remîim umbn'ago or eri without îrying t'aissipe înexpent-r-ive Creexpe10 yo n co ix ai hiome. Two tablesp-ooýns of ALLENRU, plus the muice of 1/z lemion -ln a glass of water, You-rrmoney back if noat entirely sajisfled. .7,sit 85ý oa aUdrugstor es. Buy ALLENRU today. Wr1i t e fr -informatv ,e 1bookiet ,"1-r1'L- Gooti Hcalth toTon lt Sta ffordC Millar (of Canada (,ý) Lti, Dep, 5 12 11hnS t..To -)o nt. RaeC 's a lean. Staililes.pae. .Speadl' relief frm thLe itching antid diiscOafrt.L Not only doa-s Ibis ain ni sep'tiu 0 l promot e rapitià Ati halthy heiling -,in open sores anti onnd but bouis anti imple ularsae a1hso reliet ei. In s1kinaffecions gthe cii of Eccama l îîckiy Stoprati. Pimiplas -kia emlonis (dry up anti ceaie off in a fvery awci y.The samne le ftrue of Barb)er's ath, Sa1ýit Rhaum Itcbi'ing Toas anti Feet aiii other in- 'Ion car obtain ooesEmretalti Ouin th1 oigQ a bottia at aoyý modem dmug store. Saitisfaetiooor W1LLIAM S Rrbbdon thc neck Iroat anid chesË, cleaf S up the affected partS anti permits$a restiulinght's sleep Prevents Congestion 3Bld Serilwomcnplications FEMAU PAIN LydiaE. Pinkbem'lsVCge tabe Coipon not onfly haelps rai ieve prodcpain but ALSO accomnpanying neýrvoujs, tired, hlighsî'runig feelings - when due ta func- tioael monthly disturbances. it's ),ne af the m1ost effective medicines for tispur- pose. Pikhemi's Comnpounid heps 1na~'re! Folàbow label directions. Try it! comoum Great Mines Fromn Little Nuggets Grow WVithin four yaso dsoeyof poid in the Koliein iga n- nual production of gold ffrom ili sources i Cna ad increaset te, mlore hlan 1.3 lmillion finle 0onn- ces valueti et $28 mlillioni. Lest year ec;Îltiad oîptwas lnearlyv 2.9 mil.- lion ounlices vqelued at owecr $111 Thseasion, t mabe nocte,, we's accomplia'hed Centirely by pri.- vate enterprise, wvithlout the, interI-. vninof a stptce trust and wt- onit aiti-ofln, inldeeti, despiteste dicorgeenin 'the forio; rsrcietaxeýs end ciinbs on .in-. ACCOUNTÂNTS AL'D1TORS,, INCOURE TA.X REPORTS COM.. lte Bookkýeeplng Srie.SmîaIi or LairgeBuises Traval any- wbeýre. Aibei Brett iý & Co-, 8 WiintnSt .E..Toroûnto.Ont EACHES MODEL HOMfrE Yý) o may in ithis 8000modal ho"me fr 81.6L0. Write for your shsIi Stoday. (81 .00 ach tac Beauches Bunes Me's Associa- tioni, Toronto 8. Yourrecept wll ha milai prompitly. Draw to b Charii anti 00 ha disppoloi, Ail ciche ak pre fromc uaanretitest- eti stock, ai frein 25 oit. egge, or better. arro ocks mxat $1,0par II10 White e, on mixeti $1-1,00 par 104 r retl, Roc oPllets '?1 3,.00ji)par 100l. wieLeghýornil Pullets $22I0 par iv tIçlivtery lnceaiti C.O.;,fD. Male Ciy1 WcHa lery. ChathPeai DON15"T MIS -S THE BO îAT. E dot on reryur chicks ati Kee Ibs iiin md aIl the t , - duewill hane-iei extr"! l If yuseni us your or"ir1at oncewe cn tke cre f nur< reqireent, n aar reaisfo ise bour radý,,io prgrmm 00BEEDERS ON ONE PLANT 5001< TOUR 14-C) TSNOVV ani ,1ty1r1 hihewben yj ou on oinr cika. P lce ou ortiar NOw. , r 'ai usx Large cTyp L- brn, usesX New Ramilpa., Sse ebr Rock X Lgon.Rc e 1Prlic e Liat. Lkvî Polr FeraWi. iTem Br o-..Veter. Oil ME f:AT CMMTET. EE- pritable mrkats for polîr meel n Canda Iis fil -t ei- ina,,pice. Buy cockarels 0w, " wbii tha're lntiful anti econ- omial 10 pia. B>yVHaebery APPROIRD CICKS ,NOW-ar iva ýiver o Peiniigrad1e day olti Pults 90%, guareteei- I Unsaxeti chiche 10 parhndei Cockre s $ .00par 1huntireti llass-eu Rocs, Nw Hm pe,lre's Suse, lyrls-usxX Heal , Rock X Hitmpi, Basai Leghorn Follets 90% ,guarateed- 824-.80 par nuti(lri. unjsaxet chiche 1450pa'r ilhuilreti. cochoeas 900par hunt11rad. Barve timai, otirfroai etivertise- men. Stisactonguaraniteeti. res the proper brootiing of ýchieks, andi mietis usatilin rlisin2 pouiltry foi, iliRoAD1 IREASTESUSSEX CON THO('USAýNDS AVILABLE 11WEE11K - iy, if you orti. r et' one. Our BraiBreasteti Susses casbring top pricas on the marhet. White shînnti. ,long rounieti bese AIso ýNcw H Faap. cox with1- faci growlh etm fahria uaad Laghornliqanti Rock ç Lghrn ake ,goti droa stars antmlgrow fast up t0 4-5 lbs. Von can buy thesa for 94.00 par 100. Also mx cd heevyrox 86.00 Par 100. Ai! from our wa-be, baty blooti testeti breadlers. 5008 Boreeti ars on ONE plnt . Lakaview Ploultry PFeri. Wain FBrocý.. Ester. On tario. 100 CHICKS FREE WrITii E51VER' ORL.EB CP 100 PuL ]et chiche, we gýiva 110 free chiche, (ouir choica). Legboro u p oilIIst 92.5par 100, barratiRock pub. late $19 95 par 10. WhVite Roc Pullets $ 2495 per 100. Ail ehichc, solt i hbacehatibigh aeg pedig-,rpe st ock,$1,00 boe orordar, balaneCOD urnet 0t4 l ev1tijivry. 1,ÈRan i ach ery CahaOntario. "OXFORý111,D" BL!O,0O0D-T E STED' chea!iva, Ie-y ant iipy. Thay aira the resits rof ninetean aer of caraful saiection antid aein in O.B.S. Thaey bave10 haghos bcauHIse wve want the vary beýt kinti of chiche for our o wn fiock0. Impi'ovad bedng ivigoro-wz anti ary atnring. Wa stra'sz egg sizpa anti uniforlnity. Wrlla for, our free foider. BreiRocksý, White Lghrn, u-sýexei btk PoilaIs ani C'nn pqTho Oxfnrdi Fa rmaýrs' r,-)opera2 1t i vcProti-esUlc CoLtd. 484 Main St.. W%,Oodstock.ç Ont. Ho1ping ta inspir'e is %workers wihprompirtniess and. energy, a business nian hung a number of sîina readinig "DO IT NOW» arun is factory andi office. W'hen hae was asked coirne weeks later how hlis staff at reactedi, he shook bis head sadly. ÎI doni't even l ike 'C' talk about il," h e saiti. "The cachier skipped- VAth a $1,O; theie ad book- keeper eloped ivith the bestse-. retary 1 ever had; mhree typists asked for an inicrease,; tiie factory hdsdecidied to go oni strike, atnd lthe office o joinýed lhe Nv The, giant -29ý, bombe)r conitains 14 mniles of electrical wires, OU'R FOUINDATIION STOC-'K 11 reglastareti anti padîgreet i brds, Ntngballer in Canîada, Orde-r flov. Prîcas fr ixeti baby chichemnaies lanti femalas: Bar- rcaI Rc, $1200 rer 1hundireti; Wb,'ite Lgoms$10.00; Whlite Roc)(ks, 8500Erown iLegbons1, S8RI.00j. PilarIt r ,iq es: 1Barrleti Rocke 190; hieLegbjorns, 82200; Wlite Rck, '24.00; PBro wnIleaoo 82.0 5free clck Q1s, our obilewil h gven for each 200 ixetci chiche rter ccd anii25 free clka for ecd 100 dy oitipolets ordana. taninia fHeigit,Otro ORD5R%'tIR CHCI<SNOW)V, youm hefr H s nnext sprg wben you wanî thi. aretM-c aiieti$~1.00par 10[(hm, e 100. Ravy BretiCia. 8600 pa 100, Lagborn Cl. 82.00 ar 10 matti lch. Garnrfoi, 00 ortie, balnce d:.0. ainbo HScery C ,ateaisOnta ,-o. i er ateryerheytei ,us ta tivey. ou ee il op Nr.op uheh=e'eGoveNnDentApprov cd fg rmbooicse rteti us foitica as husky healtby bigý pmotiucing brtie. We offets speil ba.Prga i'forInexv eaok. Rocberas par untiet:Wht on hmn 1c;Wbie Lgbon l 4.15; enHaimhres 3.95; as- reti Heavy Itrneetis 1c.5 on-o muatnc.,,- ay yur rtier.L Top PY9IINGAND CSTADARDS RATE Y(SfTJ AVTEN. NE, dyein or icanngl rite wt lis answaor yu qetin. eart- ment H. arker'e ye Work con I1ls0.lous fRobarîon mtihoti. Informain Roberîsll, on i Rairdeaig caI-. way. 117uAvenuesRoati. Toro bgit oltbi rbot:bt.Wpul- laya, brshe.AllenElarc*C- pany ti.. 126 offerin St, 1To- aus,ira perfris, pe'adh trcs appleùpelr, pioA]F, chrrie grpsforrai, nwabrua, atgin Atorýfo5ik urer imco Y'(Ontalo POLE.Selii ANO SI TNAD 20Re i1t Flaga10 Orda 40 PGE. R. WLRION L D. scpai U60 acres, Dcnew br. gaagsALEctrci, Mapr To wter W. v aa attCaarctOnasîo up-to-dat, Prite faýonatcuas ArtE.Hagadoal BresvllOnt. Amateur Tetr1icas upoirey inA oler. goes, BACKACI'E? Look out for Trouble Pslcsa ec als an ,e e Wîth Your KIDNEYS hcsqiky ocr 5,3e O,1.0 Ti your back aches or if yau bavet disturbed sleev, burning or emarting, look out for trouble. This condition is a sure Slgn that, your kidneys are ri01 fnlly ridding your blooti of poisonaus acidî andi wats b the kdesslow uP. wastea cillee. Bckaclse, dizzy spiell. puffy eyesand ri'eumratîc Pains mnay folbo)w, Your kidneys neeti beip --and there (a a timec-trieti. rao-ivawy ta belp themi hesown as GOLD lMEDA,,LIlaitrleni ORA Capsules. These Capsules conlain cane- fully measureti quantities of tha,-t widely knowý,n diuretlc calleti Daîcl Draps You ivili find theirl action fast andi effective. Be su re you gel GOLD 2MEDAL 1Haanlem 001 Capsules, tise genuine anti original Dutc-h Dro-pe-peeket inlaCanada. Get s 40ec package fnamr youar druggiet. 0 FARMS FÔVR SALE. F-ARIM SL IN DISýTRtT,"i of Agoma 158acres, 115uiri ptueand in. uidng good reai xeln 'ter i n Pluimmer, Ont. mil frm i ty 1 li]1msits f ue. lh, Ont1. Modem doule buswtI1 Iyro am i l!conveiece flot erdrîlai wll,2 istrna 2gar- ages 1 eatti;goo bak barn. productfva lind. Fr uthrin- formtionapplBox20,71 Adaý- Le lTornea s1rper:111118(1 t 12 yard1,1 aper; Dî8Iner natona wîh bldfoer (,cape niD4 Caetila: D wt An- tbony Higblift Buc etd ir 11i otsset fotrfoltier S. H.Levethal& Co, Mahinary t MED , iCALý- of.n ar te aue f lheailth, mune,!1Why'oüt fid ou4Fifti s K our trouble? 1 Intea pr -h ïi- îculars-Frel pWiteMuvne' Pl11-\Rýedies. )(eTaliAds ornaDE- sfrheumat , Ic Pins or îneuinsiriito lovr truNie, eprssei hadahe tahZetS.9 CReep 'N S1 ,ar11 1ÏT lt Ir g- Fl.A25TOet Druggists. Drg t oeotutawa. ar ingred ie n Dîxn's mei Pcslt olni MunrofssirgoSore 31 Egn ttaa. Postaid 81ý;.0 FeRED IltA. BDDINGON UIS sis, exeangsmscaintu ments, UChurV, TORONTO 2 4PPRTUiTES FOR.WMEnltn OFR OIN ANDAS EDIOSHO GrOFet! Oporuniy, e Li' ý vealrdronsandg ulifr Pleaat ignir.fiaee.rofesion goo Coages, thouetis succassfuloMrel 27r.dute s mria's greanadtays W ýit ori eae crc 358 BLOORKW. ORNT OFU'I8TO INvEN'rOS mation seilfee. nithe Eamsayr j Co.Si, Reitrei atnr Atoas 1 1 Bank 'street Ottaw, S Canada. AR TUINTERSTED IN E nevyew sall ii P (iaoI$0 ite us or atst ecitvf iclr Faclexr a son & R ihLimitetil anýcvtinthe promtsmanner',in whchyu er or k iisl lla gr F9eatly S'Ay AHTSieRi or8ExposuEs D'it rkl aing pîctres. Sen ti your film rolaSt Ma n FOR FRUIT & NRSER FARM WOR A CCOMMODI UON E. D. mih' Fài am TIMVE TESTED QUA.LIT'Y SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films ý,Ploel eeoe e FINEST ENLARlN IOBVII You many fot get MIl the filmrs yen wantïi this yerhut you can gel ail the uliy ndiservice youcdesi5re by snigyoUr filamst0 IMPl111ERIAL PEOTO ~RII rtinJ.Torot 180;14 Ring WaTrno Bookiel,1t of Ifrainonr- ity and vlu.Sen r atlou Wesieverytiinýg thatlrw, Ï3rOeee Av1,e., WtidTor sPE1EPY CAS Is 1020 Ct goodmdu lahdr vi abie, \Writergt 0!Bo 173 Adelaidc . orno BIDNG OOT'S ANDý1 GEAR WE PAY CS 333OHELETE A VE, WINDO WiLL, FAt $700, CASH FOR17G1C Planr Mchig, L lausudfr planig soelaher blocks. B ïox 15, 7,3 Ade(lai*de West, Týruinto. WIL py cshor swap 1for \what we, b11avýe. _333 Quellette îAveT, WANTED! Will pay Cash os. we for new oe r nw, tieso what ,we have. 333-5 OBLEETTEAVIE.,WIDO WVANTED T'jO BTOEESL Frcee,_11.1>,._", Meaýfordî, Ont. F,-r,11ilin runown conditior. wa.,nted. Muest be bargain for0 cash. Saturice and axs.De scieflly\. Bx2J 73Aead W., Torontro. IcARM CHER "VKN'.CREAM SPRTR and reariparts arýe 1a1waýY'- avaiable either et- a your local deer or 0,dir*ect froi Seds Seýparetor CO. Llmlted, 720ýý Notre- Dame West. Mon-treal ,13. Que. HEýLp WANTED $500 1,171(l NUR7 SEir, GENEýrAL duty. live I.Room antiBo-argi, duItiesý to ýom-mence et once. When appiying ýgive flU Particulars rand e'xlerience(. WIernr JMfernity Hopial ox 4n2. Wate(rford. Ont. iPYU ARE NO('T GTIOA suifficint laomwiy rnot Fstart a business ALL l OTIR WNrea- ing Fe ie ow p'iced gilaran- tifimeQuick easy sales-uJbstan. tial poit.A horga and wagon or cair wlll help ycou ili!Fvfy for a Suri roue. DtailsFRER Famîle, 160 Daloimier, Mon experince, odem Frai, by April 15th 2 adits. P Br2amIp torni District,. Rfrecs required. J M. Dolson, Bapo 2, Ont. one with co-rne e(,Xpar11Ince Fýon aik-eav tetypos',it1in for stead redible mn. i(4-houir wek.Apply nearSt EP, lo )y onc('e, stadh osto.(44ý- hour wek.Applv era mlyin village. Mrs. Atidie HnrAus- ville, 0nt. steadf (.y nmn , for g eneral 1 fa rm woron11C da1:1ir1,Y fara',i .Ex peur i ince mulkng achnetractor, prf.J il. 70 11, 1 - r , 1P ,;ly hona, lc l di d F3t Âp_ E.Voi MARE AN FIOR U-ODT fruiit fa ri on Niagr ca TRiver Bolvard, ya-y epoaet somrwood, garden spot, ft. Ple ie tte natlonalvitY. , 2-e, trirminae'rerenesize otfami- ilv at agrepatt. .ow- ccdFiaç~r& onsQvien1o J

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