y Robeýr tai Lee Lepoor taste fer hum itc c effer te paly fur iberlneen 2. 15 t thle u uto teive a are ube c ues-s t a uem 3. What is tile corectwayfor a ren r arelativete osp n te n irba Iilnecemo1,21t? 4. hen 1pYosens have sent îfbwors te a fenercial, weulId it beË AI!rigbt te send ngraved caris cf tbankýs for therei? . s -it alisrigbit for a perýson te remin a,ýllnler wbenmakng forms aIma? c. I!,ià preper feýr one te greýet fiIePw gue(ýýss;intbe dinînglrcem1- of s ote! Amnr 1,Ysit is porý taste fer imr te ake !tho effer, ani i lite girl «bouti! refuise.. 2. Ne; ïusually onlly n reativeýs 1and1closefriendcs aeil"- vite-d te the hbome edd(-(ing.3.By ýcsIIilg te se,(c the miother, seielg f!owvers te berci, or a gif t te the baby. 4. Wbilec this is esuiailydo, jeonlnotes are far bttes. Thecse notes can b(every brief. 5. ,No; the rscrbdtimeII for a formna! cal is twenlty m'Iinlue. 6. it lis neyeIr Mnt of pouce te bec frindly, Plaid taffeta pc&ttcoat peeks from- sitof navy bine2 suit. Matching 'waistcoat blouse lias ruf fle at neck- fine -and cul Is exýtending below sleeveS oe short jcktModel car- ries cartwheel f cit the ûssýme ceint HowvCanl?? ey Anne Ashley Q. Hon'cjn 1I leasi ilpatîis A.Make a ibm ese f iv potialce(s and cleas- 'rater.Adsee line puice steeand mub on the pa1iutînig vnryenhy vith a spC)ecg. Then 'rïi îpe ws enc!oti an, chearvwater, iter the surface Cs dry a ceaI' cf cheas- varnih sbi Q.How cseIi mv cnl wax from clcbin? A. By plcing the spot over a Turkýiihtsulion ýpîacing a Cean blett- overil tani( pressing the fisotter %with a blot iron. If the spjot is nets-emoed. rpeat tPe per Q.au? euII-e eole rnethiesu in the samnete er atwe'ater as tb'lat in which 1they arewss~d.They 'Il be)--nice andý Q.flion' tan 1 test fhe beat of ean oven? A.The coven acanhbc tesîici 1y aiuga pieeo white paper in toven. ILtbe oveln is Imoderate hepaper 'mIlyeenjagolden brow'n ifive mitest(,. it wiltrca >iark, brw nfive iue in a bot Q.lion'tan I stneegthen w eak .77 .Eybahigdaily in a nlitioli lf I, %aton, ani sî'Cýhluo. An Tue &ls 0fPeace Sorrie day th e li cf pecew Nohe thunder)cf thiegn e ub Oi n 11 mor willcpy hlde No terer fly hy ight r day o a fbonwsovred rilwg- Th atlve ad bat might And ,,ig1itIess ede, il embly "Lt 1net our tormiientt be invin In unnoxvnplace,ioim, dar-k, Insapin snlin restless sea, Lie mlen xbosirife0lif e' i Chance- iFknl! of f~al or Nwhi1ch teydied? Or, will ýe grow stffneke uihtred, gree( d nluhaughty pi~ Wi tra ad coniquest be our Gdi \ill we still sek he ighest Seat? Thlen suriely wýar w-'illscureonce And akedesrucional comlplete. Shah w ve flot bav-y ecthat they Our flehsd bod strovýe net in And'beiil xxrldon ight, ne't mliglit, Whenbei !lls c 'f pea)Ce ring etaan Mor-e than2,500gallons (cf ;avia- tion aslieare nede t frry abomber i-cm Cnad teEeg vYO Wihl En1joy Staying t A 'The ST> REGIS FIOTEL ru u ONlo *e iiiZ. Vom. an Sherbourne ai Carilon Tel RA 4135, WHEN- nsiifforfr-Om-,alClillg, aggra- v aing m~na pain, I-ou want quick reief A Instantine talet tae ith, water, wiil usually bring this relief. .AMdIstnin' eip doe(sn'ýtsto ere, because tris prescripmtio-ye medirine is sesiycempouicIdtoû give triple-actioni relief these n'ays: 1. Speedily eases pain. 2. Prolonqs relief from pa;in. 3. Rpduces "depressed feeling." Gives mild, sîimiulating "lift"1 linstantiie qikirelieves heýadache pain, tee. And you eciireîy oil for prompt aid in flgbItinig ofI the dis- comrforl that cemnes withi a cold . AU drugstores. 12 tl-Hets 25ý.1 ISSUE 14--l.45 The Jade Ood By IMARY iMeLAY TAYLOR CHAPTER XVI làe teck ber din bisarres sgsn ani kissei bersemely, "It'sgoody,"ie sA1firm!-iy. "Iwnt tae yenu. At least, I'mý mac ent-Iougb nelt te rein y'our ife- beaus'e T love yn.Il ts geed1by, She coup!lutco peak; shemIct huis go, but she stood sýtil!, leurs bidiniig ber. He n'ould net takre ber te figbt bisbatile, tcre wnas a tim-ult in bier bicart, she wanited to ru aller VIN te tl!S i srsCe Wvood face anytbig for cim, but hie dlid't want lber te go! Tue Ibot blood lrusheil te ber -face; then sile remmbeithe qangeiislinil)bis eyes-and he was geing! Sbe stoci holding ber breîli, lstenng te bis fosesgefnig a\wayden the lonig hall1a1>,at lsst, ti l esinýdg of the door. If 11bere was soneutbiIîg fthat she11 could doI; wsnt thre someI- thinig? Suddpenly b<i er heatlepi -tho jade ,godh!Site noh iake Burlso tl! e eybingY ho knerw. She wa tedt be sure that Lac- don bi 1gene before she vw Clt back te the iibrary. There n'as a -stir din the e ore onldnlto Aýunt Lynnl's voif'e, CcP l ud Crî,, fr-eozinig sonirenne ut. Pam b Iid hersel-f f rom the, trying te slip by, but slîe cotIli net silet ber sorry. 1I kncw yeur nie, Arcbie," Mis. Lynn ali ii buf 1 can't pardon ti. Slie n'as fre(ezinlg Landcouot! "If 3yen mean yeuoi'd bren ink inlg-tbat fonfly rnIkes iivere, shle replici hapl. As fer Bank -yen know wbtJ hi1 !Itl uAi non'l'nîin ofla.te I~ ~ ~~P supos!"Laiencrn 'she I tric te uie it tee, in O 1w avete aiî -u iiu , h ee cr nîer o Thlis 12 or 16-m.ccbtei quar ia byuon te omlemlakers. Use sic- gîJy for plae lody, ray rover; or, oicfor clotha, scarsf, spreais. Yens-r favorite pinrappie' d esignl in a nen' 12 or- 16-ich square, depeni- inig on1cetton-uisei. Pattes-n 651 bias crochect directions for squtare. Send tenty cents in Coins (stamps cannol be accpeîc) for Ibis pattes-n te Wilson Neeilecai Dept., Reýomý 42i, 73 AdIelid(e St.. 'West, Tes-ente. PsicI piiny pal- temn numbes-, yens- camle aiaPni adiesa. side, tJe Ire on the heatb was low. Thlen, beyond thbe shaded amp, she saw th!, Ontine of ber Uncle's gray bead. She thougbt he was asleep, big eyes were closeil the red streak baid faded intoashengray, he looked iii. It sered.ei imossible that he COINd bceasleep after aui tat violence! She sawý the scattecreil bits of pol- isbed jade on the flor, shattered Cie poor Mark's hope cf freedomn long ago. She s.oeed sudt, and banl te i- -ck nip the fragmenýits. She fonInd thlehead unbnILrt, greeni beard andaIl, andl.bch disorted moutbgrined up at ber. She had it i]l in e anid whee shliftead he ye 1gale and fcnn B(lEle- son vwatcieg h ler. "'TbroDw itat thinig away, Pam11!" But she did e; he Camle Inear- eýr., hoIling eutlher pinIkpamit thiegren had in it. "Ucî cHrbiert, Mar's ucie broughit thàt wheei they were te- getiser tor- the laýst timne; broulght 7t for _eu, andllhe fhad it wbien Mark sw im i ast. Hle gave it v. ouiterar shsepaes,ýC1 le'ttinig ber wordý Siek in, but lie Ss id no(tbling, oly looked initently, at bler. "ontyen sec?" she pleaded, Shegave àit eyen after MSark mafthue. He was kîlld RatetAt. Yon can clear Markif 1O, CanIl1" bis gray liined face n'sCruel xvhee lie wisted his ThIegr loked steadily at limi tl( it te ye, cf ycuLtI -VeS, yenl can!'s'umut-"Site camie ilear- er. lljcleHerber1t, try fo r- menier-os.înut! He ,cne"t be left ike t i hodidu, do it!" Buleo rtnd Iber ob,! ncee.fei the tmpstofIbi,; anerbd left ii wevak dlc i?"li skd piingly. She1 nrdin-ry!" 0e sid, ;fter 'a m-et te];, Vt' ailNfarl~ e tfFtend vars cf youth! [t's ruel. ifs wici d UnleIlrhrt il ust hav eue e: li dkî s o cirav e d se crue'le ber vcIlte xlow lv, it) e iîi tkcxv. but if n f' aiaord iî euh have pîit lfi dxIII a fni ly, a goc wifeo TABLE TALKS Brown Gravy repntaion, jns5t a tca aeOr mar a me1aL, cely too, t he achievment of a Wic4 velvey psro- dnc i quie a simple feat. For aren't npte al tbe tricks cf thie t rai(e, thie Coisnumer Se ctien oef the Domiiinioni Departnment ofi Ag- icuaiture effers tw"ýo ies, whichif i fo110oved will reCsulit',in) giossy grsvy, fe-rm-eptbe "pride of any housewife. Two Ruies Relenimber ne. deals' w\itb t!he proper bienidinig ef the fleuir âand fat. They sbouid be W!llblendei, anddite fleur browned before t1,e îiquid is addei. Rmme thbe gravy woni't brownl after flec !iqnid is asuri. Relenembr tw ïisconcerned wsbaidig sMd blendig the iiqui. Itsnay e waer, eat nor c hiokeni stock, liquor from anr or ookd egetables, mlilk or to.- ma1te mire. Waevrit is,te iquid s'houli be coid n'hee a(dici te thle fat-ifeur mixtuire. AIseo, il shuibe iadced gradicly and 01C mixture stirred colsftntyiring the eperation. Gaysiloli neilt Ibe maie tee far in a(ivanice nf ser7ving, othler- n'use it wi1lî dry 11tbecome îbilick and pastyand form a 0cu 1on op n'ibis diffirtit eblni baîck .soebyinto the gravyý. For laIe- t-d(inner melý_nîbrs qo llte faiîy,ý keep thie gravy tbot in thietopif a obeboile, isey oerd Pan Gravy Ad 12 o C bi sensbin ntetefy gor ibroiler pan ucI'e in ookýing seaStir weI te loos- ce paotilesadherig te Pan. Ss- ace s de ur d an seve on sek Brown Gravy '11 cp fat (irýip'pings from Yacelp 1fl 2celps cci iqed( tror MeWt0or vegetable stccu) Alln akýe gravyý in tbe [pan iii Phich the meat was coked. XVhem incas i lien, rmoe rom1 pan te )a lbot httrand keep wr iii e)en(,Ihha o'ff or hin wsr-11 hi-g veni. Peur ehocess fatIev 'Il% cp in pan. _di fleur -ai cee, sirrngconstlanîi' ly. entilflur becnie brw ebut 'netibereed. ad cohi iqid.Roesll-no 1on' braI xoet 1e lamWdiif yur lir tian yn apm Sîe iayberigbt. British Farmers' Exclusive P'roblem atIl the polm'i h vrd comimenta tlit Brandon Suni. Theqre are someeuie onies in- Great Britain îjuat nx.Kent. is fthe 1most b))iembil couirty in Engîand, ll'Ts Corner" in fact. Heire is acas- -ld avertisemIlenit fromn a Keeish pape(r oh recenitdae jFrmrsinC11Ho(Iligbure1 u inig ares. Ainyduie n'ating bomib craters filîci a1ppîy Moy, Hlfwauy F'arm, FKin'gsnortb shed.Poe Asbiferd58" World's Largest Port Necw Y oryk1hja r-bor)-the1wired's largest and biest port -ha waterfronit eTf650 1mlil1e s aai(p - pro lmtuely 2, 000( piers, mhre and quays.Egt large bas ouir rier ad fiour straits fhelp give the "Port cf Ports" 1,.500 sur mliles ('f trio Men Are Workitng To Exhaustîon t your food viger.- OJJ.y sÂie ottl e Dr. Chaîse$s, Nerve Food N",othî;ng smore depres. sing thanhedcs wili iîve instanit rel ef' J-m biy sîsgood for car ache,.rooth ache' paînstrn back. 'stomach, bowel5 9PovuYou a Cen hmi i e GuQiîc k M ess ,aei se s u m n s th u u i O e u n s c u a paunl'i uule N y ci e m nt brcs,,ensn Iath me' silot soi r'yurew ome. yes pies.a ti 'liathtes la s lie~~or cauote tab-, troube 5 ors-cu- efectxe mUho1 rede' P 8esar 5d SCr.oInfucl Ce. Quallty YOU911 Enjoy