r r .Local News [ng'- aLIrylagegroup of peo'ple 'VeriwhTreseking, a place o)f wor'- ship.' Las't Sunnday was nio exception, and enhanced as it was by iovely -weý,ather, the churchles thrioughÏIout the land w,.ere crowded. The local cn greg-ations were joined by m.nany visi- tonis, and Easter mnusic was feaituied by the choir-s. Rev. S. Littlewoo'd spoke upon the theme of the Resur- rection at Park ýStreet Church in thie niorning, and at the evenng service upon "Ghýlristian Synihois." -Mr. R.I Brow;n had charge of the music, and the choir was asisted by two former memibers, Messrs. Donald Staples ~and Glenn. TaniUbyn. Tim-e lost througi strikes and loch- outs in Canada wa 8.7% less in the tihe samne perivd in 1944. ,ciptures. And that ho was buid I iand that ho rose again on. the tburd w day." "The resurrecti'on", the r-peacher said, "ican be applied here, id at this present, -we canl go forward to) t a new life." The ehurch service -%wili ït ho at 11.30 next Su.nday morning. ie The Sunday School service at 10.30. Youl will want cash if your live Stock .. . Classified COMING EVENTFS You a ý,re invited toý attend teA- nual Easter Te-a of St. Saviour's , An- glican Cuch 'c- in, the Parish Halil on WednesýdayAp-l4t. dissjin, y 5c. 4b b-lO-p. 'larke Union H-ome and Sehoolý will m-eet on Tuesday evening, April lOth, at 8 ocok A good prograin is planned. Dr. Devitt and Mr. C R. Garveth WHIll how oving pic- bures. Everybody wloe Silver Save a$ C a shiand Carry. Eo-waniville Radio Service, Telephone 589. FOR SALE IFifty White leghorn Pullets. Ap- ply 40o George Forbes, Kirby. c-12-p. FOR SALIE Regilstered Shortlhorn ul,1 mn ths' old. PRussel O rnPhoime FOR SALE Stack of str-aw; also a quanitity of good hay in bariýn, Russeil OsIlorne, phone Clke 3831. a,-il-p. GARDEN FOR RENT Next to th-e old Presbyterian Chur-ch. Apply to M. E. -G. Waddell, 72 ýMadison Avenue, Toronto. b-il-c. WANTED An. unlurniished bright front room with board, Mrs. ac ocare Mr. Cecil Glass, &. R. North, Orono. MUILT. EDWARDS ELECTRICIAN Faims wired Motors Repaired Orono, ont. FOR SALE One Jersey caw, 8, years oAd, due FOR SALE the end of April; 1 Durham cow, 91 Man's grey douible breastod surii- years, due end of July; also sixtymepr suit, siize 38. Good as niew. Ap- pullets, good layers. H. Levorington, ply Irs, E. Stricklayid, Oro-no. R. R. Orono. -,c -3p WAYS THAN *Managing a farm is i many ayssimiIar t mnanaging any other business. That is .vhy reserve savîngs ini liquid form are 80 helpful to a farmer, Victory Bonds provide the handiest form i which savings can be kept with safety. Their security is without question. They represent money owing to you by the Dominion of Canada, just as dollar bis do. And ... better than dollar bils ... they earn interest for you every day you hold them; even when put away for saf e keeping in a bank vault or in a safe. They psy double bank interest'. You can get cash for Victory Bonds if you need cash in an emergency. Any batik will buy themn from you. You can borrow on them, without any formality. Slimply take them to any bank and get the loan you need. The interest the bonds earn pays a large part of thie bank inter- est on the loan, So, realize this fact, Victory Bonds are better -)than cash because they earni interest. Buy Vlctory Bonds to have cash where you Sneed it, when you may need it. IBuy Vkctory .< Bonds to help maintain your country's war effort. ., ,; LImprove You will want cashj barils or inStgII now1 ito bulld new mlentý.. roncc dog short ta1il, an11s - wers' to mîe aie of Terry, Alnyone( (n',g f its whereabo0uts kinidly teelione 25 r 7, Orono. ahc NOTICE AI] ashes dtu3mped in the hollow at the Talllei-y BII are to be dumped' on the north-east corner or west side orly. By Order, ORONO POLICE TRUSTEES BARN FOR SALE On Mrs. Fisher's farim (7th Une), i'/ý4 miles south of Leskard. 38 ft. by 38 f t. Excelent plates, f-uljength and widt1h, 12 inch sqae Other tinibers ail good. -Half roof mietal. Can be seen any time. Write Mrs, Sadie Fisthe.r, 679A, St. Clair Avenue1 West, Toronto. c-13-c. VACUUIMS FOR SALE VACUUMS REPAIRED "'GOOD VACÇUUM~S FOR GOO.D Housaekeeping". Alsn guaraniteed expert repairs, lubrieation, etc. c.U3.C. Sales & Serviice Branch at McGiRGOR ARn.'WARE G.,Bow- inaniville; Telephono 774. AUCTION SALE 1 have beon authorized to soul by pubiîc auctiona fori JOHN WOJN-AKOSKI Lot 20, Co.ncession 3, Clarke on MONDAY, APRIL 9th, 1945 h'is faim stock, implements, harness, etc. ýSale at 1 p. TERNIS.CASH Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer b-il-c. FOR SALE BY TENDER On behaîf of Charles A. Gleney and AliberltA. Huils, Executors of the Esit±e of the late Tohn. Wésley Gicen- ney, tenders will be receivedlby the undersignod up toj noon on the i4th1 day of Aýprîi, 1945, for the lato J. W. Glonnoy property on the east side ýof Miii Street, Newcastle. The firae bouse has eightro s and thero ;isa double garage. For inspection ,oni- suit MWr. Charles A. Glenney, R. R. 114- 1, Newcastle, Ont. Ternis cash. Hiýgest or any tender not necessaîily accepted. Dated at Orono, liarch 29tb, 194I5. R. R. WADDELL, Orono, Ont. FOR SALE BY TENDER 'On hehalf of Mrs. lEva G. Alinr, Ad- niinistratrix of the Estate çof the -ate Mary Ann CGowan, tenders willl ho receivedJ by the unders.'ggrei up to noýon on the 14th day of Ajuril, il45, fer-the property o&f the late iMra. Mary A. Corwan, in the Village of Ne-wcastle, beimg Lots .3 and 4 in Bloek "N" on the east aide of Beaver Street; tihe bouse contains about seven rop-s and there la a srYill1 bain. For inspeetion enquire of Mr. or Mis. Heiibert M. Bio;wn, Ne'wcas- tie, Ont. Terms cash. 1ghest or anly tender not inecessaîily accepted. tDated at Qiono April 5th, 1945. R. R. WADDELL, Orono, Ont. SALE REGISTER Friday, April 6th, 1945, the fa-im stock of the Estaite of the lato Ch';ar- les Emerton, Lot 15, Concession 6, Cartwright Township, also îiple- mnts.- Sale 14 mile west of Ný,estle- toin Station on 7A Hgwa.Teriis Cash.Jack eid, Auctioneer, Saturd'ay, Apr-il 7, 1945, the furin- iture of the estate of the late J. W. Glenney, iMiM Street, Newýcast -le. Sale to) commirence at i1'lc sharp.' Teins Cash. Jack ed Auctionieer.' F. F. Morris & Son Funeral Directors Furniture lDealers AMBULANCE SERVICE hos:Bowinanvqifie, Dey 480 Nighc, 734 and 573 orono, 27-4 The old.st, Largest and Most Complete Furnture Store and Modern Funeral Service in, Durham Our Serviçc -THIE B EST Our Gcoda-THE NEWEST Ouir Prizt-TIIE LQWEIST MORRIS & 90,N BOWMANVILLE - ORONO Profession-ali ietr MEDUCAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D.- PHIYk9IOL4N and S9URGEON Office loun: t.O b4.00 p.m.; 96.30 ~8.00 pi.. PIIONE 47y1 OBONO LEGAL Lawrence C.- Igason, B.A. Barrister and:toIicitor Phones W.F. WARD Office 825' NOTARY Phones:ý Rtesidence 4S, BOWIMANVILLE, ONT., VETERINARY DR. W. W. SIIERWIN" OficeRIain SUR.EONS Pffiee6Marn St-rooü J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fireb Casualty, Automao." bile anid Liability TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator ConducetsA uctiemSl.cfm o end gt 'e*srn«bie Mtesi. Comanrate with him at 0Jý pezxy, Ont&rl.5 or se* ks clork.4A- E. Mocten, at orono, for "t.. JACK REID Licensed Auctioneer ant! Valuator Specialize in Farm andi Furniture Sales Consult me for ter=a and dates Phone 16201 Clarke' E. E. PALTTERSON > Insurance Agency FIRE *AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY AND LIABJLITY1ý Phono 44-14, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. O. REPRESENTING soe of the Largest, Strongest and Muest Reliable Insuranco Fuman in Canada Farm Property a Specialty 1 arn pîepared to quote you l rates frorn 40c. a hundred, i according to classification of Building Phone, write, or better sýtilL caîl. I will be ploased to quott you rates on your propeity which will surprise you. BIRTIIS WILBUR - In Oshawa Goneral La pital on, àVUoday, Mardi 26, 194, Wo Mr. and Mis. Wiliur, (neecL-s Wood), daughiter. BoVh dig fine, CARD 0F THANKS The famnily of vhe late Mrs. S G, Halloell wish40.epress sincer than1ks to the ronimun1ity forûli kindneszs anid aympat1hy, and ~ beautiiful flo'ral tributes at the i of their bero-avenient. T. Smit anid for E'astei cirowd tuin- 'ice o,1n1Sun- ray preach- on in ho: The chul caterpillar it',s sjiroud tdead, pie- s dead shell vY 11 a ine' IN IMANmmy oh'BETTE R >rove your ose* 488 Rome 553 SOLICITM 1 BARRIS-TER, aïe 1 orone - e 6«#