Ac-eptýi:,g its first alen Jaaese vlunteer in this, the w7ar thfe U.s, 'Armyv has inducted Kazuo Uno, 23, abe,- of Longview, W. Uno,wo niade previpus attemDrpts to jointh armred forces, came to t'he Un-ited Staes rio h was 2. Am 1cn bo>rn Japs are subject to selective, sevcand 1,0 are now in the service. BuIt aliecns are taken only as voIluteers and must be accept- able to the Ariry. by Allied air raidsý to "1c ave dwelers" th ese of0 a Germian fan-ily fromn th eir ciffside shiack a whiite sur7ren-der flag after s hiad captuired the area, PAýL>S REUNi iEýD Escorted by men of the Third Army, first Nazi prinsoners captured east of the Rinei are marched away from the battie aresa. These Germans are part of an entire battalion that refused to f ight and surrendered to the Allies. H-ere is the 300th Lancaster bomber lea-ving the assemnbly Une of the Victory Aircraft plant - at M~atôn, Ontario. This Crown company is producing one of these planes a day. Loaded, the plane weigbs 30 tons. It has a spe-ed of some 300 miles an hour, a range of 3,000 miles, and an eight ton bomb load. Its armamnent includes 10 machine guns mounted ini revolving turrets. Its record as a bomber has flot been equalled by an3t otber aircraft. by this lpio He 7was 1-uried alive in an ai'r raid sheltcer duringi siege of Mlanila. Grimy and we-ary after rescue, he rests on the comp-araîey safe side of the Americ-an-held P-asig River. RRARIN' FOR T-HE RJHRN LtL.-Getn. Miýles Chi-ýstophier Dempnisey, commander of the British Second Armiy-ionig pois>ed opposite the Ruhir Valley's niorthtzrn flank, bis battlle-toughiened veterans are scheduled for a vital É'ole mn the ail-out Aliýed smnash against Germany's last remaining major idsra area in the west. Forced bec orne member~ emerge waving the Ahi