1 I o tàree brotheprs William Hienry, of Nwc l înue lenry, of Tot- onito, adAuisten Henriliy, of Cnot Aer ta. ct- Tihe Luïi-al Wasbeld at ber ho!ýme y I An o hrdy acbthe trny Starinl , ib f.J,J.Mellor in charg ,er the'- of ithe service. Assîsinh1 im were H L- ev.Maacan Rev. T, Wallacel botb form.1ier imemlbers, and Rev. P. bip) ofMLodabrte-naw Itemu nI bier to place in Oronio Cemietery. 'Tbe ~Ofifh, pllbeaersueigboursoLdte late fig Mrs. -Jhoelw e re, Al. Dob)son,ý ïhlenry John Stark1, Russal Savery, Lorne Todld, Hwr Farrow and J ack e, Mrs. Wark. o lend Floral tiibutes rom the Stajîkville. [e oni- co muity and the W. A. of Sbiloh e hnp- hrcl, Las -wýell as numerous othietls pecial- from riendsý, testified te tbe bi ýh ber esteeniilu which she avas leld. Mu Ledj inlr! ns eepresent frovidistantl )j -telaes Is ,vell as from the surround- <1 UWtri- J)',' LOJu, ieh IMiss, B-elahi{al.wel as ers., ed ta Toqyonto. lni[e, daug'bter, lMrs, L. Falis. as jMim. Edl.' Rutliveut, Zionï, ZMONEY" is the CoMxnon, termn for what mnen cali "Reserve- Funds". [n any language, Money" is a handy thing to.have. alize this need more than a far-er.. for in iess of farmiing there are so manly times that )ney îs needed .. . for bis that must be met. .. advantage of opportunities... "to turn a vith profit. e many timnes when a farmer needs -'extra ,Without a reserve fui-d he must either sel! g "for what he cari get for it" or borrow, if ýde a safeý- and convenient form i n igs until needed. Victory Bonds trest. When you have Vietory loan from anly bankat any time :y, and the interest the bondis earn the interest On the boan. ýe bought for cashl which you have -i convenient deferred payments îe t. to provide a reserve of workng Buy themý, too, to heip maintain effort. They pa,-y interest these guest Go liVss N riailo e:: visited at Mr. Ed. Wbhite's, Eiizab)eLl- ville.1 lt/l. and- Mrs. George Sibvisi on Sndryay t Mrillenderwon's, ow- Congatultion 0toMr. -and AMrs. Nelsn Ros, ockcroft, on the- birth1 of ndaughter. W IM. hmas A. Falls spent a Lew daiys in Toront'lo at bis son', Mr Staney FaMI. Mur. T. A. Faîu, Iirs.IL11. Lte sudl(!Ga1ry spent MUonday vitb Mr's. Llow Hallomell. t.and -Mrs. Carl Todld visited ber g-npretMir. qsud M r s, Bowen 'on Sunday. Several Lromn bere attenided th1je shover for,'-Mr. sud Mrs. Guis Wilszon, mt Kendal luall Thiursday- nigbit. IMr. and Ms Orme Faïls and famp- ily were gessoL Mv. andl Mrs. Car- los Tambl-d)yn, Oronio, on Suuday. Mi%. and Mirs. iblew llnlo'well in,1d Lamnily, MsssNorma a nd lBela Hklllwel visited at Sid Hal1loweills Cuke. Ther was a gool attendance ni Sbilh Churcb,(o Suuday te bear 1Mit. Beck, of C'old Sprving2s. 'Cburchl next Sundaiy at the ,usuaýl bout. Mr. and Mira. rllarod Littleand Classified FOl(R SA LE pie u, J. W'ý. Boydi, Phone 1r2, FOR SALE one >go0odiwork hilrs,,the'. ekof threee; also soineIrs obrPta tùLes. R. Rottreil, i Cenessi i north- FOR 'SALE Quaniltlty of good Parnmip, righti from the pit, 35. i-quart !)bsket, or. $100 bushel; aiseo Irish Coliler PO- tatous, aind old Crescent Strawberry Pat.R. 11. 11olljingswevrth, phne 1609, Ca, -4. BUY VICTORY BONDS Gary, Fenelon Falîs, vis'ted aït M'r. Tho S. A. Faîs.Mu Litl wo as F:iils. has been týausferr-ed teO Csh- awa. 'c j' t I t , Jr "Extra m-oaeýy" la needed ta psýy harvest banF-da.,. ý 'a, You, Cali eoftepn Ape A profit if you heve cash to biiy yoiing Énimals ,. , , ANNOUNCEENT The ana etn of the Wo- mens Inatitute wivll be eld in thec Cu ciL am -lber, Oron, on Friday ater -, April 20ith, at 3.Cn veesof sadncomtespleas brinig re-port. Ahin l-teresting pro- grmeis bengplanned. Eeyn FoRP SALE "L"35 pet h'ag. E. Syùr, P'hcne 5-1 r 6, S a ve a $ Cash 1d1Crry. Bommanville Radio Service. Telephone 589. FOR",SALE Fifty ht Leghornl Puflets. Ap- ply to*Georg,-e Forbe's, Kfrbýy. -2p FOR SALEj1_r one Jersey cowI, 8 yeaýrs o10d,(due thie end o-f April; i-Lra cow, 9 years, iduie end 'of 'July; also )sixty pules go ayers.I.L~vrntu R, R. ro .e-1 c Man's grey doruble Jreasted sum- met st, size 38,. Goued as nilAp- p i -ls. 's triciand, Oronoý. :ELEC7TRI-CIAN F3arTns wired otr Repaired RANFOR SALE O Ms.Fisher's frm(74-11 hue), 1P/4mle solith ofLear.3Lt by E8 L. Ecellett-plate s, uilnt anid wt'Iith12 ic qae te tiibers ali l g-ood, lLr-of metali. C an be seen any the rit Ms. ISade Fiser, 6791A, St, CarAveniue -West, Toronto. c-13-C. VACUUMS FOR SALE VACUUMUS R EPA-2 I IED "1GOOD VACUU1lMS FOR GoODl HoUS ekýeepin". Aiso gUaranteed expert 1repaira, cb et~n t C. C.U.C. sales & service Branch at )MeGR.EGOR HARDWARE Co., Bow- manville; Telephene 774. FOR SALE BY TENDER OPn-behalf of Charles' A, Gleriney and Albert ýA, Hills, Executors cf the Estate cf the late John Wesley Gl'en- ney, tenders will be received by the LundersigTxed up to noua on the i4th day 'of ýApril, 1945, for the late J. W. Glenney property on teaent side tif Mill 'Street, Nwasl.The franie bouse hias eighit reeras and t.here2 is 2 double gaae !o ns-pection con- siit Mr. Charles A. Glenney, R. R. No. 1, New,ýcastle, Ont. Ternis cash. Tligbest or any tender not rnecessarily Datedat irono, iM\atch2t,195 R. R. WADDELL, Oronio, Ont. FOR SALE BY TENDER On, behaif of 1Urs. Eva G. Aluîn, Ad.- ministratrix cf the Estate of t-he l-ate ýMary Ann Cce-ýnn, tenders wýill be ree bc y the undersigned Up Vo bon on the 1It dayof April, 1945, fort -he pr)oper-ty of tihe late Mrs, Mary A, Cowaîn, iii the Village of Newcatl,be'ing Lots 3 am in Ï1 Rloek "N"ý on th e east side of Bae Street; tihe bouse contains about seveu roonis and there is a smtall ban.For isecinenquire of)"VMr. etMrs. Ileiliert M. Brew, Newcas- tiOnt. Ternis cash. Rglîhest or any tender noV 1'ecessarily acepeltedl. fLated at Orenio Ap)ril St1, 94i5. R. R. WA4DDELL, Orono, Ont. F. F. Morris& Son Funeral Director8s Furniture Dealers hoo:Bowîneavilie, Dey -480 Night, 734 and 573 Orcoe, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest andi Most Complete Fwrnture Store and Modern Fineral Service 'IR Durham Ougr SrieTEBEST Our G-oo)d-THE NE-WEST-ý Our Pries--TU-E LOWEST MORRIS & SON BOWMANVILLE - 'R'OIN Prof essional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIÉ, M.D. PHJYSICIA-N' nd SUR GEoN Offie Ilours:. 2.00 to IN4.p.m.; 6.30 V, 8.W0pja. P-HONR 47rl ORONO Lawrence C. Miason, BA. BOWNMANVILLE, ONT, OfC!e 688 Rleine 43 W. F. WARD241 BARRI STER, SOLICITOR NOJTARY Phoncs:z Office 825 Resid ence 409 BOW-MAN -VILLE, OINT- V ETERINARY DR.. W. W. SIIÈRwll VEUTERINARY SURGEONrS Office Main St. Oronot Phone 63 r 7, Oroýno J. C. CAMEY INSURANCE bile and Liability Or ono - ontarico, AUCTIONEERS TED JCKSON Auctio>neer and Valuator CoiduesActioae Malma aild atraonberes Coririunkiae w1th hlm at Pooe* Perry, OnV't'rieor Ote Ma IO 1.4 A'L E. Mortonm, at Orono, for date. JACK MREID Licensed Auctioneer and Specialize in Farm and F urniture Sales 1 Consuit mie for terme 1 and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke~ TAXI DAY AN NIGHT SERVICE Reasonable Rates UP-TO-D.ATE CAR. STAN P.AYNE'S Tr,4x Pno97 F 16, Orono E. E..ý PATTERSON Insurance Agency FIRE ATMOIE CASIJALTY AND LIABILITI Phone 44-1, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. O. REPRESENTING soine of the Largeat, StrongesiQ and Mýost Reliable Insurance F;irmii;laCainada Farm Property a Specialty I amn prepared ta quote Yeu rates frein 40c. a hundred, accorffing to classification of Building I'Phone, writie, or botter stili, call. I wilî ho plensed te quot. you rates on your property which Will urprise yo-u. hivde nt donaed I dn wite Iavm net '-3. (' b3100j for dur figbtin ý to thbse 'in the Arm.ed ýtobone, survive1 TI Of Fr'l e Pýl U Fanmersa lways nceed "extra r-ooniey" at seed tirne..