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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Apr 1945, p. 5

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in twn ne dy wek-nd a th hoe ofMca Ar ,v e by is sndo' aetM.adMs .C El1)l1 n Jaebsrtid AisesâMary Somerville As euoyvia a t'-O weuks' actinfroin bler dte as tourier u ibe Canadian Bank Wof Mrï, J. J. Mfeilor lecft earlly thiis week for, au exteudced journey i la 1 interest, of the comirig Victo-ry Luja' WVe munderstand that sp1,lenid sss tan,,ce nas giveu the rglrRefores-1 tation stlaff by fthe Bowman11viiiean Oronio boys dýuiug Euster- week. T4 eOronlo Ctzels'Bude.umed thir we'ekly practices, cmecn on Tusu at urszdtu a'. out w\as present for. tise npenliag plac ~awa.Mr anid Ms rn Ardr-on undi1 , OaL ie Brown, Hmlon ii-soni iBdiSo11, of Torontioý ,pat ithe RED& WHJTE STORES Extr a Special Fresh Sponge Tof- fee, lb 30c,, or 3 lb 79c Cheerio Choice Quality'Pumpkin large ins, quallity guiaranteed, tin 10Oc Fluffo Sho.rtening, lb i19C Large96 size Grapefruit, 3 for 23c 300 size Lemons, 3, for i Oc Dustbane, tin 35c 10 Ibs White or Yellow Sugar, with coupons 79c Strawberry, Raspberry, Grape, Peach Jan', with -added pec- tin, 24 fluid oz Jar- 37c Rom!an Meal, reg size pkg 2 9 c for Commercial Beef :round or square end, lb oneless Roast, lb Steak, lb 12C 29c 37c 37c 25c 40c 95C 69e Mvrs.1 THE ROYAL COMIMI SSION ON EDUCATION which has bee,>napone to enquire inito and report uponl thie systeriiOfed jaIIn Ontario ,vill hold its first sessions Ï-1 the SeiieCh be of the University of Toronito at 10 and a-, 2 p.e n April 11, and on April 12, 19-45, under the haimauhDpof he Hon. Mr. Lust'ce J. A. Hope. Such brief's as are su-,bitted on or before April 10, 19)45, wmll be give e.imnr consideration at the first session. Briefs subi-,rted after April 10l, 1945, wl be considered at subsequent sessio)ns of the Commission. The sessions are oe to the public. Al ogaiaton nterested in any of the problem-s related to Public education are invited to sbi briefs to R. W. B. Jackso, Scra, R6oyazZ Cmmpison o Ecm tin Parliament Buildings, Trno clacets in %theTown H Jall, Oroio(. The 1ýle4th, nd th secod (oIl Vrida y, i Mtelutams u atedane.AdisFIELD CROPCO PEIT Entres l)Lold1noW !be ilu for the Fiel Crp Cmpettio inconnec- tionI w\ith ,the DrhamCetral IAgri- cutrlSoiety -Fair atL Oronr.. Anyýfarner utlciputiigi eig iinto this compewtition is asked to forward' his applicaItion t o the SecreýtarIY, Col. j. C. Gatmey- Orono. Thie rù!les an1d variety of gteain t1his yurare( thle sameli as last yearI. spent Miss î, of Buf- tise home ne. SUNDA-IY, APRIL1,1 1- 11.00am.Oorhp 7.!'0p..W rhp It is ntieoug1-11to refrain fron dingevil-we myist1'De positive i on od Orono Tinshop For Sale Machine for Sharpening Lawn Mowers Qne iee lot t.ip - to unsd boar ink mToronito to)vie- a ý ieal aLacivefUdin o ine , a t-be trttUniited Cîu,,Cch aon $ ýdday ltTo particuilarize wudcran ly7 ceente dissention auýid prasenivy almonig thle fluer sex, bout asjfar as the sterner sex is o.eee;a prsiirg finil ut a bnueor a sut lHwever, JONohnAmseong sai "gîve bi n te caîl as he surey re- preus entsthmbee clas" uad John certinly knows. aingto Eate. oem~s wer-e ,)y Jen ainèy, GeTennani Li lan rale. Thie uuic pai lie progralil was povddb with M'Iiss Stel'a Best a nd( rtnrenderinig vocal solos. G werie plaýyed to rouind out -a -piel eveniig-. Wml. Staýinton i, ai hrgnf h \%-or1k. We bve acarof Fb Oven 0Cok"-i- 1e1t"1ardCoul unleýsayu etor percentee f coke nocw. ia arwrOronio. Mr. Arthue A,. Drumo1d spent a feduys wit'b his palents inToot this we.He is gau lresann bis bleAlb fter an11 attaýck tipnc nia lu Jaiuar-y. Mr. lifordJnes "went o ui wbil enruteback tfLn') se 1r41n% s.GidduJoues *Mr. an Mes. JhnFiake Pnt noo. ove-d inîto the boue-.- ni vcicted y IM. andI ,M1r - . Ervin Mesr.J. E. und_\W. E.Aeson have purcbased tCe furidgelngingý to Mu.C. Peniward, u or.thof Lesý ing20,00 pine tremsonthe fmaintAU Laist we.ek a license plaitefo ca -asbeougbît intotisofc wbh baheen picked up on thle lcoudý. IL is a ne'w 194.5 ]icenise witb tihe mn bler 807 W 7.2An ynnoloang hi pilte may bavesaine by cligu the TurnePs office. Somieonle seeis to 13e of teonioa: that wool urnderwear wil l be ip 1sie Pto buy inext waeadi o luying in a spl.Acope f wýeeks ugo Ms.A. Wstbuulg ýb's two suits on the une i the vpn anld ilexýt oii thley had-, dis-1 r appeared..It didu't seem toebothe the peontont lbe aas takiur te wvoekinlg diligeutly ou thecae The regular mneeting of die Orono Girl Gides was beld lun theGid H-aill witb Mrs. W. E. Amtogi cag.Tlie Tenderfeet and scn clussa Guides aere tukienou a-murch b1y Junle Goode, ind tihe onles tyn foru fi- wssaere gîven instructionl- by Mrs. Aristronig. This wanas fol- losv\ed by patol crners lu w,-hi eh h-)ealtbi rules weie tuught. Prayer aind tapa ended au e2njo-yableevncg W.MV.S. MEETINGý The Eister Tha-nký-Offeringmet inig oYf the Womian's MUissioulary S- ciety was heldi on Txue sdia y,« Ap 3rd, wiLth quite a large tedce As the presddeut, Mrs, 1M F Stapes, was unrable to 12e presenit, iMiss M. Davy presided. The mneeting pened wit-h an us ter hiymu and Mà Davy read afe verses of the woý-rds 'of Jeasshrl before the crueifiction ard resCr-recý- tion. 'Ht was dolowed wthpae by) Miss Davy, 'who fihen announced thtAIr«il 15 hiad been set aside by thfe Wj-M.rS. for prayer for 'Cina. !h devotioniai was taken by Jýrs. Pre anho gave the bible readi.iing and spokie on the sobjeet of prayer bringing lD the thought of Easter-ý. A -%vei rendered1 vocal solowa zsun-g by Miss Stella Best, "edm to Calvary". T'his -waS folowed b spledid report of the Presbyterial- receutly held hu Osharw'agiven by the d1eiegate, 3Mrs. W.Gobeik MiVjss ýBertha 'Cain ga-ve a very fineý tailk on the E'aster season îlid -anhat lU commneamrates. She eai'there waba a rýesUrection of ail nature at %h3 season Mf the yEar,. Or. Tbursduy eveniing, A1ýpril 5h aibo)ut ffteeu of tChe Oronommes joined wththe Nerwcstie W.IM.S. ut Mhir Easter imeeting, when eyls tened to the lnsPiring addi-aofts preident of ýthe Doiioin Beued Mrs. 1Roger Self. P. 1. BENTLEY, Secretary GARNET SHIELDS, Presideut 1IIUI aIm HOSIERY THEATRE MWjý EOWIMANVlLLE' TEL, 589 "ilail the- With Wlliam emarkest, i Firanlin (Paughaorn and RZay- modWalburrn You haye't seein'anthiing to laughl at unitil you've sceen this. It's a r-iot or fi. It's theý greatest Laugh lu toW'un. Sat. Only JA-MES DUNN lu "1LE AVE IT TO THE IRISH," Wauda MeKay and Jack La Rue If y ou areloiu for Iaughis; Begorrah they'ehere. A DDED "TIUNDERING TRIALS " Starriug Bob Steele, Tom Tyler aud Jimmie Dod À, rough and reaidy trio in action Olt the raligü »anny Kaye, Dinah Shore, irÈ "UT>P IN ARMS" with Dana Andrew's, Constance Dowling Broadway's A1ce Cornie teamed with radio's swveet and hot songstress . . .. in a big lusty musical hullabalooi gorgeous technicolor. PARK.S STH Red Rose Coffee lb 45e ,Bulk Cocoa lb 19e Campbells Soups any kind 2 for 25e Wax Beans tin 15e Monarch Pastry Flour 24 lb bag ,ý85e Duirham Corn Starch 2 kgs 19C Olives 9ozs 49e 6 ozs 32e Brex pkg 23e Maple Leaf Pure Lard 2 lb 35e Peas No. 2 Rn. ELI Children's Sockees, in: ail shades, and sizes f rom 5 to 10 1-2. Mýýen's Wool Sox, priced front 75e to ..$1L00 Rayon......75c Cotton....... eO Choice Puimpkin 2 tins 25c Tomato Juice 28 oz tins 2 for 25e Shredded Wheat 2 for 23ec Crispies 2 for 25ü Red Rose . Orange - Pekoe Tea 1-2 lb 43c Carbolie So'ap 2 bars 9c Potatoes 75 lb bag $1.45 Hudson Toilet Tissue roll 5e Pearl Soap 4 bars 23e Çoff ee Glass jar lb 55c Vanilla 16 z hr 1cW 2 Nonstueh Stove Polishi bottle 18e Large Lemonts 3 for 10e Multiplier Onions 3 1lb025e- Dateh Sets lb 27C Oranges 'Il, doz 24C 200(, doz 49C 150, dloz 69e Hawes Wax tint-45C Gloss 59C O.K. Soap large bar-s 1for 29C 1lAylmer Sweet Relish eau 28 c Eclipse 13 n --,ý Ladies'Lisle .....75c. Rayon .-....$1,00 Also lots of. Cotton and Wool Sockees Boys' Wool and Cotton Golf Hose., in A kinds. Reverend S. Littlewood Minister Durham Liberal Assocci atiion AnniHüal e etin g &Conv ent Ioa TOWN HAlL u, NO TÛESDÂY, APRIL llth 1945, at 8.00.p.i. Nomina'tion of Canididate for the Fedleral Rcuse HONOURABLE NORM1AN McLARTY7 (Secretary of State) W. F. RICKARD M. P. and othier members of parliament w1lt address the meetng.There will also be an interesting pr-ogram Election of officers for local Association ani General Business Fresh cuts of Pork Pure Pork Sausage, small Iirik, lb 28c Fresh Bologna Sausage, lb 24e la Time Fancy Pastry Flour, 241lh bag lipse Pastry Flotur, 241hb bag *1 ~H. 1 --Ill < 1, - 1 > MI mu* est of , 1 IMI - 1 il lý 1

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