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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Apr 1945, p. 9

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TABLE TALKS~ ots bard aways to get variet in uieals and thIat is patclal rut of tIc ýi meaVcurs. be tisi 'is tle case, itl a gond PLn to try oeof the a Iety matsý and( i- oie anal. Tonlgue belongaý to thie failyý ofý ini price and buls.Teeoei pu a econoiulical u' t Thie hm ecomssof thIe Consmer ein, Domïlinlioni De- partmient oIf igiclue of ertz f ol )owi'ng exelen rcip-es forý Boiled Fresh Tongue a ~ ~ i dote gairlic (if dsrd 2snals clery ionioli, peeedAîdsid 1 ear-rot Supvinegar 2 teaspoons saot. Washtonue elland plaUc i-, covredketie. Add the ae gar, s iugar an aIt. Cotýer- and sýimmeIr for about1 3,"-" to 4 houtrs, or until a fork pierces tlic tooigue csl.Let tugue cool iu3 liqulor for at least ihouir. Remlove, t'ake' of in u triml exýcess tissule and bma l boesat oted NO(-TE: h picklejd tonlgule 15 se oýk lucod ater for seveýrA bouts or ove nî. Briug? to bLý)î- inig point and dri. continue cookng s aove mitingsait. Glaze for Beef Tongue teaspooin dry mustard 3tablespoons brown sugar Wv grinps caenne pepeî' '/ý easpoon curry pow-dcr 2tablesoons Mater 2 ablespoonis v,,inegar a ~cup tomnato catsuLp MUix togethýer ticetsadsgr Çayennle peppler and crypw de.Blenld ilu the waer inegar vole catsulp. Poulr over cookledý ToDngue Casserole 1suces conked tongue 3 carrot s ced %ctap gi7renea s 4 tblespons flotir 1 f ups stock frontgu iteaspon sait m taspod pepper Y4 cuip catLsup or Chili sauice Arrange sluces of cokdtongue lnaithe bottomn of a lar-geaserl and cover W vegutables. M1ake a gravy of ftour and stock. Ad sait, pepper, hreaihadct su.Pour over meat and vege- ta1bles. Cotecr alnd bake for i1ou 4 ai ~~350 F.Sisevu. Na Hitchhikers Therei lane fleatroartae w i s niot itbirAtlas teeis 11nt a htbiosadn behindf every cloud. 3f-knl ccesor-iesfor- sprîng. 'sfak"îe tfl at sud bag s"t lu aeromi- cabe tîtb;liat anld bag cao b'Le )itfdlu oto.Pattera 613 con- tinirections; titcces. SCI twuy et in coinsý t~. > (sampi mnnotfle acccpted)fo Dept, Room 21, 73 Aead t ~Ves, Tmnut. Pintpilivpat- adoCod CHAPTER XVIII the next day i a arepuzzle. Hel hiad been calc-l)upat oe h nlight beore ad itold to finidMr G;ranit anid Ieu hilm . meet iMm, "Sit ow u" hesaidlaconaicailly, n Fbs ickginned'. Hedd' to corne". Thien hle pushed ýa boe re jade hewad, bearded '!anid satuiniiie, Fosaidic iedt padlod nin]g to iIlthl-ink tat isien m wsa ffcSd. "!H1ealthl's ba enoug,"ihe tnugh]t; "got ate on thLýe brainl, ï' il bet, a dolla i Blit he put the jade god's head down with a gingrlytouch "1 rneme.Used t 'o squLat on Bu l1esono kedatitl a' klie was gray as ashes teiday. "% sm)ashe(d it. TempeJ)r, Fosdick, on1ce in am, ile1I breont. ht' rte, but i's' a tact. lt's t, scodtm I've pitceQd tatacculrsed I jade god; I 1wmihl'Vd smasbe(d it to be- gin coit!* "Humliphi!' Fosdick pokeditwt blis clg bonly teinlger. "Whereý did yoýu get itnwa? "h"The noid lawer taigb1t- crned upe sucddelyp his eyes met tde bolloweuesmopseand li fet 'a qual of isma. Wat the deurce did it maThen he hieardudor o pen and Ilooked aon.A clrk was soigMakGatluto the, santum Fsdik tared at l thle younig man witb aci feeîlg îthat lhe couild flot de:finec; itfetanycouldJJ' fliot be admiratin for a crim!inlal, or even tolecration, yet he lhad to ad mlit -rutnty- ithat Marký's V(vry resel nce Illte iroom w\as]lke a ruLsh ofi fresh air in a chokýing at- mophre. "!There waIs Fsomethling in1 bi ize' Iliu is cle4n-cult faead leCar eysv astoasreassur;iJlg; bis ulîtneyr ape&ed pon the suclr- Makbroýe ithe siýlnce. c'ilu sent for mel." Bresi con odd Stdo n"he aonce assingular; he looked "Takynut; listandi ,11'1 go- kug (Mt à ofnu alost at Ooe" Mark rtortedsbortl. Thenhis ey elýiI ou0the brokenJade lbead onl the desk Iýand thle bon aped iintn his face. -"Is itbu, ta? Headâlche %w l gt nsatrlieF labysisgoo ferecar.~ açhe oothcheaasinî Lemon Juice Mixed at Homre Rell ýe ved I bave used ALLENRU for severa] esonths. I could bardly wallc on aiccouai of my kneeýs. But oow those pains are reîieved, 1 can go like a raceý hors- nnw, otShepard. Don'i be ii vicîlî of le pains iand aches causedby reua ism umbago or neuiritis witbouî îryfng tissimplAe, inxeoie rcipe you cao mix £at home. Two tablespoons of ALLENRU, plus the juice of 1½2 ýLmo'n a glass of waler. Your money back If flot eoîi.eYy satisýfie& Jusi 85e at ail edmug stores Bujy ALLENPU tclay. eesGood UHea]lhto Yu"te tfodMiller (ofCada Ltd., Det'.12John St-.Trot.Ont. ISSUE 0-94 cleared ,u; otiurnle gvethat Marks'ofacebar-dend."I 'ova s sure nifit!You'llctatethut uo, LIr.Buesn" Btf'rlJeson siled oddly. "ThaLt'sq -h et for you., -an do mre ththat," --he paused an linstanit, staing in front ofhlm-then lie -ent on cldy "nr unicle gave àt tn mie. Arfter that \vc qarld You know -the tbings rant ar-ton said lihn e was anry c saidî ton mainy lf Ithemi; jI10ost my tem- per and flug the jade god li is face. It str-uck bstml n killed hlirîtatl. "Gýond Gd"Fsdc'viln surïplise lmade lm coapsilubis cirbt uitrMarlk unr10 rl sonf(fIlincbcd you ILIetnme Siffeu !I et tbings go mi Burlo ru edon the arm12s of bis chair withnerousfingers. "Tbe wvbolc tbing happcncd lu a minute; 1 didii'tcexpect to !bit lmii. To miy uitter amazement be wc Ct o' in like lead." t'osduck rlbed b is power(s nw le sat uop. "WbyIý, lun d', namýe, idnij't you telliIt at onCce? I wa Bu'lrlesonlnodded coldlyý."Gat cdl Bu>It a man111doesn1't think ýcLear- ly i sud 1a cae t once. I1 a borror stimkeu, naturaly; was go- inig t0 caîl a doctor, buit IfeILt of hâlm libe was stýOne dacd! lt vwas the mnost arming tbing; it knocked mie ont." Uc e aned back lu bis cbair, passing is baud quîckly over is face. There wa s a nmuetspaue; lu if tbey bothbohard lfMks bard drawn breatb. "! picked u ip the jadle god anid put àt l my poct;God knows wbly! I've neyer got id 'f hsimce; ît's beeni there griinng ai me. Thin, by chiance, Bartn's celw was açccused." Bulescon turniiledlt Ma rk.,'You e a boy; there wasnýi't evîdenlce enctugli to0bang you ---imy wife and sou were ajive; a scan ie my tialwod bave klled ber- wllvou know thIle enld; I yie 0temttun was silent. kuoxan 1fiiteen lyearsuof your 5sleince! And youimeaint to let it-goni- l'ni Sure ftha!"bc tuned anid stood lookig downl at the nid man bis youth splendid nova lu the fluhpni os vindiaton,"%'m i- cent. you'll bave to makeil gond now," he cied; "but wby -do You admit it?"5 (To Be Continuied) Princesses on StampS Sea Ranger-, sud 1PrinccssMrae Rose as a Gr Cuide on New Zea- lan1d's seilstampsissud f as un f or (1- cbi1dreui's healtb camlps. te mlake you iýpretty", btosto fastenbris'kly doavu tic side, Pafi- teu 4731 sds up to easy sewîg. leste roI ls offif pu pfc. Patteru 4731 cones insizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 1le 20; 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, Size 16, 33?'4 yards 5inI Senid wenfty cents 1,20c) ilu coins (stamps canuot le scceted) Ao Mhi pattemu.ta Ronm 421, 73 Ade- laide St. Wesçt, Tomoito. Pr-ii number. HAT-CHAI Donald Saunderb poses proudly wearing onue of Necw York Mayor LaGuardia's fam-ous broad-brim- n-cd bats, wlâhb kzzener sent ilp to thc Air Transport Connniand's Gnose Bay, Labrador base, where 12-year-old Donald is a kitchen wnorker. Topper was later suc- tioned off for ben-elit of the Red cross. H'eu)Canlf?? Hy Anne Ashley Q.How auî Iremov nil tajus A. By da1bilug thle spots care,- fnly with spirit of sal ammonac. Aftcr alloving iltof0reimain for awhil, ut sh wtb dean ,water. If'. neesry.rpeat Ii, treatimeut, but 'bec ýarefu1 no t o inijure tîle color of te leahr Q. Hw ca I ighteu a chair ruugr. A. Inert somle fuiruiture glue, tic t seure Rasd place aside for aýý few d ays. Onie acorung hfre.- qucntly f owed by a Collapse cf thc whle chai. Q. Hlow rau 1 remove raiudmoip spots fromncw kid gloves? A. Do n allow thien' to dry, bot wh1ilc stilI n]Ile bauds and damp, go oýver thcm gcutly witli a d'ump c-Lotb, 1'and il will leave no spots- El.iHow can I save ime wben cleaning tdcbird cge A. Cuit cigîit or ten tbickuiesses rcf Hclavy vwhite paper i-Adplace af thelotomof tIc canarys cagPe Ever mnng a sheetcan bc removed, leaving a ulce dean floor bis w\ill save much cleanuof fthe cage. e. Unw dan I asiiy selpecans? AIf iil! be easy if boilingi wcater is poured over them. Let tIen' remain in te water for about Z- al halotir, and wîen cracked te C; 1ýCat aul- e rmve ith an1 Bridi G'wnSent to CWACs Overseas The (,arr-i s fai wednînj(ilg 4ires-s hfrnm CanadtCa frt ulse of C-an1adi3lo ArM> girls ?oveiseas O ias eel greeted w i 1t h)gr1,eaf'L rejolèîng among the CWA,,Cs inloud)(onl. Ai ready seveMal applicaions or seLA of thCeshave been tLed. Under thle trim khaki tuie'S i Canatda's Army girls beas s eau t that l11tr11y feininie, snd wise a few prefe irseic ufom as edig ouffitfs, thei major' y cherîs-h d reQms 11 f trad1 tionral shees, lcesand beavy stn wvýh e)u-,he lig day arvs gr-ave prbJ(lm, frCWA u oth îansc-seviug b jlthe LUnite Kîng9domi are permitted otsly ii clothing croupons a year, an am.- ouunt thatl would not begin! to cov- cm thi esetil mqum t or. eVe'ý fIt ae at wed-i ýýdling ensemble. Pmeýviou1sly, thie aswer hlad been Write omne to Canada fou a wedding gowu but thlisilias Inu(o always pmoved saisactry os ing to dolys flu!Ile( l, parcs' basses 3tC. The ýwedd1irg dress wniceb a' EAT-SLEflP-LOOKasu~ ~ VITAMIN B-COMPI-.FX "~' Liquid & T~bkt I"oyrn ŽATALLDRU652~E5 ived Last w-eek foman aniony m1ous Cnda dnr sie ans wer Io any bride'S praypr 1tt w fasI1ioned of heï"ýa-vy cream sti andinnedwîth deep old lace Th e s'kirtla svery fil, gtee 01n to atgibodice an rallilng Ilto a sottraîin. Complemoientine the gown ls a sweetheart cap ci mlatch1ing gold lace)ver satiyn. L'y Roberta Le. omnto dinne1Cr àa etuat sboud a nmangive tlhe mioney to thle mananwd ask lm to c)pay tIc 2. is i nmesrytht lou-se guiest aiwys onsu1Élt ti ostess beoeaccepting mmei otlideinvi- tation? 3. If adîocertnsbru- band's sulramefbow sboild slIc bc .Whua couple are tengaged to be arricd, is one ever inited bý sem soialaffir itbtutinivitïing 5. AWbcn wValking avtl avomrani Who scarryiug an umbrelasbould ainian offer- to bild it for betr? 6 WAtfUits houd be scrved w'voleWhtout rMovuug tIcSkin ANSWERS L. No.SI cae ordersud pay for the dinner lu advauce, or psy at fle tablew ilte dnuris fn tshe&. 2. Yen. 3. By lier given uame, 1her famnily mnme, and hber m-arrid 'nme, as: "IMn-. Mary joules Wl soni." 4i. If is Cusltomlar-y to invite bathl, nlcsi it is ;imp-ossib)le for cone of tbiem to attenld. b- Yes . 6 Oraniges, peche,Cpars, apples, bananas, plus and grapes. 'Goocd Oid Datys' Are Gone FGrever Prce Press f-icsof1909 willtturn back îile pages of time for Mmny a ~ ~ ~ ~ m(I redro pe id age t tels the simlesory of tIc sale nf -oSesan v;)m e b a iLon dnlivr tbl.Btahi! Wht meoistilc smpestor-y ay recIl! WMat miemores of youthl ndbigh spirits anld sentiment muay le roused by mention of buggies, bms itrand Igl traps! - Times av cancd Agenl- ertohas ariscu whimb kni-owýs nlot the mreakfofletbe , e attie 'I weltI trof (Jhontes, tlicc ld f life anng he hunes *1u lioc nt'kowthe till ýIof 10mlsanil nur, ur sspect î0,1 1saýîtifactionfnihcsowJ'nghoe wadbeneath thle 1mono, wiith îe lîne Fwrpped roud Ie w1lip- s to"Ck. AI- h h ou es ji do't kno wht tey issedi, tatS aul. W!1at abouit tIc( car %t 1U r ln ing tuo luy once the gasoliad tire shraeis oeWa sts car going to 'sTcesthe rl Tiniking mit loud, the Uie say- that pims ill le fmom 25% tc 30% aboveyý t1)e prewar ve.A uatiu-wie suveyof auitonwer rvasthait of6% nilmsay. tbey will nlot buy new marý11s if tby ave t0 pay fI1at for1 theml. JrnJ-aC) enougli, tue sme survey ond that 53% of the dealers believe that higher prmeail!I bave "a ry littlce ýffeci." lu aaa iear e uptA uïsed to prime mceae. iur frienlds cmsathe bor-derin te t bld 1ou, pnal ecoge abn ibthe n'id jalnpy tn 0Over 1 0)0 li01bouses, represen-ýJt- ingonefouîlof Holl,,Id(l h- i!îg, bave been bomb-wrecked. DTD YOT KINOW that Maxwvell nolse Cofl'ee is 44-Radliant Rioasted" Io cap- tulre al tle extra goodniess of this particillarly fn coffee blend. TryMxel 'Whiy fot help y-our man to better Ichet yremedn hsVitaminm B, Tonie wýhich bas; so greatly bn- fited you.I Mest womlen 1knoWabu Dr CaesNERVE FOOD fro'm e. perience or the rep)ort of fin~ Many have learned to depen)d )on it whnloss of sleep, fatigue or inIdig es,- tion warns tbemi of nervou:- e-X. Why flot see ttithe mn in whona"ý,, v ou arîe ixnost interested acfl tenefit ofthi poVen ftoie he trouibled with s-lmilbraiens Ask for thene eon- Omy size bottle of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food OOs.-pal[s "a N N N. 'a N. N N., N. 'a N. 'a N. N.. 'a N. -a -'a N. N. N N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. 'N N. N. 'N. N. N. N. N. N. N.. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. -a N. 's -.5 -a N.' N N. N. N. N N. N. s N. N. N. N. N. y 's HowYouCua Gel Guic k o):,i e i1 tif l eom Soil-lill, fPl inful PonIl 1s ilvl Wy f0 g 'rel t from thiezr soee a LIg HierCen ve ecta] el pîfipiles ta lb3' Oea 1treatm-eu 't.branea ceau a d ea l Lclte titeuit may --gWîve temnof c o U to trIl cem ttoi a, y r elief frcom thei 1 tehîtus' ý bilove îtself VsConi eau you ireau , a i ee1m1 VOur test why ncb rea 55t.Nrt' Iun te pivlee of me'wil lnot cor N'...................y u w oe u'our piles dom from paliie aaCugyeI!s trubelacrrct ' ~ ftent ing !o-r ed PbeIl ls a e dmr Stf nls causesan thre b- way to gel tastu (.e' a O ,i' lik, m-Ro LIid s uI, iesr ben seýd for( oeuI0f hat int if uma fl i. i c y o Illi. isî itaî metiel ato o rle t h rig u ue wtL mit e .............

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