PEP TALK Vie~m.Sir Ecrniard R'v.1 ]îgCommander of the British task, force operating withl Ameni- can naval] forces in the Pacific, addreýsses crew miernoers aboard thec 'battl]eship -King Geoi ge V iprior to their attack On the Jpns - yukyu Islands. Glo te MOn1trCalGazette cle ýt the ew Willard Hlotel to ini terview a distinguishied New York er, :o1 N. G. Simmnils, frel -flte IJited States Army, bu thna promninent broker. Co.Situmions ,,gave bis opinli')nI _nth outlook for pae W ~' are at peace witli the world',. b"ý jsaid, -and 1I dont thiink ii that tis eûountry toda<y lias a truer friendf ai ail the wýorld tbiaii Germany, -whiie Japain professes lier friend mhip for thie United States dai zand i n'lt." Thýumbinig tbrougb tlhe files ofa eiewspper proiles grim ente). tntetfor anyonle interested le thie van1ity 0f bhumanwishes., 'Boys Wil Be Boys' Thie scene was the flagship) ot the Mditerraniean Fleet. For nn apparent re rason anlAustrabian de stroy- -er left lier allotted position in the cno and began skirmisa- -n ond oln the flagship's st[ar b)oard, bow,, The Vancouve(_rPr- ixice relates. Admiirai Sir Andrew, Cuninlitubecamle annloyed "Wt ---iare ,you doilag" hle sjlg nalD.Iack flashied the ase 22 kos"Sir Andrew turnied toî Commûidoue F. EF Hobart ajnd re- -mred Those boyshaent i terd mclisince ouu day," ADOPTS 'IKE' -ienshec heard of' the "adopit- oA l Mry Louise Koehinen, above, ofî Dayton, OD., 4ad o pt ed1" G en. Dwight LI.Einoer She sent bim religious meclals, and has re- Ceive-d 24 lttens fronu the Supremle SCommander. General Eisenhower lias just about becoîne the new "idoul of the fan mnail fronit,"' re- teives almost as mnany letters as Ë'rank Sinatra, and aniswers thetu aliIpesonally, THE BEGININING 0F AN ASSAULT Asteinfantry chase the demonalized Germ-ans, C anadianl tanýks 'keep up a constant artilleny support. Hiere tankls of a famnous Canadian Armoured Reg;int shezli enemay ipositions near Emmerîch, Germanly. THIS V-2 ILL NVE EniED Arny oficrs ochove- a inonpeteV-2 rbtb.'roac ~ca ozdwe listo rm "yï THEFAJL AIOANESACT A ASE Y II PARLIAMEN-ý,T 0F CANA.DA TO GIEPARENý-TS 0DF CIDRNNDER SIXTEFNANCA AD IN. HÎILTH EACH CHID UNDER SIXTEN ReEEVa"S EACH MNTH $5 for c ch;ld tender 5> $6 for a cidbten6ad9 $7ý c achiljbe ?oen10and 12 $8r foa cido 3 cand up ta 'b. FOOD CLOTHES 11 FAMILlESCF MORE rTHAN FOUR HLRNT1EALW ANCE 15 REDUCED GY: $1purrnmonth for thefft hid $2 per moath for ecých cf te 6 ad7th cildre $3. pce r mcnhfoeahdtlotu GERANSCIILINSLOOT FEGTCR here is pictorial evdence of breakdown in Ger.nan civi-lian morale. Civilîians blot f rÉight carq cut off at Hanau,. Oermnany, east of Frankfurt, lby the Fourth Arnmored Division's napi Advance deep into the Reich. Neutral reports say samne thiîng, s becoingi more common in Gernian 'controlled FREEDOMV WEARS A JOYOUS FACE N t'- Libeýratedc by t'le Allies after years of slave labor for their Ge-rman corquenors, thie victims of Nazi oppression, pictured above, show their happiness at regaining freedom. At top, faces ot Russian, Frnch, PVoliah and Belgian womnen shine wit'h joy. Below, a R-,us- sian man anid womnan- dance to a comyàde's accordion tunes, wbi-le fellow workers and Allied soldiers look on. 01 JA