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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Apr 1945, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY YTIFS R URSDAY, .APRIL I9th, 1945. W ,jCj t F.'CAD OIAE D ate of the electiont- is 110ot as import- bý id there wl be the iiaking o cf penceCi LIBERAL STANDARD-BEARER ati aýs the resit of the lection. Rie anid keep)ing it. Who vmouldl be 'the S i ____said that the governmiient hiad to eni- bet in mnliking that pea-ce, Kýing, (Con tiniued from ipalge one) f .orce certain rguato taV keep, Brackent or Clwl ? The world Ibas FOR SALE negïoir, dagea radto Canil- dw inflaition, but hoped that after lost Roosevelt anid vme cannot afford eeaiaitesoio~n p ada.~~~~~~~~~~ nCaaaswreothsadhewar they could 4e done away Vo l-ose too manyi.ý of these kinid of mnenlpe.J .ByPoe5 2 tat it was't the ,overniiient but vith), No doubt thegvrmnt a rmte ec ofrec.CneOrn.c1- Tha k as he eepe ~'hodeerv 1o~t ote bythee egultions Which affor'd to loseý Premier Kinig's services __________________ 5ýe c-redit, and that thiere ire nlo- peo- havý\e kept dlown, inflation. The gov- at the peace conference? 1 thiink îlot. Sof -a similar size as Canada who erýnmiemt bas noV fo gotten social leg- 1 have nlot kýnownM.KigV1dcdFRSL ~v dnes mchas.Canadians isiation. The Ueriomn Insur- on a policy ýthat hie -is not certain if it Quanity of good Par-Iip, riglit bave, nd tht thepeoplemust ot ane At iow bas a funid of $280;000,- wil'l te a success, not just for a -week fo h i,3c i-ur Sseo g*vevay nm, li saii bht Preier 00iiere mien can drav'W money fromn a month or a year, but soujnd for, all10bse;as IihClbe o K~ anoncc u te iuse on Apr. vwhich is away ahead of charity. The -time. 1 d'o noV believe thiat democ- Pland R. lE. eohling Smr, phoer 9th that be mould hold the election Family Allowances Bill has been racy has failed. Seme say t bhas. 1602, Clarke. c~.p -,r the eariest possible time. that 60 passed. The rwealth of, our country Our soldiîers are fiçýhIîtng for denloc- du,,ys would have Vo elapse afiter is not in our mines but in our peo- racy and me have iost too mnany iný nnaming the date, whicb oh bring pi1e. The Conservatives said that this war Vo give it up. You can de- VACUJUMS FOR SALE teelection onr Junie llththn re-no aws not the right time te pass cide on hl r-l0Vv April 11th mhih overnmi-ent VAC JIS PE-ýIE mi.rer Drem deelared on April lZth. the Famiily Aliowances Bill. The yeu -want to represent you in the post VCUS RPIE tree days inter, thiat the Provincial ight tîmre ineyer ý if you kýeep war period. "GOOD VACUUMIS FOR GO'O.D ehe-ctioni wouid be on April 1llth.lHel puntiing it off. The governmient bas A collection masý ta ken upil andj the llousekeeping". Aliso gua.ranteed zaîd that offices mould be opened sc0 takelI steps Vo look after the soidiers sum cof $65ý,00 moas realized. expert repairs, hubricat'on, etc. tht ilth mmbr~ofth Ame wenthey come 1back in training and MuianmJrsossed fte C.U.C. Sales & Service Branch al face cul vteVogie hem n p-ree-stablishiing tbem. Advanced leg- Carrulthers quartette of Bommanville, MeGREGOR HARDWARE G. Bow- puI'rtunitLy to, say who, theywild1'l ike 1isîtien bas been pnssed, such as Vet, and solýos hy Miss Fields. MjiSss Wýil-mniie eehoe74 trun the affairs of Ca nadin the e ýjrns Affai-'rs, IIenlth and Welfare, linms, owaville, acted as pianist poýýst àwar erI'od. The m-atter of the Reconstruction, lii the post war per- for the evendnig. BUY VICTORY BONS HFi E fiAS Y HAVE * You have reason for just pride if you have done AI you could do, on the homne front, to support the gallant effort of Ou£ r en inactive service. If you have denied yourself pleasures and comforts to buyv Victory Bonds . . you, too, have played a -part in helping your country's war effort. You have worked and saved and lent your saviegs to your country. Wîth- out this help from you . . and from millions of hier citizens, your country could not have mainta1ned the promi- nent place she niow occupies among the freedom-loving nations. Canada lias the use of your savings to help tû win victory. (Yoju will have this monley to use for your own needs later.) Perhiaps you wish you could have done m-ore. Well', you will be asked to do more. Men who have come back wl tell you that there is lots to do yet. Canadians are on- active service, on the fighting fronts. More money is needed to support their effort., You are asked tc, keep on working and saving and you will be asked to put more savings into Victory Bonds. They are the best investment any Canadian can mnake; an investnient thaï evecy Canadian should inake4 9d/5eee44Gc 4e VICTORY BONDS 8thVîiory Loan Opens April 23rd NATioNAL %VAR FINANCE CoMMITTEU FOR SALE Sabaca Potatoes, bigit rsstn vatg'rown fomcer'tified sec, $35pe bag. E.SyrPonle 54 r G', Save a $ Cash aniid Carry. Bowm-anville Radio Service. Telephone 689. FOR SALE Man's gr.tey doulie breasted sum- mer suit, si-ze '>8. Good as new. Ap- ,ply Mrs, E. Strickland, 0Orono. C-13-p. MILT. EDWARDS ELECTRICIAN Farms wired Motors Repaired Orono, 0Ont. Phon Crlrke,16 r34. -13-P. BARtN FOR SALE On Mrs. Fisher'.s farmn (7th ujne), 1'1/4 miles south of Leaad. ý88 It. by 38 It. Ex-cellenit plates, full. length and wit,12 inch square, Other ti-ibers ail good. Hall roof metal. Can lie seen any tîie. Write Ms Sadie F'sbher, (179.3, St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto.c-3c NOTI1C E TO CREDNTORS [IN THE EST'ATE 0F JOHN WES- LEY GLENNEY, late of the Vil- lage of Newcastle, ili the Counity of Durhamn, Retiredi Fariner, deceased: AIl persons having cdaims ag-a-inst the Estate 0! the said John Wesley Glenney 110h died on or about thle Gth day ofMrc. 1945, are hereby nioti- fie c , o sendl to the undersigned Soli- citor on or before ýthe Ith day of May, 1945, their namales and addresses a-nd full particulars -of thleir cljaims ami, the n2ature of the secur-ities (i-f I m)h*eh-, bY theum, duly verified by I stat'utory elrain Ini-medhitely al'ter the said lt day of May,4, the assets of thie saddeceased will be distributed among- the partiesý entitledtjeto havngregrdoly Vo lihe disof wh,,Ich the Executorýs or the under- s4ndSolicitoir shaIl then have Dated tOrono t his l9th Cday of April, 1945. ALBERT _A. HILLS, Enniskillen, Ont. CHLARLES A. ý&LEN.NEY, Neweastle, 0Ont. Execuutors. R. R. WA,%DDELL, Oronio, Ont. Solicitor for Che Eeuos NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF 3MARY ANN COWAN, late of the Villâýge of Newcastle, lu the County of Dur- ham, Widow, Deceased: Ail Per-sons hnving cdaims 1gainst the Estate of the said Mary Ani Cowan, who ied on or about the lOthi day of JTuIy, 1944, are hereby notified to send to the umydersign-ied Solicitor on orbeore the 1(lth day of May, 1'.45, their names and addresses and full1 parpticulars of ther aims and the( rat'ur'e Of the SeCUl'ities (if a-ny) held ýy fthera, duly veifed1wstatu.- toary declaratio,ý 11n1mi1pdiately after the sid l'19 th day of "May, 1945, the assets ofi the said deceased -will be distribuited aogthe -parties entitled theieto,, Ka-ving regýardI only Vo the Iaimýs o wvhich the Administratrix or thh un- drindSoliritor sha11 then have notice. Dated at Orono this 19th day ofi EVAÀ G. ALLIN, Admînistratri-x. ýR. R. WA1DDELL, Oroïno, nt Solicitor Sfor the Aiiitarx FF.Morris. & SOB Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanvîille --Orono Phons: owmnvileDay 480) Night, 134 and 575 Oroýno, 27-1 Tho Oldîest, Lartest and Most Compflote Fumniure Store and Profeisional Directfiry I MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICLAN and SURGEONV Offire Hour: 2.00 to ,4.00p.m; 630 t. 8.00 paar. LEG4L Lawrence C. Mas.; B.A. Barrister arid Sclicitor BOW-MANVILLE, ONT. Phones : Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTERi O-ffice 825 SOLICITOR, NOTARY Phones:. Residence M0 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. VETERINARY DR. W. W, SHERWIN VETERINARY SURGEONS Offie e Main st orone Phone 63 r 7, Orono J. C. GAMEY IN SUJRAÀNC E Fire, Casualty, Atms bile aind Liability lOron o - Ontark~s AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuatow Coniducts Aucionc Sales of a aimeu;&- anj at rea4sonable rates. Commnni~aewith hlm atPo Perry, Ontario, or ïse. biis ci 'i-ï-jý E. Morton, at Oronio, for dt Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Speýcialize in Farm and Furniiture Sales Con-csut me for terini and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke TAXI DAY AND NIGHîr SERVWC1, Reasonable Rates UP-TO-DATE CAR STAN PAYNE'S TAXI P'honè 97 r 165, Orono Insurance Agency FIRE -AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY AND LIMABILIT Phone 41-14, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. O. REPRESE-NTNG isome of the Largest, Strongesi and Most ReliableInuac > Firms in Canada Farm Property a Specialty I amn prepared to quot*e you rates from 40c. -a hulndred, according to classification of Building Phone, write, or better stili cail. I will b. pleased to quotf' you rates on your property which will surprise you. The value of Oannda'sdotsi mierchandise experts for ~bur~ 1945, wvere up 4% from hý astyer Tlheyraobd t'O$263400 en pared with S227,168,04) inthsae mionth in 1944-. INVEST - BUY VICTORY BONDS

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