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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Apr 1945, p. 2

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PIRICES- RA LANCELD Moüre unifornm ceilings for oream- y butter denliers anld seasonal re-' ictions in wholesale pricas 'which ilI be passed on,to thfe consumer IIIl go into affeet may 1ýt as a resuit 'a WPTB rescaling ofl creamlery Phone 66 r 1, butter prices. The mnaini puspose «f the order is to straig-liton out mne- qatisin the price rf butter in df ferent provinces so that it wilI be miiore uniform nationally. The effect on the consuimer wi'll be thatl in some cases butter m ay go down, and in others up, a few cents. Home Insulation WITH ROCKWOOL Now is the best time of the year to have a Blanket of Rockwool Dut around your homne REASONS Prices are lower at this season of the year. Our truck is working in Orono and district. Without obligation phone "eal tite" Home Insulation Bowmanvl-*le Phone 494 Orono, 1STARKVI LE (Mr, an'd M Perey Farrow vîsited rat Jack Reiýd's. *Mr. an' Sd 51. T-allc>well anid faiiy vLsàftd- ýttLaverne Farrow's, MUr. n Ms HgbStaple-ton, of Oshawa, visited filW. A'L1oel~ Miss Deché-t ai-d Miss Scott spent the week-enýd at their hoesin Tor- onto. Mlr. and iMrs. Artbur Falls and famlily, Bo'wmanville, visited at Thios. Mr. and Al1f. Dobson and Mary Lou speat Sun'day at Ed, uth- veni's, Zicon. (Mrs Rýoss Hall'owell and Jack spent Sunday wîith Mr. and Mrs. Ked. White, Mr. and AMrs. Ormie Falis andA famn- ily had Sunday dinnler with Drc. and Mss. Meculiocb, Lieut. Tom Mclýleod, Camrp Borden, is spending a few days with Miss Norma Ha]l&.vell. MisNorma Hallowiell spenit the wee'k-end in Torontro with bier sister, Miss B. H1allowell. anid Mss. 1. Little, ýMrs. !Earold Lit- tle amnd Gary, visited at Llew H1allo- well's. (Initenided for lastwek MsCalTodd enitertainied g1uests on Sunlday. *Mr. and Mns. Cecil Glass, Kendal. Miss Doreon FParr(ýw. »owmianville,! ~spent the -wýeek-etnd at home. Miss.fHarold Little and Gary, visit- ed at JMIss. Fwart RIGdbinson's. Miss Betty Scott and 'Miss, He len Decibert, ispernt Saturday la Toront. MvD. and 'Mss. Hug-b Stapleton, of Oshiawa,vite at W. A. HaIlowýeII's. Miss Hazel Reid, Toronto, -was a) guiest of Mîss Norma Hallowell over the -week-end. M'r. and MAis. GharlJie HRoît. andýc famiily, Toronto, spent Sunday at FrankSons 'Mv. EPtwell, Mrs. SjIver and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim s;penit a day in Petertbro recentl'y. Misses Norma H1allowell, Hazel Reid and Helen DLecýhert~ had supper on Sunday at Wil'fridi Wood's. Mr. and Mrs. Lorn)e 'odd, _Mr. and lMris. Fred Todd and Ross, Mr. and Mss. Orme Falîs and fariily, -visited on Sun)day wvith Mru. and M\rs. Don. Stapleton, Newtonville. Seven women are amiong- the 400O doctors in the Royal Caniadian Navy. 1lhey do the e work as the umaie doctors and have eqtiivaletit ranik and pay. TwýenIty-five Cttnadian wa,-r veterans are itakiu-g a couirse iia dress desig-n- ing inaMonitrîeaL RssanhoA aur- ice Lewis, director of the school, di(d drsss designing in New York before comin~g to Montreal. _________________________________ M 4/OU? )CAN For tasty', nourishing and ecanomaical winter desserts, most Canadian hausewives will again do same preserving this year . . .jams, i ellies and ail kinds of fresh fruits. Sugar is stili very scarce. W. must continue ta conserve our supplies. This year, the allowance for horme canningq will b. the saine-as in 1944-ten pouands per persan. Be sure ta use your ration sparingly. RU0W TO CET SUGAR FOR CANNING purchase sugar, also at hall a pound each. *Nio exchange- is necessar . Yo-ur grocer will accept any valid preserves coupons 5vLsn you purchase sugar for canning. There are noýw only two inds of coupons for sugar. Theý regular sugar coupon, good for one pounld f sugar, and the proserves coupon, worth haîf a pound cfsuar GUARD YOUR EAT~I ~ If you lose your ratu~n hook, tIse aatt'-a prc1a ou coupons which have already beon daclarsu vahid isifi net ha replaced. Il is up te each couiner' b boIs a ~as bis o ber milan hock, US~ ONLYAýS RU~I Thet twet eta rsrvscopnsfrsaa o ani wl aasvb nidcaedivldb IeRto NEWTDNVILLE Miss Jean W'ade, Lindsay, was home for the rwGek-eiid. M4r. C. Ro'bb, Miontreal, was up to bis ,oùtage fur the week-end. Mr.- and Mrssi. Browvn and Jack visited at Mr. Wmi. Ellîott's, Whitlby. 2Urs. 'Chas. Welsh and bwochden Bocwanvilespenit the week-end at, Mr. S. J. Lancaster's. MisRoberta Hoskin, Port Hope, visited Miss Donna Starkc Saturday, it being D'onna's birthday. Those who have visitors or visiît away,'kindly phone your correspond- ent before Monday evening. Sorry 'to report .Mrs. Thos, Coa- thamii critically iii at the home of hier daughter, Mrs. Cecil Sta-pleton. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stapleton visîted her parents, Mr. and Ir. eirb. Gil- mer, Boýw&na;,nvllle. on Sunday. IMr. and Mrs. E'dgar Nicholis and txvo children, Port H'ope, were Sun- day visitors at Mr. S. J. Lancýas'ber's. UHr. and M\!rs. Herh. Alex-and(e'r and two chiildren, M'ýarkhamii, called on Mr. and Mss. W. 'C. Lane on Sunday. Msi. and Ms George Smnith, Star'-k- ville, and Mr. R. Martin, Lake Shore, s!penIt Sund'lay tt MsVI. George Stapile- ton's. Mss.Jae Laing had the miisfor- 'tune to faiîl ini her home and break both bores in lier righlt armi near the 'wrist. Mr. and Mrs- Georg-e Beare and threLe children, rla!, were Sun- day guesýts of Mr11. and -Mrs. Earl 'Walkey. M'jr,. Leïlshne and Roger, Niagara, and Mrs. Hla-t, Torontfo, were guests of Mir. and Mss. J. T. Pearce over the week-endj. ~Mi-. ,nd Mss,. Win, Lake and fam- ily and Mr. and'Ms John Rickard [and son, ,Newcastle, were S-anday guies'ts ait Mr. Aif. Brown'. M1r, and Mr'sý. Orme' aîsanid-Mr. ndl Mr. F.Todd and son, Stark- ville, Mr.W. Toddl and 'Mr. nd Mrs. Robt. M ve, sawvisîited Mr. wev(dding of hersitr Mrs. Jacques, to- Mr'. farold Lee, Niaga-,ra Flails, 'N.Y., ard is sýince visitingý ber brothi- er, M.Henry -,7Elliott, asig W. M. S. Meeting The W.M.S. mieeting opened with thI pesdet Mrs. Busliley, in the chair. After a hymn and prayer by the pr-esident and a short business session, Mrss. Morris took charge for the prograi, using the Enster War- tim-e prog1rammne in the Missionary Monithll. The parts for> the thsee being taken by Mss. Mor-, ris, Mss. Robinson and Mrs. Pearce. We haven't space for 'this discussioni, but t -he conclusion js that whatt God reveails to man ever more and more clearly is their dependlence on one anothier. Ten years ago Litv'inoff told the League of Nattions "Peace is indivisib)le", and twvo years after Roosevelt added "Prosperity also iS indivisible." Mrs. iMcCullouigh then read the story of a brave, yun iChinese school teachier whc e scapo)d ?x'when the Japs firs't inivaded Chiiina 'and as hie fled the coun'try, hiding byl daýy and travelling by nigblt, hie vw'as oriedto find theso 'was, neither tfood nor miedi-cint-e for woun'ded sol- d(iers left bebhind by the asm-y fleeing1 fefore the eneiny. Byv prayer and lplannng, hefinally w'orke-d outa ysenwbieseby the people, impilove- ishe tbogh ost of thmwee eti ttl ptt h ip, and whe,î ,lieahd vce Chin basever ka w. Theusset ilWC ,Tyonae. Mss E. Blancr, Fisobetbvl W. N. St!n wo -i ofnd bcd or ocoule o wees fr a est Presetatio and ddres On I iiay nigît aSeiecr% HURRAH FOR THE ORONO SCHIOOL DAYS Hurrah for the Orono Sehoclday, Wben you, and I -were young-, 1 thiik of it sometimes îlow When the dear old bell is rung. Do you remeinber 'the f Un And the risk we used to run, And the heaps od dreadflul -wars We blad, for firing apple crs' Do you rememiber *whenu, ane 'Hall) Nearly had his life to pay, For flsing apple cores Aceross the rw'ay ? Oh1- the haîlf-hour lectures We ofiten d id enjoy, Which were g-iven to annoy Every naughty girl and b-oy. 0f course you remember farmer (John 'TailY0)n) 'Wtho ran aàway UM'ost every day, But was always good at fobl Play. And Oh! yes, thore was pleasant (Percy Long) Who neyer wore a frown, Anl' is, no-w a, merchaant 11 in-or liýttie 'town., Thein there was curley headed (a Patterson), le and 1 me used to spait, ndthere mwýas o (C. W. VinIsorn) too, Where ithe iraw-litide men1t hoeye How. those pointers used te disappearý 1 used to think it very qu.eer, Aild how one inorn (C W. Vinisoi-4 mivho mleant no harmn, Set fire to grass close to the barn, And there was ciever (C. T. Miller'i WIno cold enjoy 'a laughi, And (Oh!'so inany many îmore, BuIt I haven'it time to mention hl Then thopra were, lots idjol grs Somre Rubies (Rub)y Thor,_nton) an Somo ese 'rd'arlk and s ýomý emeefi -And soma bal'd pretty goldenhas Aa'd then the ftun on April !ool, Lockin-g doors and ,piliag mood,ý Putting bat pinl troiigh 1the echair Then milaking out me "ail weregod Wben some would get jute a lix, Thon cornes the _Master (R ugh Sinipson) witb som'e stick's, But mlastes boy would, out Èhe doo, And simply say [ come no mocre. But ail these Ilappy days are oves, 1*'i -ememfir then hen Im rover ; Thnrsweet nmie of olcd Orono - Sichool, And ah mwe did ag2ainst tho, suIe. The above poem ýwas sont te us C W. Vinson, Toronto, a formner Oron-o boy. The poom ia4ppearedlu t.he Orono Newý,s around »900, and k was -written by Edna Moon (nowIý 'Mrs, Klasry 'Rome)l, of Orono. ENRqýMBNT D-ATE FOR STALLIONS in spite *of the trend of- the last feýw years Vaway fromI extensive hqrsaý breedting(, tIsera bas been a s'urprisîig r'ush lto onrol stallions thisSrig says L. E. O'NKeill, Director of tho,: Lire Stock Branch of the Ontario De- partmient of Agicltre M. O'Neill also stts ththra is a very- co-. sideabie trae in stalions thlis Sprig, ~threcrdsof '1o lesthaný- sixtee( aeso ustnigstlin of tallions at Ieninm i'ee Cof tage of 'the owe f KIRBYa -MsvMoýuiiaisMcK yR.N, c ven un m.os auMs Frdima- or LUNN'S HARDWARE lnstead of special home canning sugar coupons, twenty extra preserves coupons in Ration Book- No 5 are bemng made available for the purchase of sugar for canning. These coupons are good for haîf a pound of sugar each or the stated value in commercial preserves, for they are the saine as anly of your preservos coupon-s. You may use any other valid prese.rves coupons to SUGAR FOR CANN~liNCOPNCLNA I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i- - e___ ___i EGLR X JR

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