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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Apr 1945, p. 4

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~,~~,,1 Buy o'ý,0re M Victory R*fliT with Mr. and Mrcs. W. S'tutt. ru. F. L. Sopch and 3Mrs.Stutk 't Tuesdayiý in Port Hope visiting MmV. and Mrs. P. C. -Browvn. r.i Ais. Artbum -Bell and fao Bownanville, visited Ms.Bell 's nts, Mm, and Umrs Lorne Bel at lai bt Sunday. goodly turnou-t cf Oddfellowsý Rebekahs is reported by local bers who atede techurch. de ut Cobourg last Sundaýi-,y even- large niumiber attended the pic- sihowýý in Orono Town H1all on rsday eveiugs of lyst wveek, under auispices of the Duirhami Federa- of ,Agriculture. i. John Ml-_ofiait, 'of Eniterpis2, thie isfortune to slip m al kiug bis leg. The acien bp- -d ou f side of t 1e0111(of UM. 'att's daughter, Mis, Leonard reaid. 1Mm.1%Mofftt wstknt awa HospiAL, ourI canivassers, J. J. Mellor, W flavey, C. Carvetb, mnldWade Stan. Payne are alréady on the jdb and anxious to assist you., Careful 'beenl a ste-wamd-ess-wthù Trans-Can- IN ME1NORIAM planing nind c-_operation on the, part ada Air Linos. TAJMBLYN - la loving me oryo of investor's will Save gas and, time. TIhe comittee and canvassers in Fred Tamblyn, dear hurbuandaau To date $18,750 has been sent in Lo the drive for fýunds for the local Red flather, wýho passed ïýway April 29, heaqaater a Pot Hpe Cross have donie a great job. Up to 194 The regular meeting of' the Orono ensa the total sum receîved Time speeds on., onie yearhs pass.ed Girl Guaides vias held in tJe Guide imoi-nts toy $1, 675.,38. The people in Since death itsgjoom, its siadowu casi hall with Mrs. W. E. Armnstrong in1this Red Cross dHitrict are to be con- jihin our home , ,, ~hr I eid charge. The mieetng opened with gratulaýted upon their ready response bright' patrol corners xhr morse code mws n subscibing to this womlhy cause Anid took from nu ls a shtining lgt practised. 'Games and a iarch fol- of relieving the suieing of our lowed and mere onjoyed by ail. Pray- ,v,,,ded soldiers, and r>elieving t he W'e miss that light and ever W, er and taps concluded au enjoyable d ,sres ,mog the bomnbed victim-ys lis vacanrt place there -'IGnonee ýau fil evening. of the war. Dtownhere w'e 1m-ouma, b'ut not in vair We are sorry tu report that Mr, For up ià heaven wre .W lleet again. Aib Haris bas been in poor health Arrangements have been conipleted Ee eebrd b i wf dulring the past wee . M.Harris me- by Miýss A. Clarke, Superintendýent of _-Ee inm rd %ylevf ceived] a choice basket of fruit yes-. theWoes Institute Bmýanch, On- and family. terday from fellow wýorkers of the tario Department of Agriculture, for Loca Union at the Goodyear Plant the Lanunal District Meetings of the DEATHS xHere he is employed. "imies" read- Ontario Federated Women's insti- COOPERtmnonaura eus join us in our islhes for a speedy tutes, to jebe hed in 9 districts of the Aprî - 1,t145, ary E.n MatcKayi rovery, aud a return to the usuaiPrvne The meetings WUl extend bloedrife of thie late Jamnes RL activities. over theperiod from May 10 to June Cooper. Funeral was held froni Dm. KeithMclry son of Mrs. 19, and eauh meeting wil be and- park Street United Church on McEro , terb)oro, ua'jid the laIte Dr. ed ]by a rpeenaieof the ,Wo- 'odaApril101dServie at W, ýF. McEiroy, was married to Mar- pren'sInstiute Br-n1.For West 2 3Lteilen geyNoble iin Hart Bouse Chapel. Durham the nmeetng WHllbe held at C0 preItermetws .d Dr. McElmoy is a graduate in medi- Hampiton United Chumch on May 24,1 _________________ cine aofw he iversity of Toronto, comimencinig at 9.45"; anid Durhlam1 and is in hbs fifth year of postgrad- East nt Balieboro Anglican Church lins ilI ibe the r-ep--ereentatîve a uate work in surgery. Mis wife bas1 on Mlay 25, at 9.0; am. Mis Coluthese two nmetngs. 'i t 'i Your iîctory Loan aùlesmn W'lI Cali o'n You i bon E M M Everybody knows what a 'comforting tbing it is to have money where you can get it when you need' it. So, in most homes, the Vicco.ry Loan salesman gets a cordial welcome. He offers an oppor- tunity to voit to help your country's war effort b y just saving your money. In case- o-f emrergen-cy you can- get cash for your bonds at any bank ... but you k<nowý thaï when you put savi.ngs intoc Victory Bonds they willlik1ely stay there, intact.. drawing good interest. Your savings are protected fromn your own temptation to use themn. Buy ail the Victory Bon-ýds yoju can, with ail the cash you have, BoRds oR the eerred a yme nt PIan Wioth money a-çsl You Gel h! And, to give yourself an objective to add ro your savings, obligate yourself to buya more Victory Bonds on tlhe deferred ,paymient plain. Makeý a first paymrent of 0%or mnore w-hen you order ït bonds and pay thie balance vvithmoe as yo)u get it. oi'er a period of six mîonth!s. Y-our Vi;ctory Loan salesman will give youo a copy of the lettier on the rigtt Is a request to your bank to buy bonds for you. Any bank vwilI lend you the mnoney to do this and the interest the bonds caim pays the interest on the bank loan. VACUJMSFOR SALE VA-1CUUMS REPARED "GOOn AUUD FOR GOO.D Houekepin". Also guaranteed ex-.pert1 repairs, lubrication, etc. C.U.C. Sales & Service Branch at MeGREGOR HAR\-DW.ARE Ce., Bow- manville; Telephone 774. ReCipe for a, Christian Citizenl MUST lHAVE- A "good eg"pilnty of biachblone, a -pinch ut'grit, an honesýt "pan", nio ilye, ïn oIr oti sap. Bes't served, not too s<we et, not ùoo Sour, anyv time, anyýý INVEST - BIJY VICTORY BONDSý ORCHARD POLLINATION 's greatly rncr-easetl by bees We have FOR RENT order Earlyv C. R. KNOX P.hone 42 r 2 F. . Mrri &Son ýFurieral Directors Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICEý Phone: Bomanvile, ~ay180 ýNàght 754 and 57 Orono, 27-1 The Olde-st, Largest and Most Complete Furnîture Store anid Modem Funeral Service in Durhamî Our Service-THEL BEST Our Prices-THE LOWEbT IMORRIS & SON BO0WMANVLLE - ORONOýC Professional Directo'ry ~>~Y MEDICAL A. F.iMcKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIÂ'N and ~UGO OffBee Ilours 2.00 lb 4 . .M.; 0.30 to 8.% >P. Classified1 FOR SALE Sajbaica Potatoes, blig,,ht resistanti varlety, grown fromu certified see,, $1.35 per bag. E. Syer, Phone5-4 r 63, Orono.c--p Save a $p Caqslh and Carry. Bowmnanville Radio Service, Telephone 589, FOR SALE Several .varieties of' cooking ap- pies. T. W. Boyd ',FPbo ne 5 1 r 12 oron-O. c-14-,c FOR SALE 01ne smali Nelson Cook Stove, ini good Condition. Re'servoi., godbah- ing oven, burns coal or wood. Phione WANTED Li ve Poulti'yý and Feathàers. CGood1 prkecs paid. We have no agentsL. M. Flett, Bethan(iy R. R. No. 1; TeLe- phonle7r13Btan.Z-p FOR ,ZSALE Quantity of good Parsinip, right FMUoi rlle pit, 35c. il-quiart baisket, or $1.0i0 bushel;i also irish Cobbler Po- batocs. and old Crescent Strawberry« Plants. R. Il. Hollingsw7ýortil, phonelL 12,Clarke. e-14-p. LOST At the I.0.O.F. dance on Wednes- day, April l8th, in onolo, one Silvei Eair Ring. W ifder pleasec retuma t.D Mrs. L. Boum-ie, Lesawrd, Phone,, 54 r 19, or leave at thie Times office. PIANO LESSONS Mrs, H.1 C.Lyc is low ready tv tak'.e a liinited niumber cýf piano stu dent, bginingMay lst, and ci on- Iinigthroughl the summer. Piense tepnefor 'apipointmient as soon as possýible. New rate, 75c. per haýif OBONO Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barris'ter anC1 £cAiCiîtor Office 689 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER, Office 825 SOLICITOR INOTARY phones:- Residence 4U8 -BOWMANVILLE, ONT. DIR. W. W. SHERWIN VETERIN-ARY SURGEONS Office MinSt. Orn Plhone 6 ,ono JC. GAMEY INS"URANCE Fire, Casualty,Atmo bile andLiblt Orono AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuatoir Con-duets Aurtion Sales ýof alaza andj at reasionehie rates. Comnniatewith him ,at pl Perry, (3aie r see hua Clerk, k.', E. Morton, at Orono, for date. J JACK ýLREID Licensed Auictioneeran Specialize in, Farmn and Furniture Sales Consuit -me for terms an dudtes Phone 1620 '. Clarkei TAXI DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE-ý Reasoriable Ratez, UP-TO-DAý,TECA Government 1Lîcenseý STAN PAYNE'Sz TAXIý Phoene 97 r 16, Orono Insrane Aency FIRE -AUTOMOBILE, C-ASUALTY AND LIABILAIT Phfone 44-14. Clarke NEWCASTLE P. O. REPR-ZESENTING some of the Largeat, Struingi,-. and MoSt eia Insurancie Firnis Lai canada FamProperty% a Specialty I arnm preparýed to quote you rates fro1m 4ûc. a hnrd Phone, write, or hetter Stil", eca;u. 1 Iwl be pleased to quote you rates on your property- which will uprise you. The Royal Ganadian Navyno 'eWenlNavy hospîtals with ca ît of 1.,750 beds wlhere 'none ex ""r~ t1he outbreak of r-Ar. PersOnnai o the mnedical branech 4200.- i aFrendl-y elcome PHONB 47r1

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