HE Es LIPI - I * ksol~~ risi his ite, hur att r u nd dayale daytedo is uyeAr ' otysoldier neyer quit% be, cude bsfobeti 15 î%r1ost" reachede Oe 'Jý icr Bnd .ta» xtra. bond Y",, niight buy i y,, Co v tatsrnul bOnd that Fmay seefi YO ould enYsevrsOlî lieodrop in the buckeîtoteYOU ,. , evialtat, ~usif Os ny sef d n Ol t at y ou canfl m ok a. tever h ave ur jflgtif focs ede ou inoinciol support mor thon nW ~EXflA VCTGR BON RED& WHAITE STORESj Large 96 Grapefruit, 3 for Lemikons5 300,.s, 3 for 5 lb bag Wheat Fia kes Blue Ribbon Tea, 1-2 lb Mother Jackson Pie Crust, pkçg Interlake Toilet Tissue, 3 for Shredded Wîheat, 2 pkgs 9c 22C 37c 25C 23c 23c Kraft Dinner, 2 pkgs 35ec Ecliipse Pas-try Flour, 24 lb bag 69e Te-a Tinie Fancy Pastr Y9 24 lb bag for 95C Brcoons 59c, 79e and $1.1O 5, lb tin of Beehive Syrup', 4, 10 lbs of Sugar -with coupons Fine Nippy June Cheese, lb Canned Peas, 2 for 5,5c 79c 3 5 Healan'sAss,-orted Meat Paste,ý for Sandwiches 1 Oc, Local Newvs Mrs. Linehaun, Tooto petafe aslatweek with Mir. and M IlW Mn. adMrs. PselF.Cruse ami fson and duhe visited with their aunt, MrsJas.Eegleson, on Suniday Mn. F. W.ý Trulil1 bas rented bis fairm onte Eighth Concesiso of Clarke Townahip teoSir Lawrence Hlooey. Mi. and Mnýs. C, D. Bouck, and deughters EMaaMdEthelToronto spent SundY ith sMrend lMrs.r. A. Forrester, Mn. Gjraeme avofat, flurth yer student at the nanoVeterinary Cllege, Guielph, isi assisting Dr- W. W, Sherwin for the smmer mon1101ths. Quiîte a nmbrfo rn the surrounding distcrct attended the Keene-Warýren upiasin Pickeringi United Church- on Friday of lest week, Four inhs f nwfeuý1 in theo snow storni'cf Stsda ast. The eaer man seemrrs Utohave his nl- ths tWtd givi n sMarch weahNr in April, :Rev. S. Litt rood 1ndAM. and Mr.W. J. lidl tedd the Keane-Wiîrreýn nuptiale ýon, Friday lasýýt atIli cken<ýing lJitefd Church12 endJ thi ecpioit-h Genoshe HlOte. Oroo Ldgehic 43, IO.OF., are hol10ding a dane in he Oono1 Townl Hall on Friday, "May -4th. Russ Creghtn adhisaieyEntertain- ein atnane-dmsin50e. Prcesfoi.warchariîties and em munnity services. Officers anjd Mnbr of Orono Lodge No. 436 are reminded cf té,' church services on Sunay, April 29: FIoenc -Ng4ingleLDodge No0. 66G at 1.00a Oshawa Lodge at 3.30 pmDunham Loiige No.78, Port Hlope, at 7.00 pm unaMay th : Orono Lodge NeoCI4un, at 300Pm, to St. Saviour's Agia hrb Meet nt Lodge Boom at 2.80 pin. Plan to attend aul or any cf thee servies. 1The ebesof Oronlo Mani neighoringlodges in thle istic W have a ia i ight ,on Thursýday, M-Nay 10j"1, it being tihe officiaiopniigof. the new Msonie Temple ini Orono. on Fiiday of tis ,,week from l1,is tiip to Port Arithur anid othier ointsin Noýrtb1ern Ontanjo in thle in1tereet of the VitoyLon.H will be the caxasrfoi. The vlaeof r 1onl.o, a usuial, and vill apecaeit very much), if thlose w aninvest inis imp)ortant >s'tge in the wnigof the war, would eau a t-t thie ofimo phiole 100û for informatýion or a1p- pointmnentsý RO0YAL TEL 589 jj APRIL 26-27 Eu llay 'TH-E IAIRY APE" starring William Býenidix and Susaýn 11-1 ywilrd, %%itiliJohni LoderDroh mngr nd She played at l ad chealted-. Sat. Only APRIL 28 WVilliami Tracy a-d Joýe Sawyer "TANKS AIIOY" with Marjorie Woodwvorth, Rob- ert Kent and ll1iami Bakewell It's just one tickling laugh af- ,ter another. Wsfl'ste funntiest army comedy you'Il ever see. William Bgeyd a s Holonîg "FALSE COLORS" with And1(y Clyde, jimmyi Rog-ers ýand DulsDurrbrille. Will patrons please corne early for this fine double bill anàl avoiddippntet APRL1L 30, YMAY 1-2 Katharine Hlepburn, Walter Hulston, in "DRAGON SEED" -%ithim Tamairof if ad Aine MacMahon Fromr Pearl S. Buack'ts best sell- eýr nov el. As a 1buxûk, Great; as n picture, Greater. Rich la but- mniity and endowed itih rany tendler ;moments. PARK ST. I IUNITED CHURCH Reverend -Minister SUND)AY, APRIL 29thl -"Pler;iland Oppo)rtmuit" 2,30-Churel Sool. 7.30 .Wrhp PaýLi's letter to t1hePhlipas "The Mmnd of Chirist" Invest in Victory, in Faii thý, RE. L The followinig is the lietoùf articles made b the ocal Red Cro,-ss rah o besipdto h-eadquante-rs in Tor-j onto 5 pair of boys, pants, 2-0 boys' coaIts, 100 girls' bloomIers, 296 quilts, û0 piofssq ,'3turt!e neck sweat- ers, 15 pir of ladies' kniicker-s, 7j paui r nf 1lies' Air Fo)rce g :%ve 1 pai;r lonýg stocIkigs, 70' pa)ir of î mc.n' glonve s, 63pir Air Force soc.ks, 6 sweter,2pa]ir of itits, 2 patir ofi sockesi buy'sbonnIet andbab' jacket. - A very inrerestitig, meetingz of the Oronro Fil and Hunt Club w'as-. h1-eld etî the home -f Pr-. A. F.MKe ona, Fidai(ýy eveinig of ast week bringîng pictures of anadien sWil Life mwich hle isow t te ci memnbers a-,nd thin rensasoM D'ave Reddick, the well-kno'wn flyý' ctigchaimpion wvill give a taik ion andl an exhlib)îii of fiy-casting. I is hoped tat t t rleamsintid- trict' will be remodwelled ini places for the trolst. It is th'e intenition cf th clbto býuild little pools wvcbeecn veniemn and have lite waterfalls go'- ing inao the pools. O.Ce.Fm wvill be held in ORONO TOWN HALL onth even-inEg of FRIDAY, APRIL 27th at 8.00 p.m. To nominate Candidates for fthe coming Proevinceial and Fedleral E;réctifons Chairman, Prof. C2ass Beggs, U. of T. i ARMSTRONG'SI SHOES 18 pair of Ladies Shoes, re- gulair $2.95, for...... $L25 NEWI SPRING COATS For ladies, lu this wveek , priced from $,25.OO to $95 SIMNBOOTS 15 pair Goodyear Welt, Ar-ch Sulpport, in Enigliýsh Retan Leather. Priced $5,75 SPORT SIT Arrived in stocwk this week. Priced at ,.,.... . 25 Potatoes 75 lb bag $1.39 Quick Cooki-ng Oats 5 lb pkg- 25e Duirhamn Corn Starch 2pkgs -19ýe llandy Amimoni 4 pkgs 25e Mapifle Leaf Puire Laird 2 lb 35a Choice pumpjkin 2 tins 25C large Grapefruit 3 for 20C eomfo0rt Soap 2 for -23 Ol Eniglish Floon Gloss SPRING COATS For- men, la Tw-eeds, aIso -Browni Camel ffair. Priced at............ ........... $29.50 DRESE Gi ngha m and Seers;ucker Dresses, in pinafore, priced t . .............. RAINICOATS Withbas for children, iii red, ylW, lue........$"_4 95 R'eimans of Wýallpapers, ln 6 toý 8 'rol lots, ut Bargain Ic LuCamay or Lifebuoy 3i for 20e Royal York Table Sait pkg 9e Tomatoes lb 23e Coffee glass jar 55e Greeni Beans tUn 15C Soups any kind 2 for 25e j Moobeaim 'Cheese 2 tulb box 69e Rive Cniîspies, 2 for 25e Rose Baking Powder lb tin 14e Whlite Beans 4 lb 2ý3e Peas 2 tins 25e R'aisins lb Ise Besor Carrlots Plikes 1jr 9e Tea Sk Pastry Flour 2lb bag85 Cia n t J. J. CORNISH 0 P-4 0 ý/,o