'Yo man-" aspd osdicç-k. me I]anjusI ht! 'lwait. I caî't strike scncb1 v watte adl nor at-"Mark stopped.Ile Md neot past to Add"a dyig man. hisn. "You - you kJnow I 1let you suffr? And -yiou oti? Mark inodded. 'lH at. EtBurýoleon sank into bis chair-, Speecbless; speecbiess hebld biS facehin bis hands.ý FosIck stood sarig, reluctanit ta be convinced. "Here's a %von- der!" ihe ecamdat last_ Pamu, whn he was tldsaw it ail Mme clary. "0f course 1 undsnd"! I kne- you'd b ik e that" sCe said proud- ly yo'r greaIt enough tLo spare an old iimn wbo's wronged nou! It's awfuly ,gr-alid, and 1, kiow, it's, for mel(. You canl't stop tme lno, Mark Ganfor- Iwntsome1 Cof the glory; we'1lface those eCon eV Arne Asýhley Cr aud 1lcft in jlird orm ,Q.Ho ca Igh ahigb gloe wate iutea ofcold. Thenix sithbi lnlwtr ildsired thiknssisacqulired, add ( tea- spoofulof al itad stir vih:11a Q. H m 1n.igise ai s la inligoratiug ,bt? (L'il ' v r'1111 e s,(eIs toahtr-y takinýg a n a,,ýl t atbdtimeù, to wbich bas been added i cnlp Oý f Epsom fîngermakfomwieurire A4. Bv ning a solutioni of onle teaspooniîfl ofbaini sdailn o pitnt"oav'al-r. thebos shold 1bekeptden by usýing -a solution ofbosod aimn,ia ýiin 'amwtr hîs \wil also keep the(rubber soft andpli- able. Dress Up Foods With T'omato Sauce me2rc1al aretes ither wbole or For cooking purposs oo they are «Ind iensabIle and can býe Lusedbhot or cold, "as 'i-,", or com1ýbiled wt otmer fons. 0f ail thevayýs in v!wihicb tby are USedtomato sauce is one Of the best. Accor)diïg to Ille home ~cunoMjl1îsts o thle CnumrSec- tion, De)(partmelnt fAgicltueif a hoemke as a good tonat'o sauc shecandis.guise leftove2rs, drssupinxpnsvefoo'ds, and ( gain for herse1-lf a rptain a Beansý With Tomato Sauce - i'-uswbite beanýs 3Mcup4od water, 3cups iboiling water Wasb and soakÏbeans oernigbit in cold wte.Drainl. Cvrwith boîbing watrand cook, one ho'ur or- untIil easare tenlder. Tomato Sauce ,2 duipncanne1d toma1toes 1 smaillonion (Clboppcd) 2 tablespoons sugar '4 easoonceiery saIt '4taspoon Paprika ilarge talrt apple (dicedl) coo 1 miuts.Add te beans ami Iiqud ten ontnuetc)simmer ifor, Tomat Slaw 3 <cuMe sredded cabbage 1 teaspoon saIt 2 ablons inga (Optional) Sbired cabbage. Mix sah'it, ie- gar, pCIpper 7and sugar wiîh tom- ts.Pour over cbbg. Lt stand 10 minutesbf o r e serv ing. S ix seiugs. King and Queen Visit Princess King George and Quen Bliza- betbi paid a suIrpr-ise visit to anl Au-xiliary Terrj .itorial Servicemto training cnr reccnitly, and fumd PrnesElizabeth, be1r 1baud(s greasy and vwearinig ïk a k i' over- aIl, xorkngou n army truck Tbis ob ispart (of the 1-e oid rics'training as ecn -subalteruin ibiell AT, .S., wii h joinied a few w-eeks ago. The King joked oxvibtblehe- ess-apparent about ber work. When. a. test sbowed the engLine's siIenC(er stïil wobig ady isMjesty quiped,"Yo mut bve Ieft "somtig ont. CONTRIBUTED SYTUTE BLUE TOP BREWING CMAYLMT» HTHNR NAJ