Capture of Joo, capital of theý Sulu Islands, by veteran 41lst Division ifantrytuen, gave Gen- -eral MNacArthur's forces control &f the whole Sulu Archipelago, etretc-hing between Mindanao and nort'hern Bornleo. Harry S. Trumnan, who. served w3 Vice, President for only three ruonths, was sworn in as the new President of the United States at an emnergency ceremrony shortly after the announcenient of the. death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. 'HOUSE HUNTING' Buy Victory Bonds Headac Nothing fis more depres. Sulg than hecadaches.- 'Why suffer?...Lalnbly's- wil give instant relièt ache, toochache. pains ii back,ý $tamach.bgowels. kd 9a Menibers of a jeep crew of an Allied Infantry Division take cover................- ~JVt.VV. . behind their vehicÏle while ,searchîng out snipers hidden in a bouse v..tvttv~vt~~~. . . when breakfast brings Max~well House coffee. ls grand, satîsfyingý flavor stimulates and cheers you. Packed in a Wartime Bag lnu tAil Purpose Grind. Conributd by 3)Wigà BLACK'HORS! EMT