afMnu TUA Yoii Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TORONTO * Ever-5 Roem w ith Bath, Show-. elr anel felephone. *Single. 8.5up- Doubla. 1.50 Up. *00 o iod, Dining and Dflne- lut Wigîhtly. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel, RA. 4135 Inîprove Your Health by Correcting Sluggish 1htWay î; Swift, Economical Few conditions Can wpTeck pour health Çaster than dlasorde-red kidneys andi bftamed lbIadder. Vour back achies ise,-rably. You 1have restless niahts. You piffer Ieg crampe and rheumatic pains. Whien theeeP things happen your kidneys neeti help in -Itercg out acide andi polsýonous wates tatore undeirmining Lour 'heulth. liCthem this help-quickly'-with GOLD MRDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules.- GOLD MEDAL Capsules contain uccuraýteýy wmeasured amouints of the original and genuine Hlaarlem Oil (Dutch Drops). You wifl be gratefuilly surptlsned ýtb ,, lýý civ clogged kidneys Go 10youý-r dr-uggist now and get a 40e box. Be sure you ask for GOLD MEDAL Haazrlem Gil Capsules. a Headac h LamMlysiiigood for eal «9 achc roodihaChe, nam inn19l bukl, stomqclp. bowels. » l 4t HIADCIIEPOWORS. flt oniy heips relieve ionthly pin but also accompanying nervous, tireti, high- ntrunig feelî,ngs-when due to functionai periodîc disturbances. It'a one o! the Most eff-ctive mneicines for this purpose. Pinkhamn'e Compound helpbs naiirel Folluw label directions. Ty sil, Il vrCETABLE Tortured man gets helpi Lemon Juiçe Mlxed of Home Relleved RHEUATIC PAIN says Suffirerl f have used] ALLENRU for several monnths. 1 could hardly walk on -account ,Dl my k-neesý. But now dhose pains nre £eieve.-Ican go Jlike ga race horse. îlow,'* Mort ShePard e' Doni't be a- victim of the pains anid -aches caused by rheumuatism, lumbago or 1neurjitiS withouutrying this simple, pepsierecipe you c& àmix et home. Two tablespoons of ALLENRU, plus the juicr of 1/1 lemon a * S~ lass 01 water. YVour money ba&k If noit xfelyv satsfed Jut 5~at .tu diiuastoe.a. IRuy ALLENRU toda>'- i n th Best THE LIVING DEAD A former prisoner of the Nazis at the infamous concentration camp in Beleen, this man site heipless in the prison grounds after liberation, hie face a grotesque mnaek of euffering. After months of starvation and miestreatiment, h. la too weak te walk. FRENCH COMMANDER Gen. Edgar de Larmuinat, above, commnande French troope oper- ating in southwest France i the vicinîty of Bordeaux andi the Gironde estuary, YOIJ GET TUIE PEAK of coffee goodness in M x well Bouse. "Radiant Roasting-a remiarkable process-roasts every coiffée bean ail througl- captures every atom Qof flavor and goodness. E-asy Way To Trent Sore, Pua*nlul Piles Heleols the chance for every per- Son 11n Câlaada sufferinfrom so,, Uitving, paixnful piles to try a "simple home renledy witb the prm feo a "ellahle tirm to refund the cost oftetramn If yoti are fDot Mai!srie d wibhe resuits, Simplýy '90to any druggIst ani get a bottle o!f Eemi-Roid andi use asdrce.Hemi-Roid le an internl- atreLtmernt, easy aind pleasant to uise and pieasing resuits are quick- . y nntice. rtclng and soreinees are reli*eveti, pain subsides andi as the treatment la continuedtilte sOre, vainiul pile*tumýors heal over Ieav- ing the rectal memybranies dean andi beaIthiy. Get a botile of Hemn- Rolti today and rsec for youriself what an easy, pesn way this àa to rid YouýSl!f oyour pile Misery. NOTE: The rsponsos o!GythIsnotece In Il reilafble tiras, dolag bsns tu CanIadafor over 20 yearg. il Yem are troubleti wîth sore, ltebieg, palaful pDi, Heinftoid asuFt heIp Yeu quiekly or the *casIE purebasp pric. will b. gladly refundeti. "fTRI LINE 18 CLEAR"rý rp -10- ' 11E fine of duty is clear. Once again it points la u pureçhase of 'Victory Bonds -- to the limit. Your dollars are needed ïu make victory sectire, every:, where; 10 bring our mxel homte; b aid their return to peacetime lifeý. The limie of opportunity ig clear, loo. For the money you invest now, at Interest, will hielp, you to carry out ail the plans, yotu've mnade wli"ile waiting and working for victory. INVUST IN TIIE DEST Duy Victory Bonds 6'U4V~9 k/j4tg>ts Z~' 4~4ds FRIEND 0 countries. THREAT id," tne new fim vtenw' - you guessed it - Connie ýett, above. It's her f irt ef- s a prod ucer. ROYAL VISITOR y