WITrY KrrTY The gay young blade says 'Loday ix soldier soon leartas it's toughier fo drop out of line than to force fretting dogs to march on. Ç~onvalescing Connie says she's so tired of beinig tied down she'd like to fly. "I sure got stung on this bunch- they don't do anything but lie on thoïe spiked bzds !" ~THE SPORTING THING lie trained with a kangaroo " "H-eyl, You caunted meie wice!" u HORIZONTAL Il Pictured comedian. 10 -Mother's ,ý 4nser 15 Touch. . 16 Genus o f cetaceans. 17 Yacht. f J,8 Revo(i t. 19 Soothing. F 20OLook over. E 22Low,ýest in -c rank. 23 Thick and spreading 25 Plural (abbr,) 26 Maie ch%1d 29 Each.ý 30 Great Lake. 32 Internatinal iangùage, 33 Mlake secure. 34 Within. 35 Unout ere"d. .36 Doctor - (abbr,. 17 Encourage. 39 Lati diphthxg 40 Itie. Answr topre'vious Fuzz1e- ADY -OPGE[ ILOP P R AD T RRPS P RO8TE PADOTE (p ElS A EN T ÉIYIE pD ES S Ë APT NI ~STS OPRE- A'VERT, T 'EMINIT SP 44 Unusual 415 Shaipe. 47 Preparatory 51 He is heardi onth tic, 58Unlss 59Sikom nicknamne. 61- Jaunty. 62 fle is miarried to - Lîviiigstone. VERTICAL 1 position. 2 Past. 3 Dense., 4Sailinig vesselý 5 Storage building. 6i Before, point, t-I COMEDIAN 9 Shout. 10 Intentions, Il Singlle th1ings. 19. Nothing. 13 Chiild. 21 Yes. 29, Unîtes mi companie 'S. 24 Disarmi. 25 Evergreens., 27 Nymnph. 28 Famàous. 31 Chest bone. 37Evrhng 38, Delicate. 41 Type of vi olin. 412 Faitinif. A4 Mlusical drama. 4C6 Let faiT. 4'1 Flower. 48 Elernentary (atbbr.'). 49 European monan. 50 Pna 52 M\1:n i i 53 Wrtngfuîd, 55 Ozone, ,56G 2 4 1heur S. The hou~r for return is draw- ing, near, so every day feelIs longer. vgcorouis help will shorten the time, Your By BUD FISHER By J. MILLAR WATT POT reW .1 BUY VUCTORY BONDS Contribuied by' THE BLUE TOP BEWING COMPANY LIMITED IZITCHENIER; ONTARIO "Segives mea a pain!" Invest i the' Best MUTT AND JEFF- jeff, Should Hlave Gotten Measles And Then Gone into Bankruptcy OLbF0A-,% DOoflmO' W «a 4 TLL YcuW -<L IG rO To i4AE A MOEG ME TE$J; yINE otT~ orVU MYOFFC>,L i-A9T FAUS..FOR P!NNG C5eOR! VOUTAkIý I .~T A E E.E TS 'ý. To COLLECT-r! ý POi AD COLLECV! "HNYO~<~ IA'0W Di D YOLJ- rON IPOP--He Barked Up the Wrorig Alley IVERW F 0 P o c1)0(38 a