nshopi .Help Wanted Young man to Iearn trade and help with the business ,ife Programmne", try life is te ble pre- God", R. E. LOGAN BUY VICTOR-%Y BONDS Naist. Orono Pholl 3 "An armiy cari move only as fasýt as its supis'That vïuth is -well established. Enigineers and infantry need artillery support. Ail iied ammunitio n... food S..and they need moral support. . p-roof' thatwe at home, are doing al we cani to back rhemr up. Attack wins objectives. Support wiýns WYars. And that is where we, on the' home front, fit into the war programme. We must furnish support. We must buy more Victory Bonds. Bear in mmdn-- that part of the mvoney which Victory Bonds provide is used M0161 CARD 0F THANKS The Sisters andti-Bothers, of the laie alry E. acay wiffe of the lait àam PR Cooper, wýihto pex- prsr teî iere apret, tonto friends and 1(1ne Ï rs, also to DrA. F.~~ McKezieaXi hv S.Littlwood for- the ny ive ressions of knns and flsymipathy s o0wnIso for. beau- tiful floral tribuites received during- their reeent bereavement., CARD 0F THA-lNKS Mr. W. E. Davey antid faily Nwish to than.k 'h e iir many friends and neighbIoi-s for leirkind expressions 01 ympi for thieir be'autiful flor-al offerings;, sp ihankýing Rev. Sý. Litilewo d for bis consoling- words during 4h re'ý recent bereave- ment, also to th se -ow erpe 5 kind and conalde-ra e to thie late Mr. Davey cduring the asit few rnoniths. Mr. Albert Hlarris bas returned t bis work ai trhe (loodlYeP laPnt at Bowvnalville fo hvn is re-cent ilI- n es s. DAVLEY Ji, Oronio, on Saturday, April D}th,145, Eid1wurd Davey, 'beloved usibanld ofthe lie Han1- nalh Cooper, in his 9>th -Year. The ferltook Place fontherei dence of his son, M.W. E. Dave, Maini St., Or-ono-, on Moi ay, April 3O(tIh. Ser-vice -ai 2.30 rin. Inter- meýnt wvas madie in OronioCe try COATHIAIM - In Clarke, onMnd, April 30th, 19415, Sarah Janie Arti, Widow of Tiormas Coaftham-i, agred 84 years. The funeral took, place fromi- the residence of -ber ilaugh-ter, Mrs. Cecil Stapleton-, 'Lot 12, Con. ï, Clalrke, on Wednesday, -l\lýUay 2n1d, (Private), Servicee at 2ý30) p.mr. in- ternienit ook place at Orono Cerne- IN MEMORIAM LOWD~ -In""tqvjgnemory of a dear lus Çbant and'Im4ber, Chac-s. M. Lowden, who passl ay7 Mlay 4 1948. -Eve reemheedtby bis -iife aiad daugh'ters. to buy foods which Canadian farmers produce and which is needed to feed o ur fighters, and the fighting fo)rces 0O ur allies. Victory Bonds are a good -investment.. the safesi place that you can put your savings. You should buy them t,,,have money for things you want to do, when the war ends. (In case of emnergency you 'can get cash for themn.) AliL the mioney you invest in Victory Bonds comes back to yo-,u eventually. Mean- time your bonds earn 3%itest Your banker will tell you it's good business to put your savings into Victory Bonds. INVEST IN THE BEST Classified COMNG VE T S Clarke Unlion Roi d Sulhol Clu11) 1meetini- ;]ll be he Teny Mýjay l5t,Ïh. Mr. Carltonl P.S..,wl be the guest s p e a Ker.Plese note change of dlate. a-1 5-c. FOR SALE 1 B-uggy; 1 set Of 1hreHros ýse7e ral 1i- hors e )1oughs. Aply to Georg-e Butters, Oro11o. Iron Walnut e,~~ltpa tically new. Phone 9 16,Orono. a415-p. CHANGE IN MIILK IVERY Convmenicing DMoN,I-May 7th, deliveries wilI be madce ýly in the moring, inciuding Sunay%,, KindlY co-operate by puttiingf your "4ottles, out the nigh-t before. Cedar Dale Dairy Save a. Cah and Carry.Bovanil Radio Service. Telephonie 58S9. FlOR SALE One small NelsonI Cook Stove, in goo0d condition. esroigood bak- ing oveni, burns coal or %wood. Phpnle j. r6,Orono.c--p ,ive, Poultry and Feathers. GoodI -M. FlIett, Bethiany R. R. Nýýo, 1;7ee phone 7 r 13, Bethaniy. 6p NOTCE TlO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F MARY ANN1 COWAýN, late of the Village of Ninatel the County of Dur- ham, Wido-w, Deeeased: Al persons lhaing cdaimlsaais the Eistaie of thie said Mary Ai-n *Cowan, wlio died on or albout the 10th day of July, T1944, are herueby notified to senti to th-, undersigned Solicitor, o(n or>hefore the 1,9th day of May, Z45, iheir mnmes and addresses and fulI atclr of their dlaimis anti the nalture of ihe secuiies (if any), held by theri-, dly verified by statu- tory dcaain Immi-edîaiely afier the said 1l9th day cf May, 194,5, thec assets of trhe sa'id 41tieeaedil betsritd among thie parties entitled thereto, having regard on0yto ie im f wieh the Adminisýtratrix or ihe un- dersi 'gned *Solicitor shail1 then hiave notice. Dated at Orono ibis 1l)th -davyeof April, 1945. Adinistratrix. R. R. WADDELL, Orono, Oitt. Solicitor for thie Adiniistrýatix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THTE ESTATE 0 F JOH7N WES- 1LEY GLEN-NEY, late of thle Vil- lage of Ninatl, atheCotyf Durham, Retired Farmier, deceasei,1 AýII per-sonis havinjj-g daiiisagit the Es taie of thie said John VWesiey Glenney, who ied on or about the 6th day ofr MarCh]. 1945, are- herebyno- fled to senti to the" undersignie'd Sol- citor on or before te 19t4h day of MaLy, 1945, their namies and'adr'(se aid 1,1111particulars of tIheir cdaims anti thle nature of the sceuriies (if any) held byth , duly verifled by st'atutory declaration. Immediatcly after the said 1qthi day of May,4, the assets of ihe- s;aid dlecea-.sed 'will be disiriihuted! amoiing the partiesý eniitled thlereto, ha1ving rgar only to th-edam of which ihe Executors or the under- siined( Soli ci tor shal he hv notice. Dated at 0Oronlo ihis 1l9th day of ALBERT A. HILLS, EnnskflnOnt. CHARLES A. ýGFILE-NNEY, Newcastle, Ont. Execumtors._ R. R. WADDELL, Oronio, Ont. Solicitor -for the Executors. ORCë"HARD POWLNATIN is greatly increaseti by bees M EDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSI CIAN and SURGEON Offic oe bars 20 o4.N0 P.M.; 6.30 to 8.00 P.M. PHONE 47r)1 ORONO ~.LEGAL' Lawrence L. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Soý,licitor phones: Office 688, W. F. WARD BARRISTER, Officq 825 NOGTARY P.hones:- Residlence A408 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. VETERINARY DR.,W.W V. SHERWIN VETERIN'.ARIY SURGEONS J. C. GAM\ýEY INSURANCE bile and liability AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and 'Valuator Cofn'ducts AeinSal3es o<au, .iso and at reasonabIe rates. Go inrnuntiea te with hiim at pq Perry, Ontario, or s<e bis Clerk, E Morton, at Oronoý, for dlate. J A ê-'rCK R E1D Licensed Auctionâeer and Specialin uF'arm iand Furnïiure Sales Consuit mne for ternis and dates Phonle 1620C - Clark. TAXI DAY _AND NICYHT SERVICE STAN PAYNE'S TAXI Phàono 97~ r 16, Oronoû F.45Fe Yoris & Son FurnitureDeer Phones: Bomoni a 480 Mght, 734an 7 Orono, 2. The GldeSt, Largest and Most Gomplete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in _ Duihaffi Our Service-THE BEST Our Goods-TlHE NWS Our PiesTELOWEST MORRIS & SON AYRATION CALENDAP. Butter cýoupon 105 valid on aý,Ly 3r:196 -wa-I l becone valid o Mav ,Home 5 53 1 SOLICTOR 'Orace Main St. Orono--,, 1 orono . c e4zot e9àýfze