i 4 A 4 A A y t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, f t, t, t, A t, 4 4 4 t, 4 t- t, t, 4 t, t, t, t, t, A t, t, t, t, t, t, t, 't t, t, t, t, t, t, A A t, t, A t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, "e t, t, t, r t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, r t, t, t, t t, f t, t, t, t, e' t' t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t, So Young tde pinafore ruffleys slimi the "" waist, Pattern 45U9 wvill be youir special pet. Wear it nôw, at home, later -as ajn eoutdoor fr-ck. lilas àa sleeved version, too. PaLttern 4569 cornes ini izes 14, 16, 18, 20; U, 34,, 38, 40 and -42. Size 16, 3/ yards -icbmaterial. SentI twenty cen(,Its (ý2{c) 10 coins (stamnps canti) 1 'e accepted) for thlis pattern t 'o Room 4121, î3 Ade- laide St. West, Toronto-. Pritt plIairIIysi, naile~,adesste P.I1nber., How Can 1?? 13y Annie Ashley ~,How can 'i cean the çink drain? A. Take ? quarts of boiling? wateAr anid ' cani of strong Ive, or potaah. Polir thisý inito the sink wastepipe aÀ' n iigh.t t we Ia i hekitchen. Tis should be dlone a1tout twice a wekto besatry Q.Hwcan 1i make browne-r pie c rus t , A. Adld a teaspuoonfuil ofsugar 0o 1:he pi- crustý,. lit wil!iflot b noice able to the taste anid wl help mnake the crust niice and browni. Q.1How cani 1remove burnied mikthat lias spilled on the stove? A.Sprinkl,-e a thick layer of salt oýn thie burnling miilk whleni t boi1s overon te stve)r in thie oven.j Le t it reihaiti a few inuites, then Q.Hnw can l ren t h leather seýats of chjairs, or any other arti- cles of leathier? A. IBeat the white of anegg to a froth1 an.d smiear it ovelte sur- faceý with a soft cloth. Allow it to dIry vand then rub i) t wIwith anjra- ther soit clotb. Q.llow can 1 kecep boo)k bind- A. They will 13e kept in better condiltionls if ±Ie doors of thle book- case are left open anid the air ai- 1cywed tfo racilithlem onc in Q.How vcan I ridithe btro ot amny unpleasýant odor? A.The drafins shlouldbeds- fetdreglarily witb, a solution o two ounces of chiocridîe of liime to c'ne gallon Of Vwater. [VBICE OF THE ___ESS KBPT HIS WORD Atint Halqtte reca!lîs that just be- fore -war broke ouit Hitler said to hspeople: "Jstgie me f ive years and yoii won't recognize Ger- many." She tbinks the Fuehirer shotdd be given credits for lkeeping bis wýord jolcompletely. -Christian Science Monitor. IN 'THE PAST TENSE 14 soil ot ý,13e lg before W£ emn Say that the Nazi term wee -wolve?' refer rmerci, to thle fVt thýat' they were wVýolVes onLce buit haebecomtesinigcye, - Windsoûr Star. CANDIDATES' NEEDS A canida,te thesedays needs four hats: Que to wear, on*e in l- tli hering, one ýta talk ouh and oneto pull rabbits out of, -KitchenmerReod SAPE FOREVER Adolif'3 error was lu sa thet, eag way i a sa1t mine. H ghoilud hbave Put it in a "ida> -oid mine, where nonie w.Dud hav* t!ou1ght of 1lookÏng for goljd, - ttawýa Ctzn ~r¶uI'1>7i~4UhIu g ~ I House Coffée. e, s a Superb' blend rpf choice Latin. fAlericancfee-eal seleced. for its own -upar. tîcular quaity of fine flavor, fragrance orb1ody, Way Eased For CWAC'8 Return To Civilian Life You'nig wornn, retrnin to civi' hanD life afte e y ears in fliC' Canadia-n WmnsArïy Corp s. trained wmenPxamineris, personi- nel wurkcrs and edlucatÏinl advi ersý at thene oee d rthabîli- tation winin iiTorontoLo Th'le ceter is design]ed to bridge jutstmen-it fo)r the a.rmy girls easier. The girls stay at the ceniter for a we-(ek or 1.0 days unitil their dis- charge bcoms ffective, They at- tenld lectures, coverinig wide grounid, and are advised oni edulca- tional courses 0open ta them. The Army vcounsýelor at the diïcliargt ceniter co-operates with iotýher A- my anid civilian groups ta ensurc thaýt the ex servicewomen relïý-turn to civilian ife-asnaryready tew take their places tuseftully andlrp- pily as ýpossible, ModernIitiquette A7y-RoberLa Le. 1. Wen abrid iswritin-g notes of tha nks for gift- ta fiendsWho', do not know her husband, should tje notes 1e signd with both names? present Ialetter of introduction? 3Sbouîd n grlprecede or fol- liw er escort into a restauiranit? 4.AWbe a girl1is stnding tal- injg àt mn n dropý somne ar- ide sue isholdingShouldn'tshe mrke an attempt to pikit up? La foursome ý .iustabd of youi, hoîong shou'ld 3youvwait 1before drivig? G. lsi rprt ev ram witb em-ase ANSWERS 1. hesigatre aybe be r iame oaybt the note should say, "oarmndI 1deeply Iaplre- ciate,et.> 2 She sbiouîd alwaysq maýil a letter of îintrodluctione- Gier it is addreýssed to a man or ta a wvoman. S, Tbie giril sould go firstL. 4 No;se sbould ,vait for the mlanl to pický it upil. 5. Wait uni- tii ail four of the, players ;ahecad of you are, too f'ar away fpr 3youir Huns in IHolland 1 In reprIisaI for anl attemipt ona thet lifýe of a Gestapo cief, 400 Dultch- mlen, somle of them mt--iere boys, were umahngunnd in groups of five by brutal Nazis in1 Holilnd, says fthe Ham-iton 'Spectator. Were the Allies to ete out pnsmn for- Germon cimsin 2anyýthiing ike thle samerc proportion, tbe entire G eiranrace wýould beextrm bnd. t, t, t, r t, t, t, t, t, t,- t, 't, t,' t, e' 't, Y ~