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Orono Weekly Times, 3 May 1945, p. 7

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Our Lake Trout Are Not Sainiýron- Lake Tfrut 0f ten Caled Sal- mon or Salmonl Trout %liat rray bfiat, t b trLlinig i Cecl e togreat lk rn.Qe ries coucn(-i;-ng ils pea an tr0 lie RZoya!linrni, Musc-ri Tise Iake ýron1tocusi th Grneat I ak'es ud lutosnsc lakeaî- thogbu nonthri O utaria 4nd 4otheir parts cf rnotherul Canaà- da,.TuInm lakets it nleyer grows larTger , liban 14 or 1i5 inichas in \,., engthi; iwbereas in anu er c large lakes, partlticilarlyin tih1 e Northwest Ternitonies, t reaches ;a wight of 50 on 60 or-ve 1 01 polds. ltO aise varies in colour fr-orn pale lu dark gïrcu nd ema tîinirs almioat lu black, Thie flas,!1 100, varies from s pale creCalu oa Tlsse idevariat;ins biava gi- nnrsct aniy coo n nam01 1Ie; saunson fnsd grey fronit are, tûo f elhe cosurnion'est, ut lIcal etO1Gor variants iave beau called brawn trout and red friont. The pr7actiCe of Callinig theniSu samonl aRid Iandlocked salien appears to bc grýowung, Weuarevery imutch .frai' thajtlu some asesý, at'fastI, tlis is a (1(ibera1ta atcltepIlaIde- Atatesalmonr, nativelu our1 prvnc nly in Lake Oun tia, have betuexintfor maiy yas Landlckedsaîron, owever,- have ben ntroduced ifrein outaidie the province mb oa fwOntario lakes anld have led te tÉle Calcbinig cf1 number 'Of gcilenia ldlocked cal- Theicfnef romiains hat if yoLI eatch az a iiin" inUtario flic ol1ds are that if la a"ilake front dig- X,,,,- sifedby aý locnlly bastowed Big Party Held In Honor 0f Cow Apart,,, was hecld at 1Hays Dairy Fan, Turnier Sidýing, near Cal- arAiberta, wVilihadljoins Monl- 9 ana. Five hunldred guastas camle, eole ýfrein as fan as 1Nýv Yorký. There ware speaLkers at tha -bauT- The. arty was îlu hoer cf OiAl- t CanOns GerbenI, a cow, says The New York lieraid Tribune. Shb2 was imilked efor the lasrtlimie lu a yeAr dnnuing whicb shec is believed te lhave set a;nworld's recor-d fer butter-fat production, 1,410 pounidsc. Vise pÈreviOus record bc olcier ,vasa Seattle eow 1that precd i,140 poundsluq'î Nazi-Oiccupied Holland Starves While Some of Us Con'splain About The Poor Roat The Butcher Gave Us figutres on ration, nysthe Chnristianl SineMoifotr. Canadins aic egtfiuig 3,200 calo- ries Y, day, Amnericans labout 3,100 end Brifons 2,900. That cam-,e ont of the nationial uproar uver reducel mocat rfos Anotbe5 cani fr >iaCapt. Gar- bard SehloversOcf'ibe Nethe-rlands The d-aily foud ration lun occiipied Hltolaud iî 350!teM00 calories.- J But figures are sornabow biard fo gra-,sp. A dsrîfonc orne ife in tibe Gra-h-par-t ci ilellaul i5 imura graphlie: Thora is ine)question of bek fast. W'Novlcýer geï, up befere l o'clàock. At thiat heur, eue memberi gi; tho faily was sent1the t-c enl- tral kitecon, vwbere hae or shie stood ;.-ina iefor unie or twvohur.At i eoclc the masý-sen1gar came baclk with tha efoothajjt lmaaniwbile biad nalssrall1y growuvi col. Tha othiers ;ee 'hla, f-w-e bierd Ilday' JOIN THE TIIOUSANDS wlio drink and enjoy Max- welllflouse Coffee. You'1l love the superb 'Maxwell Blouse- flavor. Ail Purpose Grind suitable for any type of cofféeemaker. Weather Forecasts In War Strategy Instanccs of the imponue cf wveather1eoI. t ar 1a'tratgy were poiuted out by Liet.Comnmander G. H. Kible in a a centndresa before the Canadan Club cf Bos- 1 ton. Comman]ýIder RKimblaý , ho as, one of the expertsasiguad 10 work out the weadhcrpradicton for the Nonmauidy landinig disclosed that the B Ih avy 'had beau in- Vestigatinig wýavc structure for threayears and that witout this prelimlinary wýýork the invasýion would nlot have been fcansile oni clondaý and their height, o 01 ds mnaximum and minimum temnpera- lunes, hunldity, thunderstorïns and typhons is as important as th1e is positionoc f te ieny forces, 1,11 speaker saïd. Uine 193 the United KýiulgdomI Redros lihrary departiment bas senut 3,665,511 books tosric0u civijilinhsias HEADS DELEGATION Thie Righit Hon Qable Roanrt Anthony Edn, adsoa 7- Ierod Sec'rctary of Stata for oriuAffaira, x'vill headlite B'ritish d1ý'Legation te the Sa"' Francisco Couferance. iu the 23 yaars sine hi s tdeut Isys it Oxfo-rd,. ,whercehas1tudiad Orrental lgua-gas aud teck lýirst- c1lass 1houon(, s, Edèin bas built bis carcar n .ou....a. fii foundatienbo C of deggadW la bon. Followîag, Pa9rliamEntI einl saervaTd as Pan- liamauntary Pri- vata SC.erefarr tu FoiguSac nef ary SirAnrs- fell Chambalir- Eden cinq as Parlî- ameuîtary udr-ecafy tee Forigu Office, and as Lord Pnivy Seca Tu 135,Eden b(camne t'le yenulgcsýt Secceary, of State <or Foreigu Affaira silice 1 ,but, reigned pwen hac onîlno longer coutanatenilca tha appeas'emeult policy cf Prim ini steNville Chambar- lain. Hae remiainiedl o nf office unltil -war beganiin tthe follow'ing year, wblen h-ie bca'- le Secntarly of State for D)omiinion Af aina. Wbeuc Lord Lohadied late in 1940, Eden raturnal te the Fer- aigu Of"fice as; Secr-Caarycf State..'s Prayer At th conlusio f bs sge tu Cennes, raideut Triimian sid: At othislmnn,1Ihave in m blean-t a prayan. As j assuma m ny heavy duIties, 1 I hly ýpnay te AI- miigbity Cdin Illeo words cf So- lornon: "'Gnv, hreeeth(evata ndarstanding hecart te judge !,,y peola, 5that 1I may discern between'i good and bad, for who iP able le judge pthty no great a peupla?" 1 asi, only tu be a gondol sud faitblful servant cf imy Lord anl Mny peuple. It's About Time ,api. Robert McFaddtrl Of tilc food service branch of flie Qwarer- master Geueral's office said that fresh ment -for eeyPr-isoulera ýf wNar in the, United SsIes hence forth iwouild hbcrostnicted te hlearts, livers; and kidueys. MeFadlen I said tne POWS ouldjrcCCivC 11o Two WiIl Cali At Your Door Senlhae cwill be a knock St îthe dot uf thie (Canadian homne. 0Ou thie thnreshld vwiil, stand th e Victory Lo0aun salasmiani, couifideuitly cxpctliuig an1ivitaion c coe in. I illbe the eighth fmeth"at ht' bias kniockad at He door-, and biis confidence wvill not be 'badly fouuded. For mlore thlan thlree millionCadin have long since Ieatn'ed thlat hac is indeed a friend sud binïga witb hum iisomin'rg of real value fer the Bulo It u uotforget that thaure are t-0 callers atthle dur ,wbeu the salasmnan knecks. Behýind hum, il spirit, is thie Canadlian boy in uiniform wbo uýis bfack'ingtup ithe salesman ini his effort te increase the size cfi dividuaîl Victory Bond puirchaqSss nt su mu1ch bcaueif is concaru foýr ithe future miafrailbenaefits teo the purchaser, but bacaulse thosa puIrchIarssbapteg0 a t heconinuaiid fo of arm isd aml- mifiion te the ate-rns The Canadian hOdaida't0by1,11 dd-vla rtlnd aïfter- lîsteniung toe eVcoyLoan lesman ay chiange hbis mind ieh looks over the sholulder of 'the salasman'I into thie eyes of "bta al sollier or airmau w-'ho ceuns-Islonolks at benc te baýck 1up1)bis efforts o)varseas. Snicb a lonk may prompt a tohnne-olnpurcha'-sc, NO FUEL PROBLEM HERE nd solves transportation problen- 1of thse coveted petroeurm, i: m. The well-behaved goats presoni' AUCOUNTAINIS & AUDITORS ixcttrE L TAX REPOBlTS çCOM- plate Eookkeeelg service&. Omal or L.arS'e ui es Travel any- where. Albert Brett & Cam., R Welington St E.. Toronto. Onit. 81.00BOOK<S VOEU (>DOUR ORDER TOUR t24l CRJCKS 1'OW. and flot be d4isappoinfei. Ail chickçs are from 41uara0re-ed test- ed stock, ard fyom 25 oz. eggs oýr better. Barred Rocks isslxed $I2.00 per 100, Wbte Lghornsm mlx.ýedC ý1f.00 par 1lil arred Pock Puhl.ets $1li400 Per leu, white Leghiorn kPullets *22.oQ Per lot, White Roicks Mixed MM.0 per i00 white Rock Pullets $240ipe-r 100. We guarantea 00 lve delivry, aoane Pald MI0D. Mapl Clylatchery Chathan, BRUNT"ON "Bred-to-Pay" CHICKS RHODE ISLAND REDS, WHITE Rc ,k S, Ba 1rredc Rocksý, Golden Haimpshirep, Goverient AIpprov- ed. 1oodtsted. lllustrtEàd Cat- alogue Free. Brunton Cedar Glen Farina R1atcnr1fy. 52 Wiînett, Toroato (mention Paper). 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT r() K YOUR O R O R 101CI£CKS froina real b)raedingtfaim. Don't taka chanc on just ordînary batcery chiks.Order chicks~ NOW '(or -May or Jure deIivery. Lakevaw Poltry arinEater, 100 CHICKS FREE Pullet ch1icks, we givýe ;(0) free ehîceks (Our choice>. Leghorn1 pullata $22M 5per 100, 1barrepd Rock vpuliets $19.95 Peri, AWhita Rock Pullaîs $24.95 per 100. Ail chi ka sl bakad by high egg PedIgrýed stock.$100 books >our order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed PROFIT OR LOSS. THAT'S THE qusinthat fae Vry lman ]n buiesfor himael]f. F'or the poultryanithadifferanca. be- twen poft ad Osa le av-os tors. Oago catfofeed- 1lng and carýetofYour flock. Tw- it is esnil htyustart witb thabsr cice o an get. T-eddandacharhes have halped PoultrYmn for 19 years to over- co1rne tÀWO ImprtathazardlshI the clielcii sies. Write Twaddle for full iniformnation In- cldng oltry ,guide, and great.. ly rducp oces for Majjy andj June delivery. Alo ak for braads and shipptng dates, for tw ekold atajrtad chles. AtFergueOntano. WE H-RVE ,SOME STARý_TED PRULY- ls,2 weks old, for ilmmiAdiate shipinant, ailso chichkail) imost breeda. For dliVery iln .une we advlse ordanring now.fand fnot tak- Ing a chance nt the tirne. Bray Hfatcehaory, 13O JIl Y)n1Nq,11amilton, SPECIAL PULLET SALE 8TARTED RARRED ROCK PUL- lats. l week old 22c, 2 weeks aid 26 cents. immediaitc delivery. 'anIeton liatcery, Bitannia lleights, ontaro. POULTRY KEEPERS BE CERTAIN YOIJ BUY GOOD haaltb, vigorous chlcks Buy , hicks witb brereding and llvbiilty anîd 3you will be certain of acea Our Breeders are ail Governinient lOýnpected.banrded and biood-testad. Write for dascrlptive eataîogu.e and prices on our Governiment Approved chicks. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS A-!i 3ABT CHIICRS; LEGHOIINS; Rtocks: ybrd.Somne cb)e startadchicks available un tauI3 and 4 weaks old. Write or phone A H.Y Swýitzar Hatchary, Grantoni, Ont Phone 18 R S. OR 0RVR OHiCits tW AND YWu AREI PGUAR11ANTE12ED your cicafor neat apring lwbýet you want thein. BarraI Rock miedl2.c00e 10(0, White Leg- borna iaI$1,0Par, 100. Bar- raI Rock Pullets $90Par 100 Whita a onPullets $122.00 par 100. , ay reed CIs. $G.00 par 100, Laghoirný Ckla. $2.(J0 par 100j. AIl chicks batchail lrom 26 .joz. eggs or better and froirn speclal mauted flocks.Gaanel10 'Ive dalivery. 1100 ouks your, olr baance C.bD Riibd., Bathay, loiha, Ontr by 1hi1k, mais and femiales: Bar- rI Rock>-!s, $12.00 1par hundrel:ý"" ' 11 00 Pllat piies: B arr ed( 122.0; hit 1Rocs, $24.0ù; chiels, orcoca llbegie I I BLOO-TESED iYBRTI) COCK- arels, Annil 4c, Leghorn Cocker- els le. 4lso whitee Leghforni and 11ybrid PulIets. Stcurmon.t PoulJtry F'nrin. Fiu1Ch.Ont. DVEIIW &NDu LSANIWG HAVE Y OU ANYTHîNO NEED, dyeing or clanning? Write tauà for Information. We are glad 10 answar your questions. Dapant- ment H.Pnar'eDye Wor-- LiiiitaI. 7'9] Yonge Stîet. To- ronto. L E A Rt N HAIRDRESSING (THE Itobertsozin ethod. Information on nequast regaréiing classes. Robartso'S Hnirdressing Acad- am,137 veu Road, Toronto. FOR SALÉ, ELCROMUTORS, NEW, UaOD,. bought, cso1d, rebulit; beitks, qul. lybrushes. Allen -iEleCtriecoi ,anly Ltd, 226 )3uefenln S3t.,To- ronto, S5TEAWBýEPRR P LýANTVS>,'ASPAI guraispherni1. es, peUCb res applas9,perpucari. raecurrants, ebruba3, iedkging, bae treas, vire trej guarda. Nonfolk NursýerY. iee Otro SAW bU7MIL, ISLARLY N)EWY%,CAA lty upwarîoune thouisand par bour. can ha operatedly two Mian oýr more. Desigued aDri buit by an,- lars, write or cal]1 DanVales MîlI Bride, Ont.Do no't eU cm SaLurJay. JERSEYS. ALL ÂGE, QUB'8 leadinig Show and producing ba'rd, recor1ds, accrediteA. UGables Farm, Fostar, Quebec. AT STUD, ATTR',JDý,Ek3NIGHT- rie ]lckad Tan Coon bou nd, imsnel ix 9generation pedigree. Ris sire Stands at oina hundra'd dollars StuId tees. Studding Ibis youog dog at Twent-fie dollars Arthur Attrilge, 1'reeman, Ont. PUREBRED HEREFORD CATTLE, M aie'"S and emqales, L'awrurn GARIAGE AN1D SRVCESTATION, garage e1up ,1t adsoCkç and 6-romed bouse 3on No. il High- FOR SL-UENHTLIN farming town in ortharnon- 'ar-o. FUlly i i,-cansed. PrJincipale vulyBox 24,73 Adalaide We, Toronto, Ontnl. PIJULTR.lýi PIM, _>5 ACRýES, ,200 layaýrs,'1jIYdro, mrke ardy Sand 20 ilesfrom, Trounto &Bd Hamilton: golng Conceru; îm- Maîlate psaso.Keitb owes 1.R.2, lorby, LOnt. BULLS-ELM_ýVALE NOBLE CAl!- aler !laîýSaA, 3 Ëeas rand chminat Ric-wbiCnd 143. Sr edby RO..btall, Silveýr Spriug Cavalier vand from a.h laOgh ttng dam, wvith -three 10O., ecrda;, vrîced at $250 A iso bun C&j.0veg Of "ecellnt bredngApply Pý W. Argua, -2341 Bao1kSt., Ottawia, OnM MODEL C CASE TRACTOR 17-27. 0!n stel wbeealsý, Oh nPxtra g,,oa workjng conditio, ýJamies Finlay, Graniiid Valley, Ont. PERCHIERON STALLI(ON, FORiM 3,9 year 0(d, sure 16.or tae John DavdenBahavan, Ont. C LYDL)E SDALE> ,r FVIE rlENOW7N 271M0, fonlail l14, Girade A ri luin, darke brown, whbite mjarking, suire foal ga:tter. Sali Cheap, Alex, CrawordBox74e Iosseau, Ont. DAY-OD MAMOTE WITE PE- km Ducklings.5 IL.At 8 weaks. Availabie for -May anid 'tune. Write for, par'ticulars, Orler at once'. U-pigFaira, uxbïnidge,ý Ont. PRESSU -REL TANKSRYR Two-haal Wl~elharow typa. Prce 15.0.~ 8 M arg;uere,,t ta Turonto, Ont. 300 jACRES-TOWN':SPIIP 0F' GUMD, district oft Parry ýSound, 3 milesý from Trout Cr1eak, Loring high- ayand, omanavillage, 16 Me %rmm Cathohe Church and hall, 2 miles troi Catholie echool; 3 millen fhüim pubýlic echool an,, Prlotestant 0urhe; 11milecs ýro1n twn f Powasaan; imail route 3 tinmes a wa'ek; 80' acres u'-nercultivaItion. frac of atnes and stuma, laannd. Gool soui, plowýing dona, 2 large garlens, 50 aces et maple sugar bush, balncie, 1,000 c ord har1dwood and Pas'tura. Barn 4'5'2'posta,4 stuslroof, camecntoflura atne fouinlation sta1ble, fujI size; 40( catie and ")hrsas mboue '28x42, 8 roomas, large kitchen, ateel roof, a-tone bsmetfulisje. Othar otn buildingLs. Cr'eanm tnýuck,- tbn1oujgh 'aIummer, 2 neer fait- ing waîl]s, 0001 trout streai througb pastura. WIl sali wt or witbout soc-a!impeend Taka osesinMay L eao for siig 1 alh Apply Alaxý ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS! sella. exeh1auges musical instu mente, 111 Chunch, Tuinuto 2 MEICAL TO CHAND THEAJ, RM otften are the, cause oft il-henlth lu) bunms, ail aa.No une1ci- mi-ue!Whly -net finI out if ti la yuvroubeIteetigpîr- Remalies. pcilnt.Toi-onto 3, an, huai Painis. ThIousanîsél saifa.Munro,'s Drug Str,3-l Elgi, OtawaPostpaiî1100 CONSTIPATION B i L I O u SNELSS, iver trojuble, cdeprael heaache quiciy elieel ithFig,-Lax tanbleta. Keep ra-guflar w-itb Fig- Lax. 25e .at Dugss RBIADTR IS-EVERY SUFFERER of, Rheumntlic Paiins or Naunitt#- ehould t r, y Dxns Reniedy, Munro's Drug Store, 3.Q5 gn Ottawva. Roetpaid $I,00, 13AUL M E EICA FOOT P ALM DEr- istroys zoffensive olor iunstly. 45c hotle, Ottawa aenDenn 1)ru1g Stor01--e, Ot',awva. .MEN A1YAD WOMEN WVANTED 0F PAR1TIULAR INTEREST TO veterans and fanmrene. Sal!l amri- lex Epicas, extracte, almentary; productamlcns, stock and &er ?tarn prolucts and succeal. Monthiy frea offers openi every, deur. EývenIy faihly 8aprospect. Good, districts open. Pleasant and profitable wonk for part tlime worIcars. Fnac plan and catalogýue. Familex, 16ü00Dormr, on O011PORTUNITIES', FOR WOMEN, BE A HIAIRD-RESSER JOIN CNAA',EA\DINO SCHDOII1 Grant Opportunity, Leann Rfairdressing Fleasant dignitied profession, good wage, tlhousapîs auccessful learvel graduata.s. Americas grentest sYsý- tem% . 111 us tra t e d cata- 0 loge trea Wvrit e or caîl MAR-V3L HAIEDI(ESSING SCHOOL"s 358 B3LOOR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St. Hmlu &74 Rideau tret0ttawva. PATENTS TFTHERýSTONHAIJGH l&COMPANT'ý ),-Patnt solicitors. Estahlisahad( 1890; 14 King WsTrno Boolet of Ifrainon ne- quest. 1PIA3Nos OUR SMALL NEW PIANOS WILL ha avaiin)ile surLy, enutifl, In deai-sgr.aidtoule. Send for cir.. cullar inaming npDproxiisnately yourg pnic, nlparticuin ra lunth a t rnewill ha malled prumptly, Factory Msn & Risch LimitaI, G42 King -Wet, Tùront. TIME TETEÙ QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films p roperly dval-opel anid prînted (-)R 8 EXP<}SIIJE ROLLS 5 RPRN TS t ?or 25o INS ENLARGInO SE4IC You inay'flot gel ail theflilms yai want Ibis year, but you eau get 212 th1e Q*uallty anI ervice you desire by Landing your tfIlme to s H48MRAL PHOTO SERVIE tStation à1. Toreonto CANAIDA'S LARG.EST STUDIO STAR SNAPSHOT SER VICE ]Don't nîsk lusiuig your iictturas -zuaps cn'thatakan ovar agaun Sfind your film ilaisto3can-aîa's largeatanud finest studio. Dat bettex, pictures aI iower cost. PROM-PT MILSERVICE- ,Any Si7e Ri-iOr 8 ExpWUeureS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25fý I ge L'hast rasulta ro Star- Snnp- ahot e-fvice" wïitas a customr1 a Nova Scotin. wodds that she b as trial rmany places. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER Ne'w Style Album witil Pnînte ize-s 16-20-127 i, 29,c (40 extra) !la saut witli -fim roSiL ENLARGE MENTS- COLORED AND FRAMED Enlargamanta 4 x 6', lu hea'utiful eaksel mounîts, 3 for un.Famd s -Box 121,).1 Print Nair SUBI WITIN .wlth t ,av, , t - = s 1ER RESEANWANTED. witb sema Iexeinc ou ireaîy ,ýSieaîy vposition t oi- y reliahia man. (d4-1iu A Appl1y P.ea rcaýtL iimilo y - &sective Service O"ffce, suId fluocr iman wantedi at steadIly posit1ion. i(44-Ilur AplyiylneaireaýtEm Plc iomeujt Sal ce Se ,rvi c e Of fic e.

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