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Orono Weekly Times, 17 May 1945, p. 4

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their flom-es in Tor- CBurley, Newton- r. and Mr-ICarence Farrow 'isited lier [r. nnd Mrs. Te_[bbe, Delert Hlallowell, of 'with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. AIf. Dobson attended ýc banquet nt Orono on tigh't. Mrs, Carl Todid visited with Mr. and Mra. Glin'ton lewtonville. Mr.Ewart -Robinson and Miss Normpan 1Hallowell1 dav with1- Mr. and Mrs. C.1 Newtonville, Mr. den, Mfr. anO Mrs. iHaroldf Little and Gary, of Oshiawa, visted at Thos, Fall's. Mlr. and MJrs. Don. Stapfletoni, New- tonville, mr. A i rs. Liew lalwl and family visited on Sunday wvith Mg.and TMrti. LorneTod Mr. an-d iMrs Gratin C'urtis, Sh1ir- ley and _Murray, Fenelon Fallîs, Mr' aild Mrs. H". Bailey and son, Clarke Union, an(d Mrs. W. MriOronio, werar guesta on Suniday at Ormne FaiIls. KIRBY Mr, and Maîs. R. S. Caldwall, of Portü Hopie, were guestis of Mr. and Mvrs. Fred Briiaicomibe on Sunday Quite a, nuier from liera attended the pýicture show ini the Orang-e Hal', 1 i Kendal, axýhihited by Mr, Ed. Youngman anrd lis helpers who are interesýtad in tihe Ganaraska Projecet. Some of the p4oitures showed locali scenary, and the address g-ivan by Mr. Linton, of Orono, and others,, wvere vary interesting. iMillbro>ok Sp ring FRir, May 24t11. Court of Revision COURT 0F fR'EVISION AND Noieis hcaygiven the frtsýiitingas of the COURT 0F REVISION for thle Tow.nshîp of Clarlke -wilha heldý in the Tow,ýn IHall in the illg of Oron.o, on TUESDAY, JUNE th, 1945 at the hour of 2.30 pi-i., to hear and dete.ianine the several complaints and omnissions in the Assossment Roll for thae said ,ýîun-,,,,pality for the year AlH persons 'havinig business a, the Court are requested to attend ns J. . ELLO, Township Clerk. Oýrno, May 17, 1945. h-18-c At Last-mao Fair PIay for the Farmer !eCaadian farmers hav- eieer bad a fair return for their labourr. They' are forced to buy in a protected mnarket at relative/'y high -prices and to sell! in a world market at genera i/y low Prices. Whbat agriculture eeeds is flot crutches to carry its disability; it needs to have the disability remioved. This can, only be acco mpished by' permanxent mecasures and long range planining.ý" At Iast-a farmer figlits for fair play for farmiers! For more than twenty years John, Bracken, the Farmer, was the undefeated leader of a Farmers' Party. To-day, as leader of a. great, national, progressive party, he Is deter- mined that throughout the length and breadth of Canada there shall be a square deal for agriculture ... fair _play for the farmer . on a permnanent basis! Farners have seldom had a fair share of the nation's income. Rarely do they receive a just reward for their endfless labours. John Bracken mneans to stop, once a.nd for ail, the unfair d-iscrimrin - ation against farmecrs, the unjust ýeconomie practices -whîch make it im- possible for farmers to olbtaini fair prices for the fruits of their labour. "It is the responsibility of thenation," says the leader of the Progressive Con- servative Party, "to see that this great inequity shall not be perpetuated. . 1 know where 1 stand in the matter. Let me miake that position clear. It is not fore-ordained that farmners shal work f or less pay~ than anybody else; or have their children receive only one- quarter the chance of a secondary edu- cation or one-tenth of the chance Df a university education that other children get; or see their wives forced into lives of toil, often 12 but somnetimes 14 hours a day-Sundays and holidays included. . . . The trouble is that no one wvith the necessary authority has determiined to correct the basic economnic jus of Agri- culture." To-day, Jihn Bracken, the Farmner, seeks the necessary authority to put into immediate operationi the far-reachinig Progressive Conservative policies that wiIl permanently ensure fair play for the farmer. Here are just some of the points in the Progressive (Coniservative plan for the definite, continu ous and permantent protection of farmers against income colapse and wide ex- tremies of income fluctuation: The Farmer shall be guaratteed a pro portionate share of the nation's A permanent policy for fforward contract prices shail be guaranteed to farmers--by lawN. The prices guiaranteed will be cal- culated by a non-political council, and will be 'based on the farmier's pro- portionate share of the national income. These prices will be an- noaunced bef ore the production seasons- begin. This policy will inclrease present average farm income by niot less thant twventy per cent. It takes a fariner to un-iderstand farmers' p)roblems. Only a farmer knows the full economrie injustice from which farmers sufer, To-day, John Bracken is flghting for fair play for every farmaer. The leader of the Pro- gressive Conservatives is determnined to bring security and prosperity to farm- ers permanently. Join in the flght. HIelp him to win his if e-long struggle to give Agriculture a place in Canada's prosper-. ity, not for a dlay-but for ail time to A Farmner flghts for you,. He needs your help. * p & h vote for Your CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE WA-ýNTED Spare Operator 'foi rooTele- Classified Po mînDrectory 1phone Co. Apply hy latter or in per -_______________ ________________ toC. T. MILLER, BWA'NTED MEDLUAL Se.Tra. y Bowm-anvi1le Canning Factor, - ______- acre-age of Picklin- Cucu.mbera,. A .M KNIMD ____ Canadlian Canrers LiÂmited, Bwa -A.F eE ZE. ORONO WýOMýEN'S INSITIUTE ville; Phonie 782, -9c PHYSICLAN and SURGEON Renmn)er, the Institute meets this ______________--Ofc or FPriday (the l8rh), at 23 sharp. The LOST ïl. 10L- Wer Work Commi-ttee is in chiarg iit oehre ha- 2.06 to 4.00 pi.m. ; 6.30 tO.0 p and have planned a interesting pro- t1e rn granvm wit~h"'Mothr" as he theJow log the Sixî,th Line to, PHONE 47r1 RN special invitation isý extended t 1h onLn f alntn oi mothers to cornie-and bring pre-school Silitilh, phone 56 r, 6, Orono. a-217-p. LEG-AL age children. There will ha a prize aw'arded. Visitors and new mamb1ersýz willhe o,;t ' eloine neRoi Cai Sa e aLawrence C. Mason, B.AQ is to be answered by "The Name of Cry omnil arse n oiio SMother from -ithie Bible". Cash and Cry arse n oiio Radio Service. Tpeephonme 589,OWMA'ýNVILLE, ONT. RATEPAYERS MEETING phone________ A special m-eeting of the Rntepay- WANTED Pue era of ýS. S. No. 8, Clarke Township. Live Poultry and Feathers. Good Office 688 Home 553 wîill Ibe ld in the s'choolhouse on __________________ Fridlay, May 25th, 1945, at 8.30 D rîces paid. We have no aet frtihe purpose of dliscsin n M. Flett, Bethany R. R. No. 1: Tekp- W .~ R getin ifomshon Toinhïp uhone7r 13, Bethany. 26-~P Schnol Area. -Mr. Reynolds, Secre- -___________ ARSE OIIO tary of South Hope Tow-nship School Area will ha,- present -with praetical NOTARY iifniormntiÏon and to ans--war questions. akdto ha prasent. O Johln Stone, Chairman. rLkNA I NOfice 825 Residence 40,9 R. E. 0. Cotham, Sec.-Treas. P L INBWMNVLL, NT NOTICE TO CREUITORS SgetyirasdybesVTRN Y -- ~~~~~Wa have_________________ IN THE EST-ATE 0F -MRY ANN COAlate of the Village of R E E S DR. W. 1W. SIR -Newcastle, i the Counity of Dur-E O ham, Widüow, Decesd FRRN VETERINARY S-URG;EO-N Mil persons havng-- m ~an Order Early Office Mai'*n st. 0,r- 0 avig eai-isi'aint-Phone 6i3 r 7,.roo the Estate of the said StWary Anni Coawho died oni or about the lüth C. R. KNOX dlay of July, 1944, are hierelby notified WN . ME to send' to the undersignmed Solieltor RN .C A E o-n or before the l9th day 01f MVay, Phone 42 r 2IN UNC 1945, tileir nai-nes and addresses and ______________________ full particulars of liheir cdaims andFreCa alv Atmbe thne nature of the secutrities (if any) ., '41d byth, duly verified 'y statu- and LiabilityT tory delaration. AK T UnmmediateiyV after the s,,1d 19th RNO - ONTARTO day of MHay, 19415, the assets of the I UNITED CHURCII _______________ a-aid deceased w-l, ha distibuted l amlong the parties entitleàl thereto Rvrn havi*ng regard onfly to the <,laima OT eeed_______________ whîd the Adminstra.trix or the u Miitere dersignecd Solieitor shali then have S. Littewo TED JACKSOeN flOLc~d ~ t 19th dy cfIJ uction1eer and'Valuator April, 1945. Conducts Auction Sales -f elail pz EVA G. ALLIN, M 17uWR ITMTNDY, A 2t anda t reasonable rates. R. R. WADDELL, OAdmipitrai. 1.0a.p.Woh Sohiitor for the Adniristra:tlix, "The Moderator's Crusade" _____________________ 2.30pm-4hrhSoL NOTICE TO CREDITORS 7.30(j .-osi..J IN THE ESTATE 0F JOHN WES- "Giving Christ First Place" i LEY GLENNEY, late of the Vil- "'Iwill pour out 11Y spirit ,iloir lage of Newcastle, in the Counity of al flas!1". Duirhami, Retired Farmer, deceased: .Ats 2:17, AUl persons havin-g cdaims against___________ t-he baate of the said John Wesley Gleney rwhodiad on or about the Gth day of March. 1945, are hereby -noti- fied te send to the undersigned Soh- R OA citur on or before the li9th day <Df I Y May, 1945, +,heir naies and addresses and -full particulars of their claims na t=Ure of the securities (ifTHEATRE any) held by them, dtty verified b statutory deciarationi.B W AN 1 E day of fMay, 1945, the assets of the RW I N IL said deceased iwili ho d!ýtr2iIuted59 among the parties enititled therete, having regard only to the daims of ,which the Executors ýor the under- Thurs., Fni. signed So1icitor shalh hen have -MAY 17-18 lýImmiediateiy after the isaid 1kth ANN SOTHERN >iotice. TOM DRAK E DatUed at Oronýo titis 9t1i day oflw ALBERT ., HILLS, "1MAISIE GOES Eni~ileOnt. TO RENO" CHARLES A. ýý" LENNEY. wlth John Hodiak, Martin Lin- Neweantle, Ont. den and Paul Cavanag-h Executors. Dont lot the titie mislead yen! R. R. WADDELL, Orone, Ont. Why does she go to ýReno ? it's solicitor flor the Executors3. your move! _________________Sat. Only MAY 19 Orono iinsnop PETER 000K SON and TIM RYAN "SHADOW 0F SUSPICION"> A l l inds of See how event the smartest crook can outsniart himself ADDED j" JOHNNY MACK BROWN in Plumbing "RAIDERS 0F andRamn Hto w 'w lersdefying law t. the deatlh Mon.-Tues.-Wed. DON AMECHE WILLIAM BENDIX CARMEN MIRANDA R. E. LO0GAN lain St. 4iGREIi 4VILL. Comsaunicate with hM at Porte Perry, Ontarko, or set his Clerk, A,, B. Morton, at Orono, fer date. JACK REID Licensed Auctioneer and Vàluator Specialize iFarm and Furniture Sales Consuit rme for ternme and dates P>hone 1620 - Clarke TAXI DAY AND NIGHTSRVC Reasonable Rates UP-TO-DAT'E CAR Government License STA- N PAYNES TAXI Phone 947er 16, Orono F. F. Morris & Son Funeral Directors Furnitur. Deaiers AMBULANCE SERVICE Boma'ville - Orono0 Pho)nes: Bowmaenville, Da3 430 Nighbt. 744 and 57 Orn,27-1 The. Oklest, Largest andi Most Complets Furrniture Store anti Modern Funerai Service In Durhamn Our Setrvice-THîE BEST Our Goodb-TH-E NEWEST Our Prîcez-T'HE LOWES5T MORRIS & SON BOWMAINVJLLE - ORONO Ti-me 1oat as a resuit cd sýtrýikes ýu Whe fiiist quarter o<f 1945derad 2x4%ý1 !rom the sanie poeriod îi 194, the, Progreuve Contervative Party, ottawa 24 il

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