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Orono Weekly Times, 17 May 1945, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY MIMES THIURSDAY, M-AY 17th. 195. Local News Mn onDaIne, ofLodnspt Sunda laa visiing i nother Mqv. andýC Mr.Ealso pn he een witl frids ir Toron to anid Mrs. Turley,2eleville, 1sspndn a fe day wih ler motherMs.Js "- Dr. Sheppýar, iuligon a a vacant visitor' to Our VIllgvstn M31M,_ ila mih Toronto, aspent. Thursda,-y of last week intown Mvr. R. E. O. Goitiini içs having hie bouse uind baei wired, tha Harris ElJectrie doing the worlk. Mm. _W. Walter has retuarnad home .after vilsiting with ýMr. and _Mrs. Jamnes Carleton in Toronto. Mr. and Mn.Us. W. C. H. Mitchell \ý ce1ebrated tcheir 25ti -wedding anni- v,ýrsary on Suniday, May 13th last. Airs. jas. ýBailey l'la returned to her hominM Tor-onto after spending e, week with bLer neice, Mrs. Fred Lonrriman. Mrs. G. P. Breckon, Tononto, lias comaiyi toy Orono to make lien homie with 'ber brothie, M J. F. Lorri-mani, of obiHill. Dr. and.C Mrs. J. H. Leslie, Pater- houlspenitletwk-n ti the lte' prns Mn. and Mn.W. J. iddell. MvandJdr. Kennretli Fr ,alic(,k_ Ruhy KeniaandCarol ofý Toronto, 'eisited on Suda lst witlI. MrXL. Fralick a dMiss M.Day Mv, and-, Mrsý. N. j.,coat n ,:o),n, Tootand Mn-T. J. A. lnns VacueB.C., wený,e guests,ç a3t M. R. . cRoensKendal, last Sun- mr. W. H. Brovn M. Wý. H. Lim- ý,ert uand Master Davili'met of >oroFnto, .wara visiýtorS 'etSna athe homue of Mn. and Mrs,R.H Erown. Mrs. Iare Curtis amidMm Dalva attedel he hnisanin oftheir L-reat niepiev.w, 3'ohny Cliailes Glenney, inNe-n'castl"e United Clircli on Sun- day last. Ou-r Junior Deputy, Mr. Tedl Wood- yard ilis thSe days Vi s iting seliools in Duhaco_1unty7 withI mo- tion! pîctures_ fo)r the Federation of Agric ulture. n.J. J. Melrspent Tuesdîay lest .n Lindsay, spieakin1g et thbe Kiwanis Clu dnnr at n)oin, theni depliveref an edwdress at ithe aninuel su4pper of t'he Me' iba;t Quieen Street U-nit- Mr, and MYs,ý E. J. Henderson, Betty, Ann, Barry and Lyni, and Mïr. WI. E. Hen-rdenson, of Osliha*a, and Mm, Mrio Green, of Toronto, -were Sundr)ay visitons et ýiMr. and Mr.P. 1r . and Mrs. J. D. Brown receîved Lé tRoy Browni. telling them that lie on leave 'whici lie iýs spen(ding eat Riiverenie, in, Soutiern France, on thie Mediterra'nean. Ram,ý rein, rain, it Just seenis thet it ineyer stop) ra,iing. Many fear- n ers have ytto do0 their seedEing. iiYd thle o-nes -hat 'have flnished find tiiet ip to the lprese-nt Vhere lies hbeen 'eyltti1e rcvt.i. \.,< The Canadien Legion, are hodig, mýee-eetnl the OrangeYc Hll, Orono. 45n Thurdy May l7th, et 8 p.m. AIlI serv'cenenand inr. the servi- Blue Ribbon Tea, 1-2 lb Tea Bisk, large pkg ,nes, x ~ IRED &WITE STORESI Fine Nippy year old Cheese, lb 33C Large 105 oz Tomnato Juice 45c Blue Rfibbon Coffee, in Jars, 1 lb- special 49c Thrift Soap Flakes, large pkg 35c Eclipse Pastry Flour, 24 lb bag 69e Large Green Celery, 2ffor 35C Lemons,.300's, 3 for Ripe Tomatoes, lb 5 lb in Corn Syrup 1iOc 25c 55C 37c 33e 14c CARD 0F THANKS Mn. and Mrs. C. L. Myles and Don a1id rii o extend their sinierel Lhanks and peiaintoerans Pelatiesnd neigYbo'sforl ars lettes, flowers, and nuniarousifts; Dr. PhilIlips, and tocthoseshin mIuchikinness t hmthe n-ighnt o hbs acmidentand dirrngbis imîea. LIB8ERAý ,L MEETI N G A Lhaa Mein -iI-îha hli n the, Town HaIlla Por-t Hope on -Monl- lay evenig May 21st, at 8.00 ~'clock. 1%he speakers for the aeven- HTANCOC E- Lleean Isalbel, littie d4uhte ufMr. and Mns. E-gutruun Harod ianccElimcroft Farm, Osaw, nalo,wshsto an- nouince thirth oC baby bOthler Grant Eetoat the Oshawa Gen- era Hoipiaion Moinday, May L4t. ing will be-, Thýe ion. HunII-phrIey' Mit cheil, 'Minist-er o.f Laboucr; W. F. Riekard, Feder1ai Candidabte; Goge F. Annis, Provinýcial Cniae n others. ces are ýnvited to attend thiýs meet- inig. LunchiIl ha earved, The Oddfellows of Orono are hoiri- inig adanmca in the Towvn Hall on Fni- da-y evainig, Mlay 2a.Ra rih ton's V\'ýarieLy Ene~iie' of Ton- onto will be ini attendance. 'Proceeds for War Chai-ities and Communýiitity service. A large numbar, of people from al parts of the district attenided tha bigl iuction s'aie in thie agricultural build- ing last Saturday afternoon. The g'oods and filn1nish in]gs auctioned were thfose of Messrs. L, Hooey, F. Truli, C.Billings and Miss Lizzîe Epps. Over 4100 attanded the Mýasonic lbanquet heldl in the towni hall on Thursday evening Iast, in connection with tthe openiing of the na'w Masonîc Temple in Orono. The new Temple is a edlfit to tfihe lao Lodge iný Or-ono, and to the villag-e as a whole. Word has been received fnomn Peterborougih Horticultural S ociety Èhat the Annual District No. 4 Fiower Show will ha hll in the Marklet Hall, Petenbloiroughý, on Auigust 23rdi and 2ý4thi. The Peterboroug.h Society ask that any one planning to exihbit to liotify tham in good tinie. They also ssý,k the usutal donation fnm Orono. Mr. anid iVrs. C. H. Frosta receivad wýordI froni their son Wifeielling thien of bhisaria to the Britisfi laiesý. Wilfred was anganrc et andon shfip as it vas torpedoed al few (days beJ-jfore -peace was decila- e d. This is thlle tird,ý timeWifd basd bad sipý toi'pedoed fnorn unider- neth h InnJthis tor-pedoing, as iri th.e pireviouý onýe, lha lost iHl his br onig.Froni *ow on ha houe enjoy smlooth sailing around ltha At- llantîc.1 A very pleasanmt tue pwns spanýt y. Moda, ay l4th, at the home of Mnî. anId Mns. Reginald sutton, wlhel a 'nnbrofwomen paid na cail'on Mis iziaEpps to commemoirate liar 84tiinth îdy Miss Epps was the recipient of miany beauiu lw ers 'and also raceived s;ome, nice g-ifts froîy her friands, On thc abeset for tha occasion a hirthd'ay cake ne- cuipied the centre of tie table, lilit- ed 'wt ade.mxs. R. IL. Brown coniihuted aý7 number of pianmo solosý, wýhile Mrýs. Harry Rowa gava a nuip- b-er of recaion. i s s 1)ps is en- joying goodl haalth .and alh through thewa years knitted mnany an houl- to help sulys ocT)I ýks for tile Imen in the Armiei Forces. The Tinies ,-lng, with lier iiany friands, -wiisli for Miss Epp Lînany -more happy hirthdtys,. FOR SALE New Equipnient Case Tractors for returned sol- liera, Grindmor Grnnders, Case Rami- 'ïrer 31ils, Mfower, R~ake (one horse) Spring4rýooth ýCult' vators, five-too)th Scufflers with hillers, Steel Wheels; Auto3trac Attaeihments et1 $125.00r and used ýFordson Tractor, rebored and new pistons; Oliver Tractor PIo-w, Ccsut Tractor Plow, two or three futrrows; Case Pony Dise Plow, WagýonSin gond condition; Harrow ainld ýCultivator teethl; Mvaceierery and stove rrairs; poltatoes $.0 a bag. Phone 15-20 CARL TODD Clanke Dealer for J. I. Case aýnJ. Ataco Lyimited C-19D-P. John Brocken -M The Mon John Brack-en, the son of a f armer Ephraimr Bracken and bis wife, Alberta, was born in a log cabin in Ellisville, Leeds Counity, Ontario, on the 22nd of June, 1883. Here, briefly chronicled, are the main events in the life of Jo--hn Bracken: 1898 - Student at Brockville Collegiate, Ontario. 1902-5 Studenit at the Ontario Agricultural College, GuelphJ. He won four scholarships, the Govern-or-General's Medal, was top honours student and class miedalist. Here, too, he met~ Alice Wylie Bruce. 19.06 - Young Bracken went to Winnipeg as repre- s-entative of the Seeds Branch of the Domin- ion Department of Agriculture. 1907 - In the neighbouring Province of Saskatche- war., John Bracken becamne Superintendent of Fairs and Farmers' InstiutsadSce tary of the Provincial Livestock Association. 1910 - Johin Bracken wasý appointed Professor of Field Hlusbandry at the new University of ýSaskatLchewan. He took the first train to Guelph, Ontario, married Alice Wylie Bruce. Pour sons were born - three of whom are now on Active Service with the Navy, Army and Air Force. 1920n Already the author of two books on agri- culture, John Bracken became President of the Manitoba Agricultural College. 1922 Johin Bracken accepted the leadership of the Progressive Farmer Government, was swvornq in as-- Prime Minister of Manitoba. Now began the t5olfical lii e of the -?most coiniuo-usly successfi P'oliti- Cal leader the Empir'e bas produced in, this centuery. Since that day - frm1922 te 1942- John, Brackenï basç neyer been def'eated. 193 - heLIb)erals joi.ned John Bracken's farmer- govemnment. 1940 - Ail the other political parties, încludinig the .C.E. and Social Credtitors, threw in their fortunes with a great leader forming a w!ýartIme Coaliltion Manitoba governmnent. 194 - heyear of John Bracken's great decîsion. ,john Bracken, the Progressive, accepted the national leadership of a. great resurgent pepesparty -The Progressive Conserva- tives. 7Pîýblishéd by the. Progrenaive Cone DRESSES Misses' and Ladies' Dresses, ie ~Gingham, Seersucker and RZayon, sizes 12 ta 8A Priced ,............ $4.95 t(a $5.75 Jerseys and 811k Crepe, je one and two-piece, sizes 14 to 22!/2, price $8.95 to $16.50 COATS Mfisses' and Ladies' Coats, plain 1Rancie, ln eavy and black; Twveeds je blue check. grey and brownl, sizes 12 to 20. Price .......$ 22.00 to $3950 Renmanlts of Wtallpaper, 20% PER CENT OFF. Harry Horne's Vanilla Puddings each Se llarry llorne's Cocoa lb tin 25e N ippy Cheese lb 35e Newport Fluif s Large 37e Medium 23e SmaIl 19e Corn Starch 2 forIle Rnoor Oxydol pkg 25e Miacaroni 2 lb 15e MVOP Sticks each 18e Grapefruit 96's 3 for 23e Sweet Mixed Pickles 24 fluid ozs 'I.,. CHILDREýN'S DRESSES Print Dresses in flowered and plaid patterns, sizes 3 te 14 years, priced - .....95c. to $1.25 Crepes, sizes 3 and 4 years. priced et .................._. $LM9 CURTAINS9 In Frilled Marquisette, dotted and plain, priced $2.95, $4.50 Sanitriebb, yard ........ 10 Flowered lMarquisette, color green, yard.......... ... 41.00 SIJNSET DMES A newý supply of Dyes, in al shades, priced, 2 for ........ 25C M Comfort or P and G Soap 2 for lic Tom atoes 2 for 25e Habitant Pea Soup 2 for 23e Monarch Pastry Flour 24 ]b bag 85c Mother Jackson's Jiffy Pie Crust pkg 25e Five Roses Flour 9lb bag $2.95 Large Lemons 3 forl10e Maple Leaf Soap Flakes pkg 65e lb Uin 14e Peas 2 for 25e Sheil Glass Klenzit bôttle 25C Fels 'Naptha Soap 3 bars 25c. Ewing's Coffee Eclipse Pastry Fllour 24 lb bag 69e Ewing's Vanilla 16 oz bottie 21e Jam 4 lb jar 57e 4 Coupons Grapefruit Juice 20 oz. in f or 17c Diced Beets or Càrrots Il for 25e Quaker IAR MSTRONG'SI Cowan's Perfection Cocoa, 1 lb tin for 1l5c Heinz Beef Steak Sauce, bottle 29c Prime Commercial Beef Fresh cuts of Pork

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