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Orono Weekly Times, 17 May 1945, p. 6

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and he UitedS'Ltte, about15, 000,000 the Doinion liiBureau of StatîiatiCses atîimates. ýTht wou1)(h the lowest 'mid lumr figure ince OffciIsfr )Doiiog iýri De - nidbyUiecSttsDprmn of Aricutur repesqtatieswill go i ù Por-t Wi!lam latier IbLis inouth b ob1serve tests bebng made bu tihe Nipigon reýgion b odaatroy heSpîujce Swly CA F cr'eV iflying PBYý'S wbll 1Spray theinew DDT iscicd ntînliea-tand thecre in xeimua tsa FirewachersStili WatchingSt. Pu' ~uyail over Biîq.- but 0,1 te Oln ,hO guLiar-dLouldoni's St. PalsCathedral. Th e,7 hav from lithe tart of tita a.Isudwill Mtay to the finis. Thywera tihere on the ight 0ofj tegreat fire blitz, Siilnda)- Dec 29,194, weiithecatheýdral stood Not Great, But Good uanms in Ihîniog thatIle wifl 1lot ha ýCa greuat Pesilu, bu li limay ha a good ,Preaidait, ay Tim. H ishumble, le ms bar 'oknha is likely t(--)go in moreC Peen n mclose Ich shthe deel hera g huewilha euider lrong a new ara in uuociienaud TheClai/ my h mae htme the annig cffood wil decease butthb da mnot fllow.BohCe thoda ofnfood preserati'on will pat cioi lvteuls iici"Lha-future[than 5~~~~~~~-C uisof rerlctiîî,Thti s- ferauce maclt a press t-,lk,, in- tîigu>ed th0e coriepondeuts. It was: "IL 'Brtai wehava, au immiiediate prb )ti Dr 1towns sud cities hv beubadlv wiecked, and we muit staît at once to rebuild tliem. Are- we t10 ebuiild - thens wth horpiib-pioof satr or with faibli ini peace?" - St. Thomais Tinmes -Jouirnal. Ti-,1826 the firaf successful r~p piug machine was îuveuted b!y-vthe Rav. Patrick Bell bu Euglandi. ,,ARLY RISiiNG es -when thle 1mornRing Ïcofl'ee ks Maxwell IHouse. Yoit en- joy ,COffjee aT ils very best ili ihis superb bleud , it' ský'ilflly b dfo r. eue Kilts DIsapl:peari-ng; Scotsmen Protest Sýcotsmen stand iintperil o iis their 1kilts --,and their ledes laen a pr4, The demaiýnd abroad fo)r ihe col- orful plaid cloth, pariticulariy by women i i,Iin hcUited ïStales las cansed asorae Thus. Scteic, holove In pa- rade in kilts, are 1being compelled t(-,Wear pnl. ard ibit, too, are Scoîtis;bvchiidîcu fin, wear v plaid kilts as a formiof nainal dress. Sco[;îtihlaespiaunel'd to ask Hugi Dlto, Bard ofTraýýde Presdent ifha i awaa Iiait nr-c disturbed sIeep, buning or sarig. 00 out for toba This conidition 1is a sureL sign that your kidnaiys aretnot fully ridding ,ynur blood o oisonuj cid- and wsjs hnthe klidncys sliow up, waste Slct ackacha. dýizzy , Sella, Pufly ea n ramîcpa"inss nay fol Vour kidnalys nead hipan 9ter 1 liaiad roven way 0 helpthein lneown ais GOLF) MEDAL Harem01 Capsules. Thesa Capslaes contfain cure- fully maurdquantiities ci'hat i. vdely kn'ownU diuiratîc callad Dutch Dro-,e Yoie will Fnd thfoîr action lfastand affective. Býe sure you gel GOLD MIEDA L 1H"aurilent 091 Capsufles. tite ganuine anid origial DuIch 'Drons-packad in Canada. Gai a 40e packaige from vo lu drggst g 2SeilRemedies by the Matkers of Mecca Ointmznt Mlecca Pile Remedy NO. 1 le for Protrndïncg BleigPles, madis S.ol1 inTulbe, with pipe, lo nera pp]i cation. PDuce ï5 o. M eeca pile lmeyNo. 2 le for Bei tcbing Piles. $oid il, Jar, ani is for eternal use only. Price 50ôûi Drder by niumber fromi your DruoggLst. HED cO(,LD? Gel quick relief) us L na NOSTROLINE in eacb nostrii. Breatlx- ing pasages openi right away. NOSTROLINE soothes, tubricates. disinfecta, helps imake aud keicep yocer mos, heaithy. Brin1gs coifoît awiftly.. Convenient. Pleaisant. For- aduts andi eh (d1 Î c-ildruggistS. ti ti Po è9HlIl'lý-ý i WMpou UL tot only helpa reuiave pariodic pain but LiSO accomipauyiug narvous, tïiçd, ýghstrung feeli ngs - whan due to f .une- inal nsonth ly dis;turbanices. It's on-, of .a most effectiv>enmalicies for this pur- *se. Pinkhami's Comipound hels aturelý îllow label directions. Try it! 0 /.VECICTIBI.E It is atmtdta about 72,000, people in Canada want t('?u a nwaating systam A good pa1rcentage of t]icem would lika CLARE-HECLA Funace. Eveu w-,ýýith normnai productionWCw wud naotbe acea b muat theý demniwi. Anid malarýials edmanpwer are 901veiy mc rubstrid. Hroca CLARE.HECLA deal ceau accept obdus now fRonly a limiad nmubArffrncsf& rfaîl dalivary. Fiis-, coma, rs sarved is tha policy tbc u,-,d foliow Don't deiay, if you =3e a nMW nce.m Accounitants and Auditora [NCOME 9lA X E'>T C- plete okelg ~ridS. I),1 or 1LargeIlsnesa.Trvluay- whr.Alhert Brett K& Co., 8 WellntonSt 9..Toronto. Ont. ORDR OtFi125 'HiCKSNOW, and [lot be dspoltc.Ail chicus Pire from,., guaranteed test- ed stock, and îtrom 21, oz. eggpe or baler.Brred lRocks mixed $1200 par 100o. Vbie eho mîxed $11.00 pet 101, FIB0rred whithe e ocspetd 150 ue 10wlit ock Pullets live dliver. balnice Daid COt D 5'00 BRIEEDERS ON ONE PLANT LOEVOUEORERFR HIK take hancs onjust ordýinaýry il chey c1,cs. Order cicuk s NOW fror May or June dcieliery 100 CHICKS 11FREE WITHRVER ORDR 0F100 Pulletcihieka weitfee pulets$215 er10, barre Rock uliet $19lipe100, hit Roc 1PlleULs 29 er 1S.AAE pe iledsto liick. ï,i $ (P100 books y, ordeýtr, cba 1lance aC.1Ol.1, euarl nte, c and 4lve elivery iKentHatch ery. Ch sïm-Otarlo SPECILPULLET SALEL STcAR[- TD AROI0DU1',10CO UL- lrs we id 22cn2iweeks lu 28 cents. vimm eedliatedeiory insecIht, Ontaro wRocks; Rrds Soecoe and ï4rwees old. rite or phone Ontpr'on>üd e 1 Rc 9.'s ONNPOULTRYPS BE CER ARYDS T OO AND YOD ARE GUArNTEED youî chicks foi next spring whan you want them. Baýirred Rock inixeti $12.00 par 100, White Leg- bornsa mixeti $11,00 prr10r. Bar- reti RockEnlIaIs $1900û par lot0 White Leghiorn Puliets $-22,00par 100. Heavy Br-(eetiCl1s. $6M00par 100. Legbhorn Ckls. $,0par 100i(i Ail uchieka baîýtchiet fions26 oz, eggs ýor bette"r ano ti rofi sea mated locks.Guarmiteeti100 live deivsry.$1,99 s eyonr- Back Aedliutaope e lap 9.9, pullets 79,cokri 2 week ol t add Oc par cbick bt aboya prces, SipeiC.O.D. Thi, advertisemeiý nt ust accomlpany, your ordýer. Top Ntc Chicker- ies, Guelpb, Otro MEl CAN GIVEi GOD ELIVEEY on cbicks, and pullets both ay- nIds and started, and cocherais in limited q-uaio 1t ies Every month la a good mothl for poul- try-keepers. Bray HattcherIy, 130 John N., Hamiiilto,Ontii. ERLIABLE SUMMER C H I M 1C X Sale. Rlibl hile aefroin Government Apîoved blond- tested fok, hcsthldvlop into quality h!usky quality sud lviity 1îý-for uýs mantI for you. After lay15,'Sussex s RampaLi "11I , Eared R k, New plets $20,coheas 4,0 Lhorn, ned$1,5puet $2 9. rdrRaialeCik 0 da,, Rlahi acbrEl1a Ointail: OUR FOUNDATIO STCK il ý,egistered su pdiretiblda Nothing betterin ,iCanada rde now. Pruces fori' xt bb chieks, males asud femlas: Bar- reti Rocks!, $2,0par hu!,dred: White Ighrna $1,0: hite- Rocks,$500 ronLeghorns, $13.00. 1Pu,1bet prices: Iart Rocks, P$15,00; Wbite Legboinq. $220; Whbi te R',ock s, 12. 00; Brown Legborins $ý24,00. 25fret chicka, oich c bcillhagien for earh *200 mixed hi aorder- ed sud 25fie hiOt fr earh 100 day old ulltsoîderedl. Goddard Chick I.- atch,ýlery, Bn.- tannid Il1eightsý, Otr YODCAN GOWRONý,G WITE Tweddle Cieka. Thae will bhaa guarnted maketueat Fall for- Spîig. Te UntedSatea Army hnllokler 1tbem. Aoos ru- Se(ciafoiatl ig New Hampahiraný oloe p b ou weksofag cbaed ci i Iis yar 10 Twedle 711cr, Mag cicks- noEd fo'r theillvaiiyh aloteeqaîte-h ult 1eeo m1 wodefl layera antie afle 1uno eaIcCan gîv Onmt.- MOONEY',S C FCE ROM I3LOOD.. tested, Gvruet Approved1 Flocks.Liescfoshpngt any rovice.Whit Lehins Baîre Rock. NewIamshiresw BeOt ejoCit D)VENG AND CLEANING HIAVE TOCMi A1NYTHîNONC EEDS dyeiing'or cleaning? Write to us for ifrain We are glad t10 vcle yur questions.Dea- men l.Pa rizer*s Dye cWork, is Limited. 7i91 Tionge Stee, o- bgtseld, reýbulît; bttpu- iey, bru eAllen letrcCora- pany Ultd.226Dufferin St., To- rIntoL apples, kpeara , plumal-, cierrie, grape(s. cumrants, abruiba, boig shade trees, wire trea guards1-c. Norfoik Nursery. Sitre.oe. Ontar <o.c EULLS-ELMVA LE NOBLE CAv%- aller, class A, 3l years, gýrand chaimpion ail chod 915r ed by 1.0E. bull, Scîver Spring Cavalier asnd ifrom ahigb tes(--ting da, with thr(eeIlR,.],, eors priced a $25.,Ao bull ca]\ves W. Argue. 2,4 ankSt. Otaa Ont. AUTO TELERýT.1- WITH TWONE tirtde for goodAu.t.a. R(1 BAN BAN10 X 60, EXCýýELLENT on one ide$0. hlngTre Ranch MooefiedMOt. ;esint St. WiimOnit. 2017 GAOIETETJCK TANK VMOUN',T- ed on f',ur st,~el.wheelssýultab]e for spra,ýying streets $100. P,. B. Eichanrdsýon, St. Andraw, NE Rig.Best Breedeýrs $500 a ai Lr. CaesAngus, Bo 44, or Credit, Ont. BEALYTIEITL ST. BEAD R ange andWhitaMaleý, Childreýn's favour'ite, kind. $2500.DviI H-OUND ) IIPIS, 4MNEPR entsI exce'ýlltMoxo Id L ES perft oforbiordebnds $10.1478 Quee E, Troo Rglis, mal, cmplete-$255 0el O10ACEFARMit, MILES of Eenickron graI roai le prouciv, o godsandp ns large faMe. os it ag moerso n.thoti,.d I1nformaý,tion Ilobaîlsns :,ardreatng Ad- amyv, 17Avenue Eolý,adl,Trno C H)I PELP WANED TýD cdv,-ipment dmesixres lcses-n men fr patliadwokithogh- ou Otalo. Dr ang acc-ount iAei-200 Mi ýn Stret Torolo.- ou c cma exerice o a,-ready. Sead position fo stiiedyeliabl man.(4-hour11 w Me).Ap l neisEmo- FILE-CMACHI519 oe stdy posi-f ln. (4h weh). Apy ealEmpîoymeut AIE DICAL uere ofRheuati Pais o Neuritissl try1 D ý,ixonS lIen E LgnOtawat. tpaid $1,. STOMACH AND TRREIAD WR oftltn are ùtha cause of l bat in hman, al aes.No on, li- ufe! Why ot finid out If Ibis le yor trouible? ntrstn pr tîclar-FrelWrite Mlee' Ilemad,,ies, Sellit.Toronto S GOOD ADýV1CE!lIRE SFFR BAUMEELKA FOTBA0 E. 45c bottA.Le,(Otaw agnt DINa MLSHCAL1 R D RMENss l V"nat, 11Cuc.Trno MEA A IRDRFÀ1 ïEilLSsi NR g idute LSnAmi ica's grea, steat p sya1 tam.; I l Usta eci caalgu 'ieet( Writerricaî OUR BLOO W., TORNO Branche-s: 44 King St'. Il o, ltoi & 74 Riadea-.Strecet,'i Otmtawa., Paietr MSolios.Etbls 18402 14 Rig Wet. Toonte Booket o Infrmatonokthr- PIANOSý\WATE EXPER'PIENCED FARMER 9 TEARS hnow7,ýlede of stallion groomi wising tb beau fronsstc beerneediug nman for lb, Seasonls route orchreu St le erge Stewairtý, 23M uing Ave., Toîcuto. PHOTOGIIA PUY TiME TESTED QUALITY SE-RVI-CE adSATISýFACTION% your Tfilme pr0 ily tieloffci at ,ç)rin te d REPEINTS 8 fri25c Vou amay il0utgel ail Ihe ffilma yUI ,wa nt Ibis year, but you cal gel Ili tIheqult andi servicie you cIEsife by santiing your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVkUFB Sftton j Toronto wORNDERFU' CIUSTOMELR SÀYS uthepomtmanrl yorfilm ola CANý,ADA'S LARGEST AND7 GelEel~r ictresaILower CosI.- SPiCIAL PALBUMï LFSFEC (4n etail ent wt fl oin ENLAREMENs -IE for or 4Bxx6"29n RasionnIs, SPECNmý ýI PjrIcES O ITOWL & BROLERS HIUHES'T puices paid. C'ratesaviabe Street, Torouto. WVANTED-PROPERT% 0ON LAKE fintage1 e Ltween unaile shootcng. 414 Paltug Ace., N. Stor, at terbr atd WE GBUY PRICES HICHR NOW !DOmininHe.-Li Disrbtr 1421 St iawee led. oMrei ISSUE 20--i945 .~ 4sa~'4es~ 'se a~..a. ~ ~ias~-cc' t~' # CLASSIFJIED ADVERTISEMIENTS c'- K K K 'c' K K K K c.' K K K' K K K e-c K K K K K K c'

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