An Allied soldier talks with Ger-. man boy who is 15, but 1ookiý3 about 8. Youngster wsone of ;a group i Kroniach, ordered to don ieniformas and fiee to Bavaria, l- stead they hid in the woods, gave themnselves up to llh Armorec, Division troop.Fs Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1:1î7'he takes care of ail arrange- entls for a wdig m. Wben twOonen and taugil attendth thartoehr ho s;honlud they sit? iii aa shallow soup ,-,plate? .n al office bidnarnd voa acquaintance n rs, shonild ihe2 rec,- womn benalghing lrie streetcar or bns. 6. Vhat ]of etrannn suiyfolows a inne paty ANS WERS tAleal -sncit as iing iýýout the invtation, milaking arag- nntand cutls ihrpea rationsare hin te ands of the poptiebide and ber mother. 'Jn', f cus, ail t"Iel, se SThe beat plan is to bave t o gS seated next to echother be- tenthe two mn. iYs. 41, ie ~maylihis ba, or le May rmv -4 Mnd hold it in ]i hibanid. 5. Ye, So th0atlbe 1]ay ssstbe.Bt thle 'womn souldpreedethe -man. Che leter-iing. 6. Music, dnig orcards. Keep anioigbadadio et 1up yhileswnk ahsa ~bndbeprese sî2 i soon aýit is more aiiord resltsad gives thie garmýent tbat rfsioa ok A slindl t en~iare IS heart Patteru 453. A bioiercoik ;ttinai aitemnoon; evsad ncinuiay-avecap aevs ~ ~sa~as cxîno henccpt1) for ~ ths~~attrtî10 Roni421 73Ade CHAPTER ii "1\ae ofGod Me skshowl as h ao eMrihr in 1J?" The b !rî-ghýt ceys danced and sparked. W lI hve thoughit of I1saî e yor ousekeeper." "Stop makin ojctions. This place is-iea, ueman tsduli aýs a morigue and it is the rniercy ofi tegood God clthat bas c-aused some cý-iteipe(ýnt to happen. It will boeu, oto lhave these litleons TherLe is no reason in the vorld thuat hehould ever lknow xyou wnere the butler. 'Ne cau ihave a nv nemiiin tie imorning.Flil phone to abil-ole at once." "Btwill it noLtlbe cruel to de- ceive theml, to let them think-" N!N!But iàwud ecruel to bave them eau, after being bombed qand torpedoed and frozen nd ~ "1,1 streta hyare very lily vto lbeat least irozen and1 taedagatiI ny i vod one. as slIe s-aw tlLhe ut, ICthe touble, the defeaitiin nnlhspale bitte eyes. After ail, Ibe hd dreameýd af retes onceu,ofthe h Iigh plac,,ý af C ease d opuence. "Idid flot mea tat you ouldbe unablc to mIaýintail tb,hc ont three is qite a number and ii(lcild(ren roeed so imuclBliveme, 100, you ill be dloinig aàkdnes toa Ionely old oa.Not iin years bave J1lîad -te propet ucbi fun or looked forvnd so imucb to*panything. You must d o as I telli you, Ionsieur le Býaron. 1I ruIt bCgin Calling yon baronl." Rudlib sard I MadallgilimF- ing lî'cIkeaso aninto bis -eyes. "Threarenoworsmadame - :1one vthaýt 1Jt knowin- any languiage, "There ay!be saie in Smwash," IT'S ÂAZNGow fte "Raiat oat"used ia U anu.ýtf acturing M -NaxweII buse Coffee brinigs Out the flavor and g-eodnîess of Ihisý fine hiend. Every beau is roasled eCvenlIy, ail Tortured mgan sets helpi Lemnon julce Miýxd ut home Reieved RHEUMA TIC PAIN says sufeierî "ihae sed ALLIEýNrýU for several 1o s.Icouid lhardfly valk on account oDf m1y nees. But noow those pains are relieve, i can, go lkea race horse Lo' e a victâim of ùhe pai;n5 cmd aescaused by tbeumaîism, lumbago or7 neu1frts i tbo rying this simpfLe_ nepnvercdpe 3yOU can ýmix aSï hm.wotablespoonis of ALLENRU, plus the julice of ½ 2lem-Ion in a glass of watcer. Your noney [ba-ck iîf not entirely çatisfied. jus 851 t amil dtug stores. %uy ALLENRU toýday. Wi t c r iinf ormnative booklet "Hers God 1ealth to You" to Staffrord MUsej;r (of . Canada) Ltd., Dept. , 172 John St.. Toronto, Ont. You Wil Enjoy Staying At T'he ST. REGILS HOTEL ;. 0RONTO * igl 23,-0 a- Double $-50 Up. *im (,o eodDiïbng n klg Nightly. Sýherbourne at Carlton Tel RA. 4135 Headace sîrsg than headach)es q Why sufer'.. ,Lat,' bly-s ache, coorba'che, ains 10 back, stoma&ch. owelS ISSUE 20-1945 sai d the old ldy Citig na roli, "lbultskip i7 Pil, Rudi.When(dote younIg ons rrie? "I bo lddefrmteitet have dgstdof tIle pressacon that they wvil' )beeeun tonigbî,'s train. îThey kîîow 1,thnme of the station, St. Did:ir(desMotge. "Tbey speak Fenc? Egishi?" "Jdo lot know. Buýlt J tink lit is lkl ta, apai1froi thleirow Austrian, with lttle renh o Englisb." "It is well theni. They wj,;ll rvl in ignorani-ce, even were t1iere ax ttel (le y u do flo wiinte "Some ùday t17 'lhave toikn,1-,, madamel." 'OteIl ltbell1then you lostiiln a pkrgne Now I shaîl talk 1 that s-1 laxv er, Gabriel Foll,, aný thlephosse aIdbave hbmmsna staff lilaI,.tel hinithat m home v islonthýe bouse ofMY the ý yssîng Piics o ratzen,th "It oorlike a rarn nia- wlsite elphne1ikýe anild ixy -j be(gan to live ;again Bro. lmust also cal mynehew Rge Fabr, ad tel!lis thesame tory Me wo-luid be one t10 cornýebudr ing in andi1 spoil thlings.Jtaei Rudolph - Baron -- il would ruin everything if îh,ý pretty Meridel knew-" "Sbe wauld nat staly. ti1 , Rudi sbook bis bead. if be like- "Ab!" b Lack eyes dsnied(. "Ab, it was tbien ber mother forý wblom you vowed to build thme gold- enl castie." ,Rudopb norided slowly. "'She waqs baro for a castile." 1"Ail women are," said majdame. "Thougb mnost see tbeirs lu tbe smoke from tbe kiteben stove or thse steam from tbe wash tub.' Ab , yau, Follet, myv old spittoon. bow goles it J want you17to sel]ndime somle srns al\iliq once. i amnpen- arn Clopata. ou 10 ltenctme aud kep qiet.ý" St. idir ds Mntanesis onily three b 1oums ýby car from i Montrepal. Gabiriel Follet[who1oSlate bdohi- jectrd ]littleiento adamei's niosýt ex- travagant wbM1imus, sent tibe requir- ed dome-sties up to tbe, mountiain ciaenso ctuickly that it savored ,oidicerabily of Aisddin's iamp. SMiALL FRY - , bine of be-r eyes was deep surd --ales. The blond littie boy, Pol Mristood (on1one s,!de of her, R ,Vne it111long stfr a w--olor ed( cýurlS and pgreat ys g ng 10ber baud They loolsed about tbem and suddenily Mrdlsmoutbt;wisteýd and she flung ber a:nms about Rui- dolpb's neek and bld ber fae against bis sboulder; the little limes came sbyiy close to bim. They were like neparly exhaàusted( sWmmers in a wild ses, mused madame, wMsohave natIsat reacb- ed the safe and solid land. And la that momen sbetbaukied God that sbe bsd done Ibis tbing. "If it please Your fligba.Iess,"ý ,ald imadamne la slow Frel-"1 shah Show you) and tbep littie ones t-, your aprmns"With a nod abe~~~ dimse1btemaidaand eýook. Tbe, chauffeur bad entered wltb Ie ,meager luggage. (To Be Cootinued) Àdapt Recipes To Foods On Hland bine of tbe imaniy prob)lema sof tIse" hiome conomLIists of Ibe Con- sumner Secion), DominionDeat nient af Agriclture, csdvelopng recipes for availale foodes ud adsp'ting them tu today's needs. Wfltb an ey(e t sotutn"and almnplfying tbey bave worked out soýme ne, tr-ei.inine(l conibina- tions of Ismîlsar foods. Here are somie of the niew tricks perts.Macar nsd Spagbiettî are usaully cooked, before mnixing witb the other ingredients b)ut bere is a modemn slimiified( version. Oven Macaroni icup uncooked amaroni 3% caps cannied tfoin;toes Scup cold waýteî, icup cbopped onion 1 cup grsted, nppeheese 14 teaspoon sanit Dasb of ppe Comb)ine ,aIl ingredient"s. Tamn Into a greaýsed d (isb. Balte lu a nioderate ovn,350'F, for 1 bour. SiA smvervs. Tomato Curry Vegetable 1'/ tablespoons mnild-flsvýoured fat c up chopped onion o'~tbiespnoosnsfour Steaspoon sai 1/2 teaspýjoon curry powderj 2? eups tm to$ice I2 ~ cu drained cannïed green nor wax beans Meit fat ln saucepan. Add onlon aud cook 5 minutes over 10w beat, sutioin 0 1a\ Clra gud 125.poun a year per cpta. ittle moe tha tbe l ailow,%ance foýr fhe conijtg qatrand a lutile ies<s thanthi"Ie pentaliowuanice it become.. ob.i vios tat Ithe 2American iv iian is a 1lng, Ilong wyrom ta\ig Ruhber Articles Return To Homnes Rubrgloves, thle kind bue wsves wear o protect their hnd whîIlle wasiing dishles or d leîg clothes, arcowback onilthe Cao adian reutail l ýjMak1t inlimitedqu- jtiie, anld rpeetianothrcl pinl hegaul retý uroofthie r "II)bcrý in 1peacetinsec. Th'le goelike other produ!c!s f1iding tei ay 1bae(k into th'Lel bornes are ot mlade of ntua Pot craers flyswater, and' mlainofactuired frn7s rlcClaimed 1mbLýj- ber, anld somle of these are ied i0 thie reýtai l sbops. Stirring )Ceca sîouall Y. Combinie farsatadcurry powder and stÉir imbr enoulns. Add tOrmato julce slowly anid caok, stirring constant- ly, until imixture ftiie(kenis ligbily. Add l beans isudlbeat thoroughly. six ser-viigs. Note:-Thi saucenmay be uned un lefI-ver 'egetnblas. Hurry Up Rhubarb Pudding, o cp eiftd aHi-prpse Emior 2 teaspoci~s baking pawder 2 teaspoons sugar ý ea-spjoan 1sait 2 cus rubar eu us1-ilacis ~ cup rown ugar ej up blinýg water ,Mlx and sMf floue, bakýing ptow- der, sugar and sit; add iik sud combinle. P i bubinlua greas- ed! baking disb aud redbatter, over Ct Dissolve browa sugar lu boilig wsterpour over batter. Bake lina amodierately hot aven, 375'Fý, for 3U minutes. Ti pd- ding requites no sauce. ixn serv- No Starvation In U nited States peop)le can s1urvive a b-it ai bell- tightenling, sre o i the fig- -ursgi'ven (ont by th' gveu nen in onn-ction %itbi the 12 pe7rcent eut, in cîvîlian meiat splesg gesîs the BfaoCuirEpes W(1ic 1 w nroto eýffct on Arl Forthequaterbegitnnîng 0on bat date th ciilia alotmîîtwill bec,73,0000 ounids,. This x o)rks out toauanalloxvce ai about 1in pounds a yeor or a lit-liebhete thnm 'J'ponds a montb peicapý- ita, as conp %e ithlan allow- noceofAiu10 pundsaa year or a 1111e more than 10 pouîîds a oîonth prcptfothfirst, qure i 19 45. When you considfer ithe fact h i0 thie immediate pre war pjcriodl oi 1935-1939, American meiat con- N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N