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Orono Weekly Times, 24 May 1945, p. 1

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_dva. ORONO Vk E TI ES V l9. No. 18. OR-ONO, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 24th, 1945 Su bscription $ 1.25, per Year Gala Evening SpentAt New Masonic Temple Last Thursday Senior Warden's Team Lost Race- faxed tewiingtatsld yW (bds. yrî'el, Woshipf LiMster, in h e eUtîfUl lodge r o om. The aske io ixee fllyanweedeDr- o uced la gth e bnuthl e The Beauty of Riviera The followmng quotations are taken from a lorter îeceived by Mr. and Mrs-. J. D. Brown from their son Fiy- iugOfce Lelfoy Brown, wbeu on bis leave to the ýMediterranean., "Just at the mnoment I amn sitting writiag at myý desk iby 'the -wiudow and, as I look ontL, the picture that meets the eye is nudscrbabe.The ýbine Mediterrau- eau snbadeep bine, is just as smot -a glass and lu some places it lookslmsta grpeuishi blue. Behiiad -aud not sides of $he city the his ýaredtted with luxurioi-s villas, lgt ra nl colour, with mîst col- o)uredtilerofs The gardeus and ï-ockries re maguificent, wlth roses, houysckislocucts aud dozoas of th owers aud 'trees lu ful bloon. Somen of the large estatés have ýpalm drives aud ail types of ýorummeutal juniers pieset.c., on the grouuds. I cat bginte put into words the beuyor the view that I have iu one gIluce. I couldu't even thîuk of a placemore eautiful, but Just the sani I onld be a lot happier right u1w if I were looliug np the Main stee f Orono. '~-1~ As a farmer; you know that anyone teio thinks he can Iearn the invol-ved science cf good farming "in one short easy tesson*" is justifooting himself. But many things ['OOk easy when you know ver-Y littie about themn. Adequate electr-ic wiring, for instance. Wben if comes to wiring vour farm, clon't l.e fooled because if Iooks easy. You May think the Smith boy couid do if '<beccuise he's so kandy' but you ,Il save plenty of future regrets if you get an exeton the job from the start. You'II And (particularly if you watch the electrician wire your farmn) that it is ai job for quite a skliled tradesman. Start off by getting the best man you can, f0o do the boit and most complete wiring lob for ail your immediate and future needs. If is easier f0 add to your electrical equipment as you want fo IF YOU START RIGHT with ADEQUATE SWIRING. Ch arlie Stephenson Claims Jon Bracken Policies For Canada Means Security and Prosprity To The Electors of Durham.: As the Progressive Consorv a- tive candidate for Durham Coun- ty it is My intention te discuss throngh the four locaPl newspapers some cf the more important planks lu-the Bneenplatform. These issues wilt ho iscussed la a constructive mnewýr SO Lthatthe e-lecýtors will be boeiur fre and realize it is te hi ifrs te support my candidture on Duýrinîg the past two years, John BOracken, .National Leadler (of1thie Progressive Conservative arty has- vîsited eve ry section of thie conntry te learu at first bauid the1ý problems pe,,cu.iar te each, That! n'as precisely the way te approachj Charlie Stephensoni tbemaagmetof any big bui- ness and thie Ibusinelss cf0runIngllll, flicaffa'irs of Canada is flic bi- gesit busin-ess w'vogt. Holuias thius prý hisoîf te bcomne Priime Minister cf Cainada. Fr-esh froi his Epr record emrcnover 20year contn- e ~ ~ ~ ~ f us1 ' rmir f aitohat, Bm-acken bas ranfrom tha t snuccessful experience and bi study cf Canada as a whle,)c, theý knowledge necessary for assuni- ing direction cf the'uffaîrs of the entire country. Hoelias formu- lated policies and lias stated te,ý coveniumg the whele ennge cf ma tional administration. lInflic fow weeks nomaining before elections tuke place, this celumu will ho devoted f0 brief revsews of the Bracken prograni. 0f main concern te the people cf Durhiam County are the, matters which affect theni most closely, tliey are, came uni rehabilifatien of returning soldiers, botter f arm- iùg conditions, botter'labor condi- tions und general social security. In thfliine and space aVailable-, these will lie dealt witli as con- cisely as possible. They areflie policies upheli complet ely by mle as the Brueken candidate for Durhami Cou nty. Equality For Agriculture As a practical and successful fairmer hiniseife, Bracken tolti fa-rnons that generally they had received over the years, oinly 13 per cent of the national income, while comprising one third of the population and running Canada's basic and groatcst business. This hé termed, "Canada's greafest isocial'inequity." Ho said: "If is oun first and primary objective te correcet this anfair and jierior cennie position." And ho toli how lie wudset about if, omployîng flic sanie -wise 1an-d wide-awvake buýsin1ess ap- preacl wif h whichl or 20 years lile hapd ]hed f1lic onidncc Manilitoba farmlers. lin bis 30- point "Chaýrter for, Agicu>ltuýre,- issuidbefore any ctoiier lae lii ad ýkon u1p flice Cstionl,Brc- on laid dow%ýn t-hese pinciples co)n- ceivei for fthc SeCurity of farmers, for ail who are depeclecý_nt upon a prosperons arcluefi nî material W-elfar e. Ho aid Co-operationTeKyoe "To achieve eqaifor agri- culture. we saehîIIýjs* Iàe Con-, operation of friesthemseives, conisult with thi roups te foi mulaf e poiicy, appoint furmers to adminiistrative auadisory boards set 'up lathiun -teress cf agriculture2. To serve Caadaa a whole, if the initerof Agi- culture is an Eastern, maî thýe Deputy Mnite il h aWst- ern man, and vice veisa. Wi fanrrer Boards, they will ce- ordinate and co-operate for a na- tional square deal for farmers." Couild anyone wish for aý fairer metbýod of attaining equalïity? Production andiMrktn "We shah place uLpon this Ministry and itÎs adiviserjs flic whole respensib_ýiifofpodcto and distributýini will rat speciai foreig arcutuu sr vice, located at mýJI licesraei po.nts capablecof ascbig a famsurpinses."Nelt dpoas bttrained traieagnt, orca whl Trspeiydopendso orsh ba e longtdemaned Git2 Toary or plain digruntled,, ne farercanfoteeaginst hthis pain prstatmot c piicyre, gnraeed-.i by a farme rith 20 y er und- emed dmiistration.- "We sandîl s appoint a Pnn cf wipow aers teoqalcf the exph ans fword se we feapro ducher stetdea ndsthastabe priet s e will be assu ri. We s hah' raie farm riesne y eres infappîyý, butbyicesnd- porier, cf faestalvenor befored auineT rn bu ensiomcfexprsmet n Homse Markets anti Surpl-us "We shahl expand home miur- kef s simply by incroasing ficý purchasing -power cf Cndas by raising flchsandrdsefnutri- flon, developing dutnal ues for fan produ(ts auni evýen cLroate a "stamp" plan for l.ower incomne greups. lanfic case cf expDorts, establish a floor price andalo producersflic benefits cfrflic ad- vance thoreon. Teday,.'s pnico ceil ings will be comnpensutcd .by floors te prevont farm pricos falling to unf air levels affer flic war. By Fedenal, marketing leg,- isiat ion wc, shaîl set up orderîy marketing, and we shall curb flic profossional speculater in ne un- certain mannor, Landi Use and Basic Costs bett or land use, detenmine settie- ment by scientific sarvoys, par- ticularly 'in flic intorests of ro- turned mon, and vien' land soffle- ment from flice standpeinit of ifs best ccoisemic employmcnt. Those on submnarginal holdings will be guaanteci foain prices and na- tional support l in ies ef stress. To reduce costs of production we shahl pass legisîntion te nestrain combines, miake fm prices italy cont'petitive, revise rates ui d is- tnibutioný, ecuaefarme.,rs te mnket o0ac1) ertiebasis, ila shýort plan and leg*isiate te ac'hieve a fuir share of flic national iu- come. We shall pass~ a Federal 1Ce-operativoe Acfte clarify the W. 1. Meetingl The 3ay imeetig ashe0dJu the l8~ ui W he wcoLucil haiercith the amoun of ouey onldbe snt over- te -t býehIugaviab A donation of $10 is te o sent te id teCnda ýNationalInitt' or tliseBlind ilu itswos. Iis onaionis goîug throgh te Bonanviie West Dur- baiAdvisos;y ComnsÀiee. A $5.00 Canad ý-ImuTuercu.Aloir Associaýtioet holp i thei ivitawork Tho p Lrorammieu n l care o iýthen ar orKaComitee, Mrs.p R.i A.i DoIver, acolor. t her rquety.thýe compauiied b]y Miss Lisiton. Bothi anmbes Spwîoeuyed veîy imuch. NetMrs. il. Roe ecited the 'ocein Leetie Baptees"la dialeet, ad thon ilie roîl wiascmod.Ifw'ss aaswr- ci by thn anmeAof A mouhr in the as~ ~ ~~~~t thaohrc h no's chld. STARý.K VILLE iss vli Gsîon i ~ ~ ~ t ku nde mr'w -ls iiei uN ate ion eo. awmrde the )îFtM Church Services AlihyGod ifor thle csain huilities in E uroýp e. AÀ ecal by th1 aainCuni fCuce whiehhîd bon nrchasdobyth the CiianFmg1anebln wt st,o a in crnr nictig éoul Is syad md rss upn h ie for er7 vAthr ugceqa fmrni - rly fMm a M.W.J idie. It ~ Fa isaUiommpaihngsatth Joite cf thaiesGesn 'ren la imp' ,P y ip nyh'f 'ntel U sl bn4" vi'ey la u-e "n o lis ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t 1'endne uti i 1 th kp uni fn1tilvroyi 'n atePcfe GIEORGE DýR E'W Over a sp ei ework of 'Oii-t,s0 ir includlimý C K E Y TORONTO Wednesday. May 3Oth, 11.15 ýP. W. E D.T. Over a special network of Ontarloaio î inclidinig C 1- E X PETERBORO Friday, June lst, 11.30 u.m. Over a special network of Ontaril Station.s iacluding C F R B TORONTO and on Thursday, May 3lst, 8.00 P.M1. Friday,. June lst, 10.45 P. Over the Onfurio Regional NetNwOrkoid the Canudian roudcastingCoprto ai Affiliafc t ai 'ttionis iliîcudilg C :B L TORONTTO

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