OTTRWA REPORTS That Acting Prime Minister Ilsley Outluned program for Relaxation of Wartime Controls As in tJ9920, when uprices inithe first IS1 manths aft \\ Wold Wa 1. rse ore rapidiy thlan during tht ' tut years of wrthse m severe itaioay p'esr ay again camne in the ntlae past- war pteriad lwhent civilian spendIingý may tend to increse mare rapidly han the w fla aI spisUr Us- !y indiatdHt statcd that iii some fields shortageï mwuId pre- vaîl for some t time, and in, a fwini- stanices may evn be iItenIsiîi(ed be- cause a' I theneed!s oaIthe JapaIese car and liberatd Europe. Hf inflation ere ailowcd ta de- Velap the peaplewod Mease hir war-tinîe sýavingiý or use them iut' wýithaut receivilg dcn value, anli servicemin -returning to civiltan Wfe wold nat bc able ta buy the hings they need at fair prices, Mr. Ils- Iey pointed out. Tht goveinmntt -was deterined to safeguarl ithe .tabilization program unlltil i i fli be.nefits could be reaped., Theintial relaxatin measures anntonced included r-emaval of the sales tax on bildiing iate-rials and àrepeatl ai tht special excise tax ot 25% anhueodeerc and gas appliances; aso reduction of thse specia exéce taes on automobilesi radios, phonographs and camneras ta ,10%. Rationng restrictions an01 mUner tubes w'as proised. Restric-' iions on the. import and m-anuifac- ture of repair parts fo1r farm ach cry and equpment aru tu be liftd July 1. in the Labour DepDartmenît, the vctïingý Primie Mnister said that ihe change in emphaý,is woldbe fru Seýlective Service te a compflete em- ployaient serv"ice ta workers andî employes. AInnounicing dth tisspension of n-ilitary call-ups, Labour Minister Mkýitchell saiç tliat delinquents are, stîjIl requirýed tu report anif Ufound Eft moi L e emollcd in thu army. Sa far as the Canadian govertiment i's concerned testrictionis on aai ans going to the Unitd States te work have been relaxed, but stUil apply ta teachecrs, nutrses and others in Very 'Vital occupations. iRestrt& tiion trý'avel to th'e United States lias "jeet-i furthler mnodified. S Crrosive sublimatu, obtaiable at mnost seed stor-es, is r(ýcmmIend'- cd by Alani G. Dustanl, entomiojogy ~dvsofedlenal Departmnent of Ag- riculture, for conitrai ?of Cabbae maggats whih fed on cabbages, calfoe,1t1snips and r-adishes. Annauncig tht freng of al cannied ueats, Acthig Pr.ime MinlisterlIlsley explained that be- cause cf tht disruipti(,ýion cftrans- portation and lack of r-efrige-rationi in LEurope, sud meliat wvas the n feasible( formn for distributton tfieet. Robot'a Limitations 0On1ecf tht biggest problems cfý MOdeM farming is labar-avtg aciey' accordinig t a BBC broadcast, l'le cowmen on myi -ieighbori,'s farmi- phrased it rathl)er ncatiy wena mt Ing achIiner was installed, ple said: "Wel, e m-iay be ail righit for milking'but whlat other us is er? Nve been1 a Imilking mlachine for foty years s. but I can lay a hedge or make a stack or hac a tunnip. ,You try taking this thing ou" ad, hofe Britain Reruting D.ernolition Squads Whatever i e. sdsare mly td hy the Unýite:d S mte wad ussia ta niake it impossible for Germiai îndustry ta engage again in the manufacture af weapans and war material, -Great Britain's modus aprnibas lready been decided Mot just for breakfast-but 'Soon They Will Corne Back- Over, The Great, Oceans' Brwigthrough Hansard we camie acrossa passage of greatý beauy spken)y Angus Ma-cdoýn- aId 0on thC, enif thtCait1a Nav, systhe, Ottawa Journal. This: "Soo0nthey will conie bs- those xvho carc left-back over th1e greaýt octane wiheiýýte teir lattrels and honours have been gathercd. They w111 cme back ta knit up thtý ravelleýd skein of thecir lives, and S0orne 4oflthlem will dwell far froim thait clemi-ent wh-ich was once rheir home icandi the-ir battlegro0un4l. YCt vent-ure to Say tht s log a vmemory la-,stis the recollection Àf these great daýys will be with thcmr, and alonýtg With itht consciousnetss C'f duty donc 0-thcy wili Carryin ther eatsforCver tt ',imla ge f z gallant siip and t1he speil ot th greatse. This, vhic!i happenedl to beMr 1Mfaulonal's valediýctory as Nýavy Mu Cen15, ýe.m IoAuS audhcntic elo.qunce; and we dou(bt whlether anyne hohad flot lvdby 0tC. caand known is h Jauintiig bat Ccoud ld ave sp4oken it. Canada's ,total mlkproduction for 119414 iscsmad at 17,600,000,-, 000pons WANTED Wmnto aet as compnanton to :ad1y Cat Summler resort and ta, a s s S t inCe p)r e Par a t ian 0of uneas. Eerytingfountd. Private $10 For eason c 'ommeticitug June 16. WVrite ta.: B. GREEN, 101J-2837 Yoýnge Street, Toronto. E«sy Way Týo Trent Sore, Puinlul Piles Uere la thle chance for every per- 1,n in Canada Sufferîng from r, itching, pajnfui piles tc try a, sim1ple home üremeàdy wIt>'h thc-,promnise cf a ela ie frm ta refund týhe cost o Lihttretmntif you are f.2t satlsfied twithte resýu!ts. Simply go t0anay Cdruggîst and get boti~o! em-aidand use asdireeted Hlemr-Raid is an Intern- ai teatmnt~easy and picasant ta, use an d pleasing resuits are quiek- iy ntee tching and sorenesie are relieved, pain subsides and as theb treatnienit is cantinued the sors, pai.nful pile tumars heai aver Ieav- in, the rectal membranes citan and heaithy. Get a bottle af Hem- Raid today and sec for yaursetf what a n easy, pleasant way this ls, ta rid vourseif of vour pile misery. NOTE-c The spos- oft is notIe isn - reliable firm, dolng business in Canada fîor over 20 years. If yon Iare troI40ttbsre, Iteling, j pint,,! tîlemn-itoid must hel, .ýeu qu1ýL1ky os fth'e smtll eurellase ,rr ii b ccglacly refunded. not only hielps relieve m-Lonthly pain but aiso aiccnomplatyiýg inervaus,,, tired, high- atrupng feelings -when idule ta fuanctianalj peiadic disturbances. Tt', aone ofthe mast effcctive;miedicincs for this puirpos5e. Pirlinkba's Compa)und kelps naiinir! Follaw Llbel directions. Try 111 il 1,VECETABE WHAT SCIENCE 15 DOING ÀAsh ]Bricks British scientiste hav'e produced a newv fire-proof building mîatenial from wst ash which maày save mionofdollars ann1ually. Itsclaimj-ed that its strength imrvswîth 3age; it le flot in- '.uncd)Y frost or damip. it is vermî'1n-proof; it can be plastered, papefredI and pain, _ed in caler, santa any shaipe and -,V:11 take scrwsand nails. The new m nýaterial is ,riiade from w;asite product -,f electnîcity pawer- statians the ash res'idue from tur- acswhcibtbun lverzedcai. 11t le clained tthat over 80mit- henbricks Could ,be prduedi Bitain w-ith thct ash ihi e tbrown away, zat an approximate4 ceqt <cf $ m65,00ayenr. TFseas bricks hiave alrcady been ued in ht cnstrCtin foffices and woksop ad on w hausging estate esý:ttemInCentral Englanýd is te hlave thýt finýt bouse TED h.igLeýpapo il£utacthe his wif e, Princess Rethy, ail« tOur chiidren have been freeci by Amnen- -an ýSeventh Army ah Strobl, Ger- many. Tht King had been pris-,oiefle since May, 1940. Farm Machinery Goes To UNRRA Onté af thit Ima-St pesn t of thet ilberaited peaples of Erp is farm machineryhCanasa Ja undertaken ta suipply UN.RRA wtth 22,500 tans. This, plus aur exports ta auir old rfîarkets, wil take 30 per cent, cf ail we p)roduce. Tht rest--70 per cent.-it_ distri- buted, t1rouigh a Permit syste-l te farnmerswh cati show tht most urgent nieed, and ta servicemen being establishcd on larme unider the Vetrans' Land Act. Swiss Man Fronier To Shut Out N&Jazis Armed ývigilanfce on tht Swiss fronters facing Germany, Itaiy, and France wiil be maintained ta uphol dSwiss neutPtrali andpre- part for any' attempted German flight ta Switzeianid aflter a gen- eral capitulation. A strong staning armiy is con- sidered nýcessary 1because duing9 approatchied tht Swiss frontiers andi sinice April 20 apointi 4,000 reueshave -.beenaringdfy Tht SwiSss Gavecr nmený1t an1- nounceen,,It was ,à made alter au- thorities cconsiýdered, partial dlema- bilization of Vtht Swiss Aý.rmy te meet manpawer needs. North Amtrica's talest bird is the sandil crane., When stand- ing crect, tht maie is about as tail as the average man. A despatcb from Paris reparts ttar.rivai t or f tht fir-sttri of bagsIroîg c aparis by (Ma I ofth(t se'i ad itowed LbY Caain tugbuatS. Other tug puilltng addnitional bargeslae rote taý Paris, and apretytis bas becoine an- establishied liJod cf transp)ort dsgndto relieve thtil pressing supl)y ptùobluiemsc h great city. potf~aie manlifestly teeamaî lor aengigtrîaffic. t te ,aretamîrblydesguiCd for service oni thue înland waerays 1 E u- rapt as \%ell as inI purt duty, and thlat 1>',probably where most o tten,.ýII wîll iih their zcartes. There mlust be muclistsato on the part cf the builders of thecse mosuito craft oerthe news ,,that tbeýy are renidening France and pe- hape chier liberated countries' real1 service ini their baur of îseed by aSSîstInIg ini the mi-ovemlenit cf food and other splisbadlyreuie by), tht civilian populatian. There's No Need 0f Getting Stung Perhalps ereiqn't a living soul whlo hsnt een stunig at onte time or anlothler on a secondc-ban,,d Pur- chlase. Most peoüple have bought dlocks that oubYnt alanjj, camer-i as that lnt click,,nmirrars tait distorted and chiairs thiat collapsed, anid have paid, far 100 mnuclh for the xpiec.But it's inet InecCssar5 anily Ilonger ta, get soaked for watlss junk. 'ThteWartîjine Fnl- ces zand Trade, Board las etbih ed netw ceiliog regulations ona grea1t variety cf scn-adgoods aidnd musIiý-ialintrmets Wenii h doublt, goet tht list of prices f roml- thnaret £PBofie DID YOU KINOW tliat Mý,axwell flouse Cofifée ï "'Radiant Roasted" to tap- ture ail the extra goodness of this particularly." fine coffee blend. Try Mfamwell flse! Three Centuries 0f Wheat Gown htgrQwýillg Of whIeat inj Canada Cati bc traced approximatLeÏy 349 er ta the summlIer cf 16O5' Mrtmscint tt st17rp. rO- day onle of Canada's lea;dungexor commditesCanadbinwheaýt,wa ben xOrted as far back aS 15 to c tetune cof8,00bse. ~~ BLACK HORSE àW~ r N t S s 's I -~ 's r 'r 1'