ICLIII NEWCASTLE CMUNTFALL SATURDAY, MAY 26, 2.30 p.m. Speakers: HON. MITCHELL F. HEPBURN F. ANNIS W. F. RICKARD BOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL DAY, MAY 29th, 8.00 p.m. W. A. FRASER, TRENTON W. F. RICKARD GEO. F. ANNIS Everybody Welcome Court of Revision COURIT 0F REVlISIOý,N AND 'APPEAL Noti*ce is hreygviventhat tihe i firt sbtigsof the COURT 0F REVISION for the Tow-vnsip of Clarke will3e held in tne~ Towan Hall in the Village. of O-roo on TUESDAY, JUNE 5th, J94ýý at the hour of 2.W0 p.in., to lear amad dletennixne the several complaiats and, omisosions in tihe Assesment Rl! b':p the said Municipalîty for the year, 1945. Ail persons havmig bsnesat the Couixt are requeseted to attend as J. J.MELLOR, Township Clerk Oroo, ay17, 1945. b-18-c JODB ASSURED A Square Deal for Veterans- Assured by Progressive Conservatives The very first clause of the Progressive Conservativeü plans f or the re-establishmnent of Veterans, adopted at the National Convention of December, 1942, is as follows: DEMOBILIZATION - In carrying out the demrobilization of Canada's Armed Forces the primary consideraion sliould be the interest of those wlio have served, Demobilization should be based on. the principle that nmbers of the A'tmed Forces sliould not be discliarged until their economic seeurity is assured by placement in gainiful employment or by assisted training and education to that end. Here, in this simple statemient of progressive, realistic policy is the cmly true solution of the fundamental problem h y whjch every ex-service man anid-womani is faced. It is the ofly -assurance of a square deal for ail veterans. It is the very basis of the Reliabilitation Policies of the Progressive Conservative Party. No veteran wvill be- discharged against his ,vil] mitiI hie is assured of a decent Iivelihood. "Platitudes will not lfat' empty sttachs,'> declares John Bracken, "fnor generalities provide jobs fOr those who have fought, nor î4ordy declamations about sacri fice ease the load of tQ6 tidows and children wlvûse husýbarîds and fathers gave lite ultself that sue iight live in peaee #nc'd Security..» Tlirougliout the war, Canadian servie men and wom-en ha'V>e haýd tlieir fi of. platitudes and generalities. Let our veterans now ask them- selves this question. Does the spirit of Poliical partisaniship wh.ichi the King Goverrirnent, lias consistently mnanifested iii inie of war, off er any assurance of a square deal for vet- erans in time of peace? Does the ïiiiutous manpower policy whiceh split Canada apart reflect the riglit spirit? Ren'erber in war, as in peacile, political policies infallibly in- dcate party principles. Rl is signficant that miore thano hiaif of the Progressive Conservative icnidates are service and ex-service men. No other party, can even ap- proacli this record. These men -know that no other party lias such realistic and comprehensive plans _for rehabili- tation. They know that the Progres- sive Conservative Party is the service mens party. Tliey know that John Brackenl, father of three sons on active service, uniderstands tlie problenis, the hopes a-nd the fears lof veterans. They say, witli John Bracken, "The cost ofwing the wcar andi the cos, ofrestbihn those who fought in it, is one artd indivisible. In? the plainest ords at MY cmad 1 say t-o yu hat nothing short of fuil- tfimeganu employment for every mraïn and womnan. who has wcorn the Canadianit r will be acceptable. JEvery man and woman must be given an opportunity to earn a good living. If existing enterprise cannot do this, the State must, and will."- These service and ex-service can- d-idates, with John. Bracken, piedge themnIseves that, under no circumh- ïstances3, wiII existing beneffits to veterans be Ieqsened. On the con- trary, they will be încreased and ex- tended. They,> with John Bracken, pledge thenselves to revise ani out-maoded pensions act, to hum anize its admin- istration, to eliniinate red tape and inexcusable delays. Pension rates wiII be reviewed at onice and inreased to bring them in Mine witli higlier living costs. Under a Progressive Conservative governmient, recorded co)ndition of personnel on enilisîmýent will be 'ac- cepted a s sufficient proof in de termiin- ngdisability pension. The veteran w'Ill be entitled to the:ý benefit of the T1he "first in, first out" ,principle ,vil!l ollowed on demobilization - wiha job at decent pay assured to the veteranp when lie returns to "Ccivvy street. in the wvords of our leader, we of the Progressive Conservdftive Pairty, Ilaecept the chalflenge to demonstra-te týo yjou who fought that you shall not be handicap ped in days of peace be- cause you responded to the nation' s eauî in days of war." for Caniada Means Scriyand pOSitiOn 0of cù-opera.ý,tives in re- ga1rd totaxatin anid to promiote the ldeaý of c-Operativecs general- !y> Debts anid Credits Debts be-yond the capacity of farm lands ta repay after years of unavailing strug-gle will be cared. for in the most effective mannier under Federal legisiation, with adjustment alter examinatian under competent jurisdictian and ln accordanco with Provincial Enactmoents. Better credits will be made available at lew rates ne matter what sources are sought and if additIonal credit institu- tions are needed they will be created through the agency of a Central Farm Bank. No fariner la Canada will bo restricted in his bout efforts te produce and mnain- Jtain his famnily over the entire Jcountry. Transportation and Rates Froight rates will be k-ept in lino te comrpote with- other ex- porting counitr-ies, for transporta- tion is a vital factor in regard to farm prosperitY. Overlapping services will be examined, unfair comipetition rernioved, and a fully bitegrated system set up lto furnl- ishI the nation with 0the cheapest, m-ost efficient service possible. at -theý samre time miaintaining the individual ienity f he present twvo getriwysystems. Youth and Education To m-ake f arm life more attrac- tive for rural youth, wNe shahl, with the co-operation of the pro- vinces, give fulleut assistance in vocational traiing, educat i on generally and alI the amenities too long wvithheld from the rural youth of Canada. Educatian costu, based on lan)d taxation for much of its revenue, and outside Dominion jurludiction, with its total so lcong inadequate, we shall as a Federal governmient, ,vith- out intorforing with provincial jurisdletion, provide financil as- sistance ta make passible a high- or standard of education al acrous the nation. In the s-amo maniner we shail em-ploy the na- tional resotirces to-strengthen aond u iaintain national health services, miodemn rural homes, botter liv- ing conditions as a national duty. Support Farm Federationis Organization of farmners intoa national body is a prime fnto for jiaving. theJir voice raised in thoeir own intereuts. To this end we shaîl by means of Federal legislation, if necossary, make! adoquato finaacing of effective agricultural organization possible, thus ta give agricult-ure a large share in working eut its own ua]- vation, ia short te help achiev(, what was stated at the outset,- 'Equality for- Agriculture, a fair ~nd contlanuiug share of the na- tionalInae. For tao long lna an unorganized condition, the Pro- gressive Conservatîve adminisL-tra- tion will take,- farmers inïto f ull - partneruhip la the inational economy. - Faotnote: Al the abovro lu greatly briefed fram Bracken's "Charter for Agriculture". No farmer, anywhere, but will agre wit 'h the aimusot forth. Anad ever-y hast fariner, everywhore, mnust ad- mit that a man who lu, a farmer himueilf, with a record of 20 years' achievement, will carry out hîs promises. Believin.g this, they ican back it up by votirng for nie as the Bracken c-andiduate for Durham Counity, wvhen they ivotec la the Domninion electioýns, Junie CHARLIE STEPHENSON. Oron Tisho WANTED By Bowrûanville Canning Factory, acreage of Pickling Cucumbers. Cana4ian Canners Limited, Bownian- ville; Phone 782. c-19-c. NOTICE D.A. F. Men.zie wifl! be away from hi is office from Sunday, May 27 to Wednesday, -May 30, both days in- elusive. SILVER MEDAL CONTEST The Silver Medial Contest will be held in Park St. Surday Selxool on iFrid'ay, June îst, at 8.0t) pan, Nui- Ïher of contes'tanJts and other musical niumibers. Lunch served to ail. Ad- mission, 25e. and 15c, WANTED Live Poulitry and Feathers.~ Good u)rices paid. We have ne agents~ M. Flett, flethny R R. No. I; ,Tele- ohone 7 r 13, BKthaniy. 26--p' WANTED. Spare Operator for Orno Tele-' phoneCo,. Apply by letter or in per- son to C. T. -MILLER, ,Sec.-Treas. PARK ST. ~UNI ED CHURGH * Rev'erend RtOYAL THEATRE j Special Holiday Matinee. Doors L peni at 1.30; showv starts at 2.00 1).M. - Thurs., Fi. MAY 24-25 BUD ABBOI1T and LOU COSTELLO, i "Lost Ini A Haremn" with marilyn Maxwell, John~ Conte and Jimmny Dorsey and his Orchestra Musie IM*idens! Merrimeut! Hiere is 100% enjoyable entertaÎnmuent Sat. Only- IMAY 26 Please corne early and avoidI watiag for a seat Edg-ar Barrier, Stephnie- Bach.- elor and C. Auhrey Smith, la "Secrets- of Scotland Yard'" The amazing story of au adIventure loving patriot ADDED "Overland Mail Robbery" sitarring Bill Elliott and Ana Jeff ery Killers fail te block- the trail of the overland mail Mont.-Tues.-Wed. MAY 28-29,-30 BOB HOPE, la Princess and the Pirate" with Viaginia Mayo, Walte3r Brennan and Victor MLge MIl aboard for laug-hter- lovely girls-wt the Surprise of your 11f e and ail in stunnlng technicolor. It's one howl after anotiier. *GLASS ' ln loving fiemoi(ry -)f Mrs.; MargaretGaswiho pissed away qfaiy 23rd, 1940. --Lcviingl-y rememf.bered by son Lyne.-sa, 0-erseas; Mother and Sister Flora, Tbe weatiher at last see-ms tuo have 1eleared -up and in a few dlays thie farme,,rs i e again on the land. Profe8sional Directory- MEDICAL A. F.. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SIJRGEON Office Hours 2.00 to 14.00 p.m. ; 6.30 to 8.00 p,ul.r PHONE 47r1 OR4ÛNO; LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barri ster and Solicitor BO0WMANVTLLE, ONT. Phone: Office 689 nome 553 W.F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARLY Office 825 Rsdexe409 VETERINARY DR.W.WSH WN VETERI!NAR'Y URO,16ON Office Main 'St. Orn PIhone (il r 7, Orono. J. C. GAMEY INSIURANCE IFire, Casuialty, Automobile and Liabilty 0O',O.NO ONTAIO TED JACKSON Auctioneerl and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of ail aize and at reasoinable, rates. -communticate with hlm at Per Perry, Ontarîo, or sec his Clerk, A E. Morton, at Orone, fordae J A CK R EID Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture sales Consuit nme for termel and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke TAXI DAY AND -NlI<ýUTSEVC Reasonable Rates STAN PAYNE'S TAXI' Phonoe 97 r 16, Orono eF.L M«rý & Son Fuanerai Director8 Furniture *aieirs AMIBULANCE .SERVICE Bowniinviýloz - OFono hoe:Bowmeanviile, Daý 480 Night, 744 and 573 Orono, 27-1 1he Oldest, Lafgest and Most Conplete Furmiture Store and Modern Fumeral Service in Durham Our SrieTEBEST Our Gooda.-THE NEWEST Our Pïrice--THE LOWEST MORRIS & SON IBOWWMÀNVILLE -- ORONOj - CARD 0F TRANKS IMiss Lizzie Epps wvishes to thank her friends for Meling At ber sale, and especiaqlly Mr. Franlk andJc H1-all for thepir turne so fxeely gvn An.yone -wish-ing to see VL.su Ep niay do so 'by ealling nt ber new place rofresidence with M.and r Suttn, w~re heywill br e weckmed SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY MIAY 27th Special inuiic througihout the (19Y * , A Vote for Your CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE publisbed !)Y the Progressive ConserNative Party, Ottawa. ~r