24t -h 3214 ay pse eyqty Colemialn& Phiip Electricf CO. Ltd., the villaý?e; Sc,,i1omeo izn fPort lHope, lhave reied AMr. Max workd inheirga dns wle ohers Smtsstore onl Mafin street andi wijl ~ wejt awa Visiîng fiendsand ela-op up an ejectrical appliane store, colsisting ,of refr ig,,erlLit or, s h I RED'&WHITE SORS0 Plants!? Tomato, Cabbage, Selvia, Zinnias, Petunias, Astors, Foliage, Snap- dragons, Geraniums, etc. Jams ICherry, Strawberry, Raspberry,I Peach, PIum; Crabapple JelIy, Mint JeIIy; Orange, Grapefruit Prime Commercial Be ef ',Fres-h cuts of Pork Celery, Lettuce, Hot House Cabbage Ripe Tomatoes, Cucumbers Large tins Choice Pumpkîn, 2 for liqc J. J. C0-R-N1 S-H Ne foerf han 94 out cd .w-ry hunidî'.det i- mente in tihe man&tfctur- ire, wIiolesaI9,'.reftUancd er.Vices fieli ore imol, ,mploying lois thon 15 ppi.Toetlnr tluy en,- ploy 37% of cil tle wovkri er gag.d in flue dis., febusinesÇs. iFrOimi1941 c.niu Ordînorily one Canadian.in every sixg earns his livelihlood in a "small bus:. farm, a store or a 1Lumbe,ýr-yard; an ai sýervice station. Taken together, thee prises proý-ide a very substantial- pari jobs-mnust continue to do so after ti Durig th. years ahead many people - business for war reasons will want accustomned or new ways of ýnakÎng businesses will be reviveéd. Manyý started by returned men and people tries. The commercial banks will do1 assurance that no sound credit reî lef unserved in the field of small bu As, such busînessos grow, they'crea Pi"lntsl openings; that has been the patern of -Canadian enter- prises. Most large companies began in a small way, Anid practically ail could naine some.bank which played az part in their growth by providing the loans they needed to finance theirday-to-day operations. Tour bunk stands ready to serve businesses, small or large, well. established or just starting out. Banks' do notz iniie such businesses-but they do fursqish neces- sary working çapital and many other forms of bani. TIis Adverhisemenl 1i:e Sponsored by ycu r SBun k FOR SALE New Equipineant Case Tra2ct ors for- ruturned sol- diers, Grindimo-,r Gidrcase H~ ,ler à1Ulls, tMower, Rake. Spring Tkooth Seufflers,. Five-Too1lh Seuf- lors with hillers, Steel Whaels: Autotrac Attachirents - aI $125.00 an~ aa~ForsonTractor, rebored andi new pistons; Oliver Trctor Plow, CocksiihmJt;t Tra-ctor Plo-w, twvo or three furrowis; Case Eony Disc Pionv Wago)ns ingood condition; aro and ~ ~ ~ àl Cil4vao i lh;* nenay anc stOv epar;pttos$,0a bag. pho-ne 15-20 CARL TODD ClreDeal';er for J. 1. Case and At UoLnVtd The Gan, THE ELE-,CTION, AC-T JMajor F ad, Lycet,'t, lKirgsten, spent thewoeek-ý-nd, ithMrîs.Lycett ancm, f amiily. 1,orm - _5 [oere oin Scin Orono I.O.O.F. lodgesenit aot 88 (4]coinenofcwnggmtth -Notice of iHoldingifloal oys1erin haeld aýt Ensk hinlstSndy A D A N E lu, L Numlerous lde rmOiono and foi' e ion held at Whitb)y (onWens Railway Employees, Sailors day of this week. Travellers and Others have nvdMfrrs. CHarieBowu, w ELIEC ORALDIST ICT.manv-ile, visited friends in Orono 6ln ELECTO AI, DITRICT Saturday e've.ing. of -Mrs. il. E. Clarkie, and sooxi-and Ir Ydaughter 'Harry and. Alma, of Pra- cott, spent tfhe week-end with M-r. DU IHAMand 'Mrs. C. S. McLaren. Notice is hereby given that pusuant Mrs. Williamson <aee Mary May- to the jprovisi'ons of the Election Act ette :Cooney), wif~e of George Wil- <Isection 88) a poll wMl be opened on liamson, one time resident of K-irby Thursday, Friday aad Saturday, the community, passed away in Los An- 3lst day of ,.lay, and the lst and 2nid geles, California, on Monday, May 7. days of June, 1945, from eight o'clock A number of townspeopie attend- in the forenooii until five o'clock in ed tihe supper and play at Xirby tihe afternoon a-tnd from severl o'elock linited Chrch last Wednesday.A in the aftern.oon until ter, o'clock 'Ir' large attendance, a splendid suj)per the afterno4n, and anI interesting entartaiinment are The poilinig place for the Elactoral repcirted. District of Durhamn wili ha located Mr. Thomias Cowani still knows ýaI the how to pick wvinners. On May 24th ha took Shirley Flinitoif and Gýrace Orange Hall on John St.. in Gamabs1y to, Port Parry fair, and both the Town of Port Hope tbese girls xvon two,( first in tha n races for the, purpoý,e of rece-iv;ing tha-ý votas Arae you a bilood d(1 onor ? Th(_ of railwy arnploaes, saiors llan ned is nasgreat asearntolfo travallers, alsn Dlagates -,o(jthe con,- ouri-wounded 1rb1 utohap rigbcJ Venition of Ëhe OnltaoPr o vicilto nra alhour Wai prisonaIrs Cownimand o4, the CanaudianLgofomaeypio cmsoo a School èachar umni nadtoTor- 1h(4p by gin S a onornow onto or te puposaofrkinUg a- The public scbools o lrawl lllamininpaar nd lActv vc e ho"l thir >sp1ort ay ttafi Vote be nt,ý on l eav fom hair grounlds at-Ornn Mnd !uJne naasittathirabene ro tima b tn a ferno aaalginas \%ill to tima floil thirodiay lce of ba e ld ï ilthe Comnliity Memîorual 1enCe(, or who avleason to ha Pa rk. liava tatthay wili ha ab1senot upon Mr. Artihur Bal has beau conflinad the dyia o the alaction," to hiis homie formrethban a weak 1Tha b0allot box wil haDpened, and past with ,a stizborn siage of i- .lhe votes, counted at saven o' loc ù Ifluenza, Wý%e are pioased to report ih l eafternoon of Monda,the 4thday hth smc ipoe nhat of June, 1945, ait ha said place, and .has returnled ;to his work at the Dated at Oronio thiis 15th day of Congratulations to Mr. Glenn. AIl times snentionad aboyaaraDay ing his 2nd year exams. in chenïical lighit Saving Timle-erginleering; also tc Mr. Donald RICHRD UDDCK ~ADELLStaples wbo was suiceessful in pass- Reurin Of1e ing obis 2nd,( year examns in engmaèer- ____________________________ mgphysics. Mr. -Jamies Nixon wvas awarded a Bo.mavile Canadianlion eldtwenr-ty-five yaar imembership jewel thLeir May miýeeting in Ourono wi 1_ý-th llast Wened vdinrg when his about thrty umer rsnt (rtrn iddfellowshi'p took the mnmber of candidat es ,ware ero ,J. bove bap-oPY means ',of ackoldgn Mlr. Nixonrý's long tenr of faithlul iodgemmbrdp A nmost atuiatcchoir patc wvas held last Tada-veiýng at Ltha spcoshomïe of qriiad Mrsý. W. 'E. Amtngwhen lthe 1members -of-lihe M,,en's Class asmldin rpreparition - for their part In, the StndayTscboo00 aivecrýýtly services cf naxt Sah- a umbe11wr of radlio fans, wera dahýigblt- adl to hiear Allanii Chapplae and Glenn. Tamblyn pligon the twift nDianro ororamma.bv University sinudents. Thyare c lied Allan and Genn. Thbey V il so play over the sanme rado tatonnext Monday, at 7.30J M.and Mrsý-. J. H. Morr-is, Mr. 0' M~.O. Cown. Mrs. Ephlriam Evans,. Mr, Wm. 'Cornish and 'Mr. and Mrs. Gerorze îBowen suoent Tciesdaiy of r1 ess#t metweek with 'Mr. aï-ici Mrs. ohn U_1 Morris aIt iheir nsr cottaÉre ai C~esreaand while 4prLe celebrated à1 Botwen's SIst birthday. A very p1easant time wvas spent. 'Mr, Ted Williams is leading for t.hi larges't'brown trout catghbt so far tfl.i lA IL ! season. Or, Saturday afternoûn le Tedi catuglht one whiceb mensured 19ý/4 inches longz and 8½ i nc hes aroun d the g-irth. Perc. Lunn I bis pnornin.g caught one which mnasured 18 incbes in len.gtb, baiiutg a closa gairgulivemplyedsecond. Parc. Lunnï, Gordon Watson~ ;insully emply eda and Cbas. Frosita were np- to Benoo;(n mes." t my e Abrigenear peierborro one evcning rèhitect's office or x ,rIbis week and caugblt sevenlteen nie se individual enter- Tpieker edl.11-h>7M1ý1Sbýi t of Canada's total will dhi pr aniversary services oqn Sunday, Whty 27th, at 11.00 a.mi. the war, andi 7.30 p.mn. A'thtle iorning servie ona hundrad Boy Scouts who mwiii ha sinaîl campingallbera ovel- the week-end, wil whodropedbe cour gueets. A ladies' choir from t t return to their the Goodwili BIble Class, wili iead the sýIn:ging The cb-ildren wiil mneet in a lvin. Tus ld be chool roorm as us-unl ut 10.45, new ones will 'be' and comae up in a body. Rav. L.ittla- now i war ndus-ý,wood milI address bbce school. In thïe nowin arinds-evening Rev, J. E. Griffith, çof Trin ity their part to afford 'Cburcb, Bowmanville, ýwil ha the Everyone interested is cordially vited to attend. Pontypool . 7 May, Mr. Ed. Youinman Convenior Bethany ... 9 MXay, Mr. Edi. Younigman-, Bwedey ...,.Il May, Mr. Les. Carruithers Kenl.........12 May, 1Air, T. A.* Reid N-eastle....14 Mayv, M.F. W. Bo1wen- Canj-ton.......16 M iy r. A, J. unal Elizabeth11ville .. 8 MiM% A. J1. Runiiiýls Y milibrook... '...19 MJay, Mr. Hl. Cathcart Garden Hli .... 21 Mýay, Mr. A. J. Runna11s Port Hope 2.25 May, Mr, C. E. Stephenslon» M-Ia DRESSES Misses' and Ladies' Dresqses, in U~ingham, Seersucker anid Rayon, sizes 12 to 181,4. pricd.......$,95ta $5.75 Jerseys and Silk Crepe, in one and twTo-piece, size-s 14 to 22', price $8.95 to $16.50 CT S Misses' and Lde'Coats, plain Pthzucle, ini navy and hlack; Twedsin bine cheeak, grey aind brown, sizes 12 to 20. Price.$22,0 tQ 39.50 Reamiants of Wa-,llpaper, 20% PER CENT ý OFF. Crepes, sizes ! and 4 years priced a ......... .......,,$9 CURETAINS Ia Friled Marquisette, dotted, and Pl-ain, pricedî $2.95, $4.50 Suniniweb1b, ..yard ........... $1M0 Flouwered Marquisette, or green, yard........... $ O SIJNSET DYES A new- supply of Dysiail shlades, priced, 2 for...... , 25e _______________________________________ M Kleenex 2 for 25e Maple Leaf Soap Flakes pkg 65e Potato Onions 25 lb~ 15c. Grapef ruit Julce 20 oz. tin 2 f~or 35e IMcLarens' Cream of Custard lb. tin 23e IMop each 18c Ail Bran pkg. 22e Iland Picked White Beaùs 4 lhs 23e Javax biottle 14e *Wax Paper 100 ft.. 25e Large Lenonis 3 for 10e olives large 49e mediumi 32e Robinhood Oats ] b pkg 25e BulIk Macaroni 2 lb 15e Custard pkg 5c Strawberry or Raspberry Jam 4 lb jars 5Sic 4 coupons Five Roses Flour per cwt 11,15 Lux or Camay Soap Sure Good Large jars- Mustard 23e Jly Pie Crust pkg 25e large jar 35C Eclipse Pastry Flour 24 lb bag 69e Shredded Wheat 2 pkigs 293C Choice Peas 2 for 25e Ewing's Coffee ilb 43e Prôject A series of m-eetings listed below wilI be held in the Ganaraska and adja- cent areas for the purpose of giving information to al those interested regarding the Ganaraska Watershed Projeet. The programme will eonsist of talks by experts on Conservation and Flood Control and sound motion pictures on meth- ods used on similar projects. This wiIl be followed by a period of ques- tions and answers. Ja'ms