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Orono Weekly Times, 24 May 1945, p. 6

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DOODLEBUG CARGO PLANE ~I2Vi7 ~0I~r 'r~Classified Advertistng 8NCOM NI AX EoîtlS C<Jm. ptdbookkeeping 'erviCces.smal orL'args BîUees. TrVVel any- wleere. Albert Bret t & Co., 8 Weiinton t m. Trante. ()III AGENT> S i S W l E 1I andtossii Plakstic otne esecalyslted fo r Bikand Metl srfaes.also foýr Roofs. Fineet quaiity produ1cis. Good commssios, ox 272 73 AdelaUtei SPECIAL PULLET SALE ict, wekoid 2>c, .1 weelks 31d 26 cenits. tiimmed iate Idel i Very. Caný eton Ha,-tchiery. Britanniea Hê>igbIts. ntaro A-i BAB-y yCHICRS; EHRS Roks lybrtids. Sme choice starjted chicks evailable upita0 and 4 week oid. W7rite or phlone Ai H. Switzer Hatcberyý. Graton, Ontý.tPhone 38 R 2. POULTRY KEEPERS BE N y (j UAIN LIU B i:'GM)J1) heaithyý, vigorouis cI!hiok. Buy' cckýs %witihbreeding and ivbit andC you Vilil be certain or succe.: Ozir edesare al Go verramteut Wrtror descriptive ca-talogueý and pri!es onl aur Governlment Api oeS cd htcks, MIONKTON POULTRY FARMS noniktoin, Otiri. RELIABLE SUVM MR C!J,.0 Sale. ReIIabie hik aefrom' Government Apovd blood1- testeS flocks, chicks that deve-Iaýp Into quality huskçy laersan meat birdsý, chcks that h ave quality anS livabity for us ianS for you. Afteri May 15, Sussex X Hampe, BarS Rcs New Haminp>shires,", unisexed $19,p 7ets 1,95,cockrel $,9.Leg- hoaX !amips, unse-xed$1.8 pulets ý$ 2290ý , cjc k er el1s $4,00. Leghorns, unase-xed $09,P~UlIitâ $22,95, Ordler Reliaible Chicks ta- day. ýReliable 1HatIChery,Emia REDUCED PRICES FOR CHICKS BARRED ROCKS 12C' EHR rIutets 22c. Batjrsed Rock Pu'lilets 20c, Leghornrs are Barronl strain. Rocks are OB., reediomg, an S ait breeders are biood-tested. B>. R. okri to six weeks aid alsoLeghorn ulteegt ek olS, f uily feathlered and roostinIg. Hybrid Broilers four wýeekcs and C10e11,e11olarbooke yourorder ~ow.Johaon atchery-, Fergus, i eryeriy Ma pullets, 3 a 4 a eeks aid. '~kn orders for1 Jan diivry chickse, puilets, Juha ,N, HmloOt VICTORY CHICK SALE FOR JUNE A-\li)JULY B1;ARý'EB Rock Mixeýd 10c, arredRoc Pullets 16c, WhVlite LeglIr mxe 9c, White Leglora Puliets -'Oc, White Rock LMixeS 15c,. Brown Leghorn P'uilets 24c. Goddard Chick Hatcheries Ltd, Britannia Heighta, Ont. THE OBJECT 0F ALL BUSINESS is to make a profit and ta do sa demande a careful selection af stock. Succeseful poultrymen know that the chicke they buy have a great Sealtet do with the profits they make. Huisdreds af thise pouitrymen order TJop )Notchi Chicks year after year. A11cickýs Goveramant Approved froirn bIiood testeS breeders. Prices af a fIaw' breede for delivery after S4Nay 161h. Non-sexed: White Legharnis 10.95, BarreS Rocks, New Ham"p- shires, ŽNew IHampshire X B arred Rocks 41.45, Assorted Light Breeds 9.95, Assorted He-a vies 10.45. Pullets: Whjite Legý,;orn>s 22.95, Barred Rocks, -New Hainp- shire X Barred Roc1ks 18-95, NeW H-ampshires 19.95, Asre 4h Breede 20.95, AscorteS eve 16,95. Cockereis: Whitte beghaorns 1.00, BarreS Rocks, New ]ap shire X Barred Rocks 89,New Hampshires 7.95, Assorted Heav- ies 6.95. After June lst sril!lo1w- er prices. 2 -wek aid add £Ceta above prices. Sendl fori op- t price 1it of aIl r sanS hy. bnrids. Also S8 week aid pu1lits and older. rmp eivr.Top MOONEY',ýS CHICKI1s PROM LOO(D- testeS, Goveramen,1t Approved Plocks. Licensed foýr shiping ta any province. Xhite Leghorns, Barred Rocks, New Ilamps5hire,;. Mooney's Pýoultry Farm, North Bay,, Ont. BABY CIIOS ANOiD STARTED puilets, 1 ta 8 wýeeks aid. White Leghorns, BarreS Rocks, New Hampshire, , lybrids, Bayview Hatchery, Trenton, Ont. DONT MISS ITuE BO)AT. THE season is gettingon and if You dont soon order your chicks it wiii lie too late ta catcýh the ýarly market. Ail the eggs and po),uitry inent you can produce \,Ill be needed next fali. I'sL'iar duty ta suppiy Ibis food ta the iibera1ted countýies. We can give pirmt deiivery on day aid, 2 week aid and three week odid non-sexeS, puilet or cackerel chîcks lan al popuiar pure breeds anS( hybrid crosses., Prices gýeatby reduced for June. Aiso eight weeLk aid and aider puliets. Frées catalogue. apple, peare, 1 u i s, c 1aer rias, 1cap, curras, Aierûbe, bedg-n] pany. Ltd., 23-26 Durffein DSe ro- -u\,yccredited BadctdNor - sers WenesarJane 6C at Wiison Sales Stbe, uenEizbt brkdH \ifri.110f eaCrLiagw preme General, i son McDonald Farmiis imeraarO :l cIf' ta Simperatar. Fo) ýrataiagu1wit Norndale uParais,,Rich1ond St. bondonl. 851.1'. Cia yidrPower U-nit. Aiea ï internationlr 6 foot '.) Com1b1las wjtb ickelup attachmeýnt, bathla rigoa(d working order. Roy WhitellBinboak.Ont. alljer, cleýýseA,>8 ea rs, grand champion at ichmon,)d 11)4". Sh- aS LIby ROPblSilver Spr1in Cava3lier and lfromi a hligli testinri damfi, with thlree RL..P. recordls, priced et $2"50. Aiea bull calvesi ot xciln' lreedinig. Appiy F. WV. Arguie, 24Baink St.. Ottawa, row tractor plow, iinAI condition, Aibei P if, ndian i "ver. Ont1. RlEC. '1A MW 1RT PI(;S, SI weksod. a(ither sex$10,00 el ach. m.R. Wod, R ?. Lomb1ardy, FRSFOR SAÎLE 51) OR 100-ARE FAM. à MILES w'%est 0 eln,13.5 miles sauth of Fenwick on gravel r'oadc; laye higýh. wecll lrained; clean and prdctv, igoo)d sendyla; welfenicad, 10 acres kgaod bush,ý gae well, good buildings, lots of good water, 3 acres orchard, large tr-ame1 house with la'rge sun,-p)orch,eIectricit, large liara, with basemeint and modeTn stable equipmuent, 'tue silo, hlog pen, drve bouse, work shop, pouitre' anld brooder hauses, grainary, garage, etc. Goo05 Belgian teamn, 5 years aIS, 320rbs.; harniess; M,1H blaSder; bas-nýi equlpmient for bey. Camne anti se.~ Everythin,.g for $ 7, 50(). Harvey Cham-,nb e rs Fenwýic k. EXPERIENCED LINOTYPE OPERATOR Apiply ta, neas-ast Enloprt and ,Selective Ser vice Office. File, N AIRDRESSING TH Robertson imetbodç Ifomaio an request rega rding cla sses. Robertsan's ila irdressïilng ACa d - e, -13U7 Avenue RI'oaS, Toronto. HELP WANTED CYLINDER PRESSM.AN WANTED, ans wlth some experience on make-ready. Steady position for steady reilable maný. 44--hour week). Appiy neareet Bmpiay- ment & Selective Servi!ce Office,. Fi1LE-C.R. 2519. E NP E 1TNC-E D LINOTY1r ïPEL()PER - ator aad rloûor mawanted 3-t one, steady osition.ý (44-hor weekz). Appiy neareet , mploymtl a nd Selectiv g Service Office. IILE-C.ii. 2520 MAN,0W1AN.ORBOY, HELP 11ON fairi; e xpenience nnot ncay Saewage exp ected. Box 29,i7' Adelaide W, Toronto. iii,) fordairy rf ari in Westoa dIistrict. Modem q yuarters.. A\pp1y jstating agas anS 1when aLvilabie Box 2,,73 Adelaide Wy.,Troto MAN AS F1ARM ELERAND garen , wîfe ascakbuee- as ircounltry hane tree idults whasped ess fthan bfau thieir time ýthee; ýbeat aifivigia- -pid; uet have gooid re:frCes.jiL Box 28, 71 Adelaide Ws,3a rin ta EMPIRE MILKINCMACINERE paire, pulsautors oehuesomne rebuilt pul-isatorafor exchage. Vincent ONîl Cananoque, Ont. TIME MACHINE CEMEÏNirTI~ILE MACHINE, -SLICIT- lyusd 4 ta 12 inch mioiSe anS fittingeý,truckse anS tracýk. Re- quires ltw o t prt.CoaS bueý' i, taiteete ary oronto awn- er bais ispoS ai Plant. ppIy Pl angon.Chaiton, (Ont. STO MACH AlOi)C-THREAD WO,'RMS8 aiten are the cuse a 0? -eat lahmnail ages. No opa im-. munlie! Why rot finS outifH'thie le your troucbie? Interesting9 par- R1emedies, Seilit.Toronto 3. Ol'URUNTiS 3F0M1 WO S(111),1 BEA AIRR SW F Ti1 CA siNA 1AS \EAOiN 1 ACNOy 1a1sthosene ui sc u Mj a Write r cal SERIC L E nd .TiSFAC TIr Borncesi44Kig it.Ha E Bo klo f y ntorme i h i linos sel-I ',,ue a'st','," e'he qu 'i aid ïevice AL i cenfits. Wlçslim ESsoi. anicke,. seour fims pripr y levIo licl ans 6 Orget ndfieXI suioI . Get l be il REPEUINTS l,_1, rai 28e P ESj1T JN1ARt1 L iS lVl ClE 'Il ut ms nolgeî il frmtarfim y wsat tisc yse," ricyou esGarrinaI Nov ailty na, eervdsce yau Saab'.-1 bicd eading your ilme t N u St-l)Atin J %'rit.Prn1 STAR NAPSHOýllT SERVIC Donei toriktsîng your pais, Snaps Cica't ieaken a!uLor 1again. SenS your 3hfîlmc ruile ta caada' Ifctares et i79creacst. PTROMNP MAILSERVICE PrIn get le tanesutslramstar n wnsba ,oùýtSr"wita Toner lau NoaSotia, whaaddSetalshas Nýia tlAbuO seqizs 1-2-1 f 9 (4esetra rile sent ithurfilmuraIl. Ernlageent z6 l batiu Nasth mant. 3 or i. rme, lvoytinteS454 ate, 7Z 9 aGaIS Silver, Cardassian apt or laclid Ift eagement coeSnd9cndeaio. Print.NameanS Address Pian. o OrS ae.Y imes t ommBenceSepAts. Salary $1300.00. Statwers. eperiec.pse sent tachfrohere ifouryears Neuradt, nt.rbDst BORION CONSOLLDATEVILCAGE, ae prefered;te sala $100.0 miles ,est abisPort Anthur, good trin S. us service. Aply stat- cret aary, Oulet Ontcae WATHEDST-ROPRTY O LAKE" frantage he teen Huatevi-Lie ANorth Be.rtsoof isbing,'dk i tisooting 454palBulgsA, . Hamtn. 14 7

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