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Orono Weekly Times, 24 May 1945, p. 7

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j ~TABLETALES Jhree Favorites parbutn fAriutrare e- day. ICinlel"te wartime cjok- ie uï bcpac-im ate, are epopplar fri Chroton 4ipyneyýer fits, aýnd as added aLt- ~tnr.iors il is ceasity preýam-ed, is elicious jin flavour, gives colour aaid cam be uised witi mauy differ- eut essrfs "Lnchin a Bowl"$ a ý erty soup of lie imain ish type. AJIdd a salad and azn easy des- rert and2c presto . .supper is erinkles cup iip ild flavoured fat ~cup brun n sugam 7~cnp white suigar i cup sifbed al-puirpose finur OR 1 cup plus ;2tAbIcspoon s ifted pastry fînur ,4 tbýaspoon sait i cap roled oats, 4cup warm waber /, bespoon baking soda /4tecaspooi -vanilta t Creamn fat andi suigars blrongli- ly. Mix flouir, sait aud rojlled naIs grnd add amaeywïtib water i whicb hesoda lbas been isovd ddVanilla, dmop fromi teaspoon1 on tet a cookie shieet aiid flatten ilifork. Bake :ln a mode rate ovecn, 350 F, for 1ï] to 12 minntes. Yîel: 2 ozencookies. Whipped Jelly Sauce 72cup fruit j uliy (czrabapple, icg white, ,un;-eatëen pi.-CI) of sait Mi.t jeIly in ai bowl over tint wab- er. Add egg white and sait. and beat wïith rotary egg beaber until atiiff.Cool. Sxserviugs. Lunch in a Bowl ' lb. bologna (fin nue pice-) 22cupswte icarrot, dicte Iinchoppted icup sliredded cabliage 3 curps canned bmats 1/,âeaspoonis sait Pepper to aste (i rounds ni toasÈ Cl bologn-a into inaîl dîce, aldd Water, cover closehy anid imr ler à0 m;inuttes, Add vecgetables and seasoings, cover ald sme unitil vegtabies are tenlder. Sprin- klictast roundý(s wib1it grated g.heese, place under bm ier unil cheese suets. Serve iniindiviual bowls vitlI toast erounds. Five bu six servinigs. How Canl17? k3y Anne Asbley Q. ow cani lrclmove part of thbe egg yolk frnnî the wbhite le âeparating tlieili? A.if a part ni ble yolk is dmop- ped mbi tothe whibe )misten a clobli vwithi coid water, touclh te lie yotk zind it will aidbere to il. Q. IHow canii aývoid liaving to pu n macaroni into a colander bo A. Mien cooking miaca4roni, put- ït il a wire basket, theimmeiirrýrse tbhis blasket in the bofiiing vwater. No siinig is reqnired, and winthle maaoiis donle il canl bedrnl anid Vlmied witbbeing emovedl te aclandecr. Q.How can 1 give a better pol- ihte glassware? A Alit'le amionlia dedtu Ille tsave muitcb labor, and alsoý nivs a betrplish Ibý)anayigese Q. Hw can i 1 renînve col-ls imo.m the feet? A. If a picec ofleo or a m1-asb1ed cabryis bounrd ove lecomu wben metlirinig for ithe nigît, Ille comn ican oflten be e- moved readily . A. f a rusýty cew- v ~ iuL and vill ]not nînve witli :an or'iVaî CHAPTER Ili "The Prineessaunderstands anld speaks a 1little French, Madame Laurin," said Rudolpb. "Likewise Pol Martin and, Rosine. You may ie, suire' they will learn fast." IlWe shall have good teachers, hiein?",Meri del's slow, sweet inille 'Warmled the old lady's heart. She -wanted to embrace Meridel and t-hese littie ones, tell thëm theY were safe fromn the terror now, away forever from fear- and hue- ger 'andj hate and inisery. "C'Oone on, Bonhomme Ficot,"' said littie Rosine to Pol Maxtin. The nId lady stared. Meridel lauiglied, a gay,sivr laugh. "It is a niickname froin a gaine tbe3r play. Bonihommi-e Fricot is a hemo of thecirs. He is lilte the Pied Piper.- 'n reality he was sorne queer oid one who did mfucli good in the vil- lage ini France where they refuged, these littie ones, after Gratzen 'was - was trampl ed into the grounid. I was in Paris then.- By lucli I fouind Pol Martin and Rosine among the Èoomeless tbousands." "Bonhlommen,, Fricot," said Rosineý gravLy, "was sot dead by a Ger- i~nsoldier. We\'2saw the soldier go mb oBonhomme rcFricot's house an d cone out and wýe saw Bon- hommec Fricot's poo,ýr dead body ly- ing thecre min-his hut an(] then we ty iié run), tr 1the Panzer$ Peaecornle, Rsn, adMe- ridel. "Anld try'to forget ithose "We w il nt rgtIoh me Frct"said Pot lMarinl. "o eve2r. Whn e were starviig lhe gave us celiocolate. Everyone in St, Cýomo_ loved im. He used to teacli us gaies le we hid from the Stukýas-aned he to sing."' They sv ang tlie ancient roundelay t la maame herseif had sung in chiildhiood, as tliey marclied up- s taîrs. The thick door of mnadamne's own suite closed 'on the childish voices. Madamle stood in the hall with Ru- dolphi and looked at himi a moment end smriled and nodded. "It îis the best p)lay I was -ever in," said old Mimli Fabre, "and the loveliest ole 1 ever enacted."1 "And 1, madame,", said Piudolph ivith a deep'and humble bow, hav H eadache sng than headaches.- Why suffer-ý.La-blys wl' I g v e i n s a t r e l i e f Lashly s sgoo)d for eatr b;ick. seonmacli. bowels. ;d with Lemon iuice men and wîîe hi, sufi tbagging, achei. snd paîî1 au,ed by huný im l"'4uri#. ni Lumhago wanitu cece sufh iypîoins prt'îîîpîlv To gci uch Ft1îil.. -. tr' ALLIENRU! 'Mix 2 tbe 5poon, ol îhîs ihue nedicinewth onie îabletpoon (A leu jcc in a glass of wauer UnuJdi dsustîidaof olks se ALER.(,et AI.LENRU «day.. k5t ai an>'druéy ýîore. ~Vtte ru tururmaî\e'b0 nle( "Hei' ciondHeaiýhtri f "t Staffrd-Mller(utCjid) t. .). 1721 J,1t11) Si. tuu.. Ont. ISSUE 21-1945 Rogcr hId -p bhis bauid. -"11c'a pou alil ver, tblat's wbyIbe two ot you xvere ýJaays figbting. Buit IpI- demnleath il atil, Madame Fabr- Lusignadn, Mike ais tbe apple of your ee-\ aumd \yon u ow . il, 11e liarder you yveliled at humi, the tond- Cr you svxore at huml, bbt mreyo loved býim." T,11cnd lady scowhe1(d icey then blew ber 11nse aud grat5bud hastily fora iarete.'You're bon 'Smarto, RoeJ r - ui,%ays were -o tndarniedsar. Roger grinned, bhook bis headI. "l'il neyer bc abie ro o;utsmurt yon, Du1,cess, Nw xat about the royal guests? Is theboskepe' nepliew permfiltted to haJve 'a peep at thein?" 1"Tbey are ai diinner ow.1 talke il youi dined befome yoni camne here?" (To B3e Coutinncd) & a neyer before witnessed such su- perb acting-" Madame liad moved ber intîmate possessions, ber clothes, bier count- less knickknacks and phiotos to the, housekeeper's apartnient in the north ing. She wenit to ber niew quarters where already she liad begun to a- ranige her tbînigs. Tr.e baiii been a Sad Imomnt wben lgoing tbriough) thmshe hlad corne uponi Michel's photograiphis- Michel as lie had been tiree years before, a f ew days, prccedinlg the tinme lie had said, "Dari- it, Tante Mimi, I. shahl go to France if I want to, 1 shaîl lead ýthe life I choose, 1 shahl be a painter, a poet, a tramp _1w any- thing 1 ike; and I don't care if 1 ne~earn an honest penny. I'm ired of your dictator ways. I won't lit regimiented any longer. Roger car, ake it, seemingly, and h e's wel- corne to it. l'in off," And away lie, was ton, that, very nighb, even thougb she had risen te magnificent heights of invectiv,ý,, threatenings sud pleadings. Hte sliould neyer have a cent of lier money, - lie didn't vwa1it ii. His brother Roger shouild have it ail, he was welcome to it. H1e -waýs bb most ungrateful of nepbews - ie wasn't, but she was tie miostaro gant and overbearing of aunits. * ;f<* >* îMadame bad flung icbl'spic- ture iu a trunk biat nîgbit iAId bied bo put im f, or-Ceeront of 1 lr heart She baud heard nIo vvord of 11h),im i theyears betweeni, nor iad bis brother Roger, wbo was ow with the air force; or had anyýonec else. If lie had gone 10 France as be'd planned, perhiaps tliey wonld neyer know wbat liad becomenof. him. Wild young devil anyway;- volatile, liot-tempered, reckless and devoid of any fear of self-conscioiuness;. The nid lady bad set bis picture in its chromie frame in lier dresser and bad taken il up to look at it, holdi ng it close to ber, wlhin sle heard Roeer's step on tlie stairs, 1She put down the picture hastily, but Roger's dark eyes found il at once. "Forgiven him, Tante Mimi?" "None of yonr business." She gave bim lier chieck b kiss, "And wliy are yon sneaking np the. back stairs?" "You bold mie t. over the phone -don't yon rememnber? PIm the housekeeper's uepliew now. Wliab is ahl this anyway?" "It's Rudolpb. He's the Bar7on Rudi de Moirpini. 1Tle princess is bis niece. He's ibeent letting everyý- one in this silly little country of iis think be ownjs Phiilîibert anid is wortb a iion. ii d idiýn't haive tile eatto tel i tese por, unted chu..- drenithiat Ibe's ol the butteri. Rn- ger, it wolhaveo bçen cruel tLo do st. Had you seen thein wben bbey first watkd mbPhilibert thIýs evenig-"' "I cani imagine," said RogerY slowly. Hle sprawled out in an i~ chiair, a bail, elegant figure inthe uuiiform ofniaiigbt lieutenant. 1-1e ridbenoe adbck tie "J'il glad 3-on did it, Tnt'l ni It was like y 1. 'd( eyr bi i sncb a tbing. l'd bavýe rmade a mecss 01 the situation. You nd iMike are tbeonues Who bbýink ofi fIîti tbingto do, Lin gIad yu'efor- given Mike - its, about ture yo- \u bronglit bis bnsrn g oni bbc ash can. H1e was ahay ,yur favourite, wasnt he?' "That ungraitfl, cdtngir responsible-" Voit WilI Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL dw~be yur uic~sepr ice wil ie tefuinded. THL QuAmER OAT$ CQMPANiy OF CAn4ADA LIMITED Quaity Guaranteed A N 's N N 'N N s s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 's N N N N N 's N N N N iaudso iýttie iii effort anid imnney, Lihey're favorites with bo),tl novices and cxereued cmters. Dainty doilies to iuse as uncheon, buffet, dIresser or chiair sets. Pattemu 5so bas direýctions ifnm doilies; s'titchies; list of miaterials. Sendtw-1t ýen tyv cenlts in cin (amacanilun lie accepbed) for thtis patbern 10 Wilson Needtecrafi De wRom 421, 13 Adeaide St. West, Toronsto- Prïint Plainly pat- ,eru number, your name and ad- sreSs. German Citizens Dard' Realize Guîit The mass of Germanis do et i fe'd By Roberta LIe. any guit or responsibility for the«:C horrors o a htte wil 1. Isn't ià al riglit for a man ýto world hias been sufferinig, and thley Offer bis handI whe1 n vmilbeing intr- are completely confnjsed about thet duced tbo -a girl? causes of the war iand L dfelitat .Whnawoa is ine they have been crmelly anid unjuti- dnc"ing at ahbeslould ah e;e ly treate4, sayýs Life. PeCI-y ________________ Knanth says thiat liere are a few anti-Naziswh real ze the Ltiilth HAIR GOODS but they are a tiny o t n u ecry a lrgevasety grav,,edanger froi thect ve un fIthe filnest hurnan dergronnd rmovmenit of ue Nazi.,ae oode od in thie parts of Ge nan ocupedgeits wigs and Wt- fa ges ldies 'tiýrsnsor by tie 2Alies. But it isinoft the a osaobw- ro'nt natical Nazi so-)n uich as dthenilics Wthe t realistic or-diiar-y Germiian citizens White's Hair Goods who are the dage infutuire, for 28YNE~ OSNOO *0,11 DIUWWS UPs

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