Table Taiks Hedth Giving Gree'ns Ths. suggesin m rerîpes nht Consume Scin om- ~ps'~c~ni0 Dep en ofAgicuilýture,1 uiil( hep m ake ailth fýam-ily en)joy spiac ad othenr hcalthi giv-ilg greenjs foýr the'ir onn atur-al g-ood- Use potny of wate, chane il svaltimeis and, renîbC1-îin1g th1at thte sad ins oh bottom- cf tht an lift gresfrin itht wauter lýaving tht dirt beh(îind. If greenUls arec nsul dirty, water haisslightly watmn 'wiIl jlpil ge' rîd ofeeytraceo grit. 'Iht waler lui t clngngt tht levsaflr wýasinlg is usuUally e1nughl for oon Adid saIt, cov- et loei and cok5 nlutes ov2r inedurnlitI. rain thonrouglyý, stsnand serve atI oc.Frsea- loin, anly people likeC justa hint of nutmeg or mace Spirsach Witl Tomal7.oes 2pounsîd spinlach (4quts tomlalts 1teaspooni sait u~taspoon pepptr. Wash spinach carefully and re- mo-secoariesn Arrange2 i lregreased balkin1g disb. C)o- bute( tomnatCtS, ('oo, saIt an1d pep- pce, and add to spnach. Cover And lake in a moderatey bot oven, \,,. 37F, ili spJinacbl is tender, about 20 minujtes. Six, serviugs. r Spring Puffs lzpoulnds spinlachl or oIther gureens (abouit 2 cl1ps coked) ~2rptbick creami saulce ('11 cup brad crutnblls Ftw grains nte Wash nd coýok gresand chep.-, lihy.Addsarbtneg, bred mrus! sait, ppper and pub~ sng o rcens. M(It fat i o igpan and drop mixture iin by spoofui. Brwn 'n býotb sidles. Sixsevn. ï(up laf jltu broke.I)n frte larges pices -!ý c tispoo saIt ýp(i '8 teapeon p apc oP rn:s'6 snie efb(U1rope 1/3 cIp bpe uo Lite gifËt or a bridai shlower. Ea-ch mie howsa dffernt aenein tht o tois. Patteru 810bas ranser e 5~-5 Det, eom421J, '.i Adelaîde St. esToronto- Pint plainly palI- trisnumbe, yornaean aH LOUIS ARTHUR CUNNINGH-AM CHýAPýTER VI cfOld times."r shle went uipstairs to be(r roomi."S lik a lay" he iusd,"so like man i n %hich I have taken part." Ahi, if mladamne couild !have sat beid e phisto Follet as lherodec in hiis richl limlouisine cdownl the motain - aind re-ad what vient nm i i, dark md, she -would s sreliedthat site had 'neyer plydin anyi piece so starkly, ter- rîi ei as this; if the could have beetril î:îiporté(d 10 fat off Enig- latsd âand there stationed on a blitzedilqulay to watcli the embark- ation o a rou of prisoners, for- mer mnuimbers of Ciet Luftwaffe, to scceione taîl iy outh iamoýng them - ahJ, the sit wo l ave known thlairt Il()w no gy light conmedy', ni-o Chiocodlate Sldier or pretty pasim et fso:iicatdboard! Bult s11 oldse('eeof thiese thigs.Shewett t hr roornand sat ini her big cai and dreanstd happly eet1acigaUrette tuntil she. heard thtlbtic es, i nîffltd Lulter of ilittlones in tht hll * * Thc aît norndre, itn N AGRA FLLS CiPýD S TE C..,STýATIOý_N Did vjou know th&t a tc prickage of WILSODN'S FLY PADS wil! kilt more fles Sia 5001 woth of any otber flykier The ilesdo te wok whs ou Cuse Nothing is more deýpres sinegffhanhaahe .hy suffer-? .La-'bl' Lably sagoo0d fo rea-0r acherootachep ans n 11 backstomî~h.b owes k ~A ~ î .7ER "Ah, \\telshaîh ,have a ;ay party, my littl i ones! Neyer before b 1ave I ntcrtainecd such ovlyand ap- preciative usî' aII hasImener befere been 50 hon-)Iored Did _yenI have ýa gôdgamne ontht lawn Wetasfght Emil ,nd Ma 1g da hiow te play Bonhomme F, ricotl," said Pol Martili. "Ht did net want tp pI)lay being the soldier who rame cdown ei ut of thtsky in bi paachte and march ed up leBnme Fricots door and killed hiim." «'It was flot good," said Eil. "But, since Ibis was oniy mate - believe I did net mind after a wbiilt.ý But I woid net like te shboot an old main."_ "Eh, welti," said mnadameii, ' shafl seen find mone c 1,trful games for yeu te play. elsha have a great many other ciiide here :as your rompaniio, andne find amnusen-ents ttt iIIi hp you, Yoben yen roýw .1)l, te1be strong rien and goo-,d mn Gesertht new butier, aied y îng a tea W,,gen s-cose lit tie bes were suriy huiitlt of tht esoak sucht a mighty baH)f pgooc in et red, g Lreen araneclr ('fr-ighertat;nyIbd ;ecar trtrifles et wii tht1oldlad teir handt moving lu! iII]ntaril, and Foi Martiii's ey et spirkled (0ny Rsie, hmhad s! -tood up tù leýt Gsnr nve lher cushlion,, rmde ste sound. g>ave jno sign eof rapture. "die stood close toetdanyle's ti dresser and she was starinig lup at thle picture partly pushed' aside and almost hiddtn b, mad;v'sblacl, lace reticule- - a phlotographi of a laughing f ellow, framied ini chromje. Anid Rosine's tyts ld shOck and v onderment and terreor and her lips opened as if sltt ouild Cry ont. "You are isot iJi, bsld" Maa1me iadnoticed how msseh so than tht others .Rosinie vwas empit.yin1g Ler plate. "Ah, perbaps, you do fl ot like mry parity?" "Ohil, but 1 do, Madanie Laurisi. do rndeed. ccI love this party. Il is011 onl that Ido flot that I 1was "wehid, :you mut nt îlltink hn il ti ofo i s ýýbefore youi. Fat Up nom-W. Aftew rds Ir&yüu can thisik ail you wanjyt t1. Thegre isý nothing bcthering you?-" "o-ne, madame. It i nroth- Iig -- notbing at al?' Roger and' Mer-idcl uncae then and Rosine tanl otehr cusnand chi1ng to ler and hid 1ber face Posin. Youhavete stomlacli- achleItis no wne. "N, no, MerideI. i have flot talc ten oo uch1faml) ot ill.I could flot tat. 'There i-" she stopp(d and llooked abou)It lher. Mer1idl'VS hand lsmlootbled ber hatit. I ai sre t is noth!ing. Come! Vn WillSit witb RPoger and me an1,1âse that we do no, Cal 100) mulci. madame Luiyou wmill spoil then W itb 1so many goodi things" Maam,lir înoutb fli oýf eclair, i ~ a okdsap a oie Yoss look as if yeun ad seen a gbeôst lir.Have tome ircienI now IIýý- some green ice ïcamj. I'mý sure that is the kuid lyou ik "if you rIase, imadatme. i an party. hI ;,Il so IIey. "I shah lw y eebri, said Pol !Martýin sudlad tht litle Gounod 01er eas which wvas abut i 'ihey ere ble tG dobainstedaaatty sat or aw bie ontht oIc. Pol stars, ;baud ('in adt-hewn "I dosiotlike' go I, Roie. Scorine, Fo Matip Yu rnstte s'nppeed te newOut hend thal .be? Iknlow sc few in tbhis "Vyoi us st t i.On tht dreýss- er, Mi a brîght framne. YVns1;wilI "Core tepl uiriyl Buit I 1is Idid tot havr te no" Alaska's Wealth Alaska inies t t e ha4cIlve pro- duced inerais vahied at "()Ill $900000,00 f Ibis Vailue goîd lac- ceunits for 70 pet cent, copper for 25 pe cent a;nd sîlvera, titn, tungstein chromiumii, nainu e- taIsý, antimenoiy apd mercuiry frthli rest. AT US. Adds 1009000 Vessels To Navy Tht U. Navy, woridsbget rsow bsaIjlmost as mnysbips andr boats las itl badimen ii1938 Thsqs disclosed L wit thie uan- noun1licement that 100,000 vessels e-, ail atgrehaebeen add(l e, t tht force t ,9ofic uite n In 19.1r, tht fleet ladoni 105,0C.5 ofticers and men.i Thlt 100,000 crafîincue,3 combatlant ships Cet tt e S2,- 266 anig hisa craft amd 567Iluxihiari]s.aThtnrematnde consists of patrol am i ine raft amd,( smrail boats. AMY MEAL,ANYTUME en Busy housewives ail over the Contributed by W~ LAC BIendd clfor Quoi ity TUA N N N N N N N '-.5. "-1 N N '-5 -.5 N N N N N 'N N <-.5 c -.5 *5. 7> -.5