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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Jun 1945, p. 4

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The Orono WeeklyTirnes Establishied January, 1937, Pubiisýed every Thursdlay mornfingat the Times Office Advertising Rates on requiest Subseription, $1.25 R. . Forrester, Publisher oronio, Ontario LEST WýE FORGET The ana Decoration Day Se;ýrvice at Orono Cemetery is ~omedalefor- the simiple rao that people corne togeth er, upon ha,,llowed rond and devote somie ittie time and respect to loved -ns whnave before. Maniy of the foundation families ofClarke Towt i and 'Durhiam'Conty a large are represented among the namTes insicriibed ispoii the myonuflýiients dotting the green expause of this cemnetery ,vwhich has perhaps r-ig-itfully gaîned for itself the i-epTutationi of "ene of the most beautiful simali cemeteries in Ontarlo", In the horse and ugg days, we are told, seldom a day passed ,na the sumlmer without its quota of visitors. Folk brought their flow- er, t1ey spent a, littie finme in the quietude of this well kept portion ucf "Godl's Garden," as t1ihe E'nglish cail their cerncteries and they de- pas_,ted wiblh a stren-gtheingil of resolve through contact -with ithe mem- ory o,,fA those they had loved ami lost. Since ithe ahýove men tioned days weï have corne into an age of callous commercialization., Motor cars whskthor ~assegem ovr rods hic were founIded by slow, Pain- fnl abo on the prtofe -very Inea wl-bo rest beeatte eine- tory sod. 'The lact that theso mnen (anýd thewoe too) plineered a great county and a grc'at pi'oviince does flot enter the p-icture. We, their successors, travol uponrube and finely iiphlolstered sea-tS, Ours is an age of hurry and bustle, About thleoroly turn e w devote to the comtory is rwhen the domand of a fuoabeokon ius, Faa even then our response-is perfunctory to say the loasit. Theo re still the faithful few #hbo visit- the family plot witbegularit Y, andwh plant or place flowers upon the graves. Thes-e few-ware becrmting fewer stili as time goes on. 'Therefore, we s;eo somethiiiug of the worthiness of decoration day, 'Our people willhv that o0ppor- tuaity of makiag arnends for the aeglect of thopat. They will gather and pay homage to those who bulit farmiis, homes and roads, witbout the comforts of1 motor cars, hydro and fine cIethes, Two things which would add to the present day prtacýticabiý,ity and7 heauty of the cemetery would Ibe an irrigation system fo-r water- Ing, and a chapol for the use of funeral gatherings. PIerbýaps des- cendanits of some of the pioneers of this county could go tog-ether and.set up a memorial of this -nature. Again, some well dlisp)osedand well blessed person might either take came of one or the othor in its, entirety, or else head up a fund from xuhieh the necessariy -objective could be reached, Presont day customs have clhaaged oýur habits anld our outlook urithings geaemally. iSo far they have not chaaged the came and devotion xvhich bave ibeen bestowed upon Omonio Cemietery- throughout the years. That "exýtra mile" could be traversed-easily enough whoreby !the cemetery wo-(uld bo still more truly termed "one. of the most beautiful in Ontario." Eit romainis for somre of us Vtbin in terms of fineness as applying to somethinig beside motor cars anrd their kindred- lino, Classified FOR SAýLEI Seed Buckcwheat. A~yto J. H. Davey, Phone 54 r 5 t, f&o. WANTED Live Poultry and Feailher. Good Drices paid. We have n agents. M. Flett, Bethany R. 1; Te1e- nhone 7 r 13, Bethan1cy, 26-p KI4ERI FO Ba slskia ail- ments, is sold !int-ý>É streng-ths- M1edium and Sko H1ieals czm Psoriasis-, Impýtîi-exhile you work. 50c., $1.0 $2.00. .Sold by C. B. Tyrreil, Drug-gist, Ooo NOTICE Anyone bieakinig gla-ss insuzlators on telephone poles after this date will be severelyý deait with. ORONO TELýEPHONE CO. Piano Tuning Anyojie wishing to have their PIANO TUNED AND REPAIRED please leave, anme at Office of Orono Weekly Times. Phone 9 r 1 EXPERIENCEL) TUNER AUCTIN SALE 1 have been authorized to sell by Public auction ,for LOFTUS BELLýAMY Lot M1,B. F.1 lak 1/ mile West of woville.-I/,- FRID Y, 4Ji NE-92,/11945 ail his far4 sto~k (25 hlad ;f Dur- hamn and ilerefordea ïle), impie- ments, haï-, h pes oultry. The 4arm, consfsting of 13$ acres, mor:e or lessý, with oo buidigs, hydro, mun-' nfan- wate ,bush andl orchard, will b'e offered fok-ale,. i'bject to a reser- ved býid Teri,>son chattels,: Cash Termi-s and" coDiiltionis on farum will be given day of sale, Sale at 1i p. T. S. Mýountjoy, Clerk Elmer Wilbur, Auctionieer VISiTI-NG IN THE WEST Jim Richards just meceived a' lôtter1 £rom his old friead Madison Hall fmom Victoria, B.C. Ho and Mrs. Hall and- their daughter Ctoieare en- joying a nice holiday, seeing the Splendour àof Britis'h Columbia. They ail,1 called on Rutlh Armnstrong at Seti.Froin lthero fMadison went te Pomtland and saw an o,)d Omono boy, Sid Leigh, and then to Salem, ,rgv hemie he saw _Mrs. Zciman 'Cark, her husband paan way about tihre wooks ag-o. Mdsnal- sýO aaw aniother old tieSam- Plainis. Ho said Sam l0oos thie samne as uasual only older, who is hi very comnfort- liierhb. Knott. Arnthem frioad Horaco 'was buried làst %wek-. îe was then Zgoing te see llamry Prctor, who is staying with 3Mms. Hali's brother, Ed. Best. We alI wsh them a-P vemy plevasant outi ng which -we are surel thyare enjo3ying._7 DEATHS ~ROWN - la Ncwcas lonFriday, June .15, .1945, Mary Jane Bigolpow, beleved wifo of John Brown, , i er 8th year. EFuneral service was held at K-irhy United Citumch oni Tues- day, June 19tb, at 2.00 p..1- termient Orono Coetery, E. E. PATTERSON Insurance Age-ncy FIRE ' AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY AND LIAB1LITY Phone 44-14e Clarke REPRESENTING sone of the Largeat, Strongest end ,. Mot Relable InsurancQ Firmsq in Canada Farm Property a Speci-alty rates from -10e. a hundred, according to elassificutîon of Building >phonev write, or better &tili, Fcaîl. i'wîl b.e ed ýto quocta you rates oncilyour prboperty which willI aurprisýe you. MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN -and SURGEON Office Hours: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. ; 6.310 to8.0pm PHONE 47r1l ORONO', LEGAL Law rence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT, phione - Office 688 Home 553 1W. F. WARD [BARRISTER SOLICITOU NOTARY Phones: - Office 825 Residence 409 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. VETEýRINARY DR. W. W. SHIERWIN VETERINARY SU'RGEON Office Main St. oronot Phono 63 r 7, Orono. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, ýCasualty, Atmbl and Liability ORONO ONTARIG AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Cnduets Auction Sales of ail sisem a'nd at reasonalble rates. Communica te with hîm at Pent Perry, Ontario, or see his CIer*_i, A E. Morton, at Orono, for date, JACK REID Licensed Auctioneer and& Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke TAXI DAY ÀN13 NIGHT SERVICEI ReaonaleRates STAN PAYNE'S TAXI P'hone 9 6 rn F',F. hMoris& sonJ Funeral Director8 Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - Orono Phones: bowmanville, Day 480 Night, 734 and 57. Orono, 27-1, The Oldest, Largest and Mzstý Complete Furniture Store and ,Modern Funeral Service in Durham Dur Service-T HE BEST Our GoaTENeWEST OuFrices-TrHE LOWEST MORIS& SON Two oatladsof seedpoaes tetllng 20.0A000 bushelsarived ini France from, Cantada reecently to hep~relieve -,tesraie thre Usng nw ethods cf mn-aig Caaiaairmnen btlo mp tos' andsof Gmantroopa in Noray wvho wer( eùady 1needed at' home, t

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