Caliumchorie was sprinkled on vh oads in Orono on Wednesday ?Ir. George Mfitchell spent the wekedin Tootvisiting with is daughter, Mrs. jack ishfman, Confimation service 'was iheid at _____ St.Geore's hurfi, Neweastle, on .1Ltuesda.y eveing iast. Three fromi CronoII wor e onred by Rt. Rev. cyBsop Owea Prime of ai Canada, L>eiag,- Connie Mitchel J oanr and dunre Nýýiison, aiomg wihthree fromin Oild friends of Mrs. (Hattie) Don- caster will ho szorry to loarn thatsh broke ber hip recentiy and hs non; ln S.Michael's Hospitai, Toronto. No par-ticulars are to band telg howq th-e acc(idýent happeedz. She, is 89 7 years of age. Atone time she ranl '1ilinery shop in. Oronio in the store înow occupied by W. E. Armistrong,' laiter m)-ovinig to the store now, occu-1 pied by O. W. Roiph Our sympathy goes out to her, asc tY her daughter Rena and soný Len, who haive been so kfnd to ber. ARE THIRI NAMES ON THE2 LIST Cilairke Towns1,hip 1Ru-ei)ilitation Comite et in the towni hall at Oronpý on Wedniesdaty evening last with a .good repýiresentation present. Plans are b)einig-imade for a celebra- tion ini lihe futre en as many of the returned meni can be brought to- geth-er. An honco- roll %vill be placed in the hall with ail the names of the m~en who enlisted from Orono-and Cl1arke Township. -At present there aire 236 namnes on the list but it is feit that a few -who have enlisted ltha9t their namnes are, not on the list. Anyone who has a son or daughter qserving lai the forces are aske.d to see that their niame is sent in so ýthat it HI1 be placed on the honor roll when it is made Up. A ýmore ýcomplete re- port wil! appear in nex-,t week's issue. TUEF INDUSTRY WITH A FUTURE FUR FARDMIN.-G Buy a trio, mink or fox. We ranch them for you. For further information eall WILLOW CREEK FUR FARM CHIAS. R. KNOX Phone 42r2 Purebred Clydesdale Stallion 1945 CARBR QK MAC1945 Ropan, Face and Legs' ie. and ,hamiploié at Peterborough 3 y'ears hand ruin-ng ;as o heW han Shield at Toronto Canadian Nationlal Exhibitià 19391 fol the best Canadian Stud at the show.ý Enrolmient No. 3447 Fir stForm 1 Entrolment Certificate of th Clydes(aIe Stalliont Carbrook Mvac, reg- istered àu the Canadian C ydesdgale uId ËBook ns. No. 27611, owued by Percy Farrow & Son, pf Clarke R. I. 1; foaled in 1935, bas been euroilled under THE OINTARIO STALLION -ACT. Inispected on the iOeth day of October, 194, aud fovnd to be sound, of good conforma- tion anid an animal typical of the breed. THE ONTARIO STAILLION ENROLMENT BlOARD WiI stand at hiý wi stable, Lo)t 4, Conicession. 5, Clarkie, just nortb nf Chl Chsrc-h TERIMS: To insure a foal at his own stable, $1000; or $12.00 if the tallion bas tto be taken by truc.k to the mare. Percy Farrow & son, Propietors Phone 7 12, Orono RED&WIIESO S 25n AFTE 35 KARSSERVCE TO INSTITUTE MEMBERS Local iNews J.E1jHRSRSGS HNRDA ETDR ____HAMDISTICTMEETING-1 Petercborý- ough rainý-ing ý cen:tre last After 35 years service as metor Thero were fo(ur r Oad f nmem- week-end. t~eader for- the Orono iydro, Mr, J. bers of theOroWme'Intue resumed E. Richards has tendored bis iegn-jourineye d toIlmtnlswekt Mr. Martin Linton basuebhis tien to the Orono Hydro Cemîrnssion. aýttendthe We-t Duiham istic A work aIt the Goderfolwn is Mr. Richards bas? beeîî a faîtbfulnulmei.Byunmushoe holiday weekservant te the hydý(re ocali;ýy and was Mrjj. . W ,-.lî a hebnrc e MissiElva Tucker, cf Torento, a very reliable prsnfe hepOi igapoîtd s te Fedeoaieciofb- spent ovoïr the week-end at bher tien. Hie mwill be miissed by the citi- presentatýýive te ac, iontheFeorte home in Orono - zens in geerail., s iswelcome smîle Boarl,Tontad wse-ecd Mr n Ms d rhmadand jolly humerwai awasappre-lst Vc-Peidn OfHeditc. Mr. d. raam ndciated. Jim sa-ys that aniy ligb Mrs. (Dr.) Sherwin wa re-electeýd famify left on Monday last for a Shool boy could renddite imeters and as Convýenor cf the Social Welfare week's vaicatiQn ut Rice Lake. the rest cf the voýrk can be taken care Comnîmittee for the District and was 2frI. jnd Mis. W. iC. Cressley spont cf locally until thie beys cerne back aiseo appointed as the delegate t sunldaviy i Newcastle visiting witb, home fromn the war, a position forreesntedirctateWmes Mr M rsob raa.the Redabilitation CormiÏttee te seeeInstitute iConvenitiol n n ctbr that it is gfven te a returned man. Pte. Gordon Winter, cf the Pro -__________________ vost Corps, Niagara, spent the week- TIT-N GSI end witb bhis lwife and famniiy, o MUD TURTFLE'S NEST We are pleased te report that Mr. c '~. PARK ST. Wbile trav7elling alonig the biigh- George Yeork is gradually im rovîng was" ad" Y -lawsPeople soo maLny in bealtb aftor bis recenit Illness. i UNITED CHURCH tMesihs Ondals wk Mfr. and (Mr-S. M. J. Tamnblyn spent 4ag ibs n a atwe the week-end at Niagara Falls visit - Revered ing wîtb lMr.,and iMrs. Arthur Bf sbep.S. Littlewod ýMr.' and Mis. iClive Clemonce, of 0TeW rt' e Oshawa, visited ut the home cf2fr. MinisterTeW rd'Ne an r.C. L. PoYwers on Sunday -THE CHRISTIA N S last. _______________ An International ,Mr. en Wyte s maîng ome s Truthfui--Con«tructive--UnI 2fr Bo Wbteis akig smo SUNDAY, JN 24th im-Editorials Are Timely a improvements t i oe r Features, Together with thle Percy C te b dis hm ret r.y îO:r.-wrsithe Monitor an Ideal NewspapE CbapmanhdeCngistiencScpentr r.and Mrs. W., S, Cebledick-j 2.30 p.m.-Cburcb Scbool. COne, Norway Street, were guests last Sulndp.y at t'n hoioe 70pm osp Price $1200 Yearîy, Sat-n.., Issue, including Mag 'o Mr. and Mrs. R aty.uZýl- Itodcor ff lietbville. "Religion soldlea rule cf______ Mrs. George Mitcbel andMr. an -lfe. , nta aul nient c f it- Mrs, Roy Q. Mitchell, c Toronto, Disr-ael -----s.~~---------- spent Sunday with Mr, and M _rs, e.ý______________I APECP Butters, _______________ Commencing June 24th St. Saývý- iour's Church will bcld their services Sunday ovening ut 18.00 o'clock, until. Soptember. Messrs. T. A. Reid and E, R.Wod yard, Reeve and Deputy-Reevýe ne- sUectively, are this week attendin.g ceunty ceuncil. 2fr. W. J. Riddell left on Tuesdany last for Toronto te attend t he,é.O1.F Grand heing beld at trie Kn Edward Hotol tbf s week, Clarke Township Council are hs baving brusb cu t en certaîin streets fa our villa-e, and Station Street- bas been c01e p fbub Miss H1elen WoVod, daughter oaf Mr. and Mis. Lýew Wood, bas accep)ted a position iat the Goodyear, Bowrnmn- ville, baving ccmmenced bDer now dutios lasI Monday, A Mission Ban.ed will bold an after- noon tea in te Sunday Seheel- room, Park ýSt. U-itod ýCburcb, on Fnriday, June 22nd, fromt 4 te ý6 o'clock. Price, adults, 25c; children, 15c. Ail -wel- Youtbful enthusiasmi was dfsplay- ed by Pilet Olilcer Ed. Millson when lie bouglit a farm in the Pontypeol distriet, and ongagiag some belp, set eut ten tbousanÙd troos and planted tbreo 'acres of potatees within throo iweeks cf lthe tirne cf purchase. Mfr. and Mis, P. J. Cbapmani, Betty and Geîald, -and Mr, and Xrs. Orley Chapman, visited la Toronto on Sua,- day and attended the cbristoning cf the former's grandsoni, Waynie Fraýnk- in Broome, ut St. oemu Unitod Chuîch, St. Clair Avenue We9st. Weatber permitting the ladbal game wbich was stpndFi-iday evoning last, -will be played on Mon- day, June 25tb, bTet-ween the Service Department o the 'General 'Motors and Xbte Old Timers cf 0Orono, Tara out and beip our boys wîn. The new bealtb -plan pîoposed b)y Hon. R. P. Vivian, Mini storcf IHealtb and Welfaîe, was passed at the ses,- sien cf tihe County iCounceil'on Wed- nesday last, and wfll ho put ýiin1 operation for the United Counties of Northumbierland and Durham usî as scea as the necessary arrnge ments can iho mr-ade. THEATRE iMîMe BOWMANVILLI Thurs., Fr1. JUNE -21-22 "B3RIDE BY StarringAlnMar-shal, Laraine Day A sparling story of a rich gi whodid'twant tc marry ci ber moneey Sat. OnIy JUNE 23 "IT'S A GREATr LIFI with Blondie and The Bumsteads starring Arthur Lake, Penr Singleton, Hugh Herbert It's A Riot Added Western it "NE VADA" with Bob MWitchu.m, Aune Jeff reys from the'novel by Zan.e Gret JUNE 25-26-27 "CASANOVA 4 ]BROWN" wit1h Gary Co3oper, Toressýý Wright A rîetof ,matorial i, s star gaziug mothor-irî-Iav, as ge ne r a Imisunderstanidir makes this 'picture highîye tertaîinig AR MSTRO NG'S in cr .ng A Township Sebool Aiea bas 'been r formed in iClaîke 'Township, cenisist- ing cf twe schools, S. S. NeSA-O This is thne flîst ventureocf tibis kind on Ti h p in the Te,-wnsîip,bu it is blievod that others - l er follow fa linoe. A Bain Dance wfll hbol4d in Osh- A l k inds of awa Arena en rFriday, June 22adý. CharlifoHn a' Mutier will hoi ' tea.newib oe he 1 Moula BoyjimYTlrvDehsoa, and i spot Dancesý, NvyDan-ces, Fua tGa-io Dnce idr a ie Pln e ttndRaios epla E-and Two toches hve ptintei Boar, MNiss F-rench and M 3,iss Bock, e t n Sehol fe Ibepas t.oyLarGAN left te >helpwhto u efr,vwill cf ne f he esgaig eacer. MinSt. Orono P lhono 80n16u SKIRTS White Pleated Sklrts, sizes 14-20. Pricedi ...................ý$3.50 SHORTS 0f Icoodl Quaflty Drill,, lu white, brown and blue, sizos 10, 12, 14. -.,$1.25j Sizes 11-20 ........ $135 SPORT JACKETS [n Toon.Priced .-....$M.00 Checked Tweed,. Priced $7.00 1%reduction ilu the balancee f our Ladies' SPring Couts. This means only cash. Wax Paper 100 ft roli 25e Smart's Marmalade jar 32e 2 coupons Royal York Sait pkg 9C~ Certo bottie 25e Chien Hladdie lb tin 315C Dried Apples lb 29eC Red Rose Orange PekioeTea Bags 8 oz size 970C Large Lemons Mo0rds doz 50e Peas 2 tins 25e Diced Carrots or Beets 2 tins 25e Robinhood 1 Flour 24 lb bag85 m 1 SLACKS Sizes 6 te 12 ye rs.Piced aI .........> -.......... .-. $1.35 Sizes 14 to 20. Pnied? $2.25 made of Good Quaîity Binde Sauiforized Cotton. SPORT SHOES Iiu White, Browin, BIue and Green. Pnic-d .. ..........$2I. 9-5 Brown aile White Pumps. Priced. ....... .........$3.45 SLA-ýCK SUITS Miade of Feather Flanuel, in plain and two-tone. Priced,( al , ...... ......... ... .....$9.50 Tomatoes 2tins 25C Tomnato Juice 28 oz in 2 for 25e -Canned Appies 105 oz tin 85c with sugar no coupons Red Rose Orange Pükoeý, Tea 1-2 lb 43e Grapefruit Juice 2 tins 35C Raspberry Jam with Apple 2 Coupons -,jar 33c Cashmere Toilet Paper 2 rolis 25c Maple Leaf Soap Bar àc McILaren's Coff ee glIass jar lb 55e Large CornMFlkes 2 f or 23e Nippy Cheese lb 35e Super Suds Mledium siz pkg 22elz Raisins lb 15e Conffort or P &G Soap *2 bars Ile Luiý or Camay Soap 4 bars 25e Robinhood Flouir per cwt $2.95 Canada Dry Gingzer Aie qt. bottie 29c 1 5 refutnd on bottie Clover Leaf 2for 29e Parlstr Y Flour 24 lb bag 61.e Rice Crispi-es Whe-at 2 pk-gs 2'3C Fancy Mixed Cookies, lb Sherriff's Puddings, 1 to eath c ustomer 1lOc Pork & Beans, i to each çus- tomer, tin 13c Prepared Mustard, 2 jars 19C Gold Medal Coffee, lb 43c Canned Apples, 105 oz size 60C Canned Apples with Sugar, 105 oz size 83c Canned Peas, 2 tins 25C Peari Soap, 2 bars 12c Cowan's Cocoa, lb tin 15C *Castile Soap, bar 5C IIce Cream Mix, pkg 10e Rice, 2 lb 25c Prime Com mercial Beef Fresh cuts of Pork Sour Mixed Pickles, jar 22e Lifebuoy Soap, 4 cakes 25c J. J. CORNISH -Mill lm wvesti of ShHilhChmelchlhe saw amu tuie d ig i itheceitre of. b roaid. fCuriosity à got theli e r of Farriw(oho stppedtinvestigil eF Rie took a 11old! odthe ttu an li t turtHe 1had dg!I-, Iand]il] thele weva fashjii, 1the eggs, on thie bottomb- inig covejed overwtheartHithen th niext layer sared -Nonoverknw %vherelie turtie î>s ýlii b) o aybe Tho annual meetfin g of thie Drh QonySehiool Trtustees andRat payors Aýssociation will b heldl Newcasýtle Comrnuniîy jHall on Fr1 daJunle 22nd1ý, t 20 p.m. Spocialý ,'speakersý: Mr, L, B. ilyde, B.A., o F- 'Ingeï,.oll Oiit., npco of Pubilic ýSchoo,SO0xford -ony Mr, M. A', Camlpibejl, Provincial Sectary;ý- WardYen C. R. Carvoth I, Newcastle E. F. R. Osborne, Pre si,,;e3 ws Seen Through SCIENCE MONITOR Da' îy Newspaper .bia5ed-Free froin Sensationl- and Instructive, and lue Daily 'eekly magazine Section, Malte pet for the Home. ce Publishing Socdety Bosto'n, 1Massachuse«S Yor $1,0 aMnth. agazinie Section, 12.60 a Year. 6 Issues 25 Cents. ON REQLJEST