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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Jun 1945, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TES THIILRSDAYJUN 28h,1945. The Orono Weekly Tirnes iEsabisedJanuary, 1937. P-Ulblishied e2very Thursdlay morning at the Times Office' Advertising Ratsý n request Subscription,-$1.25 R. A. Forrester, Publisher Oronio, Ontairio Thie Old Standblty Echoes of the flood problems of WrdWar No.i dift -in upon us wen we learn that the humble potato isbegcasdascrc jutnow. Potatoes s-eemî to hiave oe such an essentia part; of our dietÈ, and thie threat o;f a shortage is sonmething ofP a calamity to ï1n1y of uis. We are told that rice is being substitutedi for potatoes i-..s'orne of the puiblic eating places, and where the "spud" stilli holds swyit is being doled 'out with ore than the usual care. Like many another comimodity, potatoes have run the full scl.of prices in titoes past-from bottom- to top. To-dlay, price eurls sould' keep the sell1ing value within resnbelmits, 'be- sieoff erin'g the grower a fair retuilrn for his investmient. The old stretch from twency-,five cents a bag to perlhaps five dllars for the name amount -was tooc much of aq good thing. -ienthe- wptte ,commnence to drift ln, nmany folk will l ook askan1ce at the old potato., T7his yea~r the (ild potato) has apparently chosen- to look askanIce ut us. ,,-e is idding us adieu ibefore the usualtime', and there is seehn l-êcking because of his inblt 'tereimburse the l-arder as in nio-ýrmal year. limbet bhe ontlook is not too dik Potatoes appear to be onlir n average sbhowing. We could do worse than to take care 'of tthe growing crop. The littie patc-hes la the averag1e gaiden about ~town be2pe.,-ha rsetfor food inthe celilr 1exýt wne Do net tell us thit you are "net fond of potatoes". Too many folk say nti'ps like that hn order te assume a highbro'w attitude, and to giv t'he im-xpressJon that they do not indulge too) freely ina what so many eftheir neighbors consider ',le staff of life. 11 up the plate of the ~avrae ersin'wth a varie'ty of food (potatees includd dtey 'will naiabyget eusdo f the buik 0 f same, whte they be igrateiful or ynot. We entertain a sly susicion th iat honest, humble woTk)ing pee- iple are just a littîs ore thankfai1 for every3thing nature ofr-o iioe neluded. Perhaps this thro'ws some light uplon the scriptural promnise "T'he riee'ksa inherit the earth". No Place Like Home Thne war years have had some striiing efcsupon our hous- ïlng r outlîook. 'Thousands of menand wome ii the armed forcýes have been eongregatef. togetheir intheir respective camps and training centr-es. Dirge numbers more have gone out omf bte country. The logical conclusion would 'be that a sîzeable oecntg f th'e honties ofe Canada should now 're empty or ofly partiallyocuped Partially otýccupiedJ is nearer thie truth, bu'!t "mp applies ùply, in those reirote cases -where 'bouses remain clo-sed( for reasons best known ,tu their 4oWnýers. So siuch lias 'been wrâten and said abocit tht husig;hort- age. ý11in fart, mort "as 'been -written a nd eaid thai'bas ~ndo-ne. Theire is an urgent need for new ihouses, anid enterprisinig citizens wdht Violn aand the meana might àdo w0rse thap, t, ereet Srme smiall homes for rent oýr for- sale. Ver ite buildng 'asbeen acen~pishd because of the- demjands #>f war far essential maàteriaLs. ShoiidtheRefresatin tation .breaden e'ut ea.s we are told itMay, there ,vill be a 'keen demanldr for bouses -in this. village. The oAd town iI grow. Rouses could be made which iare mr .oe"than #>aoa.e. -vn a modest plaýýce woid be Imore tO b. desired than the tourst cabinl' cf which -we 'wcre-ýinoryred, where tIthe oceupa are' paying ight dollars a wee'k renît. Inidnt lÀ hs case, does jmet belong W ore1no. We do rnet wis'b it te helonmg êîCtker.but a little influx of population wudplace us in. a position where extreme ineFasures woulbeiprave 11Hausecs arne scarce ail over the ,counytry ï pl1aces îlarge and' e2nall. The conidtioýn exiats Vrugot'the entireword we rend. Hourè. ,of WV rk and Vactin w u ey Act 1944 VACATION CREDIT Ç- IJCTION DIJISTY Employment P. îod JULY 1, 194't TO JUNE Oe, 1945 VACATIONJAY STAMP BOKS, Enriployees in~the Co1nstruction lndustry holding Vacation Pay Stamnp Books coni- taining Vacation Cre-dit Stamnps foi the 1944-45 employn ent period may pre- sent their books on or af terj7 une lm. 1945, to any CANADIAN CHARTERED BANK or ta any Provinciatl Savincqs 1 M sfarIan lMcK(_'elv ey, .N. , peli teweek-end a oe The-mn c f the cmunt re re- bulin ,hechuàitrch sed;likc. most old bildigs tey are ifading it a bigger jobcI than nnticipatd Miss Domn Irinof Monrtreal, Misis Annie T'hompson, aa, and MVr. Arthlur Thompso, Kndl wr guests 'cf Mr. and Mns. ýF. Bia comnbe- one evening last week. (,Intended for 1Lst w-ve eký) The churcb held thir Tan-Offe ing services iast Suniday. -Goodl servi- :es xvere held bt femo n T onin charge andspeci msicý ty thýe choir. 1Th _'e funemal- of the e *rJehn ronwas held in;ih1e church on Tuesday atron Telreat - tenda'nc'admnyfoa weth sýhowed the hi'gh estem n wh shewa held in t his comu ,t. e extend eur deepest symcpathy te 'ber husband and élher fmiyin tersad b)ereavemenit. W..S eeting The ýW. M. S. mneeting 's-as 'held on Tuesd'ay fer'en un th.Te president epened th!e vwîth t he u se ùcf h y'rnn 4 1, "'O foùr a th oas - and tengu4es te sing," fcllowed by prayer. The the-me for thibs mcnth is "Tlhe cusade for Christ and Ris iKingdom." Several memibers g-ave readings bearing on tbhis thiemie. It; was decided that each member selýct a i 'ocf the- Bible for senieus read- mng and report at each eein te chpesshe 'bas rend. The s'cipture was taken frebin the .14t'h Cohapter cf1 St. John, Thre îminutes of the last meeting, roll cal ad offernîn~g were taken, foll'owed wtha verse of hyrn' 602. Mrs. R. S'backleto-n favor- ed us withb a solo. The meetingwa closed wnith a hymn and thbend- ti'on. W. A. Meeting Ina the absence cf tViii president, Mrs. Wm. Allia, vice-president, was in' charge cf tfhe 'W.A. meetin.IV -as opened wîth a hyma fcllcwed by the 'Lerd's payer In unisfon. The min- utes were read and adopted and re- pr'ts given. The 'Ncmth iGroup hand- ed la $6 teû the treasurer. After the business wavs flni.s'ed, the meeting was clesed with a 'hyinn and iniz- pab Jbenediýctio. Attnd<)enS-por-s , y(Mndy July 2nd. First g9aine at 2,00 AUCTl' ION SALÉ The undersigned has rccived instructions fromýn GEORGE RU11AR te selI by pu lic 1ction1 at Lot 25, Con. 4, Clarke Township 1/2 mile east of Dean'jls Cornier, on, SATURDAY, JU-NE 30, 1915 the followling F1arm iStock, mpe mnenlts, etc.: Her'ses 1 Matched Teami- of Grey Per- cherons. 8 and 110 'Years.16300 ilbs. Cattîs 1 Jersey Cow, 7 year-s, dlue Aug. 1st; 1 Reg. stered Sýwiss 'Coav, 7 yrs., rniilkr.ig; Brinidle Cows, ; years, rilkin-g; 1 Swiss Heifer, aring Pigs 3Shioat L, 100 libs. each Poliltry y5 il id Hens. ImpleWats 1 Ru' r-ired Aagon, gd; 1 Deering M er 1 Masseyiarris H1ay Ra -e; 1 s'- Lig-ht Sli's;1 Disý1c;11 set 3 ïectienr Harrowsý; 1 Scuffier; '1 Hîy Rack; -1 Renfr-ew Cram'parwier, good; 1 Buggy; 1 St loa; Cit Box, and other ar- Hlarness 1 set ef Te-am oHarness. LuMber 1500 feet of new Lunkber; 5 erd o1 wood. Quantity of Household Furniture. At Uhe samie timle the 30 acre farmi -will be offered fer sal1e su'bject to a reserved bid. TERMS CASH Jacýk Reid, Auctioneer. N o w li ZStock PLI OODandMASONITE See Lairen For Buildiq g Mateïws, Cer1nent, Lime, Bri , Asphait 'k«ng, and Wallhoards. Oron o Coal & Lumber Tw&soutinsstand eucit rather clearly la coypînig witl' the matter. O-ne hais already been sugg-ested'by ,is-.-thitoc erecting a larg-e -numiber of new 'bhouses wherever tie move nqiay-,seeir feasible, T'he other soIn- tioen appears te 'lie the e_ýttinýg of as MannPE* pepe bark te where 'bheý- camre from before the ou,,tbreak of h'ostilifies. We dfid not 'bear se nu'cb about a hc(us'ng shortage betore the war. Perhaps 'the peace era -will hning a reverse te the crowded condition cf warbîime days. 'Our,,t»wn may become areivn sta- tion fer a lot o peace time comiuters in search cf &mpIoyment, At prepsent, many citizens are going eut ef towv;n dailY te work, and re- turning atnt for rest. :Whether ît is the excellene M the sceneryv, the bracing air, the neighbons or a eomîbination c f al! wedo ne)t know, but like g-randmot'ber's ciceswe cerne home tIoe oost wit'b fine re- gularity. When tliere is shelter and the hcmi-ýng insltinct, there's nz place like ho'me, The nresent iheuse shoitae makes tlint realiza- tien thýe more pr-onounted, e0 A Worthy Service Last Sunday we attend'edý mornîng worship at Park 'Street Qhurth, and ,were îmypressed -with ithfe splendid showingnma&e b.y the Girl Guides of the district. 'Our üo'wn local girls anti a stdih gre'ater nuntber freinthe toç-wn c f ,owavlewere la attendanice. The two preceding days hadî been rather unpfleasant as te weather, and it was upon Ihese days that the girls had' caiped on the tarinM 4, Ar,, M. H. Staples. One thouglht loined large inr) mmrï-id and was later borne eut -by s'orne reqyiaTka made ;by, the ininister etfIPar'k Street Church, .Rev. 'S. Littlewood. MYr. Littlewo)od paid, a very fine tribute î,e-Mrs. W. .Ar tra, Ommsll rin écharge cef Oie local il and te Mrs. Frank, c.f Bowmanv ile. The inclement 'wepfther must have, taxed the ingenuity an'd reseurcefulnffls of these ladfies, he said. After ai!, eigýhty gro'wiing girlsý could easily iprovide a -prolein la the matter of fee-ding, housing ad entertaining. 'Goedwete would nave îig'htened the 'burden censîderaibly. When the good weather final'ly 4cameon the -Sunday it shed lght upon thýte meaning cf the old adage, "Ali"s well that ed well". We undierstan-.d that thecse girls and their instructors mreet frônm week te -s-tek for tIhe puirpese a~ learni',ng somethinj.rg of those worthy lessons which the Guides erganizaition îimpwrts. There is much more Itcthis weekly Aw()rI than one -would suppose, and It is far âess spectacular ard,necuraging than ithas.e special days duing îast week-end. With ordinaýry heusehiold duties and a plae U-pon thL teaching 'stff cf Park St. Sunday Sehool, Mrs, .ArmTstreng, still dee- votes muchtîrn and thougbt te tzheintuio and training M theo girls cemmitteed bec'ber caire. 'Like alI busy people, pessib'ly there- is al'ways rocin within 'ber dailyý routine for one more d.uty.' When you want sernething done, goe W ai busy persen, we are teld. 'Perhaps --the grenjtest rear les in the (,knofwledg-e of tas'ks faith<uIily clone ini- sofar as lihese 'bnsy' fol'k are cencernied. Mcbnetary returns do neot always matenialize, and even rain înay falte place adapruo prcjects already plannied and unrder w-,ay We ofethte puicJ( do not realize the dsponuet'aria prebleins ccnnîected-' with a venture like the mnain'tenance cOf a Gulide movemr-ent.'Nithe-r do we seCnse the c'y c c(4 plsimn at the enïd cf the way. The min whic'b fals into eýaeIh liïe Is accnmpanied by c'mpesatngmeasujre cf sunsinie. -kil of us get a pretty eqwal shrof beh unshinîe a-nd rain, because such a state appears te mreet ~heunrrngdecrees off l iîtself. Aboutthffe oly peopIe vwho are likly e xpeiec om-1pletec, ontentrnent and sa-jtfction even vwhen the mrainy da-,ys predo>minate, are thnose whe) are busy doing s'orne- iý,ng for others. Cburh uties, Sunday S3chool duties, the Souts, and 'àIe Guides, rtralsc i ctiývely eggdin usefulness b.- yondthei ow berers-ilof these givc t,4e opportunity for un- ~elfish labor whi' !ilreinos cf the snhiebehind the clonds onm idaysan 'f te ain'boW at wose end reposes tIi.put of CIOMYING ,EVENITh Týhe 0Onýo (Chamber are holding a dlance ini coninection with th4eir spýorts, d1ay on Jilyv 2nd, in the t)own hall. RIss Creighton',> Varie'ty Dance Biand iiia atendGN,ýe. Durham Couinty Junior Farmers arehodn a dîance -in the Commun- îty Hall at NeweanstJe, on Friday, July 6t.Russ _Creighton's Varieýty Diance Band ini Attendance. A barn dance -will bie !,(-d in the new hari of Mxis. R. Stephien, on thie Manvers Road. ncand-ýC a quïrte.i: iles, north of the White Rose Sta- tion, Bovom'anvillie, on Saturday, Junie 3«th. Ragnar. Steeigs orceps- tra cf Oshawýa in attendance. FOR SAýLE Albout eighit acres k f ,0ocl standing Rendal P . O -5p FOR SAL10 About 2b aýres o;,'inghay (15 acres of *tlPis q'~rand timothy). Apj! EU.]IDeaný',-Phone 74 r 10, Orono. a-28-p. WANTED Livic Poultry and Feathers. Goodl Driýce-s paid. We have no aýgents. M. Flet1t, Bethiany R. R. N1o. 1; Tels- ohone 7 r 13, Bethany. 26-~P EeaPsoriasis Sufferers. The most stubboN,,sknilmetsquickly respond to Zz4EREX --<the quick heafing salve.~l Itchfl Inipetig Rînagworm ýC'e. e you work. 50c. $L0, $2Ai S> q by CB. Tyrrelil, Druggist, Orono. PÎanqTuning Anyone wishing to have their PIANO TUNED AND REPA IRED >ýlease leave anme at Office of Orono Weekly Tntes. Phon 9 rl - EXPERIENCED TUNER AU('-TIOï-ýN SALE The undersign-ied bas ireeeived. instructions froni MR, FRED y. WtRIREN ýto selI 'by public auction ,,t Lot 5, Con. 5, Clarke Towiiship -n'mle nýort1h of Sthilo'h Church Qn MOND ÀY, J.ULY 2n&, 1945 the fellewinilg Live Stock, 1împie- ments, eitc.: Herses 1pair Percheron Horc-ses, 1,500 lbs. eac'h. Cattie 4yeung oews, eaclh w,*iV caîf at f cet; 2 Dumpham n year-olds. SImp1emnents' 1 'set M StelWheel Trucks,unew; _. eoring Binder, 6i ft. cut; 1 D)eerý- ng IMO'wer, '5 ft. eu2t; 1 Massey-dlarris 'Ray Rake, 1I Mas5,sey-.Ma,,rynis Seed Dnil'l'; 1massey.4Harris Cltivator,; I setM 3secionHaro'ws; 1 'îiannijng iII; 1 'Hay Rack:;i1 Sîngle Speuffier; 1 set Sle1ghýs; 1 Cutter; 1 Demoecrat; 1 set cf Sae. 2000 lb; 1 set o'f Slin'gs; i Vega 'Creain Separater, ne;100feet of reumgh lumYýber. Hay and Grain *10 acres ef Mixed Hay; 6 acres Of Mjxed Grain, to e b odin fed At bhe saine t1ine th.,e farm cof 5ù acres (rnmre-or less) wîlî be offered1 fer sae uiJet o an, eredbid. TERM-S CASH Jack Rzeid, Auctionee-. EE. PATTERSON Insurance Aec FIRE. AUTOMOBILE, CÀSUALTY AND -LIABILTi ehon. 44-14, Clark. NEWCASTLE P. O. vmre et the L-argeat,, Stron«sgea and Meut Reliable Jumrane. i Firme in Canada 1 Farm Propertyv a Specialty Ianprepared t qote o rtsfront 40. a budred. aecordinfecl ifctofe Beilding Pito,, w grite, cor better xatili, call I Wil b.easefed te quete yenu rates on your propcart:F whick will mrpneise yQeu .4! e2eew&g 1I Professional Di1r e ctory MEDICAL PHYSICIAN and SURGE,-LON Office Ho urs 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. ; 6.30 to 8.00 p-mnr PHONE 47r4 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mlason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVLLE( OT. Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITO& IDR. W. W. SHERWJN Office- Main St. Orn Phloýne 6a 7roo.ï J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty,Atmbl and LîabilitT- TED JACKSON Auctioneer andVlao Condeets Auction sSalese f VsU 4aisu and at r 2aoal aes. Coiauncate wih Jiu et heý Perry', ortarieo ft ie, hs Vfrrk4 A~ ER >orom, et cOroin, fer .zt*, J ACK 'REID Licensedý Auctioeieer and Specialife jjn Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me fer te-mi and 'dates Phone 1620 eCarke TAXI Reasonable Rates STAN PAYINE'S TAXI, ~F FM0rý & Son Purnituie DeaIerg AMBULANCE SERV&CE Bsowrnamàville -- Orone Phojn&e. bowmvfýanviil,. Day 480 Orn.27-1 The Oldest, Lm'gest and Most Complote Furnsture St6re an"d Moderr Funeral Service in Durham OurSevie-HEBEST OurPniea-HELOWESýT, MORRIS & SON BOWMANVYLLE -- ONtON@o In iv 'ad 'bîfyeare of war, a. -~ I F-4 J.

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