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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Jun 1945, p. 7

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MIAT SCIENCE- 15 DOINC DDTIneicd <,ide lme t e expeimîmntal aiea cf tarie de-paiisi t i andsccd for- ens clciltes ibas lceady saed sý4qt2,OO0 foi'Ille ravages cf ýbe A total (if ,000 oûOacres Jhave beeu mprayced.;,car the sprayiug -et 40ç acre,s pi.ved that the DDT kill- eçi the Iseeteroman. If il is ýSscf kt ctiv e th yccr the scvinis w be $7 ïte $8-iamcci e, Frank A., Mcc- Douigahil, dcputy minister, said. Thei domimion geverumeet is \,~ leidig is 'id. Four R.C.A.F. planes lhave bcun adapted te sprcad, thiespray frocs the air. THirough the ce operetion etf the U S, gevecîsîssemt, w'hicb is watch- ing the resmlis, 40 tons et DDT ceresccurcd. Fiýftteis tous cf DDT, iwve were esiade je a plant atiibira whiich ecxpects te preduce 1,000j,000 ponds aîsntueliy. The DT wil kecp the flics aw.ay from rnMil,cwsandhes. At sssie e'et l wl e 5praye!d t etrmcaeth u-ý! qite(es and black flics. (Gueý spr-ay- îng i aeal ctehi x pct v ill li ý,for three els It ill alto be ucdfor fuimîigatissg lieues cd wilexecmiatef lies, rcmckroaches àaud eter crmi One isaycutgeof1the isee thýat it wudkili becs s sycîlas crlinsecsminspray ranige. Il h~ld hveneeiffeci on flew crs. By Aim)e Ashley "¶~ A. Pla(ce eweneeld aue pan S litn a vessl t 'amwwce shjow ài ec usie e hýaIou, thlan cccl, acd tbýCy wiil'[esýt nsuch lomsg- el- iban cdnriybfoe ctheýr cracking ior burn1ing". a' -s-, Q. E,% cenrUi polish gilî rn s A.lix- sud bdb e wlsmice e tbreeeggs itb ee-tird lui qnaniiy hy emgh) cfjavlle solutionil geod- cndition A. Ais ;iea cf usingso onth bad, y aalicp tpete et ibl plu goeicendlion waiched-îeétileinç qr, esolîne, Q. How 1eau I eusvrusýt spots moiniljC1plat(e? A. Cover the mt 'sp t xîis il ;rgeaead ici il rernain for two or thiree days and ten rub ,tise- roughly wiîb usucîia, and poiish. A resifuil pastlorl s1CIfee bai Emrodeiug i acelaaiofo P(toiA Paîccs 7;1cut i d e i .n To bie refleved o fpe? Thenfryhsmepoeteamn Few people escape the discomifort and often keen 1istress , wbich accompanies piles or hemorrhoids. The itching is at times almost unbearable but fort unately can be relieved 9ucklv b ftheapplication of Dr. ChaseOINT- Since Piles are often caused b y constipa- tien and censequent straining, Dr. Chase's KIDNEY LIVER P'ILLS are recommend- ed as a means of reiieving the constipation and helpîng f0 remeve the cause of piles. 4 In the mseantimie yeu can depend on Dr. Chase'sOINTMENT to relieve fthe if ching almost immiediately it is applied. For over ~ffy years this medicinal Ointment has had an enviable reput afion for the quick relief of itcbing piles. Why flot ask your druggist for Dr. Chase's OINTMENT at once and prove to your own satisfaction that if stands wifliout a rival asa quick relief from itching caused by piles. Oiment 60 ets. Pis 35 cts. CHAPTER VII They went iute' the roýrn where a short w hile ago ail had been se gay, se brighît 50 rnerry. It seemead empty nus, Lsauntcd by shadows, bsorne sinister presence. The black reticule stili iay on the dress- rherem,ýdane had left it. Ro- sine, by standing on tiptoe, cosîld mic it a litile and straighten the picture.- The light was diimeer now. But there in its brigbt metal framne was the handsorne smniiing face, its eyes fixed upen them, Pol Martin gazed at it and slow-, ly his lips parte d. His fingcrs tigistened on be-is. He stared long, He could flot seem te tear bis ce es frorn tha tini, srniiîng face, "Pi ei me, FOlU" Rosîce's "Ys-yes! he whispered. "I would ,kuox him a-iywhere. I couid neyerforget. It was thus he smiied the day he rau frcn Bon Honrne's cottage. 1-e were the uniforrn of one of the Luftwaffe then. But it isb" "Ye. Ikne T Isaw it hcforë thepary tared CIIcouldnot cat- k ~ ~ i t1uigc t çýould feel hill] srnlin threb(ebind Me. But wbiat coulîbi pictutre be doicg bere? --oici he bc?" I do flot know, We shall asi< Coinne oL r Cesuer. We shall net No w uest not peak. These are g-od people, al cf 'hem, They dlo not know that the devil is amngpst themn." "Bu1t Roger pi ornised te kilI ibis ciee and Roger is strong, He wearIs a cross theeKing gave him frbeing brave. Ye',, Roger will kili ibis oeesurelv. And they stole away, oct cf that roemi, away from tbe pictnre of, Micl Fabre ibat smniled ai tbemi in tbetiib. h wa the day following tbe ceming ef tbe lutile English -eva- cuees who wx(eé u fiud a homne at Philibert. Meridel knoc ked ati mia- danses door te sbow the old lady a letter Rudoipb bcd rcceived frem tha huirali inmucharge cf the ittie guesis. Meridel eniered wben ma- dmsrich voîce called "Entrez!" frcimithe muer roem.i iI)sahoe et iu a minute -ah7 il IS3e eide. The door te HAIR GOODS \e carry a large variety C of the finest -hurnan hanir geeds,, specializing mn, made-to-erder geods. ep gents, wigs and toit- reladies' transform- ceeos, bob wîgs, front omPeces. switches, -etc. Wýhite's Haîr Goods 2~x i i~mE ~'r 'OfiN'ONTi"I. ber bedroons was open. 'Make yourself cornfortable, cbild." Meridel-did net bear. The cocus beceme space anci tise momnt eîerily. Rapt, Iseart stili, she slared ai the piciere ef Michel Fabre aud slewiy waiked tow'acd il as if drawin le il by sorti- migbiy, invi- sible threat. Sueliedi forgoîlen every limsg ini tbe wonder cf find- iug his agein. -Sle rcacbed eut and icucbed tse photegiapi. She pick- cd il up and iookcd et il, studying evcry imîcamiiemi cf the fieyoumsg face, reliing bosv truc, hoýv mi- nutly perfect, bcd been lier mind's image - the tbick browý,ýs, the cieft chici, the tronîg -,idensouitb, the broed forceed ccd aquiliie nose. "XVell 1" Madame lied been standing' be- side lier foc moenets, %v atchinsg hier, the gied look iniierhe yes, the wey bier yeumîg breast rose end feul. And iadanie was oid anti wise as the w ocid cnd slielisad kmîewm love sud thes recegcized instantly w bai sht saîv in Meridei's face. "I-1Iacm sorcy.usd e.jfc gui ni3self. ThuÀ mumuu 1 yi sk, -Whbo is lie?-" "Amiinsolent, tdefiamît, cm graLtefîiI yoîmîg scem p," said madamse, sisil- iîîg fomdiy t lise picture. "He ix Roger's brother nîy nepsesv, Mi- chel Fabre, Vie cii hisM 1keY "Rog-r's brother-Michîci" "Do yen kneow his, Frincess?" Meridel moddcd. Sloxviy suie put the pictuce bcck in ils place. "I met hics once iii Greizemi, shertiy before the wer broke eut." "Amîd lic macle loxve te yeam. l'Il wcgec." s * * sq Meridel ioeked gi aveiy jute tise bcigbt, black eyes, aid foc a nie- mcmii did net speek. Tîsemu she said, As thrilling as a first beaui, this yeuthful minded frock and bat, Fat- tern 4766. Frosut il with whbite cyc- Ici garuished with ibbons. Aniy seheelgiri can meke it for herseif.' Pattern 4766 cernes iu Teen Age sizes 10, 12, 14, 16. Size 12, frock, takes 2% yards 39-inch matecial. Send iwenty cents (20c) in coins (stamps cannot' be eccepted) for this pattern te Reom 421, 73 Ade- laide St. West, Toronto. PrnI plaiuiy size, name, address, style numixer. "Net-net as one expecis love te be made- Madame cbuckled. "Ah, 1I knowv. It was in the wey be looked ailyen. in the wey he said thicgs more than lu what be said; in the way li e ld thet proud red heed cf bis and the way bis cyes. danced. Is it net se?" "Yes yes, it is se.ý" "That wes Michel." 'Did be-i-nake love te msseniy?", "I thing net. But mecy loved huas. He didu't care. He aay wanted te he free-fréeecf is.,teacb- ers, cf Ihose who wsuld initerfere xiih bis lite yes, even cf mec. See here w'bat bhesyrete on the back cf this pîcture." Madame Mimi took thec photo fcomî its tramie and showed ,tise beldly scranmbled lices te Meridel, wbo shaped tihe words with ber lips- 1 " betrfrîicd thai n lve bavec they Fer noie tse mar orcnd That bave thernisces te fr!icd." "JIenîkinew that ýaPle ecold him?" (Te Be Coiniuedl) Hydro Develçopm'Jent, Somie dca cf how Canada bas feorged ahead iu Hydre power in the 1w ecticth cemtoris s eniilu tise tact that w ater turbine in îstai- laticîs- bas incceased fremi 143,156 horsepow cerinii 1900 te the preseul 10,283,763 lsorsepew er. - Niagara Falls Rex iew Grapefruit Souffle Pie 3 iabicspoeiis heier or margarine 1 tai ie'spiom grated breigecid 3tablespemîs fleur 1 cep grapefruit sectionls /teaspeen Sait '4 cep grapefruit juice /cep ille '/a 3cep segar 2 egg, s(caresd '/2 icaspecîs vanilia rprepestcy sheli; pcîck lightly wth a fork. Beke lu lst even (4 S0F)8te 10 umiutes te set crusi. McTii hietecover Inxv led: add fleur and sait amnd stir inulismsth Add uik sicîx iyA, slicing comisslatiy; eo cok nti l iiic. Ceci sigy Bee eg ols mmti tick cc lenoneoloed;sioly ddcke mixure Addoraîgerindl, gr-apefru,,it sections cndmiIe,]ugar sd fIiaverinig. od nif jfiy baeiegg whtcs. FouI-ir iepstyshi ceud bakIe iii scxý v e c(360' F) aýbout 1i heur. Yild nist9lsciPie. Ail-Bran Pastry Shel 2 taliespocmssAI] Bran '4 teiaspeen Sait 34 'cep Sified fivr 3'4 cep sborteuiîîg 2 tai,îlespoomîs coid xxalec (msore or less) Criis' Ah-Bm ami iitefie crucsbs; usix wiîh fleur and s1ait. Cut in ssresg.Add w cicr, a uitile ai a lime, until dough is moii1eunough te elc together. Roll out eo% ligiîîiy fiourcd board te about eue eighth inch je tlîickmîess. Fit mte pie pais; thrim edges. Wc have been sceing the worldt We have becu on two trips since 'l wrote las wecek. One was avisit- ing andbusiness tip rnostly busi- ness-the other was a sight-seeîng occasion. Pantner and I wcct >te Guelph last Friday and that busy litile city was about' as busy as we ever saw il. Wheu 'ix cvîsîted with fricnds jusit above the Ceilege we discovercd tihe reason-andIi( suppose we sheuid have kmueiv it al aeug. It was seme kind of 'Ferrner's Day' at the College ,(an(d it appeared as if inest cf- the far- nscr1s and their farailies for miles ereund bcd rnovcd LI a1Issdtaken over the Celiege lock, stock and bamrei. But we didn'i go in, At tti ure w xeut by it was nearly five e'ciock and at five o'clock a farmer's fciiing is te turc -relue- tantly te tlseugbts cf iscme---o cows that nccd miikissg and te pouitry that wacts feis. Se ive had an cnt-and-run cup cf tee witiî eur frieuds and after admiriug their cbickcns and gardens, and wbet %we coud sec of tîseir crops, wc imade tracks for bouse, oîmr faiîbh- fui oid Lizziechcugging aiemsg, cou- teitcdly purriug because we wvere ou a dowms grade nccriy ail the way borne. Over' the wseek-ensd Deeigbter and fricmîd Bert were Isere and il was tbey who teck us on a sight- seeng trip. Foc a lonsg lime Far- tuer iîad bec miw anlicg te sc again the Sbcd Dans at Fergus. Seo the's, wherc xxe wcmst. Buit wc feund il had bece mîamicdsice xve Scw il Ucforc.c Now -il is 'tise Gr-and Fxr Dms xbi Seems qimie procae c i i the Grand River w\i,Ïch itioîtos By auy namîse ili5a ariou piece cf esiccmgat si ot lalemig a IsSue lse nl ' eL e t secý Fecsomîiiy I shah hlave r, ason te remîsenîber olir visit te tise Grand River Dans foc several dayts. Yen sec afler iooking ai ' (cverytiiiisg fromss thehex ci cf tiba bridge wc naluraily xvanted te, si7e tbings np fcrnm beiow. Bult c>iing ail the îvay around ieeked like a lonîg vay te xvaik so e tried takimsg a 'shoert ciii' dowîî the shale rock esîbamsk- ments. It wxas a short eut ini dis- tance bet certainly nmtie je une. Behieve use, il wcs couic feat. 1 de- dlace tisai tisai bn gel sîeper and loeger xviu ever% slep wc took and the foeuimsg î wcs pariciay irecherous. We finahl uadeil cf couirse, beýtl o T ais estf ii- ny joint.,; il sis uaily paýinfuî te meve, Fromn Fergus we weni on te the,. Rocks at Elora, Fer Partlier andI 1, it was a case cf 'Eloca Re- visited". Exen ai that we found, severai uitile welks amîd look-outs that we bcd missed before, parti.- cularly thiat cf an islend rock w bhich stands1 in the niddle cf a watcr- fali. Itws Daughter's first vîsit aoetr nd, knowing iser vx ai-dec- îng propensities-wbich she p;o- bcably inherits froîsi br mnscîer-I don'%t suppose there w-svery uch thalt she missed. We hcd our lunch wihus and because it-began to raie thle car wcs our picnic grotund, wbicb didu't.seens te make an-j dit- feremîce te the enjcyrnent acd case w jth w hich our lunch w as dis- patcbed,' Coning borne by way cf No. 7 Highway and then acrcss ccuiitry, w;. finished our jourcey byv isit- in,- a young nsother a-id lier tbh ce- weeks oid baby. Y'turally for quite a littie whiie the-,wemein folk snduiged in baby worship wl1 uc the meii sýat areuîsd outsidc dis- cuissing creps, weathîer coîsdilieîss, miilk '-ews aud other nundaiie cf- fairs dear te isascul ime beaut' ccnd frocs whiclh we wolien folk-brne- fit-but I rnight cdd te w 1ichv. c aise cerîtribute our sharecfo-w ork and w orry. The jîîst, theugh thicy ba;te evii, yct give mcei a patient bccnrinig; hopicg that tiscy wiii show p reofs that-they are notet vii -Sic F. Sidney., AUl ea utif ully Furnished Witb Running Water. Rates:-,ý NIAGAkRA FALLS. OPPOSITE C.NR. STATION i ist Oc Package of WLSONIS FLY PASw-1, kill more fies tham, $5.00 worth cfawotlset fiy killerlit Grocery, Drug, Har0dware and Generai Stores seil and rcorcmendWILSON'S FLY PABM3 Quallty You'1I Enjoy TUA Bp Gwenidoiine P. Clarke ofIGINGER FARM i N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N. N. N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N. "s 's., ~'1 N. *~.0 ON -s' N N .3' N s' s. 's s., -s N. N N N N N N -s. N N N N N N Ni N w 'h i 3" * N "i "s N s ISSUE2-14 but

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