ORONO WLEKLX TIMES T14~RSDXY, JUNE 28th, 1945 Wbe ýyou wire yourlajtv4l or the Fist fime, make sure that 1thie ob is Jesighedfo tak9e care of present and lutd're needs. Tbat is the economkïal way .. thle oily way to getA'OUr li oney's Worth and fo profit ai you sboyfld From Hydro service. Electric wiring, I ke a horse, can be efficient and sale only when ade ae Îor the heaviest Ioad it may bave The sale way îs f0 have wiing done by a com- petent elecfrician. He may andvise a liýftle extra hrsf- cost for heav-iier wire and more outiets and switches but he wil saive you fime, trouble and the expense of re-wiring later on. No matfer what appliances and motors you start with, you wil be wanting ta add more electrical money-savers, work-savers and convenien ces as time goes on. You con do that, il you start rigbt with adéquate wiring.< Your Hydro Rural Superintendent wiIl giadty advise you as fo good general wiring practice. His advice and a competent electrical contractor to do the job witI be your best assurance of satisfaction. EMe, E NENWTON V iLE Mi. and i.C Voei pn k week-endin Mon Abet Mis. J. T.Pac i.1Cr- vey Osboine ýw,ýe i nCbug ls week. Mis. P., F. Bradle,Trnt, spending a-fewv days ihhe oh eî, Mis. W. White. Theie wlll be ne seivie in h United ýChuieh haie next iSunday owý- ing to Shiloh Aniveisaiy., 1ev. Smnith, oui new ministeri, will be inducted in Kendal Chuirch, on Fîiday evening, June 9h Mi. and Mis. Cc-ii Reb,îinson Viýite1 heur cousins, Mr- and Mi.Aa Sharpe, Ennisiillen, on ýSnnday. Mr. Lennox Vesey has îeceived hli dischaîge fromn the army and he and Mis. Vasey are in Poit McNichol. Mr. and Mis. Francis HAll and aunt, 'Mis. W. R65inson, Toronto, visited at 'Mi. Cecil Rbnsnsre- cently. *Mi. and Mis. Kenneth Barian Jane and iMrs. Eaui-, Toionto,vite Mis. J. A. Barrie a~Murray Sunday evening. ,Mir. and Mis. W. Carnett, Port Hope, Miss Hood and Mi% Rose. Pete-rboro, vîsited at Mi. Hauiban Payne's. LMis. J. A.- Barrie and Murrav visited Mi. and Mis. Walter Couchi,, Orone, on ýSunday and attended de- coratien at the cemetery. Mr. and Mis. J. Ethier aýnd Ownxa, "Mr. and Mis. Douglas Oýgdien andý Ruth, Oshawa, ee Sunday gutests of Mr. and ýMis. Jas. Stone, Messîs. ,Cerrl and AlfredNch olîs, Wesleyvill,.and' Mi.Edi Hanceck, ;B.A., were Sunday gues-ts of 'Mr. and Mi. S. J.e.Lancaster. Messîs. Reuben Payne and Thomal ýs Simpseon visited at Arthur Payne',, Thoield, and enjoyed soe of thac beauty spots of the. Niagara -dist rict. Mi. and 'Mis. Arthur Redknap and grandson, Douglas, went to Tmonto3 on ýSaturday and bîought home Misý. Alfred ýRedknap, who is much imi- proved in healtb, 11ev. Robairt Wîagg and w\ife are homne from thaýý West and are hjoliday- ing with hiýs parerants, Mi. and Mis. Abert Wragg. WVt understand 1ev. Wiagg has been transferied to On- tario. Reetvisitors et I. George- Stapletoln's weîe- Mi. W. H. Carl- ton, I.P.S., Cobourg; Mi. and Mis, O11. ..Henderson and Peter, Torýonto; Mi. 'W. W. Henderson, Mi,. and MisFý. SArthur Bell and family, Bownille.i!cý W.M.*S. Meeting The W.M.S. of the Uniited 'Chuîch met Juneu 12th and opened wt a hymai, followed by-, prayver '1,,1 M i. C, Brleyý ,1who0lsoave the sîp turc îead1ingÏ. ,Th le reil C-111followed, afteî whihcb Mis. George MXcC'ulough ý gave al reading entitled, "0f1 whomi 1'Canada caýýn ha proudl." Mis. Bri then ead a poem entitled, "Godý is' woîking his purpose out". Mis. J. A. Barrie had charge of the piogria and followed the outline in' the lVissionaiy Monthýly wîth each mcmi- ber taking a part of the programi. Mis. Barrie reported hcving written- five lttais to oui returned soldiars., The meeting closad with a bymn an)d prayer by ýMis. Barrie. S. S. Aniversary Services Ncwtonvillc United Sunday School 'held th eir an'niversary services oDn S'unday et 11.0.0 a.m., wben a large number ettended and enjoycd a de- lightful morning service. The many ibeautiful flowers decorating the altar, together witb the smiling faces of the childian, (who conmposed the choir. made a pleasing pictura. The chl- dien sang two antbams, 'ýCildren of' Jerusalem" and "ýAround the thrûone of [God in Heaven." A girls" quai- Mr.adMi.Lreadevstd Toroný,to, visiteon SunJI) atW. A. Ha1lom-eli"S. Mr. and Misý. Carl Todd s penIt Sun day at Mr. and Mrs.Gege im bafl's, Newtonville. Mis. Leona Sou1ichTrnti spending a wee-k's hoùidayvs aiMs Mrs. W. Todd, Oshawa. Mrs. Ca!rl Toddl and iMis. Lo)rne Tod'd had ul p- perwith Mrs. Thos, Failîs. Mis. Darlingto.n a"nd son, i-ss Ber- lah lHallowell, Toronto, spenit th1e wee-end with MIiss Nýorýma Halle- w ell. Miss Dechert spenit thýe week-end at hier home in Toronto. She hiasi been engaged to teaceh at Starikvillei for the couming yeaî-. Shiioh anvi'î service will be held 1Sundiy, JuIiyV lst, at 73 p.mi. Rev. 'Smth wýill 'be thie speaker and the stieQuartet,B mnile will îishthe usic. Mr. and M'iis. Llew HaILllowefl and( family, Mi. md Mis.OmeFialis,l Marilyn and 'Harvepy, and -Mr. andi Mirs. Thos-. A. FiaIls visited atÈ Mr. and Mis. Harold Lt 1',Oshawa. (IntLended for hastwek M1iss Alice HIallowell is homie fîom Mis. W. 'Todd, Ohwvisited tl i Màii. Fred Todd's. Mr. John Stark's sale ýwas welI at- tended lasit M3onday. Eveîythin1g sold well. Mi. and ýMis. Geo. Kirrbail, New- tonville, visited -ýitH Mr imlandMi s. W. A. .HalloweIL Mr. and Mis. Russýeli Saveiy anid Betty visited i Mi. A. Mliws Elizabethville. Mis. 'Myrtie SehnoToronto, spent the week-end wýith Mi. and Mis. Victor Farrow. Miss Sophia Shutkai, Peterboro, is home for a few days wýith Mi. and Mis. M. Shutka. Miss Peggy ýMcLeod, Winnipeg, spent holidays with her cousini, Miss Norma Hallowell. S1hiloh Aniveîsary Service w,.ill be held at July lst, mt 7.30f)ip.mn. Rev.j Smith will be the speakler. I M . an d Mi-X s. C hu le HI ot and famîily, Tor onto, sýpent Sundicay with, Mi. and Mis. Frnk Stonie. Mr. and Mis. Ha1-rold Little and Gry, Oshawa, spentWdnsy with Miand Mis. Lle-wHalwl Mi. John Sttark lhas retu-rned to Kingston. Beforec- leaving,7 a nuimber of hf-s fiiends gathieied fori social evening'and prtsentedhi with a Bulova wîist watchl. Up to the end ciof March 1945,. Canadien warsisiad taken Part in the sinkýingý of '23 subnmarines, the pr- bablesnkg of ig,.ht mrore and the probabledmgigof seven, others. tette, ýFee Jones, Margaret Ovens, Joyce Wiiliams and Edn'La Deneuit, sang "God who made the Earth." The Pîimnaîy Class sang "Twinkle, twinkle littie star," and "ýFather in Heaven." Mr. Edwin Haneock, B.A., was the -speaker and instead of preachintg a serm-on lhe told two lively stories to thie chiildien making them seo vivid and interesting thaqt they will linger long, with tihose wvho heard. We are exceedingly sonry thatI Mi. 'Hancock bas flished his termi ber eas bhe nott ýnly filled in a gz, but did it se ý-plendidly he wiil indiad be missed. ;Rev. RoeIcrt Wragg, clos- Ped the service with the 'benedi'ctionj. ________________ I ________ I I 'fE E D for ' MOREI Fgaunqeue PROFITE5 's g' IN EW LOW RCSO I5ýA4" S CH ARIN TABLETS SACCHARIN IS A GREAT SUGAR SAVER! One quarter grain tablet has the sweetening power Of one teaspoonful of sugar 14grain tablets, 100's .... 15c. 1000s for .... 89e 1-2 grain tablets, 80's .,,15ic 1000's...... $1.09 1 grain tablets, 60's ...15c. 1000's ...... $1.69 5009s .... 49e 50W's .... 59e 0 500's .... 98C Orono Band Draw!, Proceeds to be used to redeemi the moicrtIgaýge on the band instruments First Prize, a IICw Thor Washing Machhie, and five other îprizes Tikts95c. each, or fiveLf or 10 Prescriptions a Specialty Just Arrived! Charts Tyreil WATERPROOF Charls l' cilSWI-M CAPS Agenit for Jackman Flowers Assorted shapes an Phonle 68. ORZONO colors, each 75c &$ Pire Ki.ng Roasters, anw treat f or r-oastiig mneat', se1fl asting .... ..........$169 Boys' Junior CmanoHats wtCord ...25e ,Colgatle's RZapid Shatve Creamu , 3sizes. . 1eï, 30c, 45e Su-n Giassesl, prýiced( per- pair- fromn...... 10e to 50c Gaby's Greaseless Lotion, an aïid for- sunbur-n, bottie......... ................... C le Duration Leg Paint, bottile......... ....... 49e Sheffield Bronze Plaint for painting picture à frames, etc., 8 shades to ch-oose from-i, green, cýopper, aluminumn, brass, fire, blue, pale gold, deep gold, bottie................15e, SPECIAL - Am-ron Silk-Like Liquid Stockings, reg. bottie, 25c. Special ............15e Men's Bathing Trunks, sizes 34, 36, 38, pair. .. $1.25 Men 7s Rayon and Cotton Fine Socks, assor)jtedl colors, pair ...................29e Fire-King Green Glass, cups an-d saucers, set. 20e Mosquito Netting, green or white, yard ....... 10e Two-way Screen Paint, bottie .... ......59e Paper Winidow ,-Shiades, width 3 f t, length 6 ftL. . 15 Pootlets, inivisibleý, with or withiout stockinigs, elastie top, pair ....... .. ...............20e Diamiond S. Batteies, reg. size, give good ser- vice, each.............. ... .......0-ü GROCERY FEATURES Velveeta, the delieious cheese food, spreads. Special, 1-2 lb. pkg ....... ............19c Smith's Pure Grap)e Juice, .pint bottie.....2 MIeLaren's Sweet IRelish, bottle.......25e Raisins, Australian Sultanas, lb. for ......... .14c Chase & Sanborn Coffee,, 1-2 lb pk-g . 1......... 25e Puffed Wheat, 8 quart bag ..... ........17c Kellogg's Rice Krispies, 2 pkgs,. for......25ec Kraft Dinner containing delicious macaroni and grated cheese, cooks in 7 minutes, 2 pkgs. .. 35e ORONO 5c. TOà $1.OO1 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE Noter EquipjFeet ~t'iva~ Aimbuimace Northcutt anid Smith Feiûer*l Dîr.tfm ad Pireiir.eaes KINDINESS COURTESY SERVICE Eqi#ped e tae are, of the mod£* funoural ut tha Useet reuubecharge A* ",Yi u the laereet mmd meut .xacting T~ha:OMCe 1Us . Reuence 5ZMand lu M :la p QI 4 You're in the poultry industry for profit - and every meanýs available te increase that profit, while et the same time, maintaining the health and vitality of vyour fiqck, is worthi investigating. Proper, balanced, adequate feeding is the surest ineans tg) better production and resultîng greater poit.Balanced feeding, of the laying fiock demands that yo supply thlen with a good source of proteins, minerais ad vitamins, and in a feedl that is palatable and attractive so that sufficient of the feed liii be consumned. WE. make md supply just such a special I ý,ing feed. SfIUR-t-ýAIN A'YING MASH is formnulated >y feedling experts who ,knoý, and appreciate the Sexacting r uireinent4\of hiard w&orkitihlens. It*s made to inaccura l and Dins14king standard;and titis saine stand- a is keot consistentl' higit thr-ouih constant laboratory Your ilgek- wlili lay better, !maintaigttheir beatit and vigour, and m r moniey for ýýou if ýou decide today, tc, make sure t ýy cei-ve the layin'g mas they need. SHURGAIN LAYI G MSH is alay 'reslva lw.ays palatahie, always efieand P'member, it 7c,ts Ïou iess!1 uflr-bn Laying ash $2. 75 PE R 00W T M ADTE AND SOLD -BY W. L . Glut ONTý